Folsom-Cordova Unified School District Earth Science Course Expectations Spring 2016

Folsom-Cordova Unified School District
Earth Science Course Expectations
Vista del Lago High School
Spring 2016
Instructor: Mrs. Chalmers
Course Description: Physical/Earth Science is a laboratory science course covering topics in earth & space science. Units of study
include motion, heat, the structure of matter, plate tectonics, atmosphere, natural resources, water, mapping, earth’s spheres, sphere
interactions and astronomy. Students will form conclusions on the basis of the observation during laboratory work.
Classroom Rules and Conduct: The following rules will apply, as well as those outlined in the student handbook.
 Be Prompt – Be in your assigned seat and working before the bell rings.
 Be Prepared: Clear desk of all materials not pertaining to the task at hand; have needed materials ready before bell.
 Be Productive: Participate in class work, activities and simulations.
 Be Positive: Avoid behavior that disrupts the learning process.
 Be Polite: Treat all students and the instructor with kindness.
Also, I expect everyone to follow the 4 R’s for appropriate communication in the classroom:
Respectful, Relevant, Reasonable, & Responsible
Failure to abide by these expectations will result in detentions, parent contacts, class suspensions and administrative referrals.
Electronic Devices (cell phones, all musical apparatus, games, etc)
In the classroom, all devices must be turned off /powered down and carried in a non-visible manner. If the device is visible
and/or in use during this time period without my permission, the following will occur:
1. Warning: confiscation of device by teacher; student picks up at end of period
2. 15 minute detention: confiscation of device by teacher, student may pick up at end of period.
3. 30 minute detention: confiscation of device by teacher; to be picked up in the VP office after school.
4. Addressed by administration
Electronic devices out during testing will result in a zero on the test and a class suspension.
Dress Code
Students will follow established school rules. Violators will be sent to the office to determine if the attire does not meet the appropriate
standards for an educational environment. Hats may not be worn. Eyes and ears must be visible; no hoods.
Please refer to your student handbook for school-wide policies regarding attendance and tardies (excused or unexcused). Since this is
a hands-on class, it is especially important that students are in class on time, ready to work each day. Tardy = not in your
assigned seat when the bell rings and materials ready to prepare for daily activity.
1st, 2nd & 3rd = warning
4rd = 15 minutes detention/ Required Parent contact
5th = 30 minutes detention/Required Parent contact
6th = 50 minutes detention/Required Parent Contact/Warning of in-class suspension or other consequence is behavior is not modified.
7th = 1-day class suspension/ Required Parent Contact/Student Conference with Administrator
8th = 2- day class suspension/ Required Parent Contact/Student Conference with Administrator, Parent/Teacher/Student Conference
9th=Referral to Student Attendance Review Team, Administrator/Parent/Student/Teacher conference required, Student Contract
Citizenship Evaluation
Citizenship is reported separately from academic grades. Course citizenship includes both work habits and attitude/behavior. Good
citizenship is vital to a positive, productive school environment. Students who receive two or more unsatisfactory citizenship marks on
a grade report may not be allowed to participate in extracurricular activities including athletics, dances, rallies, nonacademic music and
theater performances, and club activities.
The following citizenship grades will be part of the academic grading report:
O=Attitude, behavior and participation exceed the expected level for the class; exceptional attendance; no tardies; very few absences
S=Attitude and behavior maintains expected classroom environment; good attendance; participation at expected level; less than 3 tardies per
semester; (most students will fall under this category of citizenship)
N=Attitude and behavior often diminishes level of the class; inconsistent attendance; 4 tardies per semester; participation below expected
level; does not use class time wisely; one class suspension
U=Attitude and behavior reflect disregard and disrespect for others and creates an unsafe (mentally and/or physically) environment; very
poor attendance; 5 or more tardies per semester; does not use class time wisely; often disruptive; two or more class suspensions
Students who display any kind of unsafe behavior, especially during labs, will be pulled from the lab and may receive a class
suspension and possibly be excluded from any future lab activity (Please review the Laboratory Safety Procedures handout for more
information) .
All students are expected to adhere to the school wide academic dishonesty policy – see website for a copy of the Academic Integrity
Method of Academic Evaluation
In a balanced assessment system, both formative and summative assessments are essential as tools for gathering and reporting
student achievement. However, formative assessments (homework, quizzes, etc. . . ) are used for practice, skill development and
guiding instruction, where summative assessments (tests, presentations, exams, etc. . .) are used as a final measure of student
learning at the end of a unit or period of instruction.
Formative assessments will make up no more than 20% of a student’s final grade. Summative Assessments will make up no less than
80% of a student’s grade.
Students with test scores under 80%, and at the teacher’s discretion, have the opportunity to retake the test. Test retakes will be a
different version/format and require more explanations for answers. The most current test score will be entered into the grade book.
In order to retake tests:
1. All homework for the unit must be completed.
2. Students must schedule a time to make test corrections BEFORE a test retake.
3. All retakes must be completed before the next unit test.
NOTE: There are no re-takes on the final exams.
This grading scale will be used in class:
99% = A+
88% = B+
93% = A
83% = B
90% = A80% = B-
78% = C+
73% = C
70% = C-
68% = D+
63% = D
60% = D-
Below 59.9% = F
This course emphasizes a hands-on /project approach and only so much work can be done in class. The purpose of homework is to
prepare for class work and to complete unfinished work. However, it is expected that students will also study and review class work as
needed to ensure their success in this course. Homework will consist of reading assignments, lab preparations and write-ups, written
assignments, and projects. Homework is DUE at the beginning of the period. If homework is not ready to be handed in at
the beginning of the period it is considered late. Late homework will be deducted 50% and may be turned in within
one week of the original due date.
In an effort to maximize communication home, graded assignments will receive two grades. One grade will be based on my review and
evaluation of student work and the other grade will indicate if the assignment was turned in on time and properly. Please review chart
below: Score Reason 0 1 2 3
has NOT been turned in
was turned in LATE
was turned in INCOMPLETE
was turned in ON TIME
Quizzes or other assessments of progress will be administered during a unit of study. A major test will be given at the end of each unit
and/or chapter. A comprehensive final exam will be administered at the end of each semester. Final exam will not be administered
early for any reason. Students who miss their final exams will be issued a grade of Incomplete for the semester and will
need to make up missed final exams during the first two weeks of the following semester to replace the Incomplete
Students that have missed assignments due to excused absences must obtain work upon their return. Make up assignments will not
be given during class time or during passing time. Make-up assignments must be turned in no later than one week after returning
from the absence. Some make-up work (such as labs) must be completed during advisory. Test and quiz make ups must be completed
within one week of date originally administered. Unexcused absences are not eligible for make-up work.
Materials needed
Students are to have in their possession every day that this class meets:
1. Pencil and a pen (blue or black)
2. Three ring binder with a continuous supply of ruled paper (minimum of 1 inch thick; it may be shared with other classes). All
daily agendas, class notes, completed assignments, homework, reports, tests, and hand-outs must be kept in this binder.
3. Colored pencils
4. Glue Stick
*If you have difficulty obtaining these materials, please talk to me as soon as possible. I also suggest bringing a calculator, metric
Textbooks & class materials
All students will be issued a textbook for at-home use. Students will be held financially responsible should the textbook be damaged or
lost. Replacement cost for this textbook is $68.00. This class will involve lab activities using materials that will enhance the student's
learning experience. Many of these materials are expensive and/or difficult to replace. Additionally, some of these materials may
present a hazard to the student or others if misused. Students who intentionally abuse any classroom materials, equipment,
furnishings or personal belongings of others will be responsible for the replacement or repair costs should their abuse cause damage,
and may face additional disciplinary action depending upon the severity of the abuse.
School/Wise & Communication
I believe that communication with students’ families is critical. SchoolWires, is a resource available to students and parents in our classes.
It contains information about grades, attendance, assignments, and calendars. SchoolWires can be accessed through the Vista website – Please access these resources before contacting me.
If you do need to contact me, the BEST way to reach me is through e-mail, The school phone number is 294-2410
x 410262.
Vista del Lago High School is committed to equal opportunity for all individuals. Activities shall be free from discrimination based on
gender, race, color, religion, national origin, ethnic group, marital or parental status, physical or mental disability or any other unlawful
Laboratory Safety Procedures
In Earth Science, you will frequently perform laboratory activities. While no human activity is completely risk free, if you use
common sense and a bit of chemical sense, you will encounter no problems. The following are laboratory safety procedures
that are essential to this class. They are to be followed at all times, with no exceptions. Violations of these may result in
detention, loss of lab privileges, class suspension, and/or school suspension.
1. Horseplay or practical jokes of any kind will not be tolerated.
2. Perform laboratory work only when a teacher is present. Unauthorized or unsupervised laboratory experimenting is not
3. Experiments should never be assumed to be free of safety hazards just because they are printed.
4. Good housekeeping is essential in maintaining safe lab conditions.
5. Avoid unnecessary movement and talk in the laboratory.
6. Notify the teacher IMMEDIATELY if any accident should occur.
Equipment, Chemicals & Environment:
1. Clear your lab table of all unnecessary materials such as books, backpacks, and clothing before starting your work.
2. Never use mouth suction in filling pipettes with chemical reagents (use a suction bulb).
3. Never force glass tubing into rubber stoppers.
4. Use heat safety items such as safety tongs, gloves, etc.
5. All work surfaces in the lab should be thoroughly cleaned after each use, as should all lab equipment.
6. Fume hoods should be used in activities involving flammable or toxic fumes.
7. Check chemical labels twice to make sure you have the correct substance. Some chemical formulas and names may differ
by only a letter or a number.
8. Do not return excess material to its original container unless authorized by your teacher.
9. Broken or chipped glassware should not be used. Notify the teacher.
10. When heating materials by means of a flame, glassware should be protected from direct flame contact through the use of
wire gauze.
11. When discarding used chemicals, carefully follow the instructions provided.
12. Return equipment, chemicals, and goggles to their designated locations.
13. Before leaving the lab, ensure that gas lines and water faucets are shut off.
14. All students should know the location of fire extinguishers, eyewash fountains, and first-aid kits.
15. Never allow the open end of a test tube to be pointed toward anyone.
16. Broken glass and other waste materials in the sink should be promptly removed as it presents a serious hazard.
1. Student’s attitude toward safety is imperative. Students should not fear doing experiments, but should respect them for
potential hazards.
2. Always read and think about each laboratory assignment before starting.
3. Confine long hair and loose clothing. Wear closed-toed shoes to lab, no sandals.
4. All persons engaged in or observing science activities involving potential hazards to the eye must wear proper eye
protection devices.
5. Never eat or drink in the lab or from lab equipment.
6. Exercise great care in noting odors or fumes; use a waving of the hand motion.
7. If in doubt, ASK!!
Classroom Rules and Procedures for A Successful Term
Mrs. Chalmers
Earth Science
Vista del Lago High School
Classroom Rules:
Safe and respectful behavior that allows all students the opportunity to learn is expected.
1. Follow directions the first time they are given
2. Be in your assigned seat with all the appropriate materials and be ready to work when the bell rings
3. Respect the people, equipment, and furnishings
4. Stay in your assigned seat unless you have permission to do otherwise
5. Follow all class procedures and Vista del Lago High School behavior standards
What the student chooses to accept if a rule is broken – Consequences
1. A warning will be given
2. A second warning will be given and the student will be the last to leave class
3. Student will be given a class suspension/detention with communication home
**Severe Disruptions: Student sent immediately to the office**
Classroom Procedures:
Procedures are a part of life. We follow procedures for using a telephone book, boarding an airplane, approaching a traffic light, and
waiting in lines. The reason we have procedures in life is so that people can function in an acceptable and organized manner. There
are also procedures in this classroom. These procedures will establish our classroom culture
Beginning Of The Period:
Please wait outside the classroom until everyone in the class before you has left and I have come to the door to let you in. Once I
have let you in sit in your assigned seat and be ready to work. You must be sitting in your assigned seat BEFORE the bell
rings to avoid being tardy!
Take your notebook out and a pen or pencil (Please put anything that is not relevant to the class away!).
Write the daily agenda in the agenda section of your notebook.
Write homework assignments and announcements in your notebook.
Take out your homework and have it ready to pass forward.
Start working on the first assignment of the day (see agenda or overhead for instructions).
End Of The Period:
I dismiss you, the bell does not. I will dismiss the class when work is completed and turned in, lab stations are cleaned up, trash is off
the floor, ALL materials are accounted for, and ALL STUDENTS ARE SEATED IN THEIR ASSIGNED SEATS.
Assignment Specifications:
Please read instructions for each assignment carefully. Most assignments may be handwritten; however, there will be some
assignments that will require typing. When typing, please use 12 point Times New Roman. When writing assignments please use
legible penmanship and please do NOT use colored pens that are difficult to read (if I cannot read it I may ask you to do it again!).
Black and blue pens would be the best!
Water Bottles:
You may bring water to class in see-through, spill proof containers. Remember this is a privilege! So, if you abuse this privilege
(i.e.: throwing water at someone, pouring it on the tables, etc.) it will be taken away.
Noise Level:
The level of noise in the classroom can affect students’ ability to think and process information. During lab experiments, unless
otherwise noted, you may converse quietly within your lab group. Students at the next lab table must not be able to hear you clearly.
There are three class activities when I expect NO talking:
Individual Work/Reading – this time may be indicated by quiet music playing.
Someone is talking to the whole class (teacher or student!).
Lab Announcements – sometimes I need to clarify a lab instruction for the whole class. I will ask for your attention, everyone will
stop what they are doing, look my way and listen to the instructions.
There are different procedures for asking questions, depending upon the activity at the time:
During class discussion/lecture please raise your hand and I’ll call on you.
During silent independent work reread instructions. If that does not help, raise your hand and I’ll be there ASAP.
During group work or labs reread the instructions. If that does not help, quietly ask a member of your group. I will be moving
around the room so if your question is still not answered please stay at your desk until I get there.
Lab Behavior:
Proper lab behavior is required to ensure the safety of all students. Please remember to keep voices low so people can concentrate.
Stay at your assigned lab station unless collecting or returning materials and cleaning up.
Finishing Early:
If you finish your work early please put your work where I can see it. Then you may:
 Do science homework
 Do homework from another class
 Read a book or academic magazine
 Ask me if there is anything you can do for me or the class
Please do not disturb the class while they are still working!
Physical/Earth Science
Spring 2016
Mrs. Chalmers Block #: ______
Dear Parents and/or Guardians:
Welcome to science at Vista del Lago High School. Please review my course syllabus, safety and
classroom read and discuss with your student the Science Course Expectations, Classroom Rules and
Procedures and Lab Safety Procedures. I want both students and parents to be aware of these policies in
order to facilitate student success and safety.
Monica Chalmers
Vista del Lago High School.
I have read and discussed the Course Expectations, Classroom Rules and Procedures and Lab Safety
Procedures with my parent/student.
Parent e-mail address:
Please put a check mark in the box to the left if you would like a hard copy of the course syllabus or
safety and classroom procedures handouts.
Below you will find a “wish” list for our science classroom. Thank you!
 Kleenex
 Paper Towels
 Chlorox Wipes
 Hand Sanitizer
 Hand Soap
 Colored Pencils
 Copy Paper
 Colored Copy Paper
Is there anything you would like me to know about your student? (A talent, a funny story or any way I can
help them be successful in my classroom)