Academic-Practice Partnership Survey DRAFT 6 2011

Academic-Practice Partnership Survey DRAFT 6 2011
Academia and Practice are committed to establishing and maintaining professional relationships
that promote excellence in the development of the registered nurse and nursing care. Such
relationships are based on mutual goals, mutual respect and shared knowledge for the purpose of
advancing the profession of nursing and enhancing outcomes of care. Please pick the one
Academic-Practice partnership you are in that you would characterize as the best of those you
have, and answer the questions below based on that partnership.
1. Do you meet on a regular basis?
a. Yes
b. No
2. If you answered yes to #1, how often do you meet?
a. Monthly
b. 4 times per year
c. Twice per year
d. Yearly
e. Other
3. Please select from the list below all of the activities you undertake as part of this
a. Student clinical experiences
b. Professional Leadership Development for staff and faculty
c. Succession Planning
d. Research collaboration
e. Joint publications
f. Clinical projects
g. Grant submissions
h. Joint committee memberships (partner organization member sits on committee in
your organization)
i. Inter-professional partnerships
j. Clinical Nurse Leader Initiative
k. Residency Program
l. Dedicated Education Unit
m. Health Informatics Technology Initiatives
n. QSEN Projects
o. Consultation
p. Initiatives related to the IOM Future of Nursing Report
q. Other (please describe_________________________________)
4. Do you collect data on the impact of the partnership?
a. Yes
b. No
Academic-Practice Partnership Survey DRAFT 6 2011
5. If you answered Yes to #4, what data do you collect on the impact of the partnership
(check all that apply)
a. hiring of students who had clinical education in the partnership
b. NCLEX pass rates for students educated in the partnership
c. retention rates of new grads from the partner educational institution
d. Courses taught by nursing staff in academic setting
e. Nursing staff pursuing advanced degrees
f. joint practice innovations
g. joint publications
h. joint presentations
i. joint grants
j. joint committee memberships
k. joint appointments
l. other (specify:_________________________________)
6. Does your partnership have written mutual goals and objectives?
a. Yes
b. No
7. If you answered yes to #6 above, in what areas are your mutual goals/outcomes (check all
that apply):
a. Scholarship/research
b. Clinical education of students
c. Clinical education for nursing staff
d. Clinical practice
e. Nursing policy and planning
f. Other
8. Do you regularly develop/revise mutual goals and outcomes for the partnership?
a. Yes
b. No
9. If you answered yes to #8, how often do you meet to develop mutual goals and
a. Monthly
b. 4 times per year
c. Twice per year
d. Yearly
e. Other
10. Is this partnership an informal (verbal agreement) or formal (written agreement/contract)
a. Informal
b. Formal
11. Are you reimbursed financially for your work with your partner organization?
Academic-Practice Partnership Survey DRAFT 6 2011
a. Yes
b. No
12. If you answered yes to # 11, please indicate the nature of these funds.
a. Grant funds
b. Staff/faculty salary
c. Budget line item
d. Other (please list)__________________________
13. How many other academic-practice partnerships do you have?________________
Questions 14-26 are for clinical organizations only. We want to know a little about your
organization, how many nursing educational institutions you relate to (affiliations) in any
way, and barriers and facilitators to making those affiliations into the true partnership we
described above. If you are an educator, please skip to question #24.
14. Please select the option that best describes your organization:
a. Hospital
b. Ambulatory care facility
c. Public health department
d. Community health or social service organization
e. Skilled nursing facility
f. Home health care agency
g. Hospice
h. Continuing care retirement community
i. Psychiatric facility
j. Other (please list__________________________)
15. Has your organization been designated a Magnet organization?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Does not apply in our setting
16. If you answered no to #11 above, are you working on achieving Magnet designation?
a. Yes
b. No
17. How many affiliations do you have with nursing educational institutions?
a. 1-10
b. 11-30
c. 31-50
d. 51-100
e. Greater than 100
18. From the list below, please select the top 5 barriers to developing true partnerships with
nursing educational institutions:
a. Culture clash
Academic-Practice Partnership Survey DRAFT 6 2011
Lack of time
Need to make business case for partnering
Medical control over opportunities
Lack of stability in academic leadership
Lack of stability in clinical leadership
Lack of communication
Lack of interest in partnerships
Lack of resources
Faculty not clinically competent
Faculty have too many students
Faculty attitudes towards staff
No standard rules of engagement for faculty and staff
Staff workload
Faculty not available to students
Students do not have enough time on clinical units
Nursing education not relevant to clinical needs
Faculty not familiar with clinical site
Students weak in clinical skills
Staff unaware of learning objectives for students
Conflict of interest for staff preceptors between students and patients/clients
Students not professional
Other (specify)_____________________
19. From the list below, please select the top 5 facilitators to developing true partnerships
with nursing educational institutions:
a. Mutual investment and goals
b. Clear communication
c. Consistent leadership
d. Shared vision
e. Mutual trust
f. Regular contact and engagement
g. Strong personal relationship between leaders in both organizations
h. Strong personal relationships between faculty and clinicians
i. Willingness to invest time in relationship
j. Sharing of available resources
k. Team approach to problem solving
l. Faculty knowledgeable about facility
m. Staff awareness of curriculum and student learning objectives
n. Faculty availability to students
o. Pre planning between instructor and staff
p. Faculty clinical competence
q. Clear expectations for student learning
r. Other (specify)________________________
20. How many RNs are employed at your organization (FTE)? ______
Academic-Practice Partnership Survey DRAFT 6 2011
21. If you are an inpatient setting, how many beds do you have? ______
22. If you are an outpatient facility, how many unduplicated patients/clients do you serve per
year? ______
23. Is your nursing staff unionized?
a. Yes
b. No
24. Please provide your job title: ______________
25. How many years have you served in this position? ____
26. What is your highest level of education?
a. BS
b. MS
c. PhD//DNSc
d. DNP
Thank you again for sharing your time and expertise.
Questions 27-34 are for educational institutions only. We want to know a little about your
organization, how many clinical facilities you relate to (affiliations) in any way, and barriers and
facilitators to making those affiliations into the true partnership we described above.
If you are a clinical organization administrator, you have completed this survey. Thank you for
your time.
27. How many affiliations/partnerships do you have with clinical organizations?
a. 1-10
b. 11-30
c. 31-50
d. 51-100
e. Greater than 100
28. How many nursing students by program are in your school during AY 2010-2011?
a. Prelicensure
b. Specialty MSN/DNP
c. PhD/DNSc
29. From the list below, please select the top 5 barriers to developing true partnerships with
clinical nursing organizations:
a. Culture clash
b. Lack of time
c. Need to make business case for partnering
d. Medical control over opportunities
e. Lack of stability in academic leadership
Academic-Practice Partnership Survey DRAFT 6 2011
Lack of stability in clinical leadership
Lack of communication
Lack of interest in partnerships
Lack of resources
Staff weak in clinical or nursing process skills
Staff have restrictions on number of students allowed
Staff attitudes towards faculty
No standard rules of engagement for faculty and staff
Staff workload
Staff not available to students
Students do not have enough time on clinical units
Clinical setting not meeting educational standards
Staff unaware of learning objectives for students
Conflict of interest for staff preceptors between students and patients/clients
Staff not professional
Other (specify)_____________________________
30. From the list below, please select the top 5 facilitators to developing true partnerships
with clinical nursing organizations:
a. Mutual investment and goals
b. Clear communication
c. Consistent leadership
d. Shared vision
e. Mutual trust
f. Regular contact and engagement
g. Strong personal relationship between leaders in both organizations
h. Strong personal relationships between faculty and clinicians
i. Willingness to invest time in relationship
j. Sharing of available resources
k. Team approach to problem solving
l. Faculty knowledgeable about facility
m. Staff awareness of curriculum and student learning objectives
n. Staff availability to students
o. Pre planning between instructor and staff
p. Staff clinical competence
q. Clear expectations for student learning on clinical units
r. Other (Specify)_________________________________
31. Is your faculty unionized?
a. Yes
b. No
32. Please provide your job title: ______________
33. How many years have you served in this position? ____
Academic-Practice Partnership Survey DRAFT 6 2011
34. What is your highest level of education?
a. BS
b. MS
c. PhD//DNSc
d. DNP
Thank you again for sharing your time and expertise.