The Inter-Club Council General Meeting 02/05/2016 11:34 AM -1:58 PM

The Inter-Club Council
General Meeting
11:34 AM -1:58 PM
1.) Call to order at 11:34 AM
2.) Roll Call
.Alpha Gamma Sigma: Present
.American Welding Society: Not Present
.Automotive Club: Not Present
.Ballroom Dance Club: Present
.Biology Club: Present
.Black Student Union: Present
.Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Club: Present
.Business Club: Present
.Chemistry Club: Present
.Chow-Hoon Goshin-Jitsu: Not Present
.CSR: Present
.Computer Science Club: Present
.Engineering Club: Not Present
.Fencing Club: Not Present
.French: Not Present
.Gamerz Lounge: Present
.HOTT: Not Present
.Improv Hawks: Not Present
.Indian Club: Present
.International Business Association: Not Present
.International Students Club: Present
.JAMS: Not Present
.Journalism Club: Present
.LPC Table Top: Present
.Math Club: Present
.Muslim Student Alliance: Not Present
.Peace & Social Justice Club: Not Present
.Performing Arts Club: Present
.Philosophy Club: Present
.Physics/ Astronomy Club: Not Present
.Poetry Club: Present
.Psi Beta/ Psychology Club: Present
.Public Safety Club: Not Present
.Puente Club: Present
.Queer Straight Alliance: Present
.Radio Club: Present
.Smash Club: Present
.Tae Kwon Do Club: Not Present
.The Way and the Truth: Present
3.) Adoption of the Agenda
-Moved to adopt the agenda for 12/04/2015
.Motioned: The way and the Truth
.Seconded by Psi Beta/ Psychology Club
.Vote: Motion passes unanimously
4.) Adoption of Minutes
-Moved to approve the minutes for 10/04/2015
.Motioned: Radio club
.Seconded: Biology Club
.Vote: Motion passes unanimously
5.) Officer Reports
-ICC Chairperson Heysum Ali
.Clubs will be added and deactivated today
.Website is being updated
.Wants to do more club events
.maybe a Sumo competition
.Maybe Olympic Games for the clubs
.Club day will be held the 24th of February
.Gamerz Lounge will be having a reboot
.First event will be a Pokemon event were everyone can join
.If a club needs help, ask Hesyum and he will help you out with getting events started for
your club
.Radio Club can also help and spread the news about the event
.E-mails are not a good source of communication
.Thinking about creating a Facebook page to better communicate with ICC
.Will post announcements concerning things of importance
.Starting a $250 stipend for club shirts
.Is creating a committee to go over and go over and change the constitution and by-laws
-Secretary Brian McLard
.Nothing to report
-Parliamentarian Marlon Bowen
.Nothing to report
-AS President Michael Kapitanich
.Wanted to thank all the clubs for attending the meeting today
.Created a master list of clubs
-AS Director of Events Mateo Garcia
.Club day will be on the 24th
.If a club plans on hosting an invent please talk to Heysum or Mateo for help
.Can be found in the student government building on Wednesday evenings
.Can also be contacted by E-mail
-Director of Student Life: Scott Miner
.Wants to welcome everyone back
.Office of student life has to support the clubs
.Wants the clubs to turn in the club forms by the 19th of February
.Will be holding government elections at the end of the month
.Start encouraging people to try out
.1 Year Plan
.Trying to get $250 credit for club T-shirts
.ICC donations
6.) Guest Speaker
-May Come Later
7.) Public Forum
.Wireless microphone went missing during the Soul Speak event and is asking clubs to
be on the lookout for it
8.) Club Reports
.Nothing to report
-Ballroom Dancing
.Nothing to report
-Biology Club
.San Francisco Library Trip
.get access to scientific journals
.starts at 10 AM tomorrow
.Having a bake sale on Wednesday the 10th
.Chabot Space and Science Center Hike
.Take place on the 12th of February
.Stanford Cadaver Lab
.Will be held 2 weeks from now.
-Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
.Nothing to report
-Business Club
.Nothing to report
-Chemistry Club
.Club starter February 25th from 3:50 PM to 4:50 PM
.Nacho Social
.All are welcome
.Get to know student body
.Open mic night last night
.went really well
.will be doing another one on the 1st week of March
.Will be doing a lot of events for Black History Month
.Will be collaborating with psychology club at 7:30 PM for Brian Copeland talk
-Computer Science
.Will be starting binary clock project Monday
.Will have hands on circuit building and training
.Quad Copters
.Need to order parts
.Will talk about future plans on Monday
-Gamerz Lounge
.Pokemon tournament starting at 5:30 Wednesday
.It’s okay if you don’t have a pokemon game
.Can go to a site called pokemon showdown instead and battle there
.Very casual event
-Indian Club
.Nothing to report
-Journalism Club
.If you have any Stories or problems let editor chief know
.Will get message out to the papers
.Located in 2409
-LPC Tabletop
.Looking to the spring for a guest speaker to talk about professional gaming cards for
.Talking to the UCLA gaming club there and is planning stuff with them
.Will be doing a presentation on the industry
-Math Club
.Enmatic Exam
.Next Tuesday and Wednesday will help students prepare for exam
-Performing Arts
.In process to see the show Wicked in San Francisco
.Will be a raffle for tickets based on helping in events
.Any student can go
.Take place March 30th
.Will be taking BART
-Philosophy Club
.Nothing to report
-Poetry Club
.Nothing to report
-Psi Beta/Psychology Club
.Will be hosting a Brian Copeland Event Next Tuesday
.starts at 7:30
.Will provide extra credit for psychology students
-Puente Club
.Will be opening 2 scholarships
.must have 2.5 GPA or higher
.Will hold a pinanta pop on April 14th
.Stress reliever event
.2 pinatas one with a 25 gas card and one with a full print card
.pay for each hit
.Clean up campus on earth day
.Club stands for helping others
.Will hold officer elections next meeting for ICC and vice president
.Need a secretary and treasurer
-Truth and the Way
.Nothing to report
.Bake Sale Wednesday
.held by café
.Need support for the club
.Meetings will be held every other Monday
-Radio Club
.New ICC rep
.Battle of the Bands
.Held in outdoor theater
.Prize is $500
.open to solo artists and bands
.Posted on website
.Smash Club
.Held first game day yesterday
.Library room F
.Another event will be held next month
9.) Old Business
-Motion to move Item B to right now
.Motioned by AGS
.Seconded by Puente
.Vote passes unanimously
-Donation Proposals
.All carried over money will go back to ICC instead of the club keeping it
.Help roll money out faster for clubs who need it
.Adviser will take the money instead of club
-Options for Donations
.Option 1
.would get money by March
.would be fair to the clubs who turned in the forms
.would not be fair to other clubs
.Option 2
.extend again
.clubs will get better feedback
.will not get money till late April
.Not fair to others
-Next ICC Will show revised bylaws
.clubs can receive donations
-Mateo Garcia
.Whichever way we go, the money goes to the adviser directly
.no longer goes to club accounts
-February 19th extension and go over donations
.motioned by radio club
.seconded by AGS
.vote passes with one nay and 2 abstentions
-Motion to extend time by 15 minutes
.Passes unanimously
-Radio Club proposal
.need $622.22 for sweatshirts
.Stay with radio clubs
.club members would get it for free
.about $30 for each sweatshirt
.need budget breakdown
.make more clear
-Computer Science proposal
.600 to build quad copters and parts
.food is for people participating
.$400 from club
.return investment on parts
.build and rebuild for future members
-Biology Club
.Asking $450 to cover admittance fees to attend Tri-Beta conference in Southern
.Enough for 10 people to go
.Biology club will also pay the same amount
.Students will pay the rest
*tabled till next week
-Club Activation and deactivation
.Chowhoon Goshin Jitsu
.Vote passes unanimously
.Fencing Club
.Vote Passes unanimously
.Improv Club
.Vote passes unanimously
.International business
.vote passes unanimously
.International Students Association
.Rep of program
.Have new students
.club will be there to make new friends
.help people get accustomed
.in process of figuring out club
.Motioned by math
.seconded by Puente
.motion passes unanimously
.Club is reactivated
.Motion passes with 2 abstentions
.3 nays and 2 abstentions
-Motion to extend by 5 minutes
.Motion passes unanimously
.Tae Kwan Do Ckub
.Passes with 3 abstentions
10.) New Business
-Club Day Primer
.Club day will start the 24th
.Club elections will also be going on
.Will be voting on pokemon or wrestling
.Doing voting so clubs have enough prep time
.Entertain motion for clubs to have there own theme
*10 minute intermission
.ICC will put money into prize pool
.1st place will get $400+
.Competition guidelines must be followed
.put together and have it ready
.Will have power for each club
-Motion for each club to do own theme
.Motioned by psychology
.seconded by business
.passes with 2 abstentions
-Entertain motion to add $100 to the prize pool
.Motioned by truth and the way
.Seconded by Puente club
.Passed with 2 abstentions
-Seating for Club day
.Each club will only get one table with three chairs
.Go to Mateo or Heysum for information
.Will be held in front of the 800 building
-Student body
.Lest Feb.
.Election packet
.Sit on committee
.7 positions in government
-Mateo Garcia
.Letter of intent
.Surveyed students
.Students ant more events for different interests
.run an event
.Public speaker
.Take to senate
.work with club to go forward
.pay for it all
11.) Announcements
-We are in 18 in state
-Clean up messes made
12.) Adjournment
-Adjourned at 1:58 PM
.First: Psychology Club
.Seconded: Puente Club
.Vote passes unanimously