– SoE Faculty & Staff Meeting AGENDA April 27, 2015

AGENDA – SoE Faculty & Staff Meeting
April 27, 2015
• Welcome, Call to Order, and Approval of Minutes from the 02/23/2015 Meeting
(Minutes can be found at http://www.engr.uconn.edu/facultymeeting.php )
• Report by and Conversation with Dean Kazerounian
• Guest Speaker: Sally Reis, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
• Employee Milestone Recognition – Senior Associate Dean Mike Accorsi
• Faculty Mentor Awards – Associate Dean Mei Wei
• Undergraduate Program Updates and Motion to confer degrees – May 2015
Graduates – Associate Dean Dan Burkey
• Financial Conflict of Interest – Antje Harnisch & Nancy Wallach, OVPR
SoE Faculty Meeting
April 27th, 2015
Guest Speaker:
Professor Sally Reis
Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
Letitia Neag Morgan Chair in Educational Psychology
Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor
University Teaching Fellow
Thank you!
SOE Faculty Meeting
April 27, 2015
Daniel Burkey
Associate Dean for
Education & Diversity
Motion to Award Degrees
May and August 2015
“That the faculty recommend to the Board of Trustees that they grant
the degree of Bachelor of Science in Engineering to the following
students who have majored in Biomedical Engineering, Chemical
Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer
Science & Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Engineering Physics,
Environmental Engineering, Material Science & Engineering or
Mechanical Engineering and that they grant the degree of Bachelor of
Science to the following students who have majored in Computer
Science or Management & Engineering for Manufacturing effective May
9, 2015 and August 2015, providing that a committee consisting of the
Associate Dean, Director of Advising and Degree Auditor be authorized
to withhold any degree for which the requirements have not been met
on Commencement Day or to add the name of any person to the list
who has met the requirement for a degree on Commencement Day”
SOE Courses & Curriculum
• Motion to approve all courses & curriculum that was
distributed on Friday, April 24th.
Deposit Data 4/24/15
Total 2014-to-date: 443
Total 2015-to-date: 484
~9% increase year-over-year to date
Thank you!
Employee Recognition
School of Engineering
April 27th, 2015
To sustain longevity,
you have to evolve.
10 Years of Service
Zhijie Shi
Associate Professor, CSE
Jerry joined UConn in Fall of 2004, where he
has spent his time working with talented
colleagues in the department and observing
the growth of the Engineering School over the
past 10 years. He was a recipient of the
prestigious National Science Foundation
Career grant, and has been awarded several
others as a PI and a co-PI. He is confident
that a lot more will be achieved in the next 10
Horea T. Ilies
Associate Professor, ME
Horea has been a great colleague who has
made significant contributions to education
and research in the field of geometric
modeling, design and gesture-based object
manipulation. Before coming to UConn, he
had several years of industrial experience
with Ford Motor Company, working in
research, manufacturing, product design and
development activities. Since 2012, Horea has
been a Castleman Term Professorship in
Engineering Innovation. He received the NSF
CAREER award in 2007.
Scott Zinke
Research Assistant III, CTI
Scott has been a research engineer for
Connecticut Advanced Pavement during his 10
years of service here. His work includes both
laboratory and field testing as well analyzing
the data that has resulted in many changes to
how our roads are being paved. Scott also
instructs many certification courses on
construction techniques and laboratory
testing, as well as conducting work zone
flagger certification courses for municipal
Kerrie Alberts
Fiscal Manager, DE
Kerrie joined the School of Engineering in
May 2008 (she previously worked in the
Office for Sponsored Programs) as a Grants
Development Officer, where she has helped
faculty with hundreds of proposals and
projects. In January 2013, she became Fiscal
Manager in the Dean’s office and in
September 2014, she assumed oversight of
the School’s finances. Although our budget
situation is not always rosy, Kerrie is always
cheerful and ready to help our faculty and
Diane L. Perko
Program Administrator, MENG/CDEE
Diane started her career at UCONN in 2004
working for the School of Education as a part
time Financial Assistant. She went full-time in
2006 as an Administrative Services Assistant
in the School of Engineering Dean's office.
Diane was promoted to the position of
Program Administrator for our Master of
Engineering (MENG) program in 2011. The
program has since grown from 24
matriculated students to 97. With Diane's
dedication and attention, our MENG program
continues to grow and provide excellent
continuing education opportunities to parttime students across Connecticut.
Noreen A. Wall
Administrative Service Specialist III, DE
Noreen joined the School of Engineering in
2005 as an Administrative Services Specialist
in the Dean's office. Noreen is a consummate
professional who is renowned for her abilities
to get things done and, at the same time,
bring smiles to the faces of everyone who
works with her. Her attention to detail has
made her invaluable to the everyday
operations of the office, and has earned her
the nickname “The Pit Boss.”
Bryan Huey
Associate Professor, MSE
Bryan is a wonderful colleague who is an
international leader in materials
characterization with the Atomic Force
Microscope. He is a true scholar who
continues to push the boundaries in Force
Microscopy. In addition to being an
outstanding educator, Bryan served the
School, the IMS, and MSE in various
capacities, including as MSE Graduate
Program Chair. We are looking forward to
many more years of working with Bryan.
Ramamurthy Ramprasad
Professor, MSE
Rampi is an expert in materials modeling and
quantum physics. Recognized as an
international leader in materials genomics,
Rampi leads the School’s first MURI grant. He
is an elected member of the Connecticut
Academy of Science and Engineering. He is
the recipient of the Alexander von Humboldt
Fellowship and the Max Planck Society
Fellowship for Distinguished Scientists. He
was named United Technologies Corporation
Professorship for Engineering Innovation in
2009. We are fortunate to have Rampi in SoE
and MSE.
Lei Wang
Associate Professor, ECE
Lei is an F. L. Castleman Associate Professor in
Engineering Innovation and a 2010 NSF
CAREER Award recipient. He has made
important contributions to cyberphysical/aquatic systems, embedded
computing with renewable energy, nanoscale
integrated systems, and VLSI signal
processing. He is a member of IEEE Signal
Processing Society Technical Committee on
Design and Implementation of Signal
Processing Systems. He is Associate Editor for
the IEEE Transactions on Computers , and
Senior Area Editor for the IEEE Signal
Processing Letters.
15 Years of Service
Manos N. Anagnostou
Professor, CEE
Manos develops and assesses tools and
mechanisms based on observations and
model forecasts to reduce risks from climatic
extremes and promotes sustainability of
water and energy systems. He is the author of
133 journal articles and book chapters. He
has received the European Geophysical
Union’s Plinius Medal; the Marie Curie
Excellence Award by the European
Commission; the NSF CAREER Award and
NASA’s New Investigator Award. Since 2010,
he has been the Eversource Energy (formerly
NU) Foundation Chair of Environmental
Alexander Russell
Professor & Director of Grad Studies, CSE
Alexander has been with UConn Engineering
since 1999. His research has focused on the
computational complexity of classical and
quantum algorithms, harmonic analysis,
pseudorandomness, cryptography, and
distributed computing. He was a National
Science Foundation Graduate Fellow and is
the recipient of an National Science
Foundation CAREER Award.
Wilson K. S. Chiu
Professor, ME
Wilson has served our department with
distinction as a faculty member and researcher
in the areas of heat and mass transfer in
energy systems, including fuel cells. Among
other honors, he has received the Rutgers
University School of Engineering Medal of
Excellence Award for Distinguished Young
Alumnus, the United Technologies Corporation
Professorship in Engineering Innovation, the
NSF CAREER Award and the Office of Naval
Research Young Investigator Award. Wilson has
published 79 journal articles and 127
conference articles/abstracts.
Afshin Ghiaei
Director, CDEE
Afshin joined UConn in 1998 as the Director
of the Executive MBA Programs in the School
of Business. In 2005, he became the Director
of Hartford Part-time MBA and Executive
MBA programs. Since he joined the School of
Engineering in 2012 as Director of Continuing
and Distance Engineering Education (CDEE),
our continuing education programs have
grown significantly. Afshin has also been
instrumental in launching certificate programs
for our UTC Institute of Advanced Systems
Engineering and supporting our faculty in
developing flipped and online courses.
Mark Aindow
Professor, MSE & Associate Director, IMS
Mark is a valued colleague, an excellent
mentor, an outstanding teacher, and an
eminent scientist. He has served SoE and MSE
in different capacities. Mark is currently the
Associate Director of the IMS and was
instrumental in bringing the FEI Microscopy
Center to UConn. Mark, who is a member of
the Connecticut Academy of Science and
Engineering, also served as Director of the
MSE Program from 2006-2009. He has been
an editor for the Journal of Materials Science
since 2004 and was appointed Deputy Editorin-Chief in 2008.
20 Years of Service
John N. Ivan
Professor & Associate Dept. Head, CEE
John is recognized for his research on
highway safety and operations, and his
outstanding contributions to the statistical
and mathematical modeling of
transportation systems, with an emphasis
on motor vehicle crash prediction. His
research has been funded by many state
and national agencies. His courses focus on
traffic engineering, transportation planning
and decision analysis. He has been an
investigator on 40 research projects, and
published 39 peer-refereed journal articles
and 41 peer-reviewed conference papers.
He is an Associate Editor of Accident
Analysis and Prevention.
Amir Faghri
Professor, ME
Amir is well-known for his research in the
area of heat and mass transfer with
applications to heat pipes. He served as
dean of the School of Engineering from
1998 to 2006. He has authored four books
and more than 310 archival technical
publications, including 205 journal papers.
He holds 11 U.S. patents as the principal
Geoff W. Taylor
Professor, ECE
Geoff, whose research background is in
the areas of materials, devices and circuits
for microelectronics, is a Fellow of the
IEEE. He has not only generated valuable
intellectual property for UConn through
his numerous patents in microelectronics
and photonics, he has also worked
tirelessly to transfer the technology for
practical applications.
25 Years of Service
Lorri J. Lafontaine
Administrative Service Specialist III, MSE
Lorri started her career at UConn in 1984,
working in various departments and
programs, including the Cooperative
Extension Animal Science Office, the
Cooperative Extension Associate Dean’s
Office, the Department of Dramatic Arts,
and the Center for Judaic Studies. She has
had a tremendous impact in the two years
since she joined MSE as administrative
service specialist, where she serves our
students and faculty with a smile and
kindness while administering the graduate
30 Years of Service
Reda A. Ammar
Professor & Director of Global Engagement, CSE
Reda is a Professor of Computer Science
and Engineering. During his 30 years of
service, he served as the department head
for 16 years. He is currently the director of
SoE Global Programs worldwide and the
UConn Liaison for Middle East and North
Africa. He has made remarkable
contributions in recruiting UConn graduate
students who are fully funded by their
governments. Reda is very proud to have
all of his family graduate from UConn.
Howard W. Ellis
Computer Lab Coordinator II, CSE
Howard has been with Computer Science
& Engineering since 1987. He provides
technical support for the department’s
computing facilities, students, faculty and
staff. In the 1980s, he was with UConn’s
Institute of Material Science for two and a
half years. He has greatly enjoyed working
with a diverse and interesting group of
individuals and watching the
transformation of UConn into the great
institution it is today.
Laurie L. Hockla
Secretary II/Graduate Coordinator, ME
Laurie has been with UConn for 31 years,
27 of which have been with our
department. She works primarily as the
Graduate Coordinator overseeing the ME
Graduate program. Laurie is excellent at
everything she does and has been the key
support person for our graduate program.
She has a great personality and makes the
ME office a happy place to work.
Kazem Kazerounian
Dean & Professor
Kazem joined the School of Engineering in
1985 as an Assistant Professor in the
Mechanical Engineering Department. He
has since made many important
contributions to the School and University
through teaching, research and
administration. As Dean of Engineering,
Kazem continues to spearhead many
major initiatives that significantly benefit
our School. Kazem leads the School with a
strong sense of commitment, caring and
ability to inspire faculty and staff. His
enduring energy, creativity and positive
attitude create an environment where
faculty and staff are able to thrive.
Krishna R. Pattipati
Professor & Interim Director, UTC-IASE, ECE
Krishna is the UTC Professor of Systems
Engineering and a Fellow of the IEEE. He has
been an inspiring educator, the co-founder
of a successful company, and most recently,
a leader in establishing the UTC Institute for
Advanced Systems Engineering. He has
received numerous honors, including the
NASA Space Act Award in 2008 and 2002;
the UConn School of Engineering
Outstanding Teaching Award in 2005; and
the UConn AAUP Research Excellence Award
in 2003. He was Elected to Connecticut
Academy of Science and Engineering in
35 Years of Service
Eric H. Jordan
Professor, ME
Eric is the longest-serving faculty member
currently in our department. He is an
excellent researcher, mentor and teacher,
and many of our junior faculty benefit from
his mentorship and advice. Dr. Jordan is a
Fellow of ASME, a member of the academic
Advisory Board to the DOE UTSR program,
and has served as an Associate Editor for
the ASME Journal of Engineering Materials
and Technology.
40 Years of Service
John M. Fikiet
Instrumentation & Computer Engineer, ETS
John joined UConn in 1975 in Life
Sciences, where he started an electronics
shop for a Neurophysiology group. At the
request of Dean Peter McFadden, John
joined the School of Engineering in the
early 1980s and started the School's
Electronics Shop. Since that time, he has
helped thousands of students and faculty
with class and research projects. He has
also served as advisor to the UConn Chess
Club for the last 10 years.
45 Years of Service
Theo Z. Kattamis
Professor, MSE
Theo has been a founding member of the
MSE Department. He has been with UConn
for 45 years! An expert in materials
processing and joining, Theo has had a great
impact on the education, research, and
teaching in the School of Engineering and
MSE. He has received a certificate of
recognition from NASA for an innovation in
metals casting, and a Fellowship of the
French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He is
simply an outstanding colleague and we are
very proud to have him on our faculty.