College of EMS Alumni Chapter Board Meeting Meetings Prepared by Hayley Norpel Saturday, October 11, 2014 1500 Ullsvik Hall, UW-Platteville 8:00 AM – 10:00 PM From the Articles of Association and Constitution The objectives and purpose of the Chapter shall be: To cultivate friendships and foster mutual aid among it's Members; To advance the interests and standards of the engineering, mathematics and science departments of the College of Engineering, Mathematics and Science of the University of Wisconsin Platteville. To promote a mutually beneficial relationship between the University and it's engineering, mathematics and science alumni; and To receive, invest and use gifts, contributions, devises, and bequests of money and / or real and personal property for the benefit of the engineering, mathematics and science departments of the College of Engineering, Mathematics and Science of the University of Wisconsin Platteville. Present (-in person) Tom Wisniowski, President Keena Spencer-Dobson, Second Vice President Tammy Salmon-Stephens, Past President Greg Bies, Past President Kim Schmelz, Director of Alumni Services George Hellert, Secretary Kelly Myers, Foundation Office Jessica Fick, Faculty Liaison Don Eichmann, Treasurer Dr. Mesut Muslu, Interim EMS Dean Julie McDonald, Faculty Liaison Amy True, Student Liaison Candidate Jeremy Peterson, Student Liaison Candidate Absent: Barb Boldt, Director Jeff Hoerning, Co-Executive Secretary, Faculty Liaison Mark Shubak, Director Joe Bunker, Director Jim Almquist, VECTOR Co-Advisor Hayley Norpel, Student Liaison 1) Call to order: Tom Wisniowski at 8:00 AM. 2) Introductions & Welcome: Tom Wisniowski 1 of 9 College of EMS Alumni Chapter Board Meeting Meetings Prepared by Hayley Norpel Saturday, October 11, 2014 1500 Ullsvik Hall, UW-Platteville 8:00 AM – 10:00 PM 3) Agenda approval: Tom Wisniowski. Greg motion with Tammy second. Motion carried. 4) Deans Report: Dr. Mesut Muslu a. There is no official written report from the Dean’s Office. Dr. Mesut Muslu is the Interim Dean of EMS, and he described the current situation in the Dean’s Office. He summarized his presentation from the previous night at the Senior Recognition Banquet. Dr. Muslu also advised that other UW – System four year schools have started to discuss offering of engineering degrees. The UW – System decided to conduct a study on what type of engineering is needed in Wisconsin. The report showed that Wisconsin is on average paying less than the national average. The need report showed a need for engineering only in what they referred to as Region 5, which is the Fox Valley area. This demand was said to be manageable by a partnership between UW-Green Bay and UW-Milwaukee or UW-Madison, without mentioning UW-Platteville. Dr. Muslu summarized the university’s response to the report in that we support the idea of collaboration to fill the engineering needs in Region 5; however, UW-P strongly believes that any collaboration should include UW-Platteville. In order to support this statement, the Dean’s Office is gathering data on the percentages of students that come from that area and what portion of our students go to that area to work after graduation (believed to be around 30%). The Board of Regents should consider feedback from the institutions involved including UW-P in formulating a decision. 5) Foundation Report: Kelly Myers a. See Foundation Office Report. b. The Society of Women Engineers (SWE) is looking to bid for the SWE Regional Conference in 2016. They need to raise at least $40,000-$50,000 in pledges or gifts in order to make the initial bid. In order to host a conference the university must secure around $90,000. Kelly asked for any suggestions of corporations or individuals that would like to support this bid for the SWE Regional Conference. Kelly handed out informational flyers and pledge cards for the Board to look at. Tammy added information about the conference. She informed the Board that the region that UW-Platteville is associated with is SWE’s largest region and that if we were to host conference there would be around 700 women coming to Platteville. UW-Platteville has a large presence in our region’s SWE. The Board discussed the benefit of hosting the conference and its impact on the Platteville area, the UW-P, and UW-P’s students. Sponsor companies have the opportunity to make a presentation, host a booth at a career fair, and attend CEO meetings to name a few benefits. c. Kelly also updated the Board on the Foundation’s effort to work more efficiently with business partners and how they have been working to create positive and beneficial relationships with their current business partners. He stressed that the Foundation is serious about creating partnerships and not just asking for money. 2 of 9 College of EMS Alumni Chapter Board Meeting Meetings Prepared by Hayley Norpel Saturday, October 11, 2014 1500 Ullsvik Hall, UW-Platteville 8:00 AM – 10:00 PM d. Kelly and Dr. Muslu have been and plan to continue traveling together to acquire support and stay aligned with industry. e. Kelly discussed the EMS Scholarship Banquet and activities around Homecoming, which seem to have all gone very well. f. He reminded the Board that the Foundation is always open to feedback from the members of the Board. g. ACTION ITEMS: Board members should spread the word to acquire pledges and gifts for the SWE Regional Conference bid through any contacts they may have. They should also feel free to communicate any thoughts, comments, or concerns to the Foundation through Kelly. 6) Secretary’s Report: George Hellert a. See Secretary’s Report. a. Approval of minutes of the 27 July 2014 was motioned by Don and seconded by Keena. The motion carried and the minutes were approved. b. Secretary’s report i) The webpage is woefully behind and is in desperate need of updating with meeting minutes, Board member pictures, and other information. This needs to be a priority of the Board moving forward. Greg has a copy of the old webpage. Tammy suggested that the Student Liaison needs to have a contact on campus for updating the webpage such as a Faculty Liaison. George suggested that the webpage update needs to be in collaboration with the College of EMS. ii) ACTION ITEM: Kim will set up meeting to delegate responsibilities for updating the webpage and to reach a consensus on content for the webpage. The people involved in this meeting would be Greg, Hayley, Phillip Parker, Julie, Kim, and George. Kim will set this meeting up. The plan will be to go through links and then content. This will be completed by December 1, 2014. iii) ACTION ITEM: Meeting minutes will be sent to Board members within a month of the meeting as a draft document and reviewed for suggestions prior to posting on the webpage. They will then be posted on the webpage as a draft until the following meeting where they will be reviewed and voted on for approval by the Board. iv) ACTION ITEM: New Board members are requested to provide an electronic photo and contact information in order to update the Board Member’s web page. 7) Treasurer’s Report: Don Eichman a. See Treasurer’s Report and the EMS Alumni Chapter Budget. a. Budget Discussion i) The EMS Alumni Chapter is over $21,000 in the black this year in the checking account, which is almost $13,000 above what the Board had budgeted. Don feels comfortable that the Chapter will stay within the budget 3 of 9 College of EMS Alumni Chapter Board Meeting Meetings Prepared by Hayley Norpel Saturday, October 11, 2014 1500 Ullsvik Hall, UW-Platteville 8:00 AM – 10:00 PM and has a positive outlook on how the budget will end up. Looking forward, the year-end report and financial reporting will follow the ledger instead of the bank account. Using the checking account can be slow causing discrepancies due of outstanding or intended but unwritten checks not being reflected in the checking account balance as well as issues with supporting member accounting. Don is in the process of redesigning the budget tools and ledger to form of a single document with instructions built in. This will facilitate automatic report generation and be much better for transitioning the Treasurer’s office holders change in the future. In this, he is simplifying and broadening the budgeting categories rather than listing specific budget items that make dynamic/changing expenditures difficult to follow throughout the year. The checkbook ledger will continue to document the detail of expenditures. ii) The Board then discussed the excess in the checking account versus the budget. They looked at the Chapter’s biggest expense and sought Kim’s input from the Alumni Office’s perspective. Kim suggested that the Board might consider using some of the money to reach out more to students. Tammy suggested that the Board could help support the travel grants and research grants offered through CenterPOINT. The Board felt that having a cushion of $2,500-$3,000 (~ 30% cushion) is a good target. The Board also expressed the importance of spreading excess budget funds out over a longer period as to better publicize the EMS Alumni Chapter’s contribution to the UW-P campus. Don moved to approve a $3,000 cushion for the budget and Tammy seconded. Greg motioned for one friendly amendment that the Board does a little more research on what an acceptable cushion is for a non-profit organization in order to follow best practices. Don restated the motion with the added amendment as a motion to establish a $3,000 cushion pending confirmation that this is an acceptable amount for the EMS Alumni Chapter. Tammy again seconded the motion. The motion carried. (1) ACTION ITEM: Don will research appropriate cushion amounts for nonprofit organizations to ensure that the Board’s decision to keep a cushion of $3,000 is appropriate. iii) George made a motion that the EMS Alumni Chapter pledge $5,000 towards the SWE Regional Conference bid. The Board then discussed this motion. Tom pointed out that this represents only half of the excess funds in the account above the cushion that was previously voted on and accepted by the Board. This would put the EMS Alumni Chapter at a Gold Sponsorship level and help to spread the EMS Alumni Chapter’s name to students on campus. The motion was carried. Tammy abstained from the discussion and voting due to her status as SWE Adviser. She expressed her gratitude and excitement with the decision. iv) Deb Rice Kloster, who works in Criminal Justice, advises the Dance Team, and is a large supporter of the band, submitted a request for funding towards 4 of 9 College of EMS Alumni Chapter Board Meeting Meetings Prepared by Hayley Norpel Saturday, October 11, 2014 1500 Ullsvik Hall, UW-Platteville 8:00 AM – 10:00 PM the new band uniforms, which can be seen via the link below. The Foundation has worked with the band to help fund these new uniforms, because they were in such a need on a short timeline. The Board discussed the issue of funding one request over others and the need for setting up a standard process in order to ensure that funding is dispersed in a fair and equitable manner which aligns with the goals of the EMS Alumni Chapter. In order to do this, general standard criteria would need to be established around the Chapter’s mission/purpose to ensure that the decisions of the Board are properly aligned and to create visibility for potential fund requesters in the long term. In discussing the request from Deb for the band uniforms, the Board considered the breakdown of the students involved in the band (~50% EMS majors), the visibility of the band, and the support of the Alumni Association and the LAE Alumni Board that each gave $1,000 to the band uniform fund request. Tammy moved that the Board allocate $1,000 toward the band uniform fundraising efforts to match the donations of the Alumni Association and the LAE Alumni Board. George seconded this motion. The motion carried. (1) See the request from Deb Rice Kloster. 8) Committee Reports a. Geode: Kim Schmelz i) Working on November issue of the Geode. Two hundred hardcopies were mailed out. Phillip Parker is managing this for the College of EMS. They would like to have additional content/articles from the EMS Alumni Chapter in each edition. They have October, November, and December planned, but would like some additional planned content for January through May (five articles). The Board brainstormed ideas for articles. The ideas included an Awards article from Barb, scholarships sponsored by the EMS Alumni Chapter, webpage updates, Student Liaisons, an article on what the Chapter is funding across campus, and a testimony from one or more Supporting Member(s). (1) ACTION ITEM: The Board will ensure that these articles are written and provided to the Geode Committee. Mark and Joe will communicate with Kim who should be highlighted among the Supporting Members. b. Honors, Awards & Scholarships: Tom Wisniowski i) See Awards Committee Report. ii) As defined in the Awards Committee Report, Barb has a communication plan for getting nominations for Awards. She will place a call for nominations in the Geode in January and follow up with the Alumni Office. Barb and Kim will work jointly to help boost communication. (1) ACTION ITEM: The Board will communicate the Award nomination to friends, coworkers, and other contacts to boost visibility and increase the number of nominations. c. Supporting Members & Membership: Tom Wisniowski 5 of 9 College of EMS Alumni Chapter Board Meeting Meetings Prepared by Hayley Norpel Saturday, October 11, 2014 1500 Ullsvik Hall, UW-Platteville 8:00 AM – 10:00 PM i) See Supporting Members & Membership Report. ii) Funds for Supporting Members are looking good with $5,000 raised to date. The committee has a goal of $7,000 in Supporting Memberships. d. Constitution and Bylaws: George Hellert i) See Constitution and Bylaws Report. ii) After the discovery of minor errors in the Constitution and Bylaws a couple years ago, the Board decided that a review and update was in order. Due to the long distances between subcommittee members, and confusion regarding recommended electronic tools/applications needed to facilitate the work no update or changes have yet been made. George suggested utilizing the existing Alumni Association’s Constitution and Bylaws as the foundation for a rewrite of the EMS Alumni Chapter’s Constitution and Bylaws. That approach should help keep the Constitution and Bylaws current and provide consistency with the parent Alumni Chapter. George suggested that someone chair the committee who is comfortable with Google Drive, Sky Drive and “the Cloud.” He also suggested holding conference calls, and online meetings to facilitate the update. Tom suggested that the new members could be involved in this committee to make updates. Don, George, Keena, Greg, and a new member will make this committee. Don was chosen as the convener. (1) ACTION ITEM: The committee will meet in January to work on updating the Constitution and Bylaws. Kim will send George any updates that have been made to the Alumni Office’s Constitution and Bylaws. e. Special Events i) While rhere is no written report, the consensus is that Recognition Banquet was well attended and was very well received. 9) Alumni Office Report: Kim Schmelz a. See Alumni Office Report. b. The Alumni membership is up from this time last year, which is exciting. There were roughly 185 runners at that morning’s Homecoming Hustle 5K, which is up from 140 runners last year. The Alumni Association raised around $5,000 on that event. Future plans include; i) In October they have a Pabst Brewery Tour, ii) A Legacy Breakfast during Family Weekend to acknowledge scholarship recipients, and Toppers Pizza Factory Tour in Whitewater iii) A November Wilderness Weekend, which is a fundraiser in Wisconsin Dells. c. At the December Commencement, the Alumni Association honors Outstanding Alumni and this fall there will be two recipients from EMS. They are Robert Hendrickson, 1999 Industrial Engineer who works as the Director of Engineering and Maintenance for Frito-Lay along with Chad Schakelman, a 2000 Civil Engineer who works as the Industrial Division Manager for JP Cullen & Sons. d. The Alumni Association is planning four trips in 2015. e. In January the Alumni Directory Project will begin. 6 of 9 College of EMS Alumni Chapter Board Meeting Meetings Prepared by Hayley Norpel Saturday, October 11, 2014 1500 Ullsvik Hall, UW-Platteville 8:00 AM – 10:00 PM i) ACTION ITEM: Members of the Board are encouraged to respond to any postcards or communication they receive regarding this project promptly as to aid in the success of this project. 10) Elections/Appointments a. The Board went through the Bylaws in order to validate the election process and appointments they would be making. Joe’s second consecutive term as Director is up and according to the Bylaws; he is not eligible to continue as a Director for a third consecutive term. b. Tammy moved that the Board nominate Keena as 1st Vice-President. George seconded the motion. Motion carried. c. There are two open Director positions, one open position as 2nd Vice-President, and three candidates. i) See Director Candidate Biographies. ii) The Board had familiarized themselves with the candidate’s biographies prior to the meeting. iii) Tammy moved to nominate Greg Jewell as 2nd Vice-President. Don seconded the motion. The motion carried, and Greg Jewell was elected 2nd VicePresident. iv) Tammy motioned to nominate Adam Kaiser to a Director position. Keena seconded the motion. The motion carried, and Adam Kaiser was elected to a Director position. v) Don motioned to nominate Brad Samz to a Director position. Keena seconded the motion. The motion carried, and Brad Samz was elected as a Director on the Board. vi) ACTION ITEM: Kim will contact the new members with their new positions on the Board. d. There was discussion about having a third Faculty Liaison working with the Board to increase communication with the Dean’s Office. Faculty Liaisons’ could split up responsibilities and work together to increase communication efficiency on campus. Greg made a motion to add a third Faculty Liaison to the Board, and Don seconded the motion. The motion carried. i) ACTION ITEM: Julie will talk to Dr. Mark Meyers as to his interest in the position as Faculty Liaison. 11) New Business a. The Board discussed the pros and cons of documenting the role/responsibilities of the Faculty Liaisons, and the autonomy that the Liaisons have to split up roles based on their strengths and capabilities. b. The Board discussed the need for a documented description of Student Liaison roles especially if the Board opts to have two Student Liaisons moving forward. George created and distributed a draft of the roles and responsibilities for the Student Liaison position. Comments from the Board have been requested. 7 of 9 College of EMS Alumni Chapter Board Meeting Meetings Prepared by Hayley Norpel Saturday, October 11, 2014 1500 Ullsvik Hall, UW-Platteville 8:00 AM – 10:00 PM 12) Next Meeting a. As time was running short, the Board decided to wait to schedule the spring meeting. b. ACTION ITEM: Kim will send out a Doodle Poll in order to gage when the optimal date of the spring meeting will be. Members should participate in the poll in order to ensure the highest attendance possible at the next meeting. 13) Adjournment: Tom Wisniowski Key Take-Aways and Action Item Summary: Foundation Office: Board members should spread the word to acquire pledges and gifts for the SWE Regional Conference bid through any contacts they may have. They should also feel free to communicate any thoughts, comments, or concerns to the Foundation through Kelly. Web Page Updates: Set up meeting to delegate responsibility for the webpage and update the webpage. The people involved in this meeting would be Greg, Hayley, Phillip Parker, Julie, Kim, and George. Kim will set this meeting up. The plan will be to go through links and then content. This will be completed by December 1, 2014. Also new Board members are requested to provide an electronic photo and contact information in order to update the Board Member’s web page Meeting Minutes: Meeting minutes will be sent to Board members within a month of the meeting as a draft form and reviewed for suggestions prior to posting on the webpage. They will then be posted on the webpage as a draft until the following meeting where they will be reviewed and voted on for approval by the Board. New Checking Account Cushion: Don will research appropriate cushion amounts for nonprofit organizations to ensure that the Board’s decision to keep a cushion of $3,000 was, in fact, appropriate. Geode: The Board will ensure that the necessary articles for January – May are written and provided to the Geode Committee. Topics that were brainstormed are defined in the minutes. Mark and Joe will communicate with Kim who should be highlighted. Award Nominations: The Board will communicate the Award nomination to friends, coworkers, and other contacts to boost visibility and raise the number of nominations. 8 of 9 College of EMS Alumni Chapter Board Meeting Meetings Prepared by Hayley Norpel Saturday, October 11, 2014 1500 Ullsvik Hall, UW-Platteville 8:00 AM – 10:00 PM Constitution and Bylaws: The committee will meet in January to work on updating the Constitution and Bylaws. Kim will send George any updates that have been made to the Alumni Office’s Constitution and Bylaws. Alumni Office: Members of the Board are encouraged to respond to any postcards or communication they receive regarding the Alumni Directory Project promptly as to aid in the success of this project. New Board Member Election: Keena Spencer-Dobson was elected 1st Vice-President. Greg Jewell was elected 2nd Vice-President. Adam Kaiser and Brad Samz were elected as Directors. Kim will contact the new members with their new positions on the Board. Roles and Responsibilities: Prior to the meeting, George created and distributed a draft of the roles and responsibilities for the Student Liaison position. Comments from Board members are requested. Faculty Liaison: Dr. Jessica Fick is now a Faculty Liaison. Julie will talk to Dr. Mark Meyers as to his interest in the position as Faculty Liaison. Next Meeting: Kim will send out a Doodle Poll in order to gage when the optimal date of the spring meeting will be. Members should participate in the poll in order to ensure the highest attendance possible at the next meeting. 9 of 9