Johns Hopkins SchooI of Medicine Division of Health Sciences Informatics March 23, 2007 Nationwide Health Information Network Update Anna O. Orlova, PhD Public Health Data Standards Consortium & Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Baltimore, Maryland, USA Towards a Nationwide Health Information Network (NHIN) Where Should We Be in 2014 Building a NHIN NHIN-2004 NHIN-2005-2006 NHIN-2007 US National HIT Strategic Plan On July 21, 2004 the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) announced the decade of health information technology for “delivering consumer–centric and information-rich health care.” The vision is to build a National* Health Information Network (NHIN) of regional health information exchanges formed by health care providers who will utilize electronic health record systems. * Original term “National” has been changed on “Nationwide” in January 2006 Thompson TG and Brailer DJ. The Decade of Heath Information Technology to Deliver Consumer-centric and Information-rich Health Care. Framework for Strategic Action. US DHHS, July 21, 2004. DHHS’ Framework for Health Information Technology: Building a NHIN NHIN will be based on: Electronic Health Record Systems (EHRS) that will enable Regional Health Information Exchanges (RHIEs) organized via Regional Health Information Organizations (RHIOs) Thompson TG and Brailer DJ. The Decade of Heath Information Technology to Deliver Consumer-centric and Information-rich Health Care. Framework for Strategic Action. US DHHS, July 21, 2004. President’s Strategic Framework for HIT US Nationwide Health Information Network Provider Record Laboratory Results Specialist Record Records Returned Requests for Records Another RHIO Authorized RHIO Inquiry Patient data to other RHIO Index of where patients Temporary Aggregate have records Patient History RHIO Source: Jennie Harvell. The Decade of Health Information Technology – Framework for Strategic Actions. MMIS Conference, September 2004 US Health Information Network - 2014 Source: Dr. Peter Elkin, Mayo Clinic, MN Source: Dr. Peter Elkin, Mayo Clinic, MN, 2006 RHIOs as NHIN Components Nationwide Health Information Network (NHIN) Emerging data shows the value that standardized health information exchange will provide to all stakeholders: Healthcare purchasers and payers Hospitals and other healthcare providers Laboratories Practicing clinicians Public health Source: John Glaser, Janet Marchibroda, Jim Schuping. CCBH. Washington, D.C. December 6-7, 2004 URL: Building a NHIN Building a NHIN On November 15, 2004 Office of National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC), Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), released THE REQUEST FOR INFORMATION (RFI) on the Development and Adoption of a “National” Health Information Network Over 500 responses from various healthcare stakeholders has been submitted. URL: Public Health Data Standards Consortium PHDSC RESPONSE TO THE RFI on the Development and Adoption of a “National” Health Information Network was submitted to DHHS on January 18, 2005 URL: or PHDSC Model: PHDSC Model for Electronic Health Record-based Data Exchange RHIO EHR-PH Info Exchange NHIN Development Process In October 2005 DHHS Office of National Coordinator (ONC) awarded several NHIN contracts ($65M) as follows: Standards Harmonization EHR Certification NHIN Architecture Prototypes Health Information Security and Privacy URL: DHHS NHIN Contracts Standards Harmonization - Harmonize the health care and technology standards used in health information interchange to address gaps and conflicts in current standards EHR Certification - Set forth certification criteria for the many electronic health care record products and technologies currently available on the market NHIN Prototypes - Develop and evaluate prototypes for the network architecture to assess the feasibility of developing a national health information network prototype Privacy - Address privacy and security policy questions affecting the exchange of health information. Work resulting from each of these projects will be used by HHS to develop and refine the business case for establishing the network. A public-private “Community” was established to serve as the focal point for America’s health information concerns and drive opportunities for increasing interoperability The Certification Commission for Healthcare Information Technology (CCHIT) The Health Information Security and Privacy Collaboration (HISPC) Healthcare Information Technology Standards Panel (HITSP) American Health Information Community (Community) Nationwide Health Information Network (NHIN) Architecture Projects The Community is a federally-chartered commission that provides input and recommendations to DHHS on how to make health records digital and interoperable, and assure that the privacy and security of those records are protected in a smooth, market-led way. NHIN Development Process The Community is chartered for two years, with the option to renew and duration of no more than five years. The DHHS intends for the Community to be succeeded within five years by a privatesector health information community initiative that, among other things, would set additional needed standards, certify new health information technology, and provide long-term governance for health care transformation. * AHIC URL: A public-private “Community” was established to serve as the focal point for America’s health information concerns and drive opportunities for increasing interoperability The Certification Commission for Healthcare Information Technology (CCHIT) The Health Information Security and Privacy Collaboration (HISPC) Healthcare Information Technology Standards Panel (HITSP) American Health Information Community (Community) Nationwide Health Information Network (NHIN) Architecture Projects Discussion Document Standards Harmonization Technical Committees Update Report to the Healthcare Information Technology Standards Panel Contract HHSP23320054103EC HITSP includes 206 member organizations: 17 SDOs (8%) 161 Non-SDOs (79%) 18 Govt. bodies (8%) 10 Consumer groups (5%) Arlington, VA September 20, 2006 HITSP Standards Categories 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Data Standards (vocabularies and terminologies) Information Content Standards (RIMs) Information Exchange Standards Identifiers Standards Privacy and Security Standards Functional Standards Other HITSP definition HITSP Framework for Interoperability Specification Development HITSP receives Use Cases and Harmonization Requests from external sources, such as Community and ONC. The Use Case or Request defines scenarios, business actors, and business and functional/interoperability requirements. HITSP develops Interoperability Specifications supporting the Use Cases: technical actors, transactions, content and terminology. Source: HITSP Meeting, Arlington VA, September 20, 2006 HITSP Framework for Interoperability Specification Development HITSP identifies constructs which are logical groupings of base standards that work together, such as message and terminology. These constructs can be reused like building blocks. While reuse is a HITSP goal, it is established in the context of a use case and its functional/interoperability requirements. HITSP constructs are version controlled and, if reused, will be uniquely identified. Source: HITSP Meeting, Arlington VA, September 20, 2006 The standards harmonization process is a series of steps taken by industry stakeholders Harmonization Process Steps Receive Request I II III IV V VI VII VIII Harmonization Identification Gaps, Standards Construction Interoperability Requirements Duplications Inspection Specification Request of Candidate of Selection Analysis and Standards Interoperability Test Release Overlaps Specification and Resolution Dissemination IX Program Management Begin Support Source: HITSP Meeting, Arlington VA, September 20, 2006 Policy Makers and Industry HITSP Framework Defines and Narrows Context Use Case/Modification Request Interoperability Specification Transaction Package 1…n transactions or composite standards Transaction 1… n components or composite standards Package (Composite) Standard Transaction (Composite) Standard Component 1... n base standards or composite standard Component (Composite) Standard s ard s nd tion Sta niza ga Or Base Standard #1 Base Standard #2 Base Standard #3 Base Standard #4 Base Standard #5 Base Standard #6 Base Standard #7 Source: HITSP Meeting, Arlington VA, September 20, 2006 Base Standard #8 Base Standard #9 Potential for Reuse in Other Context HITSP Standard Harmonization Process The Community identified 3 breakthrough areas for the NHIN development process in 2006: Biosurveillance Consumer Empowerment Electronic Health Record * AHIC URL: Consumer Empowerment Use Case Allow consumers to establish and manage permissions access rights and informed consent for authorized and secure exchange, viewing, and querying of their linked patient registration summaries and medication histories between designated caregivers and other health professionals. Source: HITSP Meeting, Arlington VA, September 20, 2006 Electronic Health Record Use Case Allow ordering clinicians to electronically access laboratory results, and allow nonordering authorized clinicians to electronically access historical and other laboratory results for clinical care. Source: HITSP Meeting, Arlington VA, September 20, 2006 Biosurveillance Use Case Transmit essential ambulatory care and emergency department visit, resource utilization, and lab result data from electronically enabled health care delivery and public health systems in standardized and anonymized format to authorized Public Health Agencies with less than one day lag time. Source: HITSP Meeting, Arlington VA, September 20, 2006 Event Detection Neighboring Jurisdictions EHRS Hospital State Public Health Surveillance System 1- Report/retrieve symptoms, diagnosis & medication prescription data from EMRs Ambulatory Care 4 – Order pathogen test 2 – Data mining of EMR notes 3 – Notify on increased number of cases & recommend to order pathogen test 5 – Report test results 7 – Report on the positive case electronically & by phone Local Public Health Surveillance System DHHS 6 – Report positive test result electronically & by phone Media Laboratory Pharmacy Response Team P U B L I C Biosurveillance Technical Committee Recommendations cd Bio Interoperability Specification «component» Resource Utilization Message «interoperability specification» Bio-surv eillance contains + + «transaction» Pseudonimize contains docId: = IS-02 + docId: = ISC-47 docId: = IST-24 contains contains + + + «transaction package» Manage Sharing of Documents + «composite standard» IHE XDS-I docId: = ISC-36 + constrains constrains «composite standard» IHE RFD contains constraints «transaction» Patient ID CrossReferencing «component» Lab Report Document Structure docId: = ISTP-13 docId: = ISTP-50 docId: = ISC-45 references + docId: = ISC-37 «base standard» XForms docId: = IST-22 constrains constrains docId: = ISTP-49 implements + contains «transaction package» Retriev e Form for Data Capture «component» Acknow ledgements docId: = ISTP-48 + docId: = IST-25 + «component» Lab Report Message contains docId: = ISC-41 «transaction package» Radiology Report Document contains «transaction package» Encounter Document docId: = ISC-39 contains contains «component» Encounter Message «component» Radiology Message + + contains contains «transactions» Anonymize contains «composite standard» IHE XDS «composite standard» IHE PIX «composite standard» IHE XDS-MS - constrains PIX Query: ITI-9 constrains implements «component» EHR Lab Terminology references + docId: = ISC-35 constrains implements «base standard» DICOM 2003 «composite standard» IHE NAV «base standard» ISO 15000 ebRS 2.1/3.0 «composite standard» IHE XDS Lab + Provide & Register Document Set: ITI-15 constrains constrains constrains constrains constrains constrains «base standard» LOINC «base standard» HL7 CDA r2 «base standard» HL7 V3 Lab «base standard» HL7 2.5 Message constrains constrains constrains «base standard» HL7 2.5 Code Sets «base standards» HL7 3.0 Code Sets «base standard» SNOMED-CT constrains constrains constrains Biosurveillance AHIC-ONC BIO Consolidated Use Case Patient-level data to Public Health Message-based Submission HITSP Biosurveillance – Patient-level and Resource Utilization Interoperability Specification Transaction Package Consumer/Patient Id X-ref Transaction Pseudonymize Message-based Scenario Component Encounter Msg Lab Report Message Radiology Msg Terminology Standards HCPCS HL7 V3 CPT HL7 V2.5 CCC SNOMED-CT ICD 9/10 LOINC NCCLS UCUM UB-92 URL FIPS 5-2 HAVE Base Std HL7V2.5 ADT^xxx Base Std HL7V2.5 ORU^R01 IHE XDS IHE PIX PDQ Component Component Component Base Std HL7 QBP^Q23 RSP^K23 Anonymize Component Lab Terminology Base Std LOINC SNOMEDCT Base Std ISO DTS/ 25237 HIPAA DICOM Base Std ISO 15000 ebRS 2.1/3.0 Base Std HL7 V2.5 Biosurveillance AHIC-ONC BIO Consolidated Use Case Patient-Level Data to Public Health Document-based Submission HITSP Biosurveillance – Patient-level and Resource Utilization Interoperability Specification Transaction Package Consumer/Patient Id X-ref Transaction Package Manage Sharing of Docs Document-based Scenario Transaction Notif of Doc Availability IHE XDS-I Base Std HL7 QBP^Q23 RSP^K23 Transaction Pseudonymize IHE NAV IHE XDS IHE PIX PDQ Component Lab Report Document Component Anonymize Component Lab Terminology Base Std DICOM Base Std LOINC SNOMEDCT IHE XDS-MS Base Std HL7 CDA r2 IHE XDS-LAB Terminology Standards HCPCS HL7 V3 CPT HL7 V2.5 CCC SNOMED-CT ICD 9/10 LOINC NCCLS UCUM UB-92 URL FIPS 5-2 HAVE Base Std ISO DTS/ 25237 HIPAA DICOM Base Std ISO 15000 ebRS 2.1/3.0 Base Std HL7 V2.5 A public-private “Community” was established to serve as the focal point for America’s health information concerns and drive opportunities for increasing interoperability The Certification Commission for Healthcare Information Technology (CCHIT) The Health Information Security and Privacy Collaboration (HISPC) Healthcare Information Technology Standards Panel (HITSP) American Health Information Community (Community) Nationwide Health Information Network (NHIN) Architecture Projects Health Information Security and Privacy Collaborative (HISPC) RTI International coordinates assessment of health information exchange among states In May 2006, RTI established the National Health Information Security and Privacy Collaboration (HISPC) by announcing the 34 states and U.S. territories who signed agreements to join this project. The project is a national collaboration created to address privacy and security policy questions affecting the exchange of health information. The project is being managed by RTI in cooperation with the National Governors Association under a contract from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. RTI's project team includes multidisciplinary experts in privacy and security law and in health care management together with state and territorial governments. URL: Health Information Security and Privacy Collaborative (HISPC) Review of State Findings 34 states and U.S. territories signed agreements to join HISPC project Source: Walter G. Suarez. Advancing State Approaches Towards Solutions and Implementation. Health Information Security and Privacy Collaborative. Regional Meeting, November 17, 2006 – Boston, MA Health Information Security and Privacy Collaborative (HISPC) - Scenarios Purposes of Health Information Exchange Relevant Scenarios Treatment Scenarios 1-4 Payment Scenario 5 RHIO Scenario 6 Research Scenario 7 Law Enforcement Scenario 8 Prescription Drug Use/Benefit Scenarios 9 and 10 Healthcare Operations/Marketing Scenarios 11 and 12 Bioterrorism Scenario 13 Employee Health Scenario 14 Public Health Scenarios 15-17 State Government Oversight Scenario 18 Nine Domains of Privacy and Security 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. User and entity authentication to verify that a person or entity seeking access to electronic personal health information is who they claim to be. Information authorization and access controls to allow access only to people or software programs that have been granted access rights to electronic personal health information. Patient and provider identification to match identities across multiple information systems and locate electronic personal health information across enterprises. Information transmission security or exchange protocols (i.e., encryption, etc.) for information that is being exchanged over an electronic communications network. Information protections so that electronic personal health information cannot be improperly modified. Information audits that record and monitor the activities of health information systems. Administrative or physical security safeguards required to implement a comprehensive security platform for health IT. State law restrictions about information types and classes, and the solutions by which electronic personal health information can be viewed and exchanged. Information use and disclosure policies that arise as health care entities share clinical health information electronically. Health Information Security and Privacy Collaborative (HISPC) – Design Nov.- Dec. 06 March 2007 Review of State Findings: Variation Analysis Source: Walter G. Suarez. Health Information Security and Privacy Collaborative. Regional Meeting, Nov. 17, 2006 – Boston, MA Review of State Findings Source: Walter G. Suarez. Health Information Security and Privacy Collaborative. Regional Meeting, Nov. 17, 2006 – Boston, MA Review of State Findings Source: Walter G. Suarez. Health Information Security and Privacy Collaborative. Regional Meeting, Nov. 17, 2006 – Boston, MA Review of State Findings Source: Walter G. Suarez. Health Information Security and Privacy Collaborative. Regional Meeting, Nov. 17, 2006 – Boston, MA A public-private “Community” was established to serve as the focal point for America’s health information concerns and drive opportunities for increasing interoperability The Certification Commission for Healthcare Information Technology (CCHIT) The Health Information Security and Privacy Collaboration (HISPC) Healthcare Information Technology Standards Panel (HITSP) American Health Information Community (Community) Nationwide Health Information Network (NHIN) Architecture Projects A public-private “Community” was established to serve as the focal point for America’s health information concerns and drive opportunities for increasing interoperability The Certification Commission for Healthcare Information Technology (CCHIT) The Health Information Security and Privacy Collaboration (HISPC) Healthcare Information Technology Standards Panel (HITSP) American Health Information Community (Community) Nationwide Health Information Network (NHIN) Architecture Projects Role of Public Health in a NHIN NEXT STEPS Providers and Software Developers Working Together to Deliver Interoperable Health Information Systems in the Enterprise and Across Care Settings WWW.IHE.NET Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) Overview Presented by Dan Russler, M.D., IHE PCC Co-chair IHE Workshop – June 19, 2006 Why IHE? 1970’s—Mainframe Era--$100,000 per interface 1990’s—HL7 2.x--$10,000 per interface 2000’s—IHE Implementation Profiles— Cheaper than a new phone line! How? IHE Eliminates Options Found in Published Standards Who is IHE? IHE is a joint initiative among: American College of Cardiology (ACC) Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) Healthcare Information Management Systems Society (HIMSS) GMSIH, HPRIM, JAHIS (laboratory) American Society of Ophthalmology American College of Physicians (ACP) American College of Clinical Engineering (ACCE) And many more…. Began in 1997 in Radiology (RSNA) and IT (HIMSS) International effort: IHE- Europe and IHE-Asia Additional sponsors for Cardiology including ASE, ESC, ASNC, SCA&I, HRS and more IHE 2006 – Nine Active Domains Over 100 vendors involved world-wide, 5 Technical Frameworks 37 Integration Profiles, Testing at Connectathons Demonstrations at major conferences world-wide 15 Active national chapters on 4 continents Electronic Health Record Radiology Cardiology 14 Integration Profiles 4 Integration Profiles IHE IT Infrastructure Laboratory 5 Integration Profiles Patient Care Coordination 1 Integration Profile 13 Integration Profiles Future Domains Patient Care Devices Pathology Eye Care Oncology IHE Standards-Based Integration Solutions Professional Societies Sponsorship Healthcare Providers & Software Developers Healthcare IT Standards General IT Standards HL7, DICOM, etc. Internet, ISO, etc. IHE Process Interoperable Healthcare IT Solution Specifications Interoperable Healthcare IT IHE Integration Profile Solution Specifications Interoperable Healthcare IT IHE Integration Profile Solution Specifications Interoperable Healthcare IT IHE Integration Profile Solution Specifications IHE Integration Profile IHE in 2006 – 18 Month Development Cycles • First Cycle: • • • • • • • • • Planning Committee Proposals: Technical Committee Drafts: Public Comment Due: Trial Implementation Version: Mesa Tool Test Results Due: IHE Connectathon: HIMSS Demo: Participant Comments Due: Final Implementation Version: November, 2005* June, 2006* July 2006 August 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 June 2007 IHE Technical Frameworks Department System Scheduler/ Order Filler Order Placer ADT Image Manager/ PPS Manager Acquisition Modality Register J.Doe Patient Registration [RAD-1] Placer Order Management– New [RAD-2] One or the other methods of creating an order is used Filler Order Management New [RAD-3] Schedule Procedure Procedure Scheduled [RAD-4] Query Modality Worklist [RAD-5] Filler Order Mgmt - Status Update [RAD-3] Patient Reconciliation J.Doe -> J.Smith ADT Pt. Registration [RAD-1] Patient Update [RAD-12] DSS/ Order Filler Patient Update/ Merge [RAD-12] Pt. Registration [RAD-1] Patient Update [RAD-12] Placer Order Management [RAD-2] Filler Order Management [RAD-3] Modality PS in Progress [CARD-1] Modality PS Completed [RAD-7] Filler Order Mgmt - Status Update [RAD-3] Modality Procedure Step In Progress [CARD-1] Modality Procedure Step Completed [RAD-7] Modality Procedure Step In Progress [CARD-1] Modality Procedure Step Completed [RAD-7] Patient Update/ Merge [RAD-12] Order Placer Procedure Scheduled [RAD-4] Patient Update [RAD-12] Procedure Updated [RAD-13] Instance Availability Notification [RAD-49] Evidence Creator Modality PS in Progress [CARD-1] Modality PS Completed [RAD-7] Detailed standards implementation guides Performed Procedure Step Manager Storage Commitment [CARD-3] Image Display Modality Image/Evidence Stored [CARD-2] Image Manager Image Archive Modality PS in Progress [CARD-1] Modality PS Completed [RAD-7] Storage Commitment [CARD-3] Modality Image/Evidence Stored [CARD-2] Modality PS in Progress [CARD-1] Modality PS Completed [RAD-7] Query Modality Worklist [RAD-5] Acquisition Modality Query Images [RAD-14] Retrieve Images/Evidence [CARD-4] Perform Acquisition HIMSS IHE Interoperability Showcase February 2006 Participants Leadership Level Blue Ware Cerner GE Healthcare +IDX IBM Initiate Systems InterSystems MiSys Healthcare Quovadx Siemens Supporter Level: Acuo Bond Carefx Clearcube Dairyland EMC Identrus Intel Mediserve Implementer Level Allscripts Canon CapMed Cardiac Science CGI-AMS CompassCare CPSI Dictaphone DR Systems Eastman Kodak Eclipsys Epic Systems HIPAAT Medkey Motion Comp. Picis Pulse HX Technologies INFINITT Technology Kryptiq McKesson MedAccess Plus Medical Informatics MediNotes MNI National Institute of Sci & Tech NextGen Healthcare Philips Medical ScImage Witt Biomedical DMP–French Natl. Personal EHR HTP American Coll. of Clinical Eng. Health Level 7 IEEE Catholic Healthcare West Midmark Diagostics Group US Dept of Defense HIMSS RHIO Federation US Dept of Veterans Affairs Liberty Alliance Organizational participant: IHE Connectathon, January 2006 •300+ participants, 120+ systems •60+ systems developers •Four Domains: Cardiology, IT Infrastructure, Patient Care Coordination, Radiology •2800+ monitored test cases IHE Integration Profiles for Health Info Nets What is available and has been added in 2005 and is for 2006 Clinical and PHR Content Emergency Referrals PHR Extracts/Updates Format of the Document Content andReport associated coded vocabulary ECG Document Format of the Document Content and associated coded vocabulary Lab Results Document Format of the Document Content Content Scanned Documents and associated coded vocabulary Format of the Document Content Imaging and associated coded vocabulary Format of theInformation Document Content Medical Summary Format of the Document Content Allergies, Pbs) and(Meds, associated coded vocabulary Format of the Document Content and associated coded vocabulary Health Data Exchange Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing Registration, distribution and access across health enterprises of clinical documents forming a patient electronic health record Cross-enterprise Document Point-Point Interchange Media-CD/USB & e-mail push Security Basic Patients Privacy Consents Establish Consents & Enable Access Control Document Digital Signature Patient Id Mgt Patient Demographics Query Patient Identifier Cross-referencing Map patient identifiers across independent identification domains Attesting “true-copy and origin Audit Trail & Node Authentication Centralized privacy audit trail and node to node authentication to create a secured domain. Other Request Form for Data Capture External form with custom import/export scripting Consistent Time Coordinate time across networked systems Notification of Document Availability Notification of a remote provider/ health enterprise HITSP Biosurveillance AHIC-ONC BIO Consolidated Use Case Patient-Level Data to Public Health Document-based Submission Biosurveillance – Patient-level and Resource Utilization Interoperability Specification Transaction Package Consumer/Patient Id X-ref Transaction Package Manage Sharing of Docs Document-based Scenario Transaction Notif of Doc Availability IHE XDS-I Base Std HL7 QBP^Q23 RSP^K23 Transaction Pseudonymize IHE NAV IHE XDS IHE PIX PDQ Component Lab Report Document Component Anonymize Component Lab Terminology Base Std DICOM Base Std LOINC SNOMEDCT IHE XDS-MS Base Std HL7 CDA r2 IHE XDS-LAB Terminology Standards HCPCS HL7 V3 CPT HL7 V2.5 CCC SNOMED-CT ICD 9/10 LOINC NCCLS UCUM UB-92 URL FIPS 5-2 HAVE Base Std ISO DTS/ 25237 HIPAA DICOM Base Std ISO 15000 ebRS 2.1/3.0 Base Std HL7 V2.5 Providers and Software Developers Working Together to Deliver Interoperable Health Information Systems in the Enterprise and Across Care Settings PHDSC was Invited to Sponsor Public Health TEN: Public Health IHE 2006 – Nine Active Domains Over 100 vendors involved world-wide, 5 Technical Frameworks 37 Integration Profiles, Testing at Connectathons Demonstrations at major conferences world-wide 15 Active national chapters on 4 continents Electronic Health Record Radiology Cardiology 14 Integration Profiles 4 Integration Profiles IHE IT Infrastructure Laboratory 5 Integration Profiles Patient Care Coordination 1 Integration Profile 13 Integration Profiles Future Domains Patient Care Devices Pathology Eye Care Oncology PHDSC was Invited to Sponsor Public Health Domain at IHE Public Health Efforts at IHE – due July 2007 White Paper on Public Health PHDSC-sponsored White Paper on Quality Siemens-sponsored White Paper on Aggregate Data Retrieval from DocumentSharing Resource Siemens- and Oracle-sponsored Profile Proposal on Laboratory Data Exchanges IBM-sponsored IHE White Paper on Public Health: Goal To describe the organization and functions of public health in the US in order to inform the development of the IHE integration profiles for interoperable clinical and public health information systems. Knowledge Management in Public Health WHAT IS PUBLIC HEALTH? State Health Department Organizational Chart Clinical-Public Health Paper-based Health Data Exchanges Genetic Disorders Provider 1 Provider 2 Communicable Diseases Immunization Vital Records Provider 3 Injury Control Provider 4 School Health Chronic Care Provider X Biosurveilance, BT, Preparedness HEDIS On average 49% of cases got reported (CDC, 2006). EHR-PH System Prototype for Interoperability Public Health Surveillance Clinical Care in 21st Century Health Care System Hospital of Birth State Health Department ADTBirth Record HL7 2.4 Newborn Screening Test Hearing Screening Test Immunization Administration HL7 3.0 HL7 3.0 Newborn Screening Registry HL7 3.0 EHR-PH Info Exchange HL7 3.0 HL7 2.4 Immunization Registry HL7 2.4 HL7 3.0 HL7 2.4 J2EE External Laboratory Hearing Screening Registry HTB J2EE Communicable Disease Registry Wrtwertghghgghhghg Wrtwrtghghghghgh Wtrwtrghgg Wrtwertghghgghhghg Wrtwrtghghgh Wrtwrtghghghghgh Aadkalfjkaldkfjalkdjflajh Wtrwtrghgg jkhjkhjkhk Wrtwrtghghgh flkdjghghghghghghghgh Aadkalfjkaldkfjalkdjflajk flkdjghghghghghghghg fhjfghjfh Healthcare Transaction Viewer HTB – Health Transaction Base Source: Orlova, et al. HIMSS 2005,Dallas TX, February 13-17, 2005 and AMIA, Washington DC, November, 2005 WHERE TO START? WE NEED TO HARMONIZE: DATA FORMS WORKFLOW POLICIES WHERE TO START? WE NEED TO HARMONIZE: DATA FORMS WORKFLOW POLICIES EHR-PH Data Exchange: Clinical & Public Health Systems EHR Forms NBS Genetic Disorders CDA2 Provider 1 Provider 2 IHE LAB TB, STD. …… Communicable Diseases IR Immunization VR Vital Records Provider 3 ECIC Injury Control Provider 4 NCPDP SH CVD, Asthma Diabetes Provider X X12 BT School Health Chronic Care Biosurveilance, BT, Preparedness, Syndromic Surveillance HEDIS HEDIS WHERE TO START? WE NEED TO HARMONIZE: DATA FORMS WORKFLOW POLICIES Event Detection Neighboring Jurisdictions EHRS Hospital State Public Health Surveillance System 1- Report/retrieve symptoms, diagnosis & medication prescription data from EMRs Ambulatory Care 4 – Order pathogen test 2 – Data mining of EMR notes 3 – Notify on increased number of cases & recommend to order pathogen test 5 – Report test results 7 – Report on the positive case electronically & by phone Local Public Health Surveillance System DHHS 6 – Report positive test result electronically & by phone Media Laboratory Pharmacy Response Team P U B L I C Event Monitoring Neighboring Jurisdictions EHRS 3 - Monitor ER visits & hospitalizations data from EMRs 1 – Send health alert 2 - Monitor newly diagnosed cases & vaccination data from EMRs Ambulatory Care 4 – Order pathogen test State Public Health Surveillance System 9 – Send updates on the event 6 – Send order to activate emergency vaccination Local Public Health Surveillance System 5 – Report test results 7 – Order/ Supply vaccine Lab Hospital 8 – Monitor vaccine supplies Pharmacy 10 – Send health alert to the public DHHS Media Response Team P U B L I C Event Management Neighboring Jurisdictions EHRS 3 - Monitor ER visits, hospitalizations data from EMRs & utilization data 1 – Send Outbreak updates 2 - Monitor newly diagnosed cases & vaccination data from EMRs Ambulatory Care 4 – Order pathogen test State Public Health Surveillance System 9 – Send outbreak updates 6 – Send Rapid Flu Test Kits 10 – Send outbreak updates to the public Local Public Health Surveillance System 5 – Report test results DHHS 9 – Activate coordinated response 7 – Deliver vaccine Lab Hospital 8 – Monitor vaccine supplies Pharmacy Media Response Team P U B L I C Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Surveillance Payor Hospital EHRS 1 – Conduct Routine Check-ups 4 – Prescribe Medication and Treatment Plan Ambulatory Care 9 - Monitor ER visits, hospitalizations data from EMRs & utilization data 11 – Send reports 12– Conduct Surveys (BRFSS) 5 – Monitor Treatment 2 – Order cholesterol test 3 – Report test results 7 – Report Data to Schools State Public Health Surveillance System Local CVD Surveillance System 10 – Conduct Health Education DHHS 6 – Fill Prescription 8– Coordinate Care Media Laboratory Pharmacy School P U B L I C Hospital Asthma Surveillance Payor EHRS 1 – Conduct Routine Check-ups 4 – Prescribe Medication and Treatment Plan Ambulatory Care 9 - Monitor ER visits, hospitalizations data from EMRs & utilization data 11 – Send reports 5 – Monitor Treatment 2 – Order allergen test 3 – Report test results 7 – Report Data to Schools State Public Health Surveillance System 12– Conduct Surveys (BRFSS) Local Asthma Surveillance System 10 – Conduct Health Education DHHS 6 – Fill Prescription 8– Coordinate Care Media Laboratory Pharmacy School P U B L I C WHERE TO START? WE NEED TO HARMONIZE: DATA FORMS WORKFLOW POLICIES Examples of Notifiable/Reportable Conditions by Selected States Notifaible/Reportable Diseases (in alphabetical order) CDC CA FL IN MA MD MN MD Lab MD Lab MD Lab MD Lab MD Lab MD a a - a - a a a a a - Alcohol Related Birth Defects - - - - - - - - - - Amebiasis - a - - - - - a a Anaplasmosis - - - - - - - - Anisakiasis - a - - - - - Animal bites - - - a - a Animal bites for which rabies prophylaxis is given, - - - a - Anthrax a a a a Arboviral neuroinvasive and neuroinvasive diseases, all a - - California group - - Eastern equine encephalitis virus - - Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) NC Lab MD Lab a a a - - - - a a a - - - - - a - - - - - - - - - - - - a - - - - - - - - - - - - - a a a a a a a a a a a a a a - - a a a a a - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - a a - - - - - WHERE TO START? SELECT PUBLIC HEALTH DOMAINS TO BEGIN WITH Vision for Public Health Surveillance via NHIN Percent of Children Tested for Lead with BLL>10 µg/dL in the USA Source: Eileen Koski. Quest Diagnostics. PHIN-2004, May, Atlanta GA