SE 2730 Spring 2016 Syllabus Department Instructor

SE 2730: Introduction to Software Engineering
Spring 2016 Syllabus
Department: Computer Science and Software Engineering
Instructor: Dr. Yan Shi
Office: Ullrich 210
Phone: 342-1512
Email: shiy AT
Office hours:
Textbook: Software Engineering, 7th edition, Ian Sommerville, Addison-Wesley, 2004
Class Meets: Tuesday and Thursday 9:30 – 10:48 am at Ullrich 111.
Exceptions: Spring break (Mar. 19-28); Distinguished Lecture (Apr. 19)
Course Description:
An introduction to software engineering principles, including discussions of development
methodologies, requirements analysis, project planning, software design, software construction, software
management, software quality, and CASE tools. Students gain experience, via a team project, in the lifecycle development of software systems.
Prerequisite: SOFTWARE/COMPUTER 2430 Object-Oriented Programming and Data Structures I.
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, students should be able to
1. Identify and discuss the technical and engineering activities of producing a software product.
2. Discuss the issues, principles, and methods associated with project planning, gathering
requirements, analysis, design, coding, and testing.
3. Construct a user-interface prototype to assist with requirements elicitation.
4. Develop clear and testable requirement specifications.
5. Apply a software development process in a team environment.
6. Use source code control systems on team projects.
7. Understand the key components of the Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional
8. Demonstrate an ability to evaluate the professional and ethical implications of workplace issues.
Course Outline:
Software Engineering overview
Life cycle models
Personal Software Process
Requirements and Requirements Based Testing
Architecture and design
User interface design
SE Principles and Ethics
Project Management
1, 4.1, notes
4, notes
6-8, notes
11-14, notes
16, notes
6-8, 22, 23, notes
1, 2, notes
5, notes
Group project:
Lab and Assignments:
2 Tests (75 points each):
Comprehensive final exam:
The final exam will be given on Friday, May 13, 2016 from 8:00 to 9:52 am at Ullrich 111.
Grading scale
Total Points
458 - 500
443 - 457
428 - 442
408 - 427
393 - 407
373 - 392
358 - 372
343 - 357
318 - 342
300 - 317
below 300
92 - 100%
89 - 91%
85 - 88%
82 - 84%
79 - 81%
75 - 78%
72 - 74%
69 - 71%
64 - 68%
60 - 63%
below 60%
Students auditing the course must see the instructor to determine what is required for an "S".
Additional Notes
1. Course materials will be posted on
Please check the course web page regularly for class notes and assignments.
2. Assignments should be submitted to your subversion repository if not otherwise specified.
3. Grades will be posted on D2L.
4. Official notices of the course will be emailed. Students are responsible for checking email regularly for any notices. All class related email shall include
“SE273” starting the subject line.
5. Assignments: It is expected that all assignments and projects will be completed on time! To
allow for unforeseen circumstances, a grace period will be given. Assignments, labs, and projects
turned in or demonstrated after the due date will be discounted a set amount of the total possible
points. The rate of discount shall be 10% if late, 20% if more than 24 hours late, and an
additional 10% for each 24 hours thereafter.
6. Professionalism and Respect for others: While in class and performing activities related to this
class, it is expected that all members of this class will conduct themselves in a professional
manner. This includes but is not limited to: not disrupting the class, showing respect and
professionalism in all work assignments, and meeting commitments to your team and class
members. If you must miss a team function, you are responsible for emailing the team (and
the instructor) prior to the scheduled team function.
7. Academic misconduct: You are responsible for honestly completing and representing your work,
for appropriately citing sources, and for respecting the academic endeavors of others. You will
be penalized for violating these standards and may even be expelled from the University. See
Chapter UWS 14 in the Student Handbook for details. This includes plagiarism and
falsification of time records.
8. Religious Accommodations: You have the right to miss class for religious observances.
Students wishing time off for this reason should let their instructor know within the first two
weeks of class.
9. Absence due to illness or crisis: Sometimes absence from class is unavoidable because of
illness. Such illness should be reported to the Student Health Services. Emergencies other than
illness that causes absence from class should be reported to the office of Student Affairs. Such
students are expected to meet with their instructors as soon as possible after the crisis has passed
and arrange to make up any missed work.
10. Disabilities: Reasonable accommodations will be provided for students with physical, sensory,
cognitive, systemic, and psychiatric disabilities. Please discuss any accommodations you may
need with the instructor. A VISA from Services for Students with Disabilities authorizing your
accommodations will be needed.
11. Attendance: Do not skip class! If you happen to miss a class, get the notes from a friend prior to
the next class period. You are still responsible for all assigned work!