“Non-Lethal Methods of Controlling Deer Population” Dr. Uma Ramakrishnan

“Non-Lethal Methods of Controlling
Deer Population”
A timely program presented under the auspices of the
Natural Resources Council of Connecticut
Dr. Uma Ramakrishnan
of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station
Thursday, June 6th at 2:00 p.m.
The Welch Room at the Regional Water Authority
With almost no natural enemies, Connecticut’s deer
Population is growing and so are the problems it is creating.
Lyme disease and other infections,
Devastation to nurseries and farms and destruction of natural
Habitats for birds are only some of the areas
Dr. Ramakrishan addresses.
Please join us to hear her speak about her five-year study.
Following the presentation a brief annual meeting of NRCC will take place,
with refreshments to follow.
Directions to the RWA – from north, exit 46, left at end of ramp, past Assa Abbloy right into
RWA drive. From south exit 46, right at end of ramp, right at light, left into RWA driveway.