APPROVED The Inter-Club Council General Meeting

The Inter-Club Council
General Meeting
March 6th, 2015
11:30 am – Adjournment
Call to Order
Roll Call
Adoption of the Agenda
Approval of the Minutes
Officer Reports
ICC Chairperson
ICC Secretary
ICC Parliamentarian
ICC Treasurer
AS President
AS Director of Events
Director of Student Life
Guest Speakers
Public Forum
Club Reports
Old Business
A. Club Activation/Deactivation
B. Club Day Debrief
C. ICC Dodge Ball
New Business
A. Bulletin Boards
B. Virtual Campus Tours
The Inter-Club Council
General Meeting
March 6th, 2015
11:30 am – Adjournment
Mr. Pineda called the meeting to order at 11:36 a.m.
Roll Call
Alpha Gamma Sigma
American Welding Society
Ballroom Dance Club
Biology Club
Black Student Union (UNEXCUSED LATE)
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Club (UNEXCUSED ABSENT)
Business Club
Chemistry Club
Chow-Hoon Goshin-Jitsu (UNEXCUSED ABSENT)
Christ on Campus
Computer Science Club
Electronics Club (UNEXCUSED ABSENT)
Engineering Club
The Indian Club
International Business Association (UNEXCUSED ABSENT)
International Students Club
Journalism Club
LPC E-Sports
Math Club
Muslim Student Alliance
Peace & Social Justice Club (UNEXCUSED LATE)
Performing Arts Club (UNEXCUSED ABSENT)
Philosophy Club
Physics / Astronomy Club
Poetry Club
Psi Beta / Psychology Club
Public Safety Club
Puente Club
Queer Straight Alliance
Tae Kwon Do Club
Adoption of the Agenda
Christ on Campus moved to adopt the agenda for March 6th, 2015 with the
following changes:
o Strike Business Club / Engineer / AWS Club Donations / Follow Ups
Psi Beta seconded.
We’re not saying no to donations; we want to make sure it’s equitable to all the
Motion passed with 1 abstention.
Approval of the Minutes
AWS moved to adopt the minutes for February 20th, 2015.
Christ on Campus seconded.
Mr. Pineda decided to postpone this item until the next ICC meeting.
Officer Reports
A. ICC Chairperson
Mr. Pineda said that he has been talking with QSA, MSA and Chemistry
club. He met with CBRC and talked about fixing donations, absences and
guidelines. He took pictures on Club Day and will announce the winners
later. He also got the date and times approved for the ICC Dodge Ball
B. ICC Secretary
Ms. Soliz was not present at this time. Ms. Landicho substituted in her
C. ICC Parliamentarian
Ms. Sahota has been working on the By-Laws & Constitution since it has
not been updated since 2009.
D. ICC Treasurer
E. AS President
Mr. Ansari attended March-in-March. Mr. Pineda, Ms. Soliz and he have
been looking at the ICC Constitution and said to let him know if you have
any input on that. Ted Talks are being brought into Livermore. We’re
giving out WHEELS bus passes for $10, so stop by Student Senate. Take a
look in financial aid and scholarships; applications are due March 13th.
F. AS Director of Events
Ms. Plascencia announced that now that Club Day’s over, she’s looking
into possibly getting a food truck event going. She doesn’t have anything
else planned until next Club Day.
G. Director of Student Life
Mr. Miner went to the District Office last meeting and participated in a
day-long event for future planning of the future educational plan, which is
required by the state to create a vision of what the college will do. It’s
updated every 10 years, and he anticipates the educational master plan will
be formulated later this spring and will be looking for input from students.
A lot of activity in the Student Life Office is about donation requests. A lot
of people are asking for things that are irregular or out of the ordinary that
may not completely include students. The business office is looking into a
donation process for clubs and ASLPC to ensure we make donations spent
on students correctly not only to By-laws/Constitution and Title 5:
educational code but general business practices. We handle public money
here. He signs on everything regarding money so we as a group don’t get in
trouble for what we do here. They’re trying to come up with process that’s
fair, that is short-term for club request donations and have long-term
guidelines. They’re going to ask clubs to put together a format like the ICC
Donation Request Proposal i.e. request title, requested amount, current club
budget, etc. Fill out the form and turn it in by 5 pm next Thursday, then
send out all forms to everybody to look over. Another form will be sent to
you to rank them; you will send back that form the NEXT Thursday. When
we get those numbers next Thursday night, we will total them up and ask
Mr. Pineda to approach student government about asking for that amount.
Based on that number, we will come back at the next ICC meeting and will
tell you how much we got.
 Bio: suggested asking: “How much will the overall trip cost?” and a
model of how it’s broken down
o % amount donation covers __________ of event
 Psi Beta: add why you think you deserve to get these funds from
ASLPC or ICC, and disagrees with “Have you received funding for
this in the past?” because this might be a new year and new people
came in with the same name.
o Mr. Miner said this question more so means if you’ve
received a donation before
 Computer Science.: can’t answer that question since they’re new
o Mr. Miner has this so everyone is on the same page, and if
we want to scratch that off we can
 MSA: suggested “Do you have any comments that you would like
to add / other info we should know?”
 Poetry: every club should at least give a reason so it shows they put
some effort into asking for this donation
 If you have a meeting from now until Thursday within next week,
put this on the agenda for as many members of your club as you can
to get input and not make the decision on your own. We’ll email
this form to you guys.
VI. Guest Speakers
VII. Public Forum
 Lauren Hughes proposed making a Fine Arts Club for artists; it covers a broad
spectrum of artists to share ideas and have a place to make art.
VIII. Club Reports
AGS had a military family drive in the ILC.
Bio went to the Lawrence Livermore lab lecture hall, where they talked about the
physics on green technology and helping middle school girls interested in stem
fields. Next week on March 11th they’re having a bake sale, so if you show up they
accept cash or check. They’ll also be having their meeting afterwards.
BSU wrapped up Black History Month in the quad and sold food. Yesterday and
the day before they had a silent protest pertaining to issues they have faced.
Chem had an ice cream social that turned out pretty good. They have quite a few
emails and possible new members. They’re getting closer to going on their
Lawrence Livermore Lab tour.
Christ on Campus changed their name to The Way, The Truth: Christian Club on
Computer Science said on March 24th they’re having an event at night in the
auditorium and a software robotics speaker will be visiting. You don’t need to
know any languages, just have training to learn how to use that tool.
Engineering Club said they’re having a Lawrence Livermore Lab tour on March
Journalism Club said on March 21st, they will be hosting a kid’s spring fest, which
will include an egg hunt and prizes for kids; feel free to volunteer.
LPC E-Sports said they’re changing their name to Gamer’s Lounge. They’re also
going to do a bake sale but haven’t decided on an official date.
Math Club said they had an emetic lab last Friday.
MSA had a guest speaker come to their last meeting.
Peace & Social Justice had a movie screening in the cafeteria.
Physics / Astronomy said on March 11th they’re having elections for vacant
officers and a new ICC representative.
Poetry Club said they had scheduled poetry slam but it got cancelled and they
elected a new treasurer.
Psi Beta said that they had a guest speaker to come in to talk about the difference
between therapy and counseling. They had another Brian Copeland event (“The
Waiting Period”), which happens every year. There’s a new one on March 25th on
why zebras don’t get ulcers. They cancelled club donation requests and are
electing a new ICC representative.
Puente Clun said on Tuesday March 10th, they will be having a Piñata pop event.
Every hit will be $3, and you can win a print card or gas card. They’ll be serving
nachos and have karaoke.
QSA said they hosted Sex Signals last night. There was a pretty good turnout and
they made $145.
IX. Old Business
A. Club Activation/Deactivation
 Psi Beta moved to approve the deactivation of the Physics / Astronomy
 MSA seconded.
 Mr. Pineda said that they have been absent for the last 3 club meetings
so they must be deactivated.
 Members have dropped the ball this semester; they are going to try to
merge the club with engineering club and have re-elections. They are
going to be meeting on March 11th at 2:30 pm in Room 1822.
 Motion failed with 31 opposed.
 MSA moved to approve the club “ASE” activation.
 Peace and Social Justice seconded.
The purpose of the club is to provide a place for spiritual enlightenment
and settle differences.
Motion passed unanimously.
B. Club Day Debrief
 Ms. Plascencia thought Club Day was pretty successful. She then
announced the Club Winners:
o 1st place: Biology Club
o 2nd place: Public Safety
o 3rd place: Gamer’s Lounge (LPC Sports)
o People’s Choice: Puente Club
 Mr. Pineda said to not give up trying to win.
 Mr. Miner proceeded to show Club Day pictures.
C. ICC Dodge ball
 Mr. Miner showed the ICC Dodge Ball Blanco Plan and budget.
 Journalism moved to approve the Blanco Plan.
 AWS seconded.
 MSA wanted to change beverages and add something besides energy
drinks and water to the Blanco plan.
 Journalism Club offered to do the brackets.
 It will be tournament style. It will take place at night from 6 – 9 pm.
 Mr. Pineda asked who would be participating in the event.
o Clubs NOT participating:
 Ballroom Dance Club
 Black Student Union
 Chemistry Club
 Computer Science Club
 Electronics Club
 International Student Association
 Muslim Student Alliance
 Philosophy Club
 Physics / Astronomy Club
 Psi Beta / Psychology Club
 Puente Club
 Tae Kwon Do Club
 The winner plays ASLPC.
 There will be 6 people per team. The first hour and a half anyone is a
free-for-all; anyone can play. The second part they need 6 people per
team through 6 rounds; it’s not fair if you play with large teams.
 The veterans were invited to join us.
 The deadline is tomorrow to let Mr. Pineda know if you want to make
any changes. They will be playing for scholarships.
 The prices for the scholarships were changed:
o 1st place - $150  $125
o 2nd place - $75  $75
o 3rd place - $25  $50
 Motion passed unanimously.
LPC E-sports moved to extend time by 5 minutes.
MSA seconded.
Motion passed with 1 opposed.
Mr. Miner showed the budget. He took out energy drinks / water and
replaced it with soda.
Christ on Campus moved to approve the budget for the event.
AWS seconded.
They need money for dodge balls, cones, scholarships, and soda / non
soda stuff / vegetarian / vegan food. They’re not allowed to use the
gym’s equipment.
Mr. Pineda moved to approve an up-to-amount of $600.
MSA seconded.
Motion passed unanimously. (ROLL CALL VOTE SEE ATTACHED)
X. New Business
A. Bulletin Boards
 Mr. Pineda said that a lot of the administration disliked the 5 x 8 flyer
resolution. The only places where flyers above 5 x 8 are allowed to be
posted are in the Bldg. 2400, office, classrooms, and laboratories.
 Bulletin boards elsewhere like in the cafeteria must be 5 x 8 flyers.
 They are trying to save space on the bulletin boards.
 If it’s a 5 x 8.5 inch flyer, someone will most likely not go around
checking. This will be posted on the website but they are having
technical difficulties.
 College council said that 2400 is fine because there’s lots of space there
and it never gets fully filled up. Labs are fine too because they want
students to go to events. Classrooms don’t have space problems.
 Mr. Miner asked people to voluntarily police themselves.
B. Virtual Campus Tours
 Mr. Perez is the ASLPC Media Officer and handles social media on the
Senate Website. He is trying to organize a virtual tour of all parts of the
campus. He said there are a lot of clubs that might have members
interested in being a part of this tour.
 He will get an HD photo of the whole campus. The idea is to show the
hot spots on campus, where the video will pop up and students will give
a tour of the whole building. If we can get students who know about
that area, it will be more personal. Talk to your members who feel that
they would be good about presenting in this. Hot spots include the math
building, science building, theatre building, and gym.
 Mr. Perez is working on this with the Director of Legislation.
 If interested, email Mr. Pineda to email Mr. Perez so they can get this
video done before the end of the semester.
 Mr. Miner said that the previous person whose position Ms. Moore took
did a project with Google on the mapping of the campus.
XI. Announcements
 Mr. Elgarguri said that scholarships are available up to $5000 and the application
deadline for the LPC ones are due next Friday, March 13th. Some require letters of
recommendation which takes time to do. They re-did scholarship applications so
they can be transferred to all other applications.
Mr. Pineda said that the Club training verification form is due today. He added that
ASLPC is trying to set up a Ted Talks conference at Las Positas next semester and
asked for suggestions from clubs for guest speakers.
XII. Adjournment
 AWS moved to adjourn the meeting at 12:54 p.m.
 QSA seconded.
 Motion passed unanimously.
Roll Call Vote:
Old Business: C. ICC Dodge ball
Motion: To approve an up-to-amount of $600 for the ICC Dodge ball event.
Alpha Gamma Sigma
American Welding Society
Ballroom Dance Club
Biology Club
Black Student Union
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Club
Business Club
Chemistry Club
Chow-Hoon Goshin-Jitsu
Christ on Campus
Computer Science Club
Electronics Club
Engineering Club
The Indian Club
International Business Association
International Students Club
Journalism Club
LPC E-Sports
Math Club
Muslim Student Alliance
Peace & Social Justice Club
Performing Arts Club
Philosophy Club
Physics / Astronomy Club
Poetry Club
Psi Beta / Psychology Club
Public Safety Club
Puente Club
Queer Straight Alliance
Tae Kwon Do Club