Cellular Respiration & Fermentation Reading Notes

Biology Reading Notes Outline
Chapter 9: Cellular Respiration & Fermentation
Period: ______Date: ____________
Read Chapter 9. As you do so, take notes on the following topics on a separate piece of notebook paper. You will
have to study these for tests, so do not just “answer” the topic questions below- write out the info in an outline
format that contains the detail needed to understand what the topic is and what it means. Leave space between each
topic so you can add to the notes during in-class lectures.
Ch. 9.1: Cellular Respiration: An Overview
1. How do all organisms obtain energy from food?
2. What unit is used to express energy stored in food?
3. Define calorie:
a. How is a kilocalorie different from a calorie?
4. About how many calories of energy (per gram) are contained in carbohydrates, proteins, and fats respectively?
5. What is cellular respiration?
6. Write out the chemical equation for cellular respiration
a. using symbols AND using words
7. What are the three main stages of cellular respiration (in order)?
8. Which stages required the presence of oxygen?
9. What is the difference between aerobic and anaerobic?
10. How are photosynthesis and cellular respiration related?
Ch. 9.2: The Process of Cellular Respiration
1. What happens to a glucose molecule in glycolysis?
2. Where (in the cell) does glycolysis take place?
3. How many ATP: Start glycolysis? Are produced in glycolysis? Are gained overall?
4. What is the electron acceptor molecule in glycolysis?
5. Why is glycolysis such an advantageous process for the cell?
6. What happens to pyruvic acid in the Krebs cycle?
7. Where (in the cell) does the Krebs cycle take place?
8. What are the electron carriers in the Krebs cycle?
9. What are the products of the Krebs cycle?
10. Where does the electron transport chain take place in eukaryotes?
11. What is the objective of the electron transport chain?
12. Why is oxygen such an essential part of the electron transport chain?
13. How does the electron transport chain ultimately produce ATP?
14. How much ATP is generated by cellular respiration from just one molecule of glucose?
15. After ATP production, what happens to the remaining energy from a glucose molecule?
Ch. 9.3: Fermentation
1. What is fermentation?
2. Where does fermentation take place?
3. Describe alcoholic fermentation:
a. What are the end products of this process?
b. How is alcoholic fermentation used commercially?
4. Describe lactic acid fermentation:
a. What are the end products of this process?
b. How is lactic acid fermentation used commercially?
5. How are human beings “lactic acid fermenters”?
6. What are the three main sources of ATP for humans?
7. How does the body use ATP for short, quick bursts of energy?
8. How does the body use ATP for longer exercises?
9. What releases energy faster- cellular respiration or fermentation?- Explain why.
10. In what form is energy stored in muscle and other body tissues?
11. Why is aerobic activity beneficial for weight control?
12. How does the concept of hibernation work for bears?