Course Summary Fall 2005 CS 101 Aaron Bloomfield


Course Summary

Course Summary

Fall 2005

CS 101

Aaron Bloomfield


Course Reflection


Course goals

 Objectives: Students who complete the course will:

 Understand fundamentals of programming such as variables, conditional and iterative execution, methods, etc.

 Understand fundamentals of object-oriented programming in Java, including defining classes, invoking methods, using class libraries, etc.

 Be aware of the important topics and principles of software development.

 Have the ability to write a computer program to solve specified problems.

 Be able to use the Java SDK environment to create, debug and run simple Java programs.


Unstated course goals

 Everybody needs to have a “base” level of programming to continue on in the CS courses (or as required by other departments)

 CS 101 and 201 provide that “base” level


What was new this semester

 Test code required

 In hindsight, this should have been explained better

 More TA office hours

 This was well received by everybody

 Faculty mini-talks

 Had trouble scheduling this in a coherent way, so only one happened this semester. Should I do more?

 Labs

 Many were improved upon, and a few were added

 Increased number of HWs by 2

 Final few assignments were for a common big program

 In hindsight, we see a better way to implement this next semester

 Changing of the order the chapters were gone over 5

Changes on deck for next semester

 Will keep (and improve upon) all the stuff from the last slide

 Study groups

 The idea is a way for people to study and/or work together

 This does NOT mean group assignments, however

 There were not enough people to make this work this semester

 Probably will ditch CodeLab - it didn’t work as well as I had hoped

 It’s a good idea, but a real pain to manage properly

 I want to talk about debugging more

 We are considering a site license for the debugging version of


 Better web site design (it’s in development now – thoughts?)

 Will most likely lower the number of midterms to two (and require the final)

 Want to put more diagrams in the slides (make them more visual)

 Will have the TAs give review sessions before the tests

 Might have forums/newsgroups on the website


What didn’t work this semester

 I botched a lecture back in September (in chapter 3)

 With this fixed, I’ll have freed up one more lecture session

 Plus one for the removed midterm

 A number of things worked, but need improvement

(mentioned before):

 Implementation of the game

 Faculty mini-talks

 Required test code

 The semester schedule (i.e. Thanksgiving break) made it difficult to properly teach arrays

 There wasn’t a HW on 1-D arrays as a result

 This won’t be a problem in the spring, but will be next fall

 Had a bit of trouble keeping the lectures interesting towards the end of the semester

 Want to lower the amount of student frustration


What did work this semester

 This class learned much more than last semester’s class did

 Even if you feel confused now, take my word for it

 And as my goal is to teach (and not to be popular), this is a good thing

 Changing of the order the chapters were gone over

 Improved TA office hours

 Improvements to the labs

 Grading system worked very well this semester

 All the code on the website

 Many things that were “behind the scenes”

 TA organization and utilization

 Grading system

 Me delegating the work better to the TAs


Did I push too hard this semester?

 I pushed the class much harder this semester than last semester

 But did I push too hard?

 Consider:

 I’ve gotten as many “things are going great” comments as

I have “things are too hard” comments (anecdotal)

 Homeworks took under 5 hours on average

 The results from the survey questions for each HW

 There were 8 HWs over about 16 weeks

 That’s 2.5 hours (on average) on homeworks per week

 Ultimately, I think that with a bit better organization, I can lower the amount of time spent on the HWs while still having people learn the same amount

 I’m interested in your feedback on this!

 But not today in lecture….


The Big OOP Picture


The classes for the game

 Creature (HW J6)

 Weapon (HW J6)

 Room (HW J7)

 Map (HW J8)

 Game (HW J8)

 Parser (lab 9)

 Descriptions (lab 10)

 MapPrinter (lab 11)


How a big OOP program interacts

 Note how the classes interacted in the game

 A lot of objects were created and manipulated

 A Room for each spot in the grid

 Creatures and Weapons for some of the Rooms

 A Map object

 Etc.

 The way this game has objects interacting is how a big OOP program would work

 Encapsulation

 The Room class didn’t need to know how the Creature class kept track of whether the monster was angry or not

 It just called getAngry() and setAngry()

 It could have been stored as a boolean or an int 12

Problem solving

 To solve a problem in CS, you break it down into smaller and smaller pieces

 A big program is broken down into packages

 Which we haven’t seen yet

 Consider the game to be one package

 The packages are broken down into hierarchies

 This uses inheritance

 Our game didn’t use a hierarchy, as you did know of inheritance at that point

 The hierarchies are broken down into classes

 The game had 8 classes

 Each class is broken down into methods and variables

 Some (such as MapPrinter) only had 1; others (such as Map) had dozens

 Each method is broken down into parts, etc.


The completed game

 This could easily be made by multiple people

 Each person does a separate class

 Not exactly equal, but it still lowers the workload

 Our (fully commented) code for the game was over 1,300 lines

 However long yours was, it was a program greater than

1,000 lines

 Even if you had trouble getting parts working, and had to use our code

 You still wrote part, and saw how it interacted with the rest of the system


Review of Chapter 1


Demotivator winners!


– 1


place vote counted for 3 points

– 2


place vote counted for 2 points

– 3


place vote counted for 1 point

Will buy two demotivators and hang them in my office…

The results, with 137 of 173 precincts reporting…


Engineering software

 Complexity of software grows as attempts are made to make it easier to use


Software engineering

 Goal

 Production of software that is effective and reliable, understandable, cost effective, adaptable , and reusable


 Cost to develop and maintain should not exceed involved

 Creation

 Debugging

 Maintenance

 Enhancement

 Two-thirds of the cost is typically beyond creation


Principles of software engineering

 Abstraction

 Encapsulation

 Modularity

 Hierarchy

Construct a system from features while ignoring aspects


Object-oriented design

 Purpose

 Promote thinking about software in a way that models the way we think and interact with the physical word

 Including specialization

 Object

 Properties or attributes

 Behaviors



 Problem solving through the use of a computer system

 Maxim

 You cannot make a computer do something if you do not know how to do it yourself


Problem Solving Process

 What is it?

 Analysis

 Design

 Implementation

 Testing


Problem Solving Process

 What is it?

 Analysis

 Design

 Implementation

 Testing

Determine the inputs, outputs, and other components of the problem

Description should be sufficiently specific to allow you to solve the problem


Problem Solving Process

 What is it?

 Analysis

 Design

 Implementation

 Testing

Describe the components and associated processes for solving the problem

Straightforward and flexible

Method – process

Object – component and associated methods


Problem Solving Process

 What is it?

 Analysis

 Design

 Implementation

 Testing

Develop solutions for the components and use those components to produce an overall solution

Straightforward and flexible


Problem Solving Process

 What is it?

 Analysis

 Design

 Implementation

 Testing

Test the components individually and collectively


Problem Solving Process

Determine problem features

Describe objects and methods

Produce the classes and code

Examine for correctness





Rethink as appropriate



 Find out as much as you can

 Reuse what has been done before

 Expect future reuse

 Break complex problems into subproblems



 Find out as much as you can

 Reuse what has been done before

 Expect future reuse

 Break complex problems into subproblems


Sketching a solution and then repeatedly refine its components until the entire process is specified

Determine what attempts have succeeded and what attempts



 Find out as much as you can

 Reuse what has been done before

 Expect future reuse

 Break complex problems into subproblems

Correctness is probably even more valuable

Use existing infrastructure that is known to work



 Find out as much as you can

 Reuse what has been done before

 Expect future reuse

 Break complex problems into subproblems

Make as few assumptions as necessary

Maximizes the likelihood that your effort can be used in future situations



 Find out as much as you can

 Reuse what has been done before

 Expect future reuse

 Break complex problems into subproblems


Solve subproblems and combine into an overall solution


Have a great holiday break!

