"MEASURING THE PROGRESS OF SOCIETIES: A KEY POLICY CHALLENGE" The Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Study and Conference Centre March 21 - 23, 2006 Ms. Lisa Bembenick PM/Public Sector Strategy & Change IBM Business Consulting Services Mr. Harvey V. Fineberg President Institute of Medicine, National Academies Mr. Lorenzo Bini Smaghi Executive Board Member European Central Bank Mr. Enrico Giovannini Chief Statistician Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Mr. Francois Bourguignon Chief Economist and Vice President World Bank Mr. Simon Briscoe Statistics Editor Financial Times Mr. Ahmet Celenkoglu Head of Conjunctures Division State Planning Organisation of Turkey Mr. Paul Cheung Chief Statistician United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Statistics Division Mr. Len Cook Former head UK Government Statistical Service Mr. Jean-Philippe Cotis Chief Economist Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Mr. Jon Hall World Forum Project Leader Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Mr. Christopher Hoenig Chairman, Executive Committee Key National Indicators Initiative Mr. Donald J. Johnston Secretary-General Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Mr. Andrew Kuper Managing Director Global Academy for Social Entrepreneurship, Ashoka Mr. Richard Manning Chair, Development Assistance Committee Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Mr. John Martin Director, Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Mr. Charles E. Pascal Executive Director, The Atkinson Charitable Foundation Mr. Kenneth Prewitt Carnegie Professor of Public Affairs Columbia University School of International & Public Affairs Ms. Judith Randell Founder, Development Initiatives Mr. Bruno Rebelle Programme Director Greenpeace International Mr. Omer Toprak Vice President, TurkStat Mr. Ignazio Visco Central Manager for International Affairs Bank of Italy Mr. David M. Walker Comptroller General of the United States of America