Health Science Center Clinical Research Center INVESTIGATOR APPLICATION Initial Submission Date: _________________ Revision Date: ___________________ Part One – General Information – Please type 1. Project Title: 2. CRC Protocol # (for staff use only): ______ 3. Estimated Total # of Individuals to Be Screened: _______ Total Projected Enrollment: ______ 4. Project Duration (yrs.): _______ 5. IRB Protocol #: ___________ IRB Approval Date: ______________ IRB Approval Status: Approved Pending IRB Expiration Date: __________________ 6. Principal Investigator (PI): Name: Title: Department: Telephone: FAX: Pager: E-mail: Mailing Address: 7. Responsible physician: Name: Title: Department: Telephone: FAX: Pager: E-mail: Mailing Address: University of TN Health Science Center CRC Investigator Application Revised 1/30/14 Page 1 8. Study coordinator: Name: Title: Telephone: FAX: Pager: E-mail: Mailing Address: 9. Co-Investigator(s): Name Department E-mail Telephone 10. Study site (please check all appropriate boxes): Methodist University Hospital - Adult Inpatient Methodist University Hospital - Adult Outpatient Le Bonheur - Pediatric Inpatient Le Bonheur - Pediatric Outpatient MedPlex - Adult Outpatient MedPlex - Pediatric Outpatient Regional Medical Center - Adult Inpatient VA Medical Center – Adult Inpatient VA Medical Center – Adult Outpatient Other (please specify): 11. Project category: A Inpatient admissions or outpatient visits solely for research purposes. B Inpatient admissions or outpatient visit contain a combination of research and clinical components. D Inpatient admissions or outpatient visits for an industry-initiated protocol. 12. Inpatient: Number of subjects per year (include screened failures): Number of inpatient days per subject per year: Total inpatient days/year requested: 13. Outpatient: Number of subjects per year (include screened failures): Number of outpatient visits per subject per year: Total number of visits requested per year: Average duration of outpatient visits (hours): University of TN Health Science Center CRC Investigator Application Revised 1/30/14 Page 2 14. Multicenter study? Yes No Clinical Trial Phase Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV Other (specify): 15. Sources of support UT account number: ________________________ (Financial Account to be charged for Clinical Research Center services) Please indicate all funding sources for this project. List only direct and indirect costs coming to the investigator at UTHSC. If you are on a Center Grant/Program Project Grant, please list only those costs for your particular project – not the entire grant. If you are the Program Director for a Center Grant/Program Project Grant, list only those costs associated with your portion – not the entire grant. Funding Source 1 Funding Source 2 Funding Source 3 Full Name of Funding Agency: Direct Costs (current/most recent yr.): Indirect Costs (current/most recent yr.): Federal Grant or Contract #: Non-Federal Grant or Contract #: Funding Status: Funded Pending Funded Pending Funded Pending Kind of Funding Agency For CRC Use Only For CRC Use Only For CRC Use Only - Please submit approved budget and budget justification from internal or external funding source. If any part of your study will be funded utilizing industry, please also attach a copy of the clinical trials agreement/contract. University of TN Health Science Center CRC Investigator Application Revised 1/30/14 Page 3 CRU RESOURCE UTILIZATION 16. Nursing requirements - Please describe nursing duties requested. Note: If you plan to use CRC Nursing Staff, attach a “Subject Inclusion/Exclusion Checklist” for nursing use to be included in patient record. Contact Research Nurse Director Alice Milem, RN at 516-2212 for questions. 17. Dietary requirements - Please describe. Contact Nutritionist (TBA) at 516-2212, for questions. 18. Informatics support requirements – Please describe. 19. Statistical review report requirements – Please describe . 20. Ancillary support. Complete the worksheets below. Make certain to include screening visits if ancillary support is being requested for screening. Please note to include ancillary budget for the entire project period. Contact Alice Milem, RN Nurse Director at 516-7086 for questions. BASED ON THE ENTIRE STUDY PERIOD, please complete the following for budget planning: University of TN Health Science Center CRC Investigator Application Revised 1/30/14 Page 4 Yearly Enrollment Projected # of inpatients Total # inpatient days 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year Projected # of outpatients Visits per patient Total # outpatient visits Ancillary support is for the entire period of the project. Make certain to include screening visits if ancillary support is required. Do not include items that will be paid from other grant support. Lab Tests (add rows as # per needed) Subject 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 # of Subjects Out-Patient # of Subjects In-Patient Total # tests This column for CRC use only X-Rays, EKGs, etc. # per Subject # of Subjects Out-Patient # of Subjects In-Patient Total # tests This column for CRC use only # per Subject # of Subjects Out-Patient # of Subjects In-Patient Total # This column for CRC use only # per Subject # of Subjects Out-Patient # of Subjects In-Patient Total # This column for CRC use only 1 2 3 4 5 6 Medications 1 2 3 4 5 6 Medical/Surgical Supplies 1 2 3 University of TN Health Science Center CRC Investigator Application Revised 1/30/14 Page 5 4 5 6 7 8 21. Justification of need for CRC resources (Briefly describe why proposed study needs to be conducted at the CRC): 22. Publications. Any publications resulting from research supported by the CRC must cite the Clinical Research Center as a contributing source of support. Please submit the publications to Alice Milem, RN Nurse Director at Please submit two copies of all abstracts and publications. In addition, any publicity regarding the conduct (i.e. recruitment) or results of the study should cite the CRC as well. University of TN Health Science Center CRC Investigator Application Revised 1/30/14 Page 6 Part Two – Supporting Information 23. Research protocol with demographic tables. All applications must be accompanied by a research plan/protocol with hypotheses and specific aims, demographic tables under the human subjects section of the research plan with a statement about the inclusion of minorities, women and children in the research project. If any of these groups are excluded, there must be an exclusion justification included in the protocol. If needed, refer to the Research Plan template. 24. IRB documentation. Please provide the IRB-approved protocol, consent form(s), and IRB approval letter regarding this research project. 25. Data and Safety Monitoring Plan (DSMP). Please provide the Targeted/Planned Enrollment Table and the DSMP by completing pages 9-13 of this application. For information about how to complete the form, please read the DSMP guidelines. Contact the CRC Nurse Director if you need further assistance in completing this form. 26. Checklist. Please mark each of the following items to indicate their inclusion: Item: Completed CRC application form, including completed statistical sections within application. An electronic version of the protocol, or a Research Plan with abstract, hypotheses and specific aims, appendices and references, as well as the rationale for subject inclusion/exclusion criteria. Demographics tables for recruitment within protocol. Inclusion/exclusion checklist with Y/N boxes. IRB approved consent form(s) and IRB approval letter. Other support page (mark “N/A” if not receiving any other support). Enrollment Table and Data and Safety Monitoring Plan (DSMP) included in the CRC application. Package inserts or other documentation (e.g., IND, IDE) on study drugs and/or devices administered (mark “N/A” if not applicable). Note: Incomplete applications will be returned to the investigator for revision. The CRC staff will contact you if there are questions. Please contact CRC Program Director Dr. Sam Dagogo-Jack at 448-2608, or Alice Milem, RN Nurse Director at 516-7086 if questions regarding the application process. Thank you. University of TN Health Science Center CRC Investigator Application Revised 1/30/14 Page 7 Principal Investigator/Program Director (Last, First, Middle): 1. Targeted/Planned Enrollment Table Study Title: Total Planned Enrollment: TARGETED/PLANNED ENROLLMENT: Number of Subjects Ethnic Category Females Sex/Gender Males Total Hispanic or Latino Not Hispanic or Latino Ethnic Category: Total of All Subjects * Racial Categories American Indian/Alaska Native Asian Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Black or African American White Racial Categories: Total of All Subjects * University of TN Health Science Center CRC Investigator Application Revised 7-12-12 Page 8 Data and Safety Monitoring Plan (DSMP) University of Tennessee Health Science Center – Clinical Research Center I. Protocol Information Study Title: Principal Investigator: PI Department: IRB # IRB Original Approval Date: IRB Current Expiration Date: (For CRC Staff use only) CRC # CRC Approval Date: II. DSMP Personnel Names, titles and functions of individuals involved with the DSMP. In addition to the PI, these may include the research coordinator, research associate, statistician, and/or any study staff that meet regularly to review study status. If independent or industry-sponsored DSMB is being utilized, provide details of members/roles here. Name Title /Role Principal Investigator Co-Investigator Department III. Purpose The Data and Safety Monitoring Plan (DSMP) is established to ensure the safety of research participants and the integrity of the study data. University of TN Health Science Center CRC Investigator Application Revised 7-12-12 Page 9 IV. Data and Record Safety/Confidentiality/Training Records, filed in the IRB office, verify that all research project personnel have completed training in the protection of human research subjects in accordance with the guidelines of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and the Office for Human Research Protection (OHRP). A. Medical Records. Example: All information about subjects will be protected in accordance with very strict safeguards. Biological samples and questionnaire results will be assigned an anonymous code by the research nurse. The research nurse at each study site will maintain original records identifying subjects for the purpose of tracking subject recruitment and allowing the later review of patient records to verify their accuracy, the proper application of inclusion/exclusion criteria, and the existence of medical conditions not apparent at the time of delivery. A printed copy of these records will be maintained by the PI to prevent irretrievable loss of information. Unique patient identifiers are never stored in an electronic form. Both the research nurses and PI have locked file cabinets bolted to their office walls in which the printed records containing patient identifiers will be stored. B. Electronic Data. Example. All electronic files (e.g., database, spreadsheet, etc.) containing identifiable patient information will be password protected. Any computer hosting such files must have a password to prevent access by un-authorized users. Furthermore, a password-protected screen saver will be installed and configured to activate ten minutes after the computer has been idle. V. Assessment of Level of Risk In accordance with the Code of Federal Regulations (45 CFR 46.102, 46.111, & 46.406) defined risk in this study is (check one): O Minimal Risk: This study is designated minimal risk for adults, i.e., the probability and magnitude of harm or discomfort anticipated in this research proposal are not greater than those ordinarily encountered in daily life or during the performance of routine physical and psychological examinations or tests. This category includes protocols that pose “no greater than minimal risk” according to federal regulations. O Low Risk: This study involves a minor increase over minimal risk, i.e., the intervention or procedure presents experiences that are reasonably commensurate with those inherent in actual or expected medical, dental, social, or educational situations. O Moderate Risk: Moderate risk studies exceed the minimal risk; however, risks are considered reasonable in relation to anticipated benefits, if any, to the subjects, and the importance of the knowledge that is reasonably expected to result O High Risk (All high risk studies require a formal entity [e.g., a DSMB] for data and safety monitoring). The study risk is greater than minimal, and there is no prospect of direct benefit to the individual subjects, but the research is likely to yield generalizable knowledge about the subject's disorder or condition. High risk studies may include clinical trials using investigational agents or devices, including Phase I clinical trials and some Phase II clinical trials 2. VI. Periodic Safety Review/Report University of TN Health Science Center CRC Investigator Application Revised 7-12-12 Page 10 A. The following information will be considered in the periodic safety report: Summary of adverse events. Analysis of outcome data and its relationship to potential changes in study design. Number of subjects who have enrolled in the study. Number of subjects who have completed the study. Dropout rates and reasons for the dropouts. Hypothesis validation Any other relevant information B. If the study is utilizing a DSMB or formal monitoring entity, then we request a description of this (e.g. frequency of meetings, what is being reviewed? [AEs, enrollment, etc.] or comment regarding their intention to follow this plan or other attached DSMP, dissemination of meeting concerns/comments or minutes, etc.) C. Periodic report monitor and schedule: Level of Risk Minimal/Low Risk Studies Moderate/High Risk Studies O O O O O O O Monitor (check all that apply) PI Co-Investigator DSMB or other formal monitoring entity Local Monitor (specify here): O O O O Frequency Annually Semi-annually On an occurrence basis Other (specify here): DSMB-local O DSMB- external O Other formal monitoring entity (specify here): O O Annually Semi-annually On an occurrence basis Other (specify here): D. All Periodic Safety Review/Reports will be sent to the IRB, the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB), and the following designated entity (check any that apply): O O O O O O External DSMB CRC Research Subject Advocate (required if utilizing CRC resources) NIH FDA Other Governmental Agency: (specify): __________________________________________ Sponsor: (specify): ____________________________________ VII. Toxicity Assessment. Risks and Plans To Minimize Risk. Please indicate all the potential risks inherent in the study University of TN Health Science Center CRC Investigator Application Revised 7-12-12 Page 11 Physical Risks: Psychological Risks: Social or Legal Risks: There is a very small risk of unintended disclosure of confidential information to parties outside the research context that might affect insurability or employability. However, this risk will be minimized by appropriate confidentiality measures such as those described above. VIII. Reporting of Adverse Events The PI or his/her delegate is responsible for collecting and recording all clinical data. As these results are collected, all toxicities and adverse events will be identified, graded for severity and assigned causality, reported to the required entities, and compiled for periodic review. The PI will evaluate all AEs and determine whether the adverse event affects the risk/benefit ratio of the study and whether modifications to the protocol or informed consent form are required. All adverse events will be reported according to UTHSC CRC guidelines. The PI’s signature above verifies that he understands the local, state, and federal reporting requirements for this study. Adverse event coding. The following codes will be used for reporting all adverse events: Grading of adverse events (0-1 non-serious; 2-5 serious) 0 No adverse event or within normal limits 1 Mild adverse event 2 Moderate adverse event 3 Severe adverse event resulting in a) hospitalization, b) persistent or significant disability/incapacity 4 Life-threatening or disabling adverse event 5 Fatal adverse event Attribution/Causality 1 Certain: adverse event clearly related to participation in research study 2 Probable/likely: Adverse event likely related to study participation 3 Possible: Adverse event may be related to study participation 4 Unlikely: Adverse event is probably not related to study participation 5 Unrelated: Adverse event is not related to study participation University of TN Health Science Center CRC Investigator Application Revised 7-12-12 Page 12 Reporting requirements Unexpected, serious adverse events must be reported to the IRB and the Clinical Research Center (Nurse Director) within one working day of study staff becoming aware of the incident. A followup written report must be submitted to the Nurse Director within 5 days following the original notification, if complete information was not available at the time of the initial report. Expected serious adverse events must be reported to the CRC (Nurse Director) within seven (7) calendar days. Unexpected non-serious adverse events must be reported in writing to the CRC (Nurse Director) within fourteen (14) calendar days. Expected non-serious events must be reported in writing to the CRC Nurse Director on a quarterly basis. Protocol violations must be reported to the IRB and the CRC (Nurse Director) within 5 days of their occurrence. A corrective action plan must accompany the report of the violation. IX. Study Suspension: If it has been determined, for any reason, that there will be a suspension of this study, the following plan for suspension should be followed: O O O O O Suspend enrollment of new subjects but continue intervention and monitoring of previously enrolled subjects Suspend study therapy or intervention and continuing monitoring Suspend all but monitoring activities Suspend experimental procedures and continue monitoring N/A (explain) X. Conflict of interest Statement Is there a possible conflict of interest with this study? O Yes O No If yes, have you filed your conflict of interest with the Office of Research Compliance? O Yes O No XI. Other factors None University of TN Health Science Center CRC Investigator Application Revised 7-12-12 Page 13