The Shareholder’s Meeting: Scope and Procedures - Brazil 2nd Latin American Corporate Governance Roundtable Presentation by: Bruno Rocha Dynamo Asset Management The Shareholder’s Meeting: Scope and Procedures - Brazil What is the context: - Brazil ranks well by usual corporate governance criteria for shareholder’s meetings procedures: 1. Cumulative voting 1. Voting by proxy ( though not by mail ) 2. Small % to call E.S.M. (5% of total capital) 1. Easy to obtain list of shareholders 1. Shares are not blocked before a S.M. - However, most shareholder’s meetings are a non-event 2nd Latin American Corporate Governance Roundtable Dynamo The Shareholder’s Meeting: Scope and Procedures - Brazil Why ? - Almost all listed companies have a defined controlling shareholder (or a group of) - High leverage from preferred non-voting shares: separation of cash flow right from control rights which, coupled with : - Imperfect civil law Lack of jurisprudence and specialized courts No tag along rights 2nd Latin American Corporate Governance Roundtable Dynamo The Shareholder’s Meeting: Scope and Procedures - Brazil Leads to: - High value of control - Structural conflict of interest between controlling and minority shareholders: - Dividends / Retained earnings Related party transactions De-listing procedures 2nd Latin American Corporate Governance Roundtable Dynamo The Shareholder’s Meeting: Scope and Procedures - Brazil US / Europe x Brazil: Concentration of controlling power changes the corporate governance agenda from: - Independent board members Poison pills, staggered boards Proxy mechanisms ... ... to issues not directly related to shareholder’s meetings - Tag along rights Conflicts of interest (dividend policy, related parties) De-listing procedures As a consequence, shareholder’s meetings in Brazil are not a democratic exercise. 2nd Latin American Corporate Governance Roundtable Dynamo The Shareholder’s Meeting: Scope and Procedures - Brazil Shareholder’s Meetings in Brazil Procedures: 1. Prior notice - 8 days Problem for ADR’S 2. Nomination to the board of directors - Only for voting shares Guaranteed for holders of 20% of voting shares Possible with less than 20% through cumulative voting 2nd Latin American Corporate Governance Roundtable Dynamo The Shareholder’s Meeting: Scope and Procedures - Brazil Shareholder’s Meetings in Brazil: Procedures: 3. Representation - By power of attorney Bureaucratic but effective process 4. Installment and Election for the Audit Board - Installment: 5% of non-voting or 10% of voting shares Election: One seat for non voting One seat for voting with 10% of shares Three seats for controlling shareholders 2nd Latin American Corporate Governance Roundtable Dynamo The Shareholder’s Meeting: Scope and Procedures - Brazil Shareholder’s Meetings in Brazil: Procedures: 5. Right to put items on the agenda - Not clearly defined in the law Possible if included in “Matters of General Interest” 6. Voting in situations of conflict of interest - Conflicted shareholder cannot vote Problems: Definition of conflict / non-voting shares do not vote 7. Fair amount of disclosure is granted by law 2nd Latin American Corporate Governance Roundtable Dynamo The Shareholder’s Meeting: Scope and Procedures - Brazil Conclusion: - Quality of shareholder’s meetings in Brazil is poor not because of the law, but rather because of the concentration of ownership - Participation (and voting) in shareholder’s meeting is always important, even if meaningless because decisions have already been made - But it is crucial when minority shareholders may influence the decision: - Situations of conflict of interest - Corporate restructurings (de-listings, spin-offs, mergers) 2nd Latin American Corporate Governance Roundtable Dynamo