Pipelined scientific workflows for inferring • Successful efforts like the

Pipelined scientific workflows for inferring
evolutionary relationships
Computational challenges of
large-scale scientific research
• New instrumentation, automation, computers, and
networks are catalyzing large-scale scientific research
in a broad range of fields.
Timothy M. McPhillips
Natural Diversity Discovery Project
www.naturaldiversity .org
• There is a growing awareness that existing software
infrastructure for supporting data-intensive research
will not meet future needs.
6th Biennial Ptolemy
Berkeley, CA
May 12, 2005
• Critical computing challenges include:
 Integrating large data sets from diverse sources.
 Capturing data provenance and metadata.
 Streaming data through widely distributed
experimental and computing resources in real time.
Please see accompanying paper for full details, references, and acknowledgments.
Discovery Environment (web browsers)
provided to
general public
as a web
Flexible system
provided to
students and
as a desktop
(a customized
of Kepler).
Application server
Workflow automation framework
(based on Ptolemy II)
NDDP systems will enable users to easily …
• DomainObjectToken Carries immutable instances of
domain-specific Java classes derived from
NDDP requirements for pipelined workflows
• Maintain associations between phylogenies and the data
and methods on which they are based; share workflows
and results; and repeat studies reported by other workers.
• Provenance, metadata, and intermediate results must stay
associated with data.
• A collection actor may add data or metadata to existing
collections; or create new collections and subcollections and add data or metadata to them.
• ExceptionToken Carries CollectionException objects
thrown by actors operating on the containing collection.
• A framework for managing scientific workflows distributed
over disparate resources is needed desperately.
• Exceptions thrown for particular data or parameter sets
must not disrupt operations on unrelated sets.
• Tokens stream continuously through collection actors,
allowing concurrent, pipelined operation on collections by
actors connected in series.
• VariableToken A MetadataToken that overrides actor
parameters when key matches parameter name.
• We are developing a phylogenetics workflow automation
framework for professional researchers and a web-based
Discovery Environment for the public.
• Automatically iterate over alternative methods, character
weightings, and algorithm parameter values.
• A CollectionPath parameter specifies what types of
collections and data an actor will process.
• MetadataToken Carries a key/value pair representing a
property of a collection, e.g. data provenance. Key is a
Java String; value is a native Ptolemy token (e.g., an
• Unfortunately, the lack of software frameworks for
integrating these resources poses resource management,
data management, and project management complications
insurmountable to small groups.
• Independent data sets must be partitioned effectively
when passing through a workflow concurrently.
• Collection actors specify the disposition ( process vs
ignore & forward vs discard) of the collections and data
they process via event handler return values.
• OpeningDelimiterToken& ClosingDelimiterToken
Precedes and follows tokens in a collection, respectively.
• Our approach is to provide the public with easy access to
the latest scientific data and methods used by evolutionary
biologists, and to encourage open-ended, free enquiry.
• Correlate phylogenies with events in Earth history using
molecular clocks and the fossil record.
• Collection actor authors override default event handlers
in the CollectionActor base class.
handleCollectionStart() handleMetadata()
handleCollectionEnd() handleVariable()
Collection token types
• Ideally, these researchers would exploit virtual laboratories
composed from a grid of geographically distributed
experimental and computing resources.
• Workflow components must operate context-dependently
and allow behavior to be customized on-the-fly.
• The NDDP supports collections in Ptolemy II using paired
opening- and closing-delimiter tokens to bracket collection
contents in the data flow.
Control flow for collections
• PauseFlow actor prompts user before allowing an
incoming collection to flow through the actor.
• StartLoop and EndLoop actors provide do-while
constructs that operate on collections.
• ExceptionCatcher actor removes from the data stream
collections containing exception tokens.
• The NDDP is developing computing infrastructure for
supporting large-scale research projects.
• It will soon be feasible to provide large-scale research tools
to small research groups and individual investigators.
• Apply parsimony, maximum likelihood, Bayesian and
other methods of phylogenetic inference.
• Distribute pipelined phylogenetics workflows across a
grid of computational and experimental resources.
The Natural Diversity Discovery Project (NDDP)
• The NDDP is a nonprofit organization recently formed to
help the public understand scientific explanations for the
diversity of life and to support related research.
• Workflows must not require reconfiguration when
operating on a new data set.
Developing collection actors
• The complexity of creating, managing, and processing
collections is largely encapsulated in two classes,
CollectionActor and CollectionManager.
• Successful efforts like the Human Genome Project and the
Protein Structure Initiative demonstrate the advantages of
high-throughput approaches to large-scale research.
• Infer, display, and compare phylogenies based on
morphology, molecular sequences, and genome features.
Defining collections with delimiter tokens
• Collections may contain data; metadata and other
collection-related tokens; and sub-collections.
Large-scale research for the scientific community
• Workflows must be executable in the absence of user
interfaces and support asynchronous monitoring.
A simple phylogenetics workflow
collection actors
Phylogenetics actors
Generic collection actors
CollectionFilter Project
CollectionGraph SetMetadata
ExceptionCatcher TextFileReader PhylipPenny
FileLineReader TextFileWriter PhylipProML
TokenDisplay PhylipProMLK
• The workflow automation framework, based on Ptolemy II,
will carry out phylogenetics workflows on behalf of
Discovery Environment users.
The need to support nested collections of data
• Scientific workflows for genomics, phylogenetics, and
bioinformatics in general, often operate on hierarchically
organized collections of data.
• In the Ptolemy II environment such data collections must
be associated in a way that supports deep nesting,
pipelined operation on contents of data sets, and
association of intermediate results and metadata with
particular sub-collections.
• The NDDP requires a generic approach to defining,
managing, and processing collections of data that:
• Works under most circumstances.
• Results in simple, intuitive workflows.
• Facilitates rapid prototyping and reuse of actors,
workflows, and data structures.
XML representation of tokens streaming
through preceding phylogenetics workflow
• Delimited collections enable pipelined operation while
maintaining data association and limiting repercussions
of exceptions to the collections that trigger them.
• Support for metadata enables context-dependent actor
behavior and provides for recording provenance.
• Collection actors, collection data structures, and
collection-based workflows, are simple to implement and
maintain, easy to prototype, and safe to refactor and
• Delimited collections provide a foundation for
supporting large-scale scientific workflows and
achieving the objectives of the Natural Diversity
Discovery Project.