Review: The H2 Molecule R0 R E a b ~ A ψ a ψb ψ 2 protons two 1s states each 4 states total 2 anti-bonding states -13.6 eV y a b 2 bonding states ~ S ψ a ψb ψ • Result: H2 covalent bond • Directional; typical of molecules alternative representations H H 1s 1s The N-atom “Hydrogen Solid” Chemical Bonding Continuous Bands 1s1 N-atom solid N electrons R0 E N states unoccupied R overlap of states discrete continuous N anti-bonding states 1s N states occupied N bonding states H2 molecule: N = 2 2N states Silicon – A ‘real’ N-atom Solid N-atom solid 4N relevant electrons Si: #14 1s22s22p6 3s23p2 [3(sp3)4] hybrid orbital composed 3s: 2N states [Ne] of 3s and all 3p orbitals: Hybridization: consider just 2 atoms R0 anti-bonding 3 3p 3s 1 6 states 2 states 3p 3s 4N states unoccupied Eg 1 3 bonding 4 states (+ 4) N-atom Solid Continuous Bands 8N states R overlap of states discrete continuous E 4 states (+ 4) 3p: 6N states 4N states occupied E 0 R0 R 4N anti-bonding states “sp3” 8N states 4N bonding states Lithium: A Simple Metal Li #3 1s22s1 N-atom solid R0 R E N states unoccupied N states occupied anti-bonding overlap of states discrete continuous 2s 2N states 1s 2N states bonding E 0 R0 R All states occupied, independent Magnesium: A Metal? Mg: #12 1s22s22p6 3s2 N atom solid, 2N electrons [Ne] R0 R 3s and 3p overlap to create a band with 8N states; only 2N states occupied yes, a metal E 3p 2N states occupied 6N states anti-bonding 3s 2N states bonding E 0 R0 R metal requires a partially occupied band?? Ionic Solid Example: LiF Li: #3 1s22s1 F: #9 1s22s22p5 1s2 2p6 Li+1 + e F + e- F-1 Energy of bonding for a hypothetical ion pair E = Eionization + Ecoulombic Eion ( Li) Eion ( F ) 13.6 Li Z eff 2 13.6 Eion 13.6Z 2 n2 2 5.4 eV > 0 requires energy -3.7 eV < 0 releases energy -7.2 eV 2 F Z eff 22 2 +1 -1 ECoul Z1Z 2 e 2 4 o R Zeff < Zact due to shielding Epair = 5.4 - 3.7 - 7.2 eV = 5.5 eV N-atom Pair Solid of LiF Li: #3 1s22s1 F: #9 1s22s22p5 e: Li(2s) F(2p) Li+1 + e- 1s2 2p6 E(F2p) < E(Li2s) 6N electrons R0 R LiF is a non-metal E Li 2s 2N states Eg 6N states occupied E 0 R0 R F 2p 6N states Thoughts on how to transform it a metal? Summary: MO/LCAO Approach • N atom solid – bonding and anti-bonding states – isolated states bands due to exclusion principle • Metal – no energy gap between occupied and unoccupied states – many need to consider orbitals of slightly higher energy • Semi-conductor – hybrid orbitals bands – ‘small’ bandgap between occupied and unoccupied • Ionic qualitative distinction – electron transfer from electropositive to electronegative ion – orbitals bands – ‘large’ bandgap between occupied and unoccupied states Metals: Electron in a Box 2 Ey ( x) y ( x) V ( x)y ( x) 2 2m x 2 V(x) = 0 for | x | ≤ L/2 inside V(x) = for | x | > L/2 outside V(x) solve for y(x) within the box 2 Ey ( x) y ( x) 2m 2 x -L/2 2 or y 0e ikx where use boundary conditions to get A, B, k (or y0) y / y L 2 L /2 0 L/2 E E (k ) solutions are of the form y ( x) A cos kx B sin kx 0 2mE ½ k Metals: Electron in a Box 2mE ½ k y ( x) A cos kx B sin kx y / y L 2 L /2 0 / 0 A cosk / B sin k / A = B = 0 trivial solution y / 0 A cos k / B sin k / there are no values of k that subtract: 2 B sin k / 0 make these both true for add: 2 A cosk / 0 arbitrary, non-zero A and B y L L 2 k is quantized, not continuous L 2 L 2 L 2 L 2 2 L 2 L 2 2 solution sets {0, , 2, 3, etc….} kL nπ n ' π k sin k / 2 0 set 1: A = 0 n = even n 2 L n = principle quantum number y ( x) B sin kx kL nπ ( n' ½ ) π k n cos k L / 2 0 set 2: B = 0 n = odd 2 L y ( x) A coskx {/2, 3/2, 5/2, etc….} L Metals: Electron in a Box nπx set 1: y ( x) B sin L n = even 2mE ½ k nπx n = odd L to solve for A and B, normalize according to kn nπ L set 2: y ( x) A cos L/2 y * ( x)y ( x)dx 1 L / 2 use cos 2 A B zdz ½ z ¼ sin 2 z kn y n ( x) 2 y n( x) 2 2 nπx / L sin n = even L nπx / L cos n = odd L eigenfunctions /L general wave equation 2π x f ( x) A cos 2L n n wave-length kn 2π n wave-vector