Effective Date: February 1989 Revision (4) : 10/12/04

Effective Date: February 1989
Revision (4) : 10/12/04
I. General Policy
The University of Tennessee is governed by a Board of Trustees in accordance with
State law and under provisions set forth in its "Charter and Bylaws." Policies and
procedures governing the operation of the University of Tennessee Health Science
Center are defined by the UT Board of Trustees, the Office of the President, or the
Office of the Chancellor.
Policy and procedure sets governing the activities of the UT Health Science Center are
set forth below in Section II.
Operational manuals regarding certain activities for the collegiate, departmental or unit
functions further define procedure.
A policy statement should be published in only one volume, "the publication of record."
In instances when duplication is essential, the material cited in the second publication
should be cited as a direct quote and the publication of record referenced. (See also the
Administrative Policy Publications.) Consolidation of similar policies is encouraged.
Proposals or requests for creation or revision of campus policies and procedures may
be initiated at any level; however, all such proposals, including procedures and
operational manuals from colleges, departments, and units, must be approved by the
appropriate administrative office(s) and/or committee(s). Proposals for new and revised
campus-wide academic policies must be reviewed by the Vice Chancellor for Academic
Affairs and by the Faculty Senate in accordance with the Faculty Handbook Section on
Academic Governance. All new policy statements and revisions of significance (nonhousekeeping) require review by the Executive Assistant to the Chancellor who will
assure an opportunity for comment by individuals/offices affected by the policy and will
determine other approvals required.
Policies initiated in compliance with federal or state statutes or Board of Trustees or
Presidential decree should reference the date and source of the mandate.
The Executive Assistant to the Chancellor is responsible for oversight of all campuswide policies and procedures and for assuring appropriate and timely documentation
and dissemination of these materials and for maintenance of an institutional policy
Effective October 1998 printed policy volumes and updates ceased to be prepared for
general campus distribution. Policies and procedures are available on the Internet
through the UT Health Science Center Home Page administration section.
II. Policy and Procedure Sets
Some of the policies governing and applicable to the HSC originate at the University
system-wide administrative level. These are listed in section (A) below with the
corresponding University-wide office. Policies and procedures originating from the HSC
are shown in section (B) with the HSC office responsible.
Policy Set
Responsible Office
A. System-Wide Policy
Charter & Bylaws
General Counsel
Fiscal Policy
Budget & Finance
Personnel Policy
Budget & Finance
Budget & Finance
B. HSC Policies & Procedures
Chancellor’s Office
Admissions Requirements
Affirmative Action
Equity & Diversity
Faculty Handbook
Academic Affairs Vice Chancellor
Fiscal Procedures*
Business & Finance Vice Chancellor
Personnel Procedures*
Human Resources
Research Procedures
Research Administration
Safety Procedures*
Safety & Occupational Health
Student Handbook (Center Scope)
Student Affairs
* Indicates a corresponding system-wide policy set.