Folsom High School 2015-2016
COURSE: English 10
INSTRUCTOR: Mrs. McKeeman Rice
PHONE: (916) 294-2400
COURSE DESCRIPTION: English 10 is the second year course for the secondary language arts curriculum. Emphasis is
placed on higher levels of student performance with more complex assignments. Students will more keenly develop higher level
thinking skills, as well as be able to demonstrate the ability to critically analyze specific writing styles and more sophisticated
pieces of literature.
Closely following the California Common Core State Standards (CCSS), students will hone their writing, reading, and oral
language skills in English 10. Students will develop the speaking skills needed in both small- and large-group discussions; write
essays of greater length and level of sophistication; demonstrate the proper use of the MLA format for all assignments; do
research of a more in-depth nature with a broader range of sources and an original thesis; and read and analyze a higher level
of literature in terms of language, literary elements, and thematic content.
One of the focuses of English 10 is student preparation for the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE). This test, which is
based upon the language arts content standards, is given to all students in the spring of their tenth grade year. CAHSEE is used
to ensure a minimum of competency in reading and writing. Governed by the State Board of Education, the test measures these
competencies in students. A board-approved literature list constitutes the basis of student instruction in literature. Approved by
the FCUSD Board of Education, the list sets forth all literature from which teachers will draw their literary curriculum.
GPS INTEGRATED CURRICULAR FOCUS: English 10 will focus on works, including use of rhetoric, Shakespeare, and
contemporary fiction and nonfiction, which address personal and interpersonal conflicts one faces when making important
choices as one prepares to be a responsible world citizen.
EQUAL OPPORTUNITY: Folsom High School is committed to equal opportunity for all individuals. Activities shall be free from
discrimination based on gender, race, color, religion, national origin, ethnic group, marital or parental status, physical or mental
disability or any other unlawful consideration.
HOMEWORK: A portion of the academic grade will be based upon homework assignments. Homework in this class will be
assigned regularly for the following reasons: vocabulary study, independent practice of a new skill, writing assignments, and
reading in preparation for class discussion, activities, and/or writing. Assignments may vary in quantity and complexity because
of subject matter and ability level. Since only your best effort is acceptable to you, me, and your parents or guardians, late
homework will only be accepted for half credit.
TESTS: Students will receive at least two days’ notice prior to major tests, which will be both objective and essay. The
semester exams, which will include information from any part of that semester, may also be both objective and essay. Quizzes
may be given at any time and without advance notice. Make-up exams must be scheduled with the instructor the day the
student returns to class. All major tests and quizzes must be made up within a week’s time of the student’s return to class or
before the test/quiz is returned, whichever comes first; if the student does not make up the test within the given time frame, he or
she will receive a zero for that test or quiz. No make-up work will be accepted a week prior to the end of the quarter or two
weeks prior to the end of the semester.
METHOD OF EVALUATION: Grades will be based on accumulated earned points. Tests, quizzes, essays, assignments, journals,
notebook checks, and class participation will be assigned a numerical value based upon importance. Class participation consists of
taking part in class discussions and group activities; bringing a notebook, texts, and assigned materials to class; and arriving on time.
For each incidence of tardy or unpreparedness, students will lose participation points. Make up points, such as turning work in early,
attending school plays, finding vocabulary words or grammar concepts in print, will be offered on occasion so that students may
recoup some of these points. The semester grade will be based on accumulated points for both quarters, including the final
exam. The following scale will be used to determine a student’s grade:
100+% - 93% = A
82% - 80% = B69%
= D+
92% - 90% = A79% - 78% = C+
68% - 63% = D
89% - 88% = B+
77% - 73% = C
62%-60% = D87% - 83% = B
72% - 70% = C59.9% and below = F
ATTENDANCE/TARDIES: All students at Folsom High School are held accountable to the school wide Academic Honesty
Policy as stated in the PAWSPORT (pp. 21-24). Please consult the policy for a detailed list of what constitutes cheating and
consequences for each step. Not only does plagiarism or cheating result in a grade of "F" (0 points) for that test or assignment, but
a single instance of cheating counts as a Step 1 Offense and follows a student throughout their entire class schedule and
through all of their years at Folsom High. The next instance (even if in a different class or year) counts as Step 2. Cheating
includes but is not limited to the following: copying another student’s test or assignment answers, printing and/or photocopying
another student’s work, and copying materials from media sources (plagiarism) without proper documentation. The provider of
copied work and the receiver will both earn a zero on the assignment, and a deduction in citizenship.
SCHOOL RULES: Campus rules and policies in the PAWS Port will be adhered to in this classroom; see appropriate pages for
a detailed list. Remember that no food, drink, or gum will be allowed; all iPods, cell phones and accessories must be turned off
and placed out of sight during class; and all staff will be enforcing the school dress code throughout the entire school day.
CITIZENSHIP: School and classroom rules are in your PAWSPORT. Consequences for inappropriate behavior in class may
include rule reminders, verbal warnings, detention, parent contact, or class suspension depending on the circumstances.
Evaluation of a student’s citizenship is based on two principles:
The science class room is a place for students and teacher to explore and experience scientific ideas. Behave in a
way that allows this to happen.
People and their property have the right to exist unharmed. Please be respectful.
Semester Citizenship Grades will be based on the following:
 O Student demonstrates outstanding attitudes and/or behaviors toward class, subject, teachers and fellow students.
 S Student demonstrates acceptable attitudes and/or behaviors toward class, subject, teachers and fellow students.
 N Needs improvement. Student sometimes behaves in ways that do not support the principles of the class.
 U Student’s attitude and/or behaviors seriously interfere with classroom instruction.
*A key difference between Satisfactory (S) and Needs Improvement (N) is whether or not you correct inappropriate behavior
with one or two gentle reminders. If you cannot do this, then you will receive an (N) or (U).
MAKE-UPS: All assignments are due immediately upon returning from an absence. The only exception would be assignments
GIVEN during the absence; these will be due two days after returning to class unless they were designed to be completed over
several days. Long-term assignments—those designed to be completed over a week or more—are due on the day specified,
regardless of any absences between the day assigned and the day due. Students can email written work to me as an
attachment at; however, students must still provide a hard copy to the teacher the next day. Students may
also send their work to me via email or have a trustworthy friend, parent, sibling, etc. bring the assignment to my classroom
throughout the school day. A student with an extended absence of three or more days will make up work according to the instructor's
directions. Again, the student is responsible to inquire about any and all missed work and to make the necessary arrangements for
When you return following an absence: Please see the online course calendar for assignments missed. Most handouts
will be included on the calendar as an attachment. If there are any other questions regarding work missed, please email
the instructor or see instructor before school begins or at PAWS. DO NOT ask for missed work during the class period.
EXTRA CREDIT: No extra credit will be accepted in place of any assignments. Students are expected to perform the reading
and writing assignments designed for the course. Any possible extra credit assignments will only be accepted if the student has
100% of all assignments completed for the semester.
MATERIALS: The recommended material list for this class includes 2 - 3 blue or black ink pens, sharpened pencil with eraser,
green, red, or purple pen (not a crayon, marker, pencil, or highlighter) for correcting only, highlighter, glue stick, 3-subject
notebook (with pockets or a separate folder) or a 1” binder, PAWS-PORT, and free-reading book to class every day. Other
materials may be needed for certain units or reports. Successful students will maintain an orderly notebook in which they keep
their notes, handouts, assignments, and other course materials. If a student consistently fails to bring necessary notes,
handouts, assignments, and/or assigned book to class, the teacher may initiate consequences and/or dock
participation points. Final drafts of writing assignments and reports must be typed or word-processed.
In Pawsport; Students are to write the daily homework at the beginning of each class period.
State law does not allow school districts to charge fees to students for educational activities; many of our programs rely on
financial contributions from participating families. Please know that a donation is not required to participate, and families that
choose to contribute may do so at any amount. A suggested donation can help sustain school wide programs.
A donation to the English department is appreciated to help offset costs for this program and to maintain the quality of the
English program we have here at FHS.
TEXTBOOK/MATERIALS RESPONSIBILITY: Students are financially responsible for any and all books and materials provided
to them. This includes damage as well as loss and will be billed accordingly. Damage fees may vary from $2.00 to the full
replacement cost of the text or resource material. Payments for lost or damaged materials must be taken care of at the Student
Accounts window.
CHEATING: Cheating will be defined as using someone else’s efforts in place of your own or providing work for someone else.
Consequences for all individuals, both receivers and providers, involved in cheating will receive a zero on the assignment in
question. Examples include letting a friend copy your work, providing answers to a test, or printing two copies of work produced
on a computer. All students at Folsom High School are held accountable to the school wide Academic Honesty Policy as stated
in the PAWSPORT. Please consult the policy for a detailed list of what constitutes cheating and consequences for each step. A
single instance of cheating counts as a Step 1 Offense and follows a student throughout their entire class schedule and through
all of their years at Folsom High. The next instance (even if in a different class or years later) counts as Step 2.
Folsom High School 2015-2016
COURSE: English 10
INSTRUCTOR: Mrs. McKeeman Rice
To the Student’s Family: Please sign below indicating that you have reviewed course expectations, grading policies, and lab
safety procedures with your student. Thank you for returning this form to me. I appreciate your time and support. Please feel
free to email me at or call me at (916) 355-1174 if you have any questions.
Student Name (PRINT)
Student Signature
Parent Name (PRINT)
Parent Signature
Do you have internet access at home? yes / no
Parents, please tell me something nice about your child . . .
Please indicate if your child has any special needs. . .