Number Sense

Number Sense
a) Why is it easy to find this sum mentally: 2 500 + 3
490 + 7 500? Why can you add whole numbers in a different
order than presented?
b) Why is it easy to find this product mentally: 25 000
x 62 X 4? Why can you multiply whole numbers in a different
ordwer4 than presented?
c) Explore whether you can subtract and divide in a
different order than presented. What is your conclusion?
Provide examples.
2. If 24 568 + 32 797 = 57 365, explain what each of the
following would be without adding the two numbers together.
Explain how you know in each case.
a) 25 568 + 32 797
b) 4 5688 + 32 797
c) 24 568 + 32 800
d) 24 560 + 32 790
3. If 234 x 199 = 116 766, explain what each of the
following would be without multiplying the two numbers
together. Explain how you know in each case.
a) 235 x 499
b) 234 x 500
c) 117 x 499
d) 117 x 998
e) 2 340 x 499
e) 23 400 x 4 990
Calculator Fun
Wipe Out
Enter a number such as 256 987 into the calculator.
 How can we make the 5 a zero without changing
the other digits? Why did you do that? What
number have we got now?
 How can we wipe out the 2? What number have
we got now?
 How can we make the 9 a zero? What number
have we got now?
 How can we wipe out the 6? The 7? The 8?
Students can play Wipe Out in pairs, taking turns to
give each other instructions.
Call I have all your …?
 Play with a partner.
 Choose a 6-digit number, with all different
 Partner A asks: “Can I have all your ___s?
 Partner B says either: “You can have nothing” or
“You can have ___(Whatever plave value the
___ has.)
 Partner B subtracts it. Partner A adds it.
 Winner reaches exactly 1 000 000 or makes
opponent reach 0.
Base Ten Block Description of the
Division Process
Shelly’s teacher asked her to explain how to model 741 ÷ 3 using base
10 blocks. Complete Shelly’s explanation by filling in the blanks using
the appropriate descriptions of the blocks (flats, rods, and small
I would make the number 741 using these base ten
blocks: ______
To make three groups, I would
get _____________ and I would trade the _____________
left over for ______________.
Then, the _____________
would be shared, giving each group _____________.
__________ left over would be traded for _____________.
Finally, the ____________ would be shared, giving each
________________ with _______________ left over.
Each group now has these base ten blocks:
This means
741 ÷3 =
Place Value
1. Place 800 in the top left square,
899 in the bottom right square and
809 in the top right square. Place
each of the following numbers in
the correct place in this chart of
the 800s.
a) 811
b) 870
c) 829
d) 855
e) 888
f) 866
g) 834
h) 843
Write the numeral for each of the following:
a) one hundred thousand seventeen _______________________
b) two million, two thousand, six __________________________
c) two hundred three million, seven hundred five ______________
d) fifty-five million, fifty-five thousand, fifty-five ____________
e) forty million nine ___________________________________
3. Write the following numbers in words:
a) 30 080 _______________________________________
b) 9 030 708 ____________________________________
c) 67 006 700 ___________________________________
d) 1 000 005 ____________________________________
e) 407 407 _____________________________________
4. On the blank number line below, label the first mark as 5 000 and the last mark
as 30 000. Place the following numbers on the number line, and draw a pointer to
the location.
a) 10 000
b) 24 000 c) 14 500
d) 20 200 e) 29 900 f) 6 100