1 Indiana University - Purdue University in Indianopolis IUPUI MUSIC-KERMIT USERS GUIDE (MUSIC is the McGill University System for Interactive Computing, a timesharing system for IBM 370-series mainframe computers.) Kermit is a protocol for reliable file transfer between computers. The version of Kermit which runs on MUSIC (MUSIC-Kermit) may be used in conjunction with Kermit on an IBM PC to transfer files between the PC and MUSIC. Data and other information is passed back and forth in small units called packets. Each packet has a specific format which includes check data to help insure that the data transfer is correct. MUSIC-Kermit can currently transfer only character data. Binary files will not be transferred correctly. Files to be transferred may have a fixed or variable record format, and the logical record length may be up to 256 characters long. Listed below are the commands which MUSIC-Kermit accepts, the error messages which may be issued, and a section on how to run MUSICKermit. For more information on Kermit, see the Kermit Users Guide, Fourth Edition. MUSIC-KERMIT COMMANDS _____________________ The commands for MUSIC-Kermit are listed below. All commands may be abbreviated to 3 characters. A description of a command may be obatined by entering the commaned followed by a ' ?'. RECEIVE (filename) The receive command is used to tell MUSIC-Kermit that a file will be sent to it. The filename is optional. If given, the file being received by MUSIC will be stored under the file name specified. If not, it will be stored under the name sent to MUSIC from PC-Kermit. MUSIC file names can be up to 17 characters long. The characters may be alpha-numeric, '.', '$', '#', or '@'. The first character may not be a '#' or '$'. If an invalid file name is sent to MUSIC-Kermit, an error packet will be sent back to the PC. SENd filename1 (filename2) The send command is used to send a MUSIC file to the PC. Filename1 is the MUSIC name of the file to be sent. The file name is put in the File Packet and sent to the PC-Kermit before the file. PC-Kermit may alter the name to fit it's naming conventions. Filename2 is optional. If specified, it is put into the File Packet and sent to the PC instead of the MUSIC file name (filename1). Filename2 will then be the name of the file on the PC after it is sent. HELP Help lists all the available commands with a brief summary of each. STATUS The STATUS command gives the completion status of the previous MUSIC-Kermit command. After a SEND or RECEIVE has been issued, the user generally goes back to PC-Kermit and issues the opposite command there. If an error occurs during the file transfer, the PC user can re-connect to MUSIC-Kermit and issue a STATUS to find out what error occurred on the MUSIC side. 1 SET The SET command is used to set the following parameters: RECFM The record format for files being received by MUSIC-Kermit. It may be set to V (variable), VC (variable compressed), F (fixed), or FC (fixed compressed). FC is the default. EOL The end-of-line character that the PC should send to MUSIC-Kermit. The default is a carriage return, x'0D'. QUOTE The quote character which MUSIC-Kermit should use to send control characters. The default is #. LRECL The logical record length for files being received by MUSIC-Kermit. The value may be from 1 - 256. 80 is PACKET the default. The packet size that the PC should send to MUSIC. It DELAY must be between 26 - 94. The default is 94. The delay time is the number of seconds that MUSICKermit waits after a SEND command before sending the first packet to the PC. This allows the user time to return to PC-Kermit and issue a RECEIVE command. The value must be between 0 - 99. The default is 15. RETRY The retry count is the number of times that MUSICKermit will try to re-send a packet to the PC if there is an error in the transmission. The value must be from 0 to 100. The default is 5. SERIES1 The type of connection to the mainframe running MUSIC. If the terminal is connected through a SERIES/1 or 7171 protocol converter, this should be set ON otherwise it should be set OFF. The default is OFF. SHOW The SHOW command will display the current value of any of the parameters listed under the SET command. EXIT or QUIT The EXIT or QUIT commands will cause MUSIC-Kermit to end and the user will be returned to MUSIC. MUSIC-KERMIT ERROR MESSAGES --------------------------MUSIC-Kermit may issue the following error messages during transmission of a file after a SEND or RECEIVE command: 1. 'Bad send packet size' The packet size being sent to or from MUSIC was less than 26 or greater than the maximum allowed size. Re-start the transmission. 2. 'Bad message number' The message number in the last packet read by MUSIC-Kermit was not a valid number. Re-start the transmission. 3. 'Unrecognozed state' MUSIC-Kermit had an error. Contact technical services. 4. 'No SOH encountered' All packets must start with an SOH (Start Of Header). The last data read contained no SOH. Re-start the transmission. 5. 'Bad character count' The character count in the packet header is bad. Re-start the transmission. 6. 'Bad checksum' The checksum from the receive side did not match the one that was sent. This indicates that the data did not transmit correctly. This error should only occur after the transmission retry count is exceeded. Re-start the transmission. 1 7. 'Illegal packet type' 8. 'Lost a packet' 9. 'Micro sent a NAK' The packet type in the packet header is invalid. Re-start the transmission. The message number in the packet indicates that a whole packet was lost during transmission. Re-start. The micro received a bad packet from MUSIC and returned a NAK. This type of error must 10.'Micro aborted' be examined on the PC side. The micro sent an error packet to MUSICKermit. Check the PC side to determine 11.'Illegal file name' kind of error occurred. A file packet was received by MUSIC-Kermit which contained no file name. Re-start. what The error messages which may occur when MUSIC-Kermit is reading or writing a file are listed in the MUSIC User's GuIde under the section, Dynamic Access to Save Library Files. These errors would occur after a SEND or RECEIVE command. Some of the more common ones are listed below. 1. 'File name invalid' RECEIVE If a filename was entered on a SEND or command, the name was invalid to MUSIC. Reissue the command with a valid filename. If no filename was specified on a RECEIVE, then 2. 'Data set not found' the PC sent a filename which is invalid. Use a 'RECEIVE filename' command to give MUSIC a valid filename. The filename specified in a SEND command does 3. not exist. Re-issue the command with the correct file name. 'File already exists' A file already exists with the same name as the one being received. Re-issue the RECEIVE command and specify a new filename, or rename 4. the old file. 'Space quota exceeded The file being sent is too large. Try to for this file' send several smaller files instead of one large one. The following error messages may be issued after the SET command. 1. 'Illegal SET command' not a 2. 'Error in record format. parameter F,FC,V,VC allowed.' 3. 'No record length given. LRECL. Re-specify.' The parameter specified after SET was valid parameter. Either an invalid parameter or no was specified after SET RECFM. No parameter was specified after SET 4. 'LRECL must be a number from 0 to 256.' 5. 'No End-of-Line An invalid value was given for LRECL. No parameter was specified after SET EOL. character specified.' 6. 'Must be a 2 digit value less than 31 (decimal).' 7. 'No receive packet PACKET size specified.' 8. 'Bad packet size - must be between 26-94 (decimal).' 9. 'The delay time cannot DELAY. be blank. Re-specify.' 1 10.'Delay must be a number from 0-120.' 11.'No retry count given. RETRY. Re-specify.' 12.'RETRY count must be a number from 0-100.' 13.'Quote character QUOTE. cannot be a blank. Re-specify.' 14.'Must fall between 41-76,140, or 173-176 (octal). The EOL value specified was invalid. No parameter was specified after SET An invalid packet size was given. No parameter was specified after SET An invalid number was given for DELAY. No parameter was specified after SET The RETRY count specified was invalid. No parameter was specified after SET An invalid character was given for the QUOTE control character. HOW TO USE MUSIC-KERMIT at IUPUI -------------------------------System -----PC Action -----A. Execute KERMIT. Comments -------- PC_Kermit B. SET BAUD XXXX C. SET IBM ON D. Connect (if not 1200) E. Dial the IUPUI network: 634-7041 DCA F. 0 (for MUSIC0) or 1 (for MUSIC1) MUSIC G. /ID MusicId H. Password I. KERMIT MUSIC_Kermit J. Set options if needed. Type SET ? for a list of options. K. Enter a Kermit command. RECEIVE Receive a file from the PC. RECEIVE FILENAME Receive a file and store it under the name FILENAME. SEND FILENAME Send a MUSIC file to the PC. PC-Kermit L. CNTL-] C Return to PC-Kermit. M. Enter a Kermit command. RECEIVE Receive a file from MUSIC. SEND FILENAME Send a PC file to MUSIC. N. Wait for file to be transferred! O. Connect Return to MUSIC-Kermit. MUSIC-Kermit P. If more files are to be sent or received, go to Step J. Q. EXIT MUSIC DCA PC-Kermit R. /OFF S. CNTL-] C T. EXIT Return to PC-Kermit. 1 Installation instructions: To assemble: /FILE SYSPUNCH NAME(KERMIT.OBJ) NEW(REPLACE) /SYS NOPRINT,TIME=MAX /FILE SOURCE PDS(*.S) DEF /FILE SYSLIB PDS($MCC:*.M,$MCM:*.VV.M,$MCM:*.M) DEF /FILE SYSUT1 N(&&TEMP) NEW DELETE RECFM(V) SP(300) DEF /FILE SYSUT2 N(&&TEMP) NEW DELETE RECFM(V) SP(300) DEF /FILE SYSUT3 N(&&TEMP) NEW DELETE RECFM(V) SP(300) DEF /FILE SYSPRINT NAME(KERMIT.LISTING) NEW(REPL) LRECL(133) SPACE(100) /LOAD ASM /JOB NOGO To linkedit: /FILE LMOD N(KERMIT.LMOD) NEW(REPLACE) /LOAD LKED /JOB MAP,NOGO,PRINT,STATS,NAME=KERMIT /INCLUDE KERMIT.OBJ To exec: PUBL SP(100) /SYS TIME=MAX,REG=500 /FILE 5 RDR /FILE SYSTERM TERM /FILE LMOD NAME(KERMIT.LMOD) SHR /LOAD EXEC KERMIT LMOD Further information: Marie Schriefer Computing Services - IUPUI 799 W. Michigan Street, Room 1023 Indianapolis, Indiana 46202 317-264-2983