Centre for Employment Research CREATING FANCY MAPS AND PIE CHARTS USING GOOGLE API CHARTS Lionel Page and Franz Buscha INTRODUCTION These ado files use Stata’s ability to easily interface with the internet and contact: chart.apis.google.com Google chart API (Application Programming Interface) allows users to dynamically create charts and maps by sending a pre-programmed URL to Google Google then returns a PNG-image which, with a bit of luck, is a useable piece of information! GOOGLE CHARTS API Stata’s unique and powerful data-management abilities make it a good complement in order to pre-format data and then send it to Google and allow it to compile this data into a different array of graphs/figures. How does Google API work? http://chart.apis.google.com/chart? chs=250x100 [size] &chd=t:60,40 [data] &cht=p3 [type] &chl=Hello|World [labels] Parameter Bar chart Chart colors Solid fill Yes Line and Sparkline chart Yes Yes Data scaling Linear gradient Linear stripes Chart title Chart legend Multiple axis labels Grid lines Shape markers Horizontal range markers Vertical range markers Line styles Fill area Bar width and spacing Bar chart zero line Pie chart and Google-ometer labels Radar chart Scatter plot Venn diagram Pie chart Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Background only Background only Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Googleo-meter Maps Yes Background only Yes Yes Background only Yes Yes Yes Yes GMAP Here we present gmap which allows users to create .png using Google API chart In its current state (v1.1) gmap accepts the following command line: gmap location statevar valuevar {if} [, color(# [#]) graph file(filename)] Width(numlist) Height(numlist)] The parameter location can take the following values: africa, asia, europe, middle_east, south_america, usa, world. For each specific region, statevar must contain the States' identifiers from the list of codes from Google. EXAMPLE OF GMAP EXAMPLE OF GMAP The following picture will be saved in your local directory gmap usa states value, color(yellow green) graph h(100) w(200) EXAMPLE OF GMAP CONSIDERATIONS Only have 1 colour gradient at the moment Different shades of one colour Transition from one colour to another Google allows multiple gradients This ‘should’ allow specific colours across regions I.e, from green to black to red E.g. Cons/Labour/Libdems (Blue, Red, Yellow) v.1.2 GPIE Here we present gpie which allows users to create 3 dimensional pie charts In its current state (v1.0) gpie accepts the following command line: gpie labelvar valuevar {if} [, color(#) dim2 graph file(filename)] EXAMPLE OF GPIE EXAMPLE OF GPIE The following picture will be saved in your local directory:. Alternatively, gpie label values, color(yellow) dim2 USEAGE AND LIMITATIONS Google API charts is aimed at web-based developments such as blogs and websites and therefore offers little in terms statistical analysis gmap should be seen as a informational and explorative tool Limited to 250,000 API calls per day No labels! Maximum picture size is 440x220 pixels Country labels must be in ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code Only United States supports state level mapping Please findit tmap (Pisati, 2004, SJ) for more complicated thematic mapping futures using Stata’s graphics engine