Installation and release notes for Kermit-11 05-FEB-1986 09:42 Brian Nelson This is release 2.44 of Kermit-11. Major changes from previous versions include LONG PACKET support, new CONNECT code for RSX-11M/M+ and P/OS, BREAK and DTR control for RT-11 V5.2, a DIAL command, and many other small changes. All changes are documented in the source file K11CMD.MAC. Kermit-11 runs on the following operating systems. Exec Minimum version RSTS/E v8.0 RSX-11M v4.1 RSX-11M+ RT-11 v4.0 RT-11 v5.1 TSX+ v5 PRO/RT v5.1 P/OS v2.0 IAS v3.1 Notes Multiple private delimiter SYSGEN support, RMS11 v2 Full duplex terminal driver, RMS11 v2 v2.1 Full duplex terminal driver, RMS11 v2 Requires multiple terminal SYSGEN support Can use the XL and XC handlers or MT service Must use CL handler for outgoing connections Uses the XC handler Uses either XK or XT (XT for TMS support) Built with RMS v1, will function on 3.2 patch A and B If your system version is older than that listed you are free to see if Kermit will run; if it does not, UPGRADE. Kermit is fairly generous, it runs on both the current executive versions plus generally contains support for the last major release. In other words, if you are running RSTS v7 or RSX-11M 3.2, you will not be supported for Kermit, just as your system can not be supported by Digital. For example, RSTS/E 8.0 support expired on 31-Dec-85, as version 9.0 was released in June 1985. Since version 8 was the last major version, Kermit-11 will ATTEMPT to support it for a while; verification of 8.0 functionality is difficult as the author is a field test site and has not used 8.0 since SEP 1984, and is currently running RSTS/E 9.2. The creation of Kermit-11 from source is possible only on the current versions of the above mentioned systems; this is due to the use of new macro calls and directives that may not be present on older versions. For example, Kermit-11 can be built under RSTS/E for all the other executives as long as the RSTS/E version is 9.1 or later, and one has the appropriate system specific libraries (such as SYSLIB, RMSLIB and RMSDAP from RSX-11M+). Before attempting to build from source, see the section later in this document for specific notes relating to your system. You should not need to build Kermit from source; your distribution will have either the relevant executable image or 'hex' files that can be converted into something that will run. Page 2 As of this writing (04-Feb-86), the current versions are: RSTS/E RSX-11M+ TSX+ IAS 9.1, 9.2 3.0 6.02 3.2, Patch B RSX-11M 4.2 RT-11 5.2 P/OS 2.0, 3.0 soon to be released Restrictions to be aware of A problem was found with versions of Kermit-11 prior to 3.49 regarding the sending and processing of attribute packets. Basically, two of the attribute types were improperly implemented. The support for attribute packets was added back in April 1984, at a time when testing against other implementations was not possible. At this writing, in March 1986, some problems have been found. The corrected version of Kermit-11 is V3.49; this version will NOT be able to exchange attribute packets with previous versions. In order to make an intitial download of Kermit-11 V3.49 to a host running an older version, you must explicitly disable attribute support, as in: Kermit-11>SET NOATT and then force both ends to binary mode, as in: or: Kermit-11>SET FILE BINARY Kermit-11>SET FILE TYPE FIXED The best way to accomplish the updating of remote sites is to use a pre 3.49 version of Kermit-11 at both ends, transfer the image appropiate to your system, and then replace the old executable image on the remote side and your own side. Installation of Kermit-11 on RSTS/E The minimum version of RSTS/E must be 8.0 or later for Kermit to function correctly. Kermit will run on version 7.2, but there will be random problems with file access. This is due to the use of RMS11 version 2 in Kermit-11 for all file activity; version 7 of RSTS/E supports only RMS version 1.8. Kermit's use of RMS11 costs you NOTHING. You have the option of using an image that contains RMS in disk overlays (K11NRS.TSK), or you can use one that's linked to the segmented RMS resident library, RMSRES (K11.TSK). The pros and cons of using RMS will not be discussed; there aren't any valid reasons NOT to use it. Be sure that the SYSGEN question relating to multiple private delimiters was answered YES, otherwise Kermit will tell you it can't run without it Page 3 RSTS/E installation as soon as you attempt a file transfer. Multiple delimiter masks cost you one word in executive data space to be used as a pointer to a small buffer containing the delimiter mask; the small buffer is not allocated until Kermit requests the monitor to do so. Tape distribution: There are many different possibilities here. You may have an ANSI-D tape from Columbia, a backup tape from a friend, a DOS format tape from DECUS, or even RX50's for a Micro-11 system. All following examples are done under RSTS/E version 9.0 or later. (1) DOS format Kermit-11 tape $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ MOU MM0:/FOR=DOS PIP MM0:[*,*]*.*/L:S PIP SY:[1,2]=MM0:[*,*]K11.TSK PIP SY:[1,2]=MM0:[*,*]K11HLP.HLP PIP SY:[1,2]=MM0:[*,*]K11USR.DOC SET FILE [1,2]K11.TSK/RUN=RSX/PRO=104 SET FILE [1,2]K11HLP.HLP/PRO=40 DEFINE/COMMAND/SYSTEM KER-MIT [1,2]K11.TSK/LINE=30000 The above commands did the following: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Insure the tape label format is DOS-11 Get a directory to make sure the files are really there Copy the executable task image (linked to RMSRES) Copy the online help file Copy the Kermit-11 users guide Set protection and runtime system name Create a CCL definition for Kermit to be invoked with (2) Ansi D format tape from Columbia $ MOU MM0:/FOR=ANS KERMIT ! RSTS/E 9.0 or 9.1 $ MOU MM0:/OV=ID ! RSTS/E 9.2 or later $ PIP SY:=MM0:K11.HEX $ PIP SY:=MM0:K11HEX.BAS $ PIP SY:[1,2]=MM0:K11HLP.HLP $ PIP SY:[1,2]=MM0:K11USR.DOC $ BASIC old k11hex run K11HEX- Decode Kermit-11 Hex files (RSTS/E Basic+) Input Hex file ? K11.HEX Output Task image? K11.TSK $ $ COP/REP K11.TSK [1,2] $ SET FILE [1,2]K11.TSK/RUN=RSX/PRO=104 $ SET FILE [1,2]K11HLP.HLP/PRO=40 $ DEFINE/COMMAND/SYSTEM KER-MIT [1,2]K11.TSK/LINE=30000 Page 4 RSTS/E installation Again, the sequence of operations is: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Insure current tape labeling is ANSI Copy a hexified version of the task image Copy a simple Basic+ program to create the task image Copy online help file and user documentation Switch to Basic+ Run the K11HEX program, creating a task image Copy the task image to [1,2] Set runtime system, protection and ccl command. If the tape label for an ANSI tape is unknown, you can switch to Basic+ or RSX keyboard monitors and do an ASSIGN MM0:.ANSI as the RSTS/E DCL Mount command lacks an override switch for volume identification. If the DCL command BASIC fails, try the ccl command SY/R to find out what Basic is called, and then try a SWITCH nnnnnn ccl command, where 'nnnnnn' is the Basic+ run time system name. For example, the author always uses BAS4F for the basic run time system (to designate 4 word FP11/KEF11 support), and the DCL symbol BASIC is defined as BASIC :== CCL SWI BAS4F. If PIP gives you an error message regarding insufficient buffer space, redefine the CCL command definition for PIP to extend PIP to 28KW; this is done by specifying a line number in the form 8192+size(KW). (3) RX50 or RX01 floppy diskettes The DECUS Library Micro-RSTS distribution is on RT-11 formatted RX50 diskettes; the Decus Library (Decus number 11-731) alternate distribution media on RX01's is also a set of RT-11 formatted floppy diskettes. These are readable on RSTS/E with the program FIT, supplied with your system. If you have RSTS/E Kermit on floppies, the first thing to do is to get directory listings of all the diskettes so you know which floppy to use for a given file. The following example is the general method: $ RUN AUXLIB$:FIT FIT V9.0-14 RSTS V9.0-14 U of Toledo 44 FIT>SY:=DX0:*.* FIT>SY:=DX0:*.* FIT>^Z $ COP/REP K11HLP.HLP [1,2] $ COP/REP K11.TSK [1,2] $ SET FILE [1,2]K11.TSK/RUN=RSX/PRO=104 $ SET FILE [1,2]K11HLP.HLP/PRO=40 $ DEFINE/COMMAND/SYSTEM KER-MIT [1,2]K11.TSK/LINE=30000 Since there are only two or three floppy diskettes involved it is convenient to copy all the diskettes to your account, and then move the needed files to their final destination. In the above example, it is assumed that a different diskette was placed into DX0 before the second file transfer command was issued. In the case of RX50 diskettes, the input device name would be DUn, where 'N' is the number of winchester drives (hard disks) on your system. For example, if you have one RD52 Page 5 RSTS/E installation on your system, then floppy drive zero is called DU1:. In summary, you want to copy K11.TSK from the media and install it somewhere with world read+execute access and preferably define a CCL command for it. Dialup access is documented at the end of this file for obtaining newer Kermit-11 versions. Installation of Kermit-11 on RT-11 and TSX+ RT-11 Kermit-11, as used under RT-11, supports the use of multiple terminal service, the XC and XL handlers found on version 5 of RT-11, and, in extreme cases, the use of the console line for connecting TO the RT-11 system. The first option, the use of Multiple Terminal support, requires a SYSGEN if this feature is not configured. Serial lines in this case are designated by numbers; the console is always line zero, the next line, say a DLV11E, may be line one. These line numbers are assigned during SYSGEN based upon the order of entry during SYSGEN (under 5.2, the questions start with question number 180). You can also use a DZ11 or DZV11. The actual assignments may be viewed on a running system with the DCL command SHO TER. The best solution is to use the XL driver (XC on PRO/RT-11), available on RT-11 version 5.1 and 5.2. This is a driver that makes very efficient use of a DLV11 compatible interface; it's the same handler that is used by VTCOM. To use it, you must have, just like for multiple terminal support, an extra DL11/DLV11 interface in addition to the console interface. The XL handler supports two DCL commands: SET XL CSR=n SET XL VECTOR=m Where 'N' is the address of the CSR (control status register) and 'M' is the interrupt vector address. The defaults are 176500 for the CSR, and 300 for the interrupt vector. The XC handler, used ONLY on the PRO/300 series, has it's CSR and vector fixed at 173300 and 210 respectively. Kermit-11, upon finding itself running on a PRO/3xx under RT-11, does an implicit SET LIN XC:. The DCL command SET XC SPEED=N must be used outside of Kermit to change the XC line speed from the default of 1200 baud. Last, but not least, if there is no way to get an additional interface into your system (perhaps you have a four slot QBUS backplane), you can force Kermit to use the console. This implies, of course, that it will not be possible to dial out from the RT-11 system; the system could be used only for a remote Kermit to connect to it via the console port. If Kermit finds that the XL handler is not present, and that multiple terminal service is absent, it will force the use of the console. Otherwise, the command: Page 6 RT-11 and TSX+ Kermit-11>SET LINE TT: will force the console to be used. In summary, the following commands (in order) specify serial Kermit-11: Kermit-11>SET LINE 1 Kermit-11>SET LIN XL Kermit-11>SET LIN TT: lines for use terminal line one use the XL handler force use of the console line Kermit-11 also requires the presence of timer support in the executive. This is required to support the .TWAIT directive; FB and XM systems always have support for this; SJ systems by default do not. If Kermit decides that it does not have a clock, which it would think if .TWAIT support is missing, it will try to fake .TWAIT's with cpu bound loops. The best thing is to insure that you have a FB or XM monitor available for use with Kermit. TSX+ Kermit-11 is used on TSX+ (a product of S&H Computing) as both a LOCAL Kermit (you connect out to another system using the CL handler) and a REMOTE Kermit (you log into a TSX+ system and run Kermit-11 to communicate with your local Kermit system). The second is identical to Kermit use on most multiuser systems (for example, TOPS-20 and RSTS/E), while the former is similar to Kermit use on RT-11 with the XL/XC handler. In order to CONNECT out from TSX Kermit to another system, you need to associate the appropriate CL line with the logical name XL, or, if you are running Kermit-11 2.44 or later and have 8 CL lines or less, you can directly specify the CL unit number: .SET CLn LINE=4 .SET CL NOLFOUT .ASS CLn XL .KERMIT Kermit-11>SET LIN XL Kermit-11>CONNECT or: Kermit-11>SET LIN CLn where 'N' is the CL unit number, or just CL for CL0:. Please consult the Kermit-11 User's Guide for further information regarding serial line support. The image K11XM.SAV will use approximately 100 blocks of PLAS swapfile space; if that is excessive, or if Kermit fails to load, then the disk overlayed image K11RT4.SAV may be used. Alternately, the TSGEN.MAC parameter SEGBLK may be too small to contain K11XM's virtual overlay; the TSX+ system manager will need to increase SEGBLK and reboot TSX+. Page 7 RT-11 and TSX+ Installing Kermit on RT-11 and TSX+ As in the case of RSTS/E, there are so many media formats that may be used for Kermit that we must restrict the discussion to the more likely media. First of all, the files of interest are: K11XM.SAV K11RT4.SAV K11HLP.HLP K11USR.DOC For For The The use on use on online user's RT-11 XM, PRO/RT-11 and TSX+ RT-11 SJ and FB, also usable on TSX+ help file guide The most common media that RT-11 and TSX+ users may get Kermit-11 is on 8 inch RX01 diskettes and 5 1/4 inch RX50 floppies. Both examples reference RX50 devices, the use of RX01 and RX02 disks is the same except that a RX01 (RX11-BA and RXV11-BA) drive is called DX and the RX02 drive is called DY. Additionally, the eight inch floppies have a lower capacity than an RX50, thus Kermit-11 files may be split across two or more diskettes. The RX50 drives are known as DZ0: and DZ1: on the PRO/350, and they are known as DUn: and DUn+1: on other QBUS processors, when N is the number of fixed drives (RD50,51 and 52). If your system is NOT a PRO/3xx series systems, you would need to replace the references to DZn: with the appropiate DU device names. For example, if you have one RD52 winchester drive and two RX50 units, then the first RX50 would be DU1: and the second DU2:. The RC25 is an exception; if your system had one RC25 and an RX50, then the first RX50 would be called DU4:. If your system contained no MSCP disk drives other than the RX50, then the units would be DU0: and DU1:. (1) RT-11 5.2 and PRO/350, files on RX50 media .COPY DZ0:K11XM.SAV DK:KERMIT.SAV .COPY DZ0:K11HLP.HLP DK: .COPY DZ0:K11USR.DOC DK: .SET XC SPEED=9600 .KERMIT Kermit-11 T3.44 Last Edit: 04-Feb-86 PRO/350 comm port set to XC0: Kermit-11>EXIT Since this was a PRO/350, we must use the K11XM.SAV executable image, since only RT-11XM will run on the PRO. Had this been a PDP-11 running RT-11 SJ or RT-11 FB, we would have copied K11RT4.SAV to KERMIT.SAV rather than K11XM. (2) RT-11 5.2 FB and LSI-11/23 .COPY DU1:K11RT4.SAV DK:KERMIT.SAV .COPY DU1:K11HLP.HLP DK: .COPY DU1:K11USR.DOC DK: .SET XL CSR=176510 .SET XL VEC=310 .KERMIT Kermit-11 T3.44 Last Edit: 04-Feb-86 Page 8 RT-11 and TSX+ Kermit-11>SET LIN XL: In this case, we had one winchester fixed disk drive, DU0:, thus the RX50 units are called DU1: and DU2: We also have a DLV11 at a CSR and VECTOR of 176510 and 310, respectively, which differs from the default 176500 and 300. Since the DLV11's speed is set via onboard switch packs, the DCL command SET XL SPEED command is not usable. (3) RT-11 without the Kermit save image .COPY DU1:K11XM.HEX DK: .COPY DU1:K11HEX.MAC DK: .R MACRO *K11HEX=K11HEX *^C .R LINK *K11HEX=K11HEX *^C .RUN K11HEX *K11XM=K11XM .RUN K11XM Kermit T3.44 Last edit: 04-Feb-86 Kermit-11>EXIT . In this case, it is assumed that we have the files K11XM.HEX (or K11RT4.HEX) and K11HEX.MAC, perhaps obtained from a remote system with VTCOM. After copying the two files we assembled and linked the K11HEX program. The K11HEX program is then run to create the desired save image. Keep in mind that K11XM is for TSX+, RT-11 XM and the PRO/350, whereas K11RT4 is for SJ and FB systems. Again, the disk configuration was one MSCP winchester disk (a RD50, RD51 or RD52) and two RX50 units. In the event that you are using multiple terminal support, you could use a command of the form: .SHO TER Unit Owner 0 1 Type S-Console DL Remote DL Width 132 80 Tab No Yes CRLF Yes Yes FORM No No SCOPE No No SPEED N/A N/A .KERMIT Kermit-11 T3.44 Last Edit: 04-Feb-86 Kermit-11>SET LINE 1 otherwise use the XL (XC for the PRO) handler. The XL handler must be previously installed; it does not have to be loaded. Kermit will fetch the handler if it is not resident. .INS XL .KERMIT Kermit-11 T3.44 Last Edit: 04-Feb-86 Page 9 RT-11 and TSX+ Kermit-11>SET LIN XL Kermit-11>CONNECT Installation of Kermit-11 on P/OS P/OS Kermit-11 Kermit-11, running on the PRO/350 and 380 under P/OS, runs under control of DCL. DCL is normally installed at system generation time; it is an optional application. DCL can also be installed under the PRO/TOOLKIT. The DECUS distribution, on RX50 diskettes, has all the needed files under the directory [001002], or, in Files-11 ODS1 terms, in UIC [1,2]. Thus, installing Kermit-11 under P/OS from RX50's is quite simple: $ COPY/CONT DZ1:[1,2]K11POS.TSK [USERFILES] $ COPY/CONT DZ1:[1,2]K11HLP.HLP [1,2] Where DZ1 is the first floppy drive unit, as opposed to RT-11, where DZ0 is the first floppy drive unit. Thus, assuming that the current default directory is [USERFILES], one simply types: $ RUN K11POS Kermit-11 T3.44 Last edit: 04-Feb-86 Line set to XK0: at 9600 baud Kermit-11> As noted, the PRO/3xx Kermit-11 can make use of XT1: and XT2: to access the PRO/TMS Telephone Management System. If a SET LINE XT1: (or XT2:, when applicable) is done, then the Kermit-11 DIAL command can be used to access the TMS internal modem to place an outgoing call. All needed formatting characters MUST be imbedded in the TMS dial string. If the DIAL command is used, and the line name starts with 'XT', then it is assumed that TMS is being used; otherwise you would be required to use the SET MODEM command prior to issuing the DIAL command. Further information regarding DIAL and SET MODEM is available in the Kermit-11 User's Guide and in the online HELP file. The other obvious way to get Kermit-11 onto your PRO is by bootstrapping Steven's PRO Kermit or Bob Denny's PRO Kermit to download the task image, or by using PFT to transfer the task image from an RSX-11M+ or VMS host (this is left for the reader to explore). The other method to load Kermit-11 on to a PRO/3xx P/OS system is by transferring the files K11POS.HEX (a 'Hexified' task image) and K11HEX.FTN (a Fortran-77 program) or K11HEX.B2S (a Basic+2 program) using PRO/Communications (Pro/Comm). The K11HEX programs are intended to convert the 'HEX' file format into an executable task image; instructions are contained in the respective source files for compiling and task building. Please note that whenever a task image is Page 10 P/OS and the PRO/3xx transferred to an RSX based system, as P/OS is, the image MUST be made contiguous, as in: $ COPY/CONT K11POS.TSK K11POS.TSK > PIP K11POS.TSK/CO=K11POS.TSK The last note regards FUNCTION key mapping; CONNECT mode, map the following keys: F5 (Break) P/OS under DCL RSX-11M under MCR K11POS Control\ B will send a break as well as typing F5. F6 (Interrupt) Send a Control C (03 octal) F10 (Exit) Send a Control Z (032 octal) F11 (ESC) Send Escape (033 octal) F12 (BS) Send Backspace (011 octal) F13 (LF) Send LineFeed (012 octal) will, while in to the remote system to to to to to remote remote remote remote remote Installation of Kermit-11 on RSX-11M and RSX-11M Plus Kermit-11 runs under RSX-11M 4.0 or later, RSX-11M Plus 2.1 or later, and MicroRsx version 3. All file activity is done through RMS11 version 2; this is one compelling reason why Kermit can not function on earlier versions of RSX. The use of RMS11 does, however, give you transparent support for Decnet and compatability of Kermit's file system between RSX, P/OS and RSTS/E. There are two distributed task images for RSX. The file K11RSX.TSK is used on RSX-11M and can also be used on RSX-11M Plus, and has DECNET support linked into the image. The other image, K11POS.TSK, is usable only on RSX-11M Plus and MicroRSX, as it is linked to the segmented RMSRES resident library. It is NOT linked to DAPRES, thus if Decnet access is required, the former task image must be used. The main distribution methods for Kermit on RSX are via DOS-11 formatted magnetic tape, Ansi-D tape from Columbia University and the RSX SIG symposia tape (in BRU or VMS Backup format). The former, DOS-11, is the format that the Decus library's copy of Kermit-11 (Decus number 11-731). There is an alternative distribution from DECUS on either RT-11 formatted RX01 diskettes, or on ODS1 RX50 diskettes. (1) DOS format magtape > > > > > MOU INS FLX FLX FLX MM0:/FOR $FLX SY:/RS=MM0:[*,*]K11RSX.TSK/DO SY:/RS=MM0:[*,*]K11POS.TSK/DO SY:/RS=MM0:[*,*]K11HLP.HLP/DO > > > > FLX PIP PIP PIP SY:/RS=MM0:[*,*]K11USR.DOC/DO [1,54]/CO=K11RSX.TSK [1,2]/CO=K11HLP.HLP [1,54]K11RSX.TSK/PR/WO:R Page 11 RSX-11M/M+ Installation > PIP [1,2]K11HLP.HLP/PR/WO:R > INS $K11RSX/TASK=...KER (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) The FLX The The The The The The The The The tape is mounted foreign is installed, if it is not already main Kermit-11 RSX task image is copied alternate task image is copied online HELP file is copied users guide us copied task is copied to [1,54] and made contiguous help file is copied to [1,2] and made contiguous task image's protection is set to WORLD read access HELP file's protection is set to WORLD read access task image is installed as KER (2) ANSI D format tape from Columbia University >MOU >PIP >PIP >PIP >PIP MM0:/OV=ID SY:=MM0:K11RSX.HEX SY:=MM0:K11HEX.FTN SY:=MM0:K11HLP.HLP SY:=MM0:K11USR.DOC The tape set, as it comes from Columbia University, is blocked at 8192 bytes per tape block. This could cause PIP to fail unless PIP is installed with a very large size increment. If this should occur, you will get an error message similar to: PIP - open failure on input file MM0:[5,20]K11RSX.HEX;1 No buffer space available for file To correct this you can do one of two things: >INS >XPP >XPP >XPP >XPP >REM $PIP/TASK=...XPP/INC=50000 SY:=MM0:K11RSX.HEX SY:=MM0:K11HEX.FTN SY:=MM0:K11HLP.HLP SY:=MM0:K11USR.DOC XPP or: >RUN $PIP/INC=50000 PIP>SY:=MM0:K11RSX.HEX PIP>SY:=MM0:K11HEX.FTN PIP>SY:=MM0:K11HLP.HLP PIP>SY:=MM0:K11USR.DOC PIP>^Z > Note that we could not get K11RSX.TSK from this tape; it's not there. Page 12 RSX-11M/M+ Installation Instead we copied K11RSX.HEX, a file that can be run through the K11HEX program(s) to create the needed task image. >F77 K11HEX=K11HEX >TKB TKB>K11HEX=K11HEX,LB:F4POTS/LB TKB>/ Enter Options: TKB>maxbuf=512 TKB>// >RUN K11HEX Input file ? k11rsx.hex Output file ? kermit.tsk Encode or Decode ? decode all done >PIP [1,54]/CO=K11RSX.TSK >PIP [1,2]/CO=K11HLP.HLP >PIP [1,54]K11RSX.TSK/PR/WO:R >PIP [1,2]K11HLP.HLP/PR/WO:R >INS $K11RSX/TASK=...KER (3) RT-11 Format RX01 diskettes > > > > > > > > > > MOU MOU FLX FLX FLX PIP PIP PIP PIP INS DX0:/FOR DX1:/FOR SY:/RS=DX0:K11RSX.TSK/RT SY:/RS=DX1:K11HLP.HLP/RT SY:/RS=DX1:K11USR.DOC/RT [1,54]/CO=K11RSX.TSK [1,2]/CO=K11HLP.HLP [1,54]K11RSX.TSK/PR/WO:R [1,2]K11HLP.HLP/PR/WO:R $K11RSX/TASK=...KER RX01's diskettes can hold approximately 470 blocks of data; this implies that there will be at least two, if not three, diskettes involved. You will need to try a different diskette if the desired file(s) is not present on the currently mounted disk. Also, if you have an RX02 drive instead of an RX01 drive, the device name will be DY instead of DX. Please note that RSX Kermit is a privileged task; it's built with the /PR:0 TKB switch. This is required so that Kermit can access terminal lines other than your own; as would be the case when you are dialing out from your system. The task does, however (under RSX-11M Plus and MicroRSX), drop and regain privilege when it needs it; for example, the SET LINE and CONNECT commands both have to issue set multiple characteristics calls to condition the serial line being used. Page 13 IAS version 3.1 and 3.2 update A and B Note regarding Kermit-11 on IAS This information regarding IAS Kermit was provided by the EPA in there conversion of Kermit-11 to run under IAS version 3.1. The current version of IAS Kermit-11 is based on base 2.30 of Kermit-11. It will likely stay at this base level forever; the conversion was done for use with RMS11 version 1, which will be superceded by RMS11 version 2 in IAS 3.2 Update C. At that point the IAS 3.1 Kermit task image, K11I31.TSK, will no longer function since it is linked to an RMS version 1 resident library. The RMS resident libraries were redone for RMS v2 in order that (1) the library can be segmented into multiple libraries and (2) the entry point addresses are never changed, thus new versions of the reslib do not force the user to relink ones task images. Restrictions and notes: 1) Dial-out lines must not be interactive terminals. That is, if you are going to use a line as a dial- out line, you must not allocate it to PDS or SCI. 2) Spawning installed tasks is currently done via a SPWN$ directive rather than via RUN$T. Therefore, anyone wanting to spawn installed tasks must have the PR.RTC (real-time) privilege. A workaround is to exit from Kermit, run the program, and then run Kermit again. Kermit will first try to run an installed task named $$$xxx, where xxx is the system command requested; if that fails, Kermit will try to run an installed task named 3) Wild-card file operations are supported (for example, DIR *.DAT, DEL *.TSK, SEND *.MAC). Under RSX, Kermit uses RMS version 2 to do wild-card operations; this is available under IAS V3.2 but not under IAS V3.1. Therefore, on IAS V3.1 (the version that the EPA is running), there are the following restrictions on file operations:: a) Wild-cards must be specified for the entire field or not at all. For example, TEST.* is OK but TEST*.* is not. b) If a wild-card file operation is executed, with either the file-name or the file-type specified as a wild-card, the file version number is also taken to be a wild-card. c) Wild-card operations are not allowed on directories. Therefore, [*,*]*.DAT is not a legal wild-card operation in Kermit-IAS. It is legal to use explicit directories, such as [200,200]*.DAT. d) RMS Version 2 supports transparent DECNET remote file operations, while RMS Version 1 does not. Therefore, Kermit-IAS under IAS V3.1 does not support DECNET file transfers. e) Renaming files within Kermit is not supported under V3.1 of IAS. 4) Kermit under IAS currently reads packets one character at a time, and Page 14 IAS version 3.1 and 3.2 update A and B so can use up a fair amount of the CPU if it is receiving files. If it is sending packets (sending files or remote command responses), or if it is reading commands rather than its file transfer packets, it will use long I/O operations and will not put an excessive burden on the system. Installation: Kermit is built as a multi-user task, with a task name can be run as an installed "foreign command" task: of $$$KER. It PDS> install k11ias PDS> kermit Kermit-11 T2.30 Kermit-11>... You can also specify another name for the installed command: PDS> install/sys:k11 k11ias PDS> k11 Kermit-11 T2.30 Kermit-11>... Or you can just run it as a non-installed task: PDS> run k11ias 16:30:15 Kermit-11 T2.30 Kermit-11>... The following files are supplied for Kermit-IAS to run: K11I31.TSK K11HLP.HLP K11I31.DOC - The Kermit - The Kermit Kermit, it - This file, task image help file. For this to be used by must be in the default directory. describing Kermit on IAS Obtaining Kermit-11 updates from the University of Toledo From Bitnet server on U of Toledo's 11/785 from VM/CMS: CP SMSG RSCS MSG UOFT02 KERMSRV DIR CP SMSG RSCS MSG UOFT02 KERMSRV SEND K11*.* from VMS Jnet: $ SEN/REM UOFT02 KERMSRV SEND K11*.* Dialup access to the 11/785: (419) 537-4411 Page 15 Obtaining updates of Kermit-11 Service class VX785A User: KERMIT Password: KERMIT Source and hex files are in KER:, binaries are in KERBIN: