Ref: RDSA FORM (July 2009) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Student Number: Received by: Fee Category: Date: Home Overseas Director of Studies: Studentship Reference Number: Please return to: Research Degree Studentship Application Form (FoSS RIF2 2016) Please complete the form below and forward your application to the address above who will then contact you directly. Submission of this form does not in any way obligate you or the University. Please note that you are not accepted onto a research degree programme at this University until a full Research Proposal has been approved and signed by the Faculty at which point you will be required to enrol and will be liable for payment of fees. 1. PERSONAL DETAILS Title (Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms etc) Family Name on 16th Birthday Family Name First / Given Name(s) Main Contact Address Home Address (if different) Postcode Postcode Main Contact Telephone Number Mobile Phone Number Home Telephone Number (if different) Fax Number E-mail Address SEX: Male (M) Date of Birth (e.g. 15/03/1972) Day Month Year Female (F) DISABILITY/SPECIAL NEEDS If you have a disability / special need and may require extra support in your study or accommodation, please enter in the box the type of disability code (See Notes for Guidance) Please give details of the disability(ies) and indicate clearly what help you may require: Are you in receipt of Disabled Students’ Allowances? Yes/ No CRIMINAL CONVICTIONS: If you have a relevant criminal conviction, enter X in the box See Notes for Guidance for a definition of relevant convictions. 2. FURTHER DETAILS Nationality: Area of Permanent Residence: Country of Birth: If country of birth is not UK, when did you first come to live in the UK? Have you lived outside the UK during the past three years? (YES/NO) Residential Category (please see notes for guidance): If YES Please give details: Who will be paying your tuition fees? (please give full name and address) (If you are a member of staff at the University, a Pathways agreement must be attached) 3. PLANNING STATISTICS (For statistical purposes only) Please choose from the ethnic origin terms printed in the Notes for Guidance which you feel most clearly describes your ethnic origin and write its code in the boxes. National Identity Code 4. QUALIFICATIONS GAINED: (Degree level and above only) Name of Qualification (including Awarding Body) Duration/ Date (mm/yy – mm/yy) Subject(s) Result Level/ Credit Rating Mode of Study (Full or part time) Place of Study (College/University) 5. ENGLISH LANGUAGE QUALIFICATION (International Students): Please complete if you are an international student and append evidence of score (minimum required – IELTS score of 7.0 TOEFL Score IELTS Score Other Score (Please specify) 6. ACADEMIC REFERENCES: Please give the names, qualifications, positions and addresses of three academic references to whom an approach may be made by the appropriate Research Institute or Approved Unit Name of Referee 1 Name of Referee 2 Position Position Address Address Telephone Number Telephone Number Fax Number Fax Number E-mail Address E-mail Address Name of Referee 3 Position Address Telephone Number Fax Number E-mail Address 7. PREVIOUS RESEARCH EXPERIENCE: Please give details of previous research experience (if any); including any project undertaken as part of a first degree course and/or other relevant work experience. Insert the title of the Project you are applying for: 8. DECLARATION I confirm that the information given on this form is true, complete and accurate and no information requested or other material information has been omitted. I understand that the information provided will be held and processed by the University in accordance with the Data Protection Act (the Act) and I give my express consent to the processing of my personal sensitive data as defined by the Act by the University. I have read the Notes for Guidance and I undertake to be bound by them. I undertake to pay or cause to be paid to the University of Wolverhampton by the due date, all fees and charges for tuition, accommodation and other services and goods supplied to me by the University, should my application be successful. Insert name to show acceptance of Declaration Date Guidelines for the Completion of the Studentship Application Form PERSONAL DETAILS This section asks for details about your self and your qualification. Please note that all subsequent changes to your name and / or address MUST be communicated without delay both to Student, Transnational and Research (STaR) Office. Full personal details and details of your higher education qualifications (and, in the case of International Students, your English Language qualifications) should be given in the appropriate sections on the forms, including the main subjects studied hitherto, so that a reasonable assessment of your academic suitability can be made. We should also like to know whether you have previously studied at the University of Wolverhampton and if so document your student number, if not, how you heard of our Postgraduate Research Programmes. DO YOU HAVE ANY CRIMINAL CONVICTIONS? The University asks you to say on your application whether you have any criminal convictions. This is to help us ensure a safe environment for all our students. If you have been convicted of a criminal offence you are required to tick the Yes box in section A1 of your form. ‘Criminal offences’ here exclude (a) a motoring offence for which a fine and/or maximum of three penalty points were imposed or (b) a spent sentence (as defined by the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974), except for certain courses – see below. If you have not been convicted of a criminal offence you must complete the No box. If you do not tick either box, we will need to contact you to obtain this information and this will delay your application. You should be aware that for certain courses particularly related to Teaching, Health and Social Work programmes or courses involving work with children, any criminal conviction, including spent sentences and cautions, must be declared. If you are in any doubt, you should contact the University and seek advice. If you are not sure whether to tell us about a previous conviction, you should get more advice from a UK Citizens Advice Bureau or probation service, or from NACRO (the National Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders). You can also contact a solicitor, but you may have to pay for legal advice. If your circumstances change after you have applied (for example you are then convicted of a criminal offence) you must declare this information to the University. Serving Prisoners If you are currently serving a prison sentence you must show the prison address for correspondence in section 1 of your application form, and in addition you must complete the Yes box in this section. DISABILITY/SPECIAL NEEDS The University is very willing to help students with disabilities. In order to allow us to provide the best available support for you, we need to know about the nature of your disability and how it might affect your studies. The information you provide will not affect judgements concerning your academic suitability, and will be treated confidentially by the University. If you have a disability and may require extra support in your study or accommodation, please enter on the form the code that is most appropriate to you from the list below. If more than one disability applies to you, please use code 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 0. You have dyslexia You are blind/partially sighted You are deaf/hard of hearing You are a wheelchair user/have mobility difficulties You need personal care support You have mental health difficulties You have an unseen disability, e.g. diabetes, epilepsy, asthma, heart condition You have two or more of the above disabilities/special needs You have a disability not listed above You do not have a disability or are not aware of any additional support requirements in study or accommodation. SECTION 2: TO BE COMPLETED BY THE CANDIDATE NATIONALITY AND RESIDENTIAL CATEGORY You are required to identify your residential category for statistical purposes and to determine funding implications. Enter on the form one code from the table below which best describes your residential category: A You or your parents are British citizens or nationals of another European Union country and a) you have lived in the European Economic Area for the past three years, apart from temporary absences, and will continue to do so; and b) your residence has always been for a purpose other than full-time education. B You do not fulfil the conditions of category A above, but i) you have lived in the UK for the past three years, apart from temporary absences, and will continue to do so; and ii) your residence has always been for a purpose other than full-time education; and iii) the length of your stay in the UK will not be limited by UK immigration control on 1st September of the year of commencement of your programme of studies. C You, one of your parents or your spouse are recognised by the UK Government as a refugee or have been granted Exceptional Leave to Enter or Remain as a result of an asylum application and have lived in the UK since that status was granted and will continue to do so until 1st September of the year of commencement of your programme of studies, apart from temporary absences. D You are a national of Iceland, Liechtenstein or Norway, resident and employed in the UK as a migrant worker, or child or spouse thereof, ordinarily resident in the EEA and not for purpose of fulltime education. G You are a UK/EU national, or child of, temporarily employed outside the EEA, otherwise ordinarily resident in the EEA. O Other Please note this self-coding is provisional. The University may require additional information. SECTION 3: TO BE COMPLETED BY THE CANDIDATE PLANNING STATISTICS This information is used purely for statistical purposes. State on the form the code from the following table which best describes your ethnic origin. Ethnic Origin Codes White British Irish Other white background 11 12 19 Black or Black British Caribbean African Other black background 21 22 29 Other ethnic background 80 Asian or Asian British Indian Pakistani Bangladeshi Chinese Other Asian background 31 32 33 34 39 Mixed White and Black Caribbean White and Black African White and Asian Other mixed background 41 42 43 49 SECTION 4&5: TO BE COMPLETED BY THE CANDIDATE QUALIFICATIONS GAINED (INCLUDING ENGLISH LANGUAGE QUALIFICATION) You need only enter here the highest level qualification gained, including details of the award, subject, date and awarding body. The minimum entry requirement for registration for the degree of PhD is normally a first or upper second class honours degree from a UK University, or a qualification which is officially regarded as equivalent to such an honours degree; any exception to this rule must be formally justified. Should you require an English Language qualification, please note that the minimum requirement for entry onto the PhD is an IELTS score 7.0 or a pass in the Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE) examination. If you have obtained a Masters level qualification from a UK University, this is usually considered to be acceptable; however, each case is considered on its merits. SECTION 6: TO BE COMPLETED BY THE CANDIDATE ACADEMIC REFERENCES The Faculty to which you will be attached may well wish to take up academic references. The persons named should be different from those proposed in the supervision team; at least one referee should be independent of both the University and of any collaborating establishment.