APPROVED The Associated Students of Las Positas College Senate Meeting

The Associated Students of Las Positas College
Senate Meeting
January 23rd, 2015
1:00 pm – Adjournment
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Adoption of the Agenda
IV. Approval of the Minutes
V. Officer Reports
A. President
B. Vice President
C. Director of Legislation
D. Director of Communications
E. Director of Events
F. ICC Chair
G. Senators
H. Committee Reports
I. ASLPC Advisor
J. Student Trustee
VI. Guest Speakers
VII. Public Forum
VIII. Old Business
A. Welcome Week Debrief
B. Winter Retreat Debrief
C. Point System
D. Org Sync
IX. New Business
B. Table Replacement
C. Sports Task Force
D. Senator Exemptions
E. Letters and Resolutions
F. New Officers
G. Campus Committees & Subcommittees
H. Public Relations Update
X. Announcements
XI. Adjournment
The Associated Students of Las Positas College
Senate Meeting
January 23rd, 2015
1:00 pm – Adjournment
Mr. Ansari called the meeting to order at 1:07 p.m.
Roll Call
Rafi Ansari
Paulina Reynoso
Olga Salgado
Ashley Landicho
Stephanie Plascencia (EXCUSED ABSENT)
Alejandra Garcia
Alexander Ivanov
Alexandre Nguyen
Antonio Aguilar
Brandon Byrne
Ciera Soliz
Claire Huestis
Eric Bolin
Eric Pineda
Jose Gutierrez
Luis Perez
Nancy Kang
Omar Elgarguri
III. Adoption of the Agenda
 Mr. Elgarguri moved to amend the agenda for January 23rd, 2015 with the following
o Add G. Campus Committees & Subcommittees
o Add H. Public Relations Update
 Ms. Soliz seconded.
 Motion passed unanimously.
 Mr. Byrne moved to approve the agenda for January 23rd, 2015.
 Mr. Pineda seconded.
 Motion passed unanimously.
IV. Approval of the Minutes
 Mr. Byrne moved to approve the minutes from December 12th, 2014.
 Ms. Kang seconded.
 Motion passed with 1 abstention.
V. Officer Reports
A. President
Mr. Ansari talked with Mr. Pineda about ICC Chair replacement. He also went to
College Council and Trustees meeting. He talked with Mr. Nguyen to plan for PR
which will be discussed under PR update. He also helped with TLP and Welcome
B. Vice President
Ms. Reynoso did class announcements for TLP and helped out with Welcome
C. Director of Legislation
Ms. Salgado went to a committee meeting this morning. She went to an XO
meeting over winter break. She helped out with Welcome Week, TLP, and talked
to WHEELS about bus pass discounts.
D. Director of Communications
Ms. Landicho helped out with TLP. She checked out the cafeteria prices over at
Chabot to compare with Las Positas. She also met some of Chabot’s student
E. Director of Events
Ms. Plascencia was not present at this time.
F. ICC Chair
Mr. Pineda talked to Mr. Ansari to learn about his upcoming ICC tasks. He also
helped out with TLP.
G. Senators
Ms. Reynoso said that everyone helped out with Welcome Week, Sports Task
Force meetings, TLP, volunteering for Math Jam, updating social media accounts,
and visiting classes for class announcements.
H. Committee Reports
 Mr. Ansari attended College Council, where they discussed how many students
have no idea about SEP assessment or getting their credits transferred over from
another school. There is miscommunication about requirements before taking a
class. April 29th is Staff Appreciation Day. 98 students enjoyed Math Jam and are
requesting Math Jam for the summer. The school budgeted $2,000 and only $995
was used for the program.
 Ms. Salgado attended Distance Education, where they discussed the online
education initiative and putting courses online. Right now there are only 12
courses offered. From the student surveys, 80% said they’d take an online course.
The main complaint was online mobilization development. The distance
education scholarship will include 1 winner, who will be nominated on February
I. ASLPC Advisor
Mr. Miner announced that we’re fully indoctrinated, so now we’re the newest
members of ASGA. He has given them everyone’s title and contact info. You can
update your profile and take your survey. They have 13 surveys you can
complete. He thanked everyone who helped out with TLP; there were minimal
errors since we were running it differently this week without Ms. Moore and Mr.
Miner. Between last and this semester, he awarded 10 textbook assistance
scholarships ($500). People were planning on becoming potential senators. Like
Mr. Ansari mentioned, Math Jam asked if they could reuse the balance of their
scholarships for August. He said that we will put the money back into our
account, and when the time comes when they need it again we will reallocate the
funds to it. There are working on having some new clubs like table tennis
automotive-based clubs. He contacted Ted Kaye that April 25th is going to be the
Best of the Best of the Gala. Livermore Opera is putting on an opera in Livermore
sometime in March. Dr. Barry Russell is requesting a group of senators to come if
people are interested in going. This semester Mr. Miner is teaching a lot of night
classes. On Tuesday, he watched the State of the Union Address, where they
talked about providing free community college education like high school. Next
year he suggested running an Advocacy event showing the President’s State of the
Union Address in the cafeteria with free food. He announced that 3 senators have
resigned: Mr. O’Rourke, Ms. Sahota, and Ms. Jariwala.
J. Student Trustee
Mr. Bolin went to Chabot and talked with representatives about Tom Hanks; they
were thinking of having him be a guest speaker on the campus but it would cost
$20-30,000 for security. President Russell raved about Math Jam and the students
who got involved in there. He talked to an individual who was excited about it
that when they came away from it, they were thinking about changing their major.
It was probably the shortest meeting of the semester. There was an annual report
given there that had positive feedback, saying there was a good staff involved and
both schools are doing a good job. The student senate president of Chabot, Jesse,
& student trustee, Kate, mentioned that they’re interested in doing something with
VI. Guest Speakers
VII. Public Forum
 Ms. Qurban, Naveena, Mr. Dimercurio, Tyler, Lauren, Ms. Miller, and Mr. Southorn
introduced themselves.
VIII. Old Business
A. Welcome Week Debrief
 Mr. Byrne said that Welcome Week went well. They passed out doughnuts,
cookies, orange juice, scantrons, and helped out with TLP.
Mr. Ansari said that there were drinks remaining and suggested if you see a lot of
students out there you could serve them.
Ms. Reynoso mentioned to clean up the cart afterwards.
Ms. Garcia heard that students were freaked out and tried to avoid us so we
should try to be more approachable.
Mr. Elgarguri said that the maps helped students out but also showing them where
to go helps.
Mr. Miner suggested handing out pad and paper, handouts on TLP, and passing
out folders with a map on the back.
B. Winter Retreat Debrief
 Mr. Miner thanked everyone who showed up. We stayed on time for the agenda
except there was no time for the games at the end. We will do it sometime when
everyone’s present.
C. Point System
 Mr. Perez went over the point system and showed us what he approved:
 B. Accruing 60 points total from the following failures of task and
attendance will warrant impeachment …
 He then showed us Google drive for the point system & demonstrated how to use
 For every point accrued, include an explanation for that point
 In the By-laws, if you have to miss a roundtable, you must meet with the vice
president Ms. Reynoso to make it up
 You must give a 48-hour notice if you’re going to be late to roundtable.
D. Org Sync
 Mr. Miner said that Arnold Paguio of Chabot is working to resolve the issues with
IT for Org Sync; they are working together to cut down the costs, and are trying
to choose the most cost-effective option for both campuses.
 They believe the other thing it will do will increase the stature, provide electronic
transcripts, and it will be useful for other clubs to sell themselves to other
campuses. Mr. Miner thanked us for our professionalism and feedback.
 He will talk to Nathan about talked for another 15 minutes on the next ICC
agenda and possibly having a Q&A.
IX. New Business
 Ms. Reynoso and her team decided to do actual elections the last week of
February in Article IV. Section I. Item H: *within the last week of February and
campaigning shall commence exactly two weeks (14 days) prior*.
 Mr. Elgarguri moved to amend to change the statement to say “last *full* week.”
 Ms. Reynoso seconded.
 They wanted to give people enough time to think about what they want to run for.
The last week of February 23rd-27th they would notify the officers what they want
to run for, and campaigning would start February 9th. It also gives officers the
opportunity to learn the lingo, their duties, and have an easier transition.
Mr. Miner said that at the “53 Ways to Improve Your Student Government”
workshop, they talked about moving elections forward and having all electronic
Motion passed unanimously.
Ms. Reynoso moved to approve adding the revised Item H. into the By-Laws.
Ms. Huestis seconded.
Motion passed unanimously.
B. Table Replacement
 Ms. Plascencia was not present at this time. Mr. Miner said that sometime during
last semester or Club day, we lost our table in the office. We are trying to approve
money to replace our table in exchange for one or two.
 Mr. Elgarguri moved to approve an up-to-amount of $200 for table replacement.
 Ms. Garcia seconded.
 Motion passed unanimously.
C. Sports Task Force
 Mr. Byrne showed us the Blanco Plan for the upcoming basketball games.
 Mr. Byrne moved to approve an up-to-amount of $400 for Sports Task Force.
 Mr. Nguyen seconded.
 They are planning to buy 10 tickets, $5/ticket per game, with 4 games left.
 We already approved $500 for the food last semester. They plan to spend $125
per game. They will have hamburgers / veggie burgers from Costco. In addition,
they plan to give out tickets to not only first comers but people who actually want
to attend the game.
 Motion passed unanimously.
 Mr. Byrne ceded the floor to Mr. Elgarguri.
 Regarding shifts, Mr. Elgarguri said we will need 2 people to man the grill, 2
people to put the burgers together and serve the people, and 2 people to go around
and advertise for the games.
 There are 2 games per game day. The first game starts at 5 pm for women’s
games, and 7 pm for men’s games. They plan to have the tailgate at 2 separate
times: 4:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.
 Everyone agreed it was a good idea to pass out tickets at the earlier game, and to
pass out food to people who are still there for the later game.
D. Senator Exemptions
 Ms. Soliz moved to exempt Ms. Kang from attending Roundtable.
 Mr. Nguyen seconded.
 Motion passed unanimously.
 Ms. Reynoso moved to exempt Mr. Bolin from attending Roundtable.
 Ms. Kang seconded.
 Motion passed unanimously.
Ms. Reynoso moved to exempt Mr. Gutierrez from attending Roundtable.
Ms. Garcia seconded.
Motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Nguyen moved to exempt Ms. Reynoso from College Council.
Mr. Perez seconded.
Motion passed unanimously.
You must meet with Ms. Reynoso separately to make up for missing Roundtable.
E. Letters and Resolutions
F. New Officers
 Mr. Byrne moved to approve Eric Pineda as our new ICC Chair.
 Ms. Huestis seconded.
 Motion passed with 1 abstention.
 Ms. Soliz moved to approve Ms. Huestis as our new Finance officer.
 Mr. Perez seconded.
 Motion passed with 1 abstention.
 Ms. Kang moved to approve Mr. Nguyen as our new Public Relations officer.
 Mr. Elgarguri seconded.
 Motion passed with 1 abstention.
G. Campus Committees & Subcommittees
 Mr. Ansari showed the committee sheet, which includes the day, time, and day of
the month yours meet. You should be able to know which committee and day
you’re meeting on.
 Mr. Ansari showed the list of people for subcommittees:
o Public Relations: Eric P., Eric B., Alex N., Luis P.
o Legislation: Brandon, Alex I., Jasmine, Ashley, Olga
o Events: Nancy, Claire, Ciera, Alejandra, Stephanie
o Programs and Services: Paulina, Antonio, Omar, Jose
 Org Sync would be under PR [The Media Subcommittee]
H. Public Relations Update
 Mr. Nguyen showed his upcoming plans for the semester, which includes:
o Decals
o Brochures
o Guerilla Marketing
o Mr. Perez as his co-chair
o Swinging door
 Authorized personnel-only signs
o Glass bulletin boards
 Pictures of senators
o ASLPC plates
o Speakers – 1 approved by Ms. Sahota last semester
o History of ASLPC yearbook
o Transparent A-Frames in the cafeteria
o 3 or 5 minute video of the college
X. Announcements
 Mr. Gutierrez thanked everyone for helping with TLP. He thanked Mr. Elgarguri for
retyping the terms and conditions. The librarian Diana emailed people for a late fee of
 Mr. Nguyen is looking into renovating the business cards.
 Ms. Soliz said that the submissions for LPC Anthology are due on March 21st.
 Ms. Salgado showed us how to fill out facility form requests. When filling out your form,
it must be 2 weeks prior to the event. You’re accountable for the form you turn in so
make sure it is accurate. The entry time must be half an hour before the event. If you
want something outside over by the office, check the box [ ] ASLPC patio. The form is
self-explanatory; if you plan to have food, find trashcans.
 Mr. Ansari said that Ricoh moved to the old cafeteria; he said to fill out everything. You
must attach the original sheet to the Ricoh sheet. Mr. Miner has to sign off on it. If you
plan to post a flyer on the bulletin board, make sure it follows the 8x5 rule we passed last
 Mr. Miner announced that there will be an event on Saturday for females pursuing
careers in sciences/engineering from 9 am – 3 pm.
 Mr. Ansari said that the 2016 State championships in basketball for community colleges
will take place at Las Positas College.
o Tom Hanks was class of 1974 in Chabot and talked about how it changed his life,
so never take for granted your time here at Las Positas.
 Ms. Garcia said that Mr. Yun needs more students for his boxing class or else he’ll lose
 Ms. Landicho said that she will be running the Teens for Jeans drive; the drive is to
provide homeless teens a sense of normalcy and is requesting jeans from everyone. If it is
successful, we could earn a $5,000 grant for our school.
XI. Adjournment
 Mr. Elgarguri moved to adjourn the meeting at 2:57 p.m.
 Mr. Perez seconded.
 Motion passed unanimously.