Information Sharing and Security in Dynamic Coalitions Charles E. Phillips, Jr. Computer Science & Engineering Department 191 Auditorium Road, Box U-155 The University of Connecticut Storrs, Connecticut 06269-3155 Profs. T.C. Ting and Steven A. Demurjian Computer Science & Engineering Department 191 Auditorium Road, Box U-155 The University of Connecticut Storrs, Connecticut 06269-3155 SACMAT02-1 Overview of Presentation Introduction The Dynamic Coalition Problem Civilian Organizations Military Involvement/GCCS Information Sharing and Security Federating Resources Data Integrity Access Control (DAC and MAC) Other Critical Security Issues Candidate Security Approach Conclusions and Future Work SACMAT02-2 Introduction Crisis and Coalitions A Crisis is Any Situation Requiring National or International Attention as Determined by the President of the United States or UN A Coalition is an Alliance of Organizations: Military, Civilian, International or any Combination A Dynamic Coalition is Formed in a Crisis and Changes as Crisis Develops, with the Key Concern Being the Most Effective way to Solve the Crisis Dynamic Coalition Problem (DCP) is the Inherent Security, Resource, and/or Information Sharing Risks that Occur as a Result of the Coalition Being Formed Quickly SACMAT02-3 Introduction Near Simultaneous Crises Crisis Point NATO Hq Olympic Games BOSNIA (NATO) KOSOVO (US,UK) Earthquake (United Nations) Ship Wreck (UK,SP) SACMAT02-4 Evaluation vs. DCP Emergent Need for Coalitions “Coalitions must be flexible and no one coalition is or has the answer to all situations.” » Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld “Whenever possible we must seek to operate alongside alliance or coalition forces, integrating their capabilities and capitalizing on their strengths.” » U.S. National Security Strategy “Currently, there is no automated capability for passing command and control information and situational awareness information between nations except by liaison officer, fax, telephone, or loaning equipment.” » Undersecretary of Defense for Advanced Technology SACMAT02-5 The Dynamic Coalition Problem Dynamic Coalition Problem (DCP) is the Inherent Security, Resource, and/or Information Sharing Risks that Occur as a Result of the Coalition Being Formed Quickly Private Organizations (PVO) Doctors Without Boarders Red Cross Non-Government Organizations (NGO) NYPD Government Agencies FBI CIA Military SACMAT02-6 Supporting Advanced Applications DCP Objectives for Crisis Federate Users Quickly and Dynamically Bring Together Resources (Legacy, COTs, GOTs, DBs, etc.) Without Modification Dynamically Realize/Manage Simultaneous Crises Identify Users by Roles to Finely Tune Access Authorize, Authenticate, and Enforce a Scalable Security Policy that is Flexible in Response to Collation Needs Provide a Security Solution that is Portable, Extensible, and Redundant for Survivability Include Management/Introspection Capabilities to Track and Monitor System Behavior SACMAT02-7 The Dynamic Coalition Problem Coalition Architecture Clients Using Services U.S. Army Client Federal Agencies (FEMA, FBI, CIA, etc.) Client Resources Provide Services COTS LFCS (Canada) U.S. Navy Client SICF (France) French Air Force Client HEROS U.S. Legacy System (Germany) SIACCON NATO Database Client German COTS Client NATO SYS (Italy) NGO/PVO (Red Cross, NYPD, etc.) Client GCCS (US) NGO/PVO Resource SACMAT02-8 The Dynamic Coalition Problem Joint and Combined Information Flow Common Operating Environment ARMY Combined: Many Countries GCCS-A GCCS CORPS Joint Task Force ABCS MCS XX Coalition Partners NATO Systems Coalition Systems Marines DIV Air Force GCCS-M FAADC2I MCS Adjacent Navy GCCS-N GCCS-AF CSSCS AFATDS ASAS TBMCS TCO JMCIS X BDE BSA TOC MCS || BN || BN || MCS MCS CO FBCB2 Joint - Marines, Navy, Air Force, Army SACMAT02-9 The Dynamic Coalition Problem Combined Information Flow Maneuver Logistics GCCS - Joint/Coalition - Air Defense/Air Operations Fire Support Combined Database Intelligence Network and Resource Management SACMAT02-10 The Dynamic Coalition Problem Coalition Artifacts and Information Flow U.S. Global C2 Systems Air Force Joint Command System Battle Management System NGO/ PVO GCCS U.N. NATO Navy U.S.A Army Battle Command System Army Combat Operations System Marine Corps Dynamic Coalition AFATDS GOAL: Leverage information in a fluid, dynamic environment ASAS FADD ABCS CSSCS GCCS-A MCS Other Army C2 SACMAT02-11 The Dynamic Coalition Problem Global Command and Control System GLOBAL C2 SYSTEMS MOBILE SUBSCRIBER EQUIPMENT DATA RADIO SATELLITE MISSION PLANNING MET SUPPORT INTEL SATCOM MANEUVER CONTROL TOPO AIR DEFENCE ARTY Client/Server AIR DEFENCE MET MISSION PLANNING SUPPORT INTEL MANEUVER CONTROL Client/Server SATCOM GCCS Provides: - Horizontal and Vertical Integration of Information to Produce a Common Picture of the Battlefield - 20 separate automated systems - 625 locations worldwide - private network ARTY TOPO Company AIR DEFENCE SUPPORT INTEL Client/Server SATCOM ARTY MANEUVER CONTROL Situational Awareness FBCB2 /EBC Tactical BATTLEFIELD C2Platoon SYSTEM EMBEDDED BATTLE COMMAND Internet FBCB2 /EBC Squad MOBILE SUBSCRIBER EQUIPMENT SACMAT02-12 The Dynamic Coalition Problem Global Command and Control System Joint Services : Weather Video Teleconference Joint Operations Planning and Execution System Common Operational Picture Transportation Flow Analysis Logistics Planning Tool Defense Message System NATO Message System Component Services : Army Battle Command System Air Force Battle Management System Marine Combat Operations System Navy Command System a.k.a METOC TLCF JOPES COP JFAST LOGSAFE DMS CRONOS ABCS TBMCS TCO JMCIS SACMAT02-13 The Dynamic Coalition Problem Global Command and Control System Common Operational Picture Common Picture SACMAT02-14 The Dynamic Coalition Problem GCCS Shortfalls: User Roles Currently, GCCS Users have Static Profile Based on Position/Supervisor/Clearance Level Granularity Gives “Too Much Access” Profile Changes are Difficult to Make - Changes Done by System Admin. Not Security Officer What Can User Roles Offer to GCCS? User Roles are Valuable Since They Allow Privileges to be Based on Responsibilities Security Officer Controls Requirements Support for Dynamic Changes in Privileges Towards Least Privilege SACMAT02-15 The Dynamic Coalition Problem GCCS Shortfalls: Time Controlled Access Currently, in GCCS, User Profiles are Indefinite with Respect to Time Longer than a Single Crisis Difficult to Distinguish in Multiple Crises No Time Controllable Access on Users or GCCS Resources What can Time Constrained Access offer GCCS? Junior Planners - Air Movements of Equipment Weeks before Deployment Senior Planners - Adjustment in Air Movements Near and During Deployment Similar Actions are Constrained by Time Based on Role SACMAT02-16 The Dynamic Coalition Problem GCCS Shortfalls: Value Based Access Currently, in GCCS, Controlled Access Based on Information Values Difficult to Achieve Unlimited Viewing of Common Operational Picture (COP) Unlimited Access to Movement Information Attempts to Constrain would have to be Programmatic - which is Problematic! What can Value-Based Access Offer to GCCS? In COP Constrain Display of Friendly and Enemy Positions Limit Map Coordinates Displayed Limit Tier of Display (Deployment, Weather, etc.) SACMAT02-17 The Dynamic Coalition Problem GCCS Shortfalls: Federation Needs Currently, GCCS is Difficult to Use for DCP Difficult to Federate Users and Resources U.S. Only system Incompatibility in Joint and Common Contexts Private Network (Not Multi-Level Secure) What are Security/Federation Needs for GCCS? Quick Admin. While Still Constraining US and Non-US Access Employ Middleware for Flexibility/Robustness Security Definition/Enforcement Framework Extend GCCS for Coalition Compatibility that Respects Coalition and US Security Policies SACMAT02-18 Information Sharing and Security Federated Resources RESOURCES Command&Control Vehicles Army Airborne Command & Control System JSTARS Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Satellites Army Battle Command System Embedded Command System INTEL FUSION Embedded Battle Command AIR DEFENCE Embedded Battle Command FIELD ARTILLERY Embedded Battle Command MANEUVER CONTROL Embedded Battle Command Common Picture PERSONNEL AND LOGISTICS Embedded Battle Command Fwd Support Element Ammo/Fuel Refit ABCS Bradley / EBC Embedded Battle Command SACMAT02-19 Information Sharing and Security Syntactic Considerations Syntax is Structure and Format of the Information That is Needed to Support a Coalition Incorrect Structure or Format Could Result in Simple Error Message to Catastrophic Event For Sharing, Strict Formats Need to be Maintained In US Military, Message Formats Include Heading and Ending Section United States Message Text Formats (USMTF) 128 Different Message Formats Text Body of Actual Message Problem: Formats Non-Standard Across Different Branches of Military and Countries SACMAT02-20 Information Sharing and Security Semantics Concerns Semantics (Meaning and Interpretation) USMTF - Different Format, Different Meaning Each of 128 Messages has Semantic Interpretation Communicate Logistical, Intelligence, and Operational Information Semantic Problems NATO and US - Different Message Formats Different Interpretation of Values Distances (Miles vs. Kilometers) Grid Coordinates (Mils, Degrees) Maps (Grid, True, and Magnetic North) SACMAT02-21 Information Sharing and Security Pragmatics Issues Pragmatics - The Way that Information is Utilized and Understood in its Specific Context For Example, in GCCS Inter-TOC TOC-1 M-1068 M-1068 • Messaging • VMF • USMTF • Situation Awareness • BFA unique • Files and DB Snapshots • Unicast FTP • Multicast FTP • E-mail • Global Broadcast Satellite (GBS) • Database Replication Operational Operational Challenges Challenges • Autonomy • Autonomy • •Jump JumpTOCs TOCs • Split TOCs • Split TOCs • Survivability • Survivability • •Bandwidth Bandwidth Contention Contention • Scalability • Scalability TOC 2/A-Cell M-1068 M-1068 M-1068 M-1068 Intra-TOC Intra-TOC • ACDB DB • ACDB DB Synchronization Synchronization (RPC-based SR) (RPC-based SR) Tactical WAN Mixture of clients and servers M-1068 M-1068 TOC 2/B-Cell SACMAT02-22 Information Sharing and Security Pragmatics Issues Pragmatics in GCCS GBS DSCS DR DR GBS SEN VTel BVTC Info/Intel/Plans BVTC Mobility BVTC TGT/Fires BVTC SEN SEN DR DR SEN DR MVR BN GBS 204FSB DR GBS DR DR 704MSB LEN Current FDD laydown has 53 autonomous Command Post/TOCs (i.e., nodes) GBS DR DR GBS BCV MVR BN GBS Node Estimate CMDR DR BVTC DR Relay SEN GBS DR TAC GBS DR DR 1st BDE GBS GBS GBS DR BVTC SINCGARS (FS) EPLRS (AD) GBS XX Sustainment XXX DR DISCOM DIV REAR SINCGARS (FS) EPLRS (AD) GBS 299 ENG DR For a full Corps >200 nodes MVR BN GBS 4-42FA X SEN GBS DIVARTY BVTC SEN XX Division Slice GBS DR GBS 124th SIG BN DR HCLOS XXX GBS DR SEN GBS GBS SINCGARS (FS) EPLRS (AD) BCV BVTC DR MVR BN GBS DR SEN GBS DR DR MVR BN GBS 4 FSB Relay DR GBS DR DR DR DR MVR BN GBS 3-16FA X DIV CDR DMAIN CMDR DR 2nd BDE A2C2S VTel DR TAC DIV CDR GBS BVTC 588 ENG GBS DR DR DR C2V Theater Injection Point (TIP) SEN GBS SINCGARS (FS) EPLRS (AD) HCLOS SEN DR DR DR DR DR DR GBS DR 4 ENG GBS DR TAC Basic Distribution Requirement • Distribution Polices • Automation & Notification • User Controls • Transport Mechanisms • System and Process Monitors • Security, Logs, and Archives CMDR BCV GBS SEN 404 ASB SEN GBS DR DR 4th BDE BVTC SINCGARS (FS) EPLRS (AD) GBS DR DR DTAC 1 BVTC BVTC SINCGARS (FS) EPLRS (AD) DR DR Relay SEN GBS DR 1/4 AVN BN DR GBS 2/4 AVN BN DR DR DR GBS Distribution Policy DR MVR BN GBS 64 FSB GBS DR DR GBS DR MVR BN GBS XX SEN DR GBS DR DR 3rd BDE MVR BN GBS DR DR 9-1FA 3-29FA DR 1/10 CAV CMDR BCV SEN GBS DR • What • How • When - Prioritized • Where - Encrypted - Network 1/10 CAV Sqdn Note: 3rd BDE not part of 1DD in Sep 2000. SACMAT02-23 Information Sharing and Security Data Integrity Concerns: Consistency, Accuracy, Reliability Accidental Errors Crashes, Concurrent Access, Logical Errors Actions: Integrity Constraints GUIs Redundancy Malicious Errors Not Totally Preventable Actions: Authorization, Authentication, Enforcement Policy Concurrent Updates to Backup DBs Dual Homing SACMAT02-24 Information Sharing and Security Discretionary Access Control What is Discretionary Access Control (DAC)? Restricts Access to Objects Based on the Identity of Group and /or Subject Discretion with Access Permissions Supports the Ability to “Pass-on” Permissions DAC and DCP Pass on from Subject to Subject is a Problem Information Could be Passed from Subject (Owner) to Subject to Party Who Should be Restricted For Example, Local Commanders Can’t Release Information Rely on Discretion by Foreign Disclosure Officer Pass on of DAC Must be Carefully Controlled! SACMAT02-25 Information Sharing and Security Role Based Access Control What is Role Based Access Control (RBAC)? Roles Provide Means for Permissions to Objects, Resources, Based on Responsibilities Users May have Multiple Roles Each with Different Set of Permissions Role-Based Security Policy Flexible in both Management and Usage Issues for RBAC and DCP Who Creates the Roles? Who Determines Permissions (Access)? Who Assigns Users to Roles? Are there Constraints Placed on Users Within Those Roles? SACMAT02-26 Information Sharing and Security Mandatory Access Control What is Mandatory Access Control (MAC)? Restrict Access to Information, Resources, Based on Sensitivity Level (Classification) Classified Information - MAC Required If Clearance (of User) Dominates Classification, Access is Allowed MAC and DCP MAC will be Present in Coalition Assets Need to Support MAC of US and Partners Partners have Different Levels/Labels Need to Reconcile Levels/Labels of Coalition Partners (which Include Past Adversaries!) SACMAT02-27 Information Sharing and Security Other Issues Intrusion Detection Not Prevention Intrusion Types: Trojan Horse, Data Manipulation, Snooping Defense: Tracking and Accountability Survivability Reliability and Accessibility Defense: Redundancy Cryptography Fundamental to Security Implementation Details (key distribution) SACMAT02-28 Candidate Security Approach Software Architecture Database Client COTS Client Lookup Service Wrapped Resource for Database Application Wrapped Resource for COTS Application Java Client General Resource Wrapped Resource for Legacy Application Software Agent Legacy Client Security Policy Client (SPC) Lookup Service Security Authorization Client (SAC) Global Clock Resource (GCR) Unified Security Resource (USR) Security Policy Services Security Security Authorization Registration Services Services Security Analysis and Tracking (SAT) SACMAT02-29 Candidate Security Approach Enforcement Framework GCCS Client 1 Register_Client(DoRight,, ArmyLogCR1) 4 Return Security Registration Result,Create_Token(DoRight,ArmyLogCR1,Token) Services 2 Verify_UR(DoRight,ArmyLogCR1) 5. Discover/Lookup(GCCS,Joint,CrisisPicture) Returns Proxy to Course Client 6 CrisisPicture(Token,CR1, NA20, NC40) 11 Return Result,CrisisPicture(…) Lookup Service 7 IsClient_Registered(Token) 9 Check_Privileges(Token, GCCS, Joint, CrisisPicture, [NA20,NC40]) GCCS Resource 8 Return Result of IsClient_Registered(…) 3 Client OK? USR Security Authorization Services Global Clock Tracking Tool Security Policy Services 10 Return Result of Check_Privileges(…) SACMAT02-30 Candidate Security Approach Security Assurance Checks Start Constraint-Based Assurance Checks Required User-Authentication Check Yes Authentication Successful No Authentication Unsuccessful (to error handler) Mandatory Access Control Check No No Yes Time Constraint Check No Yes Value Constraint Check Yes Authorization Successful (continue process) No Authorization Unsuccessful (to error handler) SACMAT02-31 Conclusions and Ongoing Work Explored Information Sharing Issues Defined the Dynamic Coalition Problem Discussed Coalition Participants Examined GCCS and Needed Improvements Offered Candidate Security Approach Related/Ongoing Research Includes Support for Mandatory Access Controls Role Deconfliction and Mutual Exclusion User Constraints User Role Delegation Authority SACMAT02-32