Airphoto, Photo Index, and LANDSAT images. Boundary lines are marked on the factor overlay where tonal and topographic changes occur. These changes often occur at slope breaks, where the one landform surface interfaces with another. These topo/tonal breaks enable the analyst to visualize boundary lines for separating the landforms. While observing stereoscopically the relief-change location, the analyst will note contrasting light to dark tones that represent changes in vegetative cover. It is useful to observe the mosaic and topographic maps alternately for these tonal/topo markings. Tonal conditions should be noted on the photo index while marking boundaries to separate landforms. Flat, generally level, or low relief terrain is characterized by dark tones. The irregular surfaces of both wooded and urban terrain assist in the search for landform boundaries. The irregular-relief indicates and elevated landscape. Dark-light tones, and slope-break tone contrasts are indicative of relief difference in the predominant features. Source: Terrain analysis procedural guide for surface configuration, US Army engineer topographic laboratories, p. 5-5