Sexual Assault Awareness Council Meeting 11/5/15 8am Royce 318 Conference Room Present:

Sexual Assault Awareness Council
Meeting 11/5/15 8am
Royce 318 Conference Room
Jessi Ensenberger, Dean of Students Office
Sandie Brick-Margelofsky, Doyle Center
Paula Schoenberg, Family Advocates
Chris Patterson, Student Senate
Robin Gore, Res Life
Dan Foley, Res Life
Sierra Mullen, PEERS
Molly Thelemann, Campus Police
Tim Swenson, Academic Staff HHP
Jeff Jacobs, Residence Hall Association
Amy Nemmetz, Faculty Criminal Justice
Madelon Kohler-Busch, Faculty German
Not Present:
Shana Michonski, Student
Vickie Dreessens, Student Health Services
Deirdre Dalsing, Counseling Services
Marc Wruble, Faculty Psychology
Brittney Hayes, Family Advocates
Kendal Kendrick, Delta Sig
Action items are highlighted
1. Introductions
2. Review notes from last meeting
3. Program & Event Updates
a. Jessi:
i. 48 total attendees at Campus Climate presentations; a tangible, shareable
report with the data to come soon.
b. Sandie:
i. Doyle Center hosting Sexual Assault Discussion Panel on 11/5 in the Nohr
Gallery, noon-1pm. Many different members of campus/community will be on
c. Chris:
i. Week of Action: successful for its first year. Rape culture panel was most wellattended event. Planning to continue events with the “It’s On Us” logo. Video
has over 6,000 views (can find it on the UW-Platteville Student Senate Facebook
ii. Women’s Wellness Conference (4/16/16 8am-5pm)
1. Found a keynote speaker: Heather Shey-Gassler who travels and talks
about feminism and leadership in schools and the workplace
iii. Update on Walk a Mile in Her Shoes, an event being planned by student
Bethany Jensen:
1. Date has moved to Sunday, 4/24/16 (fairly certain)
2. Jessi: We are discussing ways to make sure that people take it seriously
and don’t offend trans populations, including using a speaker at the
beginning to remind people why they are there
3. Sandie: Might be a good idea to include this on the registration form,
that male-identified participants should not dress up as women or make
a mockery of the event
4. Bethany will be at a future SAAC meeting to involve us in planning
d. Paula:
i. Night of Enlightenment 11/19, 6pm in 136 Doudna. Human trafficking –
mother/daughter speakers. Free and open to the public, good will donations
accepted. Please spread the word!
ii. Student support group hosted on campus on Mondays, 4-5pm in the Mining
Room (in MPSC), running until 12/14/15. So far, 4 attendees who have been at
the first and second session. Continue spreading the word!
e. Madelon:
i. New Advocates for Gender Equality student group on campus. Madelon is
serving as advisor. Meetings the first Thursdays of the month at 5pm in Doyle
Center. Pairing up with Doyle Center on some programing. Their mission is to
educate and create a welcoming and safe space for everyone, regardless of
gender identity.
ii. Madelon will continue to provide updates on the group’s progress.
4. Review of Clery, Title IX, and VAWA
a. Jessi provided an overview of the requirements imposed on universities by these laws.
She has summed up some relevant points about these laws (to the best of her ability!) in
one page, attached to this e-mail. Links to further information are provided.
5. Forthcoming federal compliance programs
a. Jessi: A student and employee program will be launched in January (current timeline) to
put our university in compliance with some of these requirements.
b. Jessi requested help coming up with ideas for ways to enforce the completion of these
i. For students:
1. Registration holds (appears to be most common method used by
universities) – there is some hesitation by administration to do this, as
there are already so many potential holds that can keep students from
being able to register, but it appears to be the most effective.
2. Advising holds (can’t get their PIN from advisors to register until they’ve
completed the program?)
3. Textbook hold? – Amy mentioned this would be frustrating, since the
line is extremely long, and then to get to the front and find out you can’t
even pick them up would infuriate people. Not to mention, this might
not be strong enough.
4. Hold on transcripts? – Molly mentioned they’re pretty much already
held. Jessi mentioned that this wouldn’t really incentivize new students
to complete the training.
5. Include the training into NSR? – As of now, this is very difficult to do,
because our NSR is only one day and it is already cram-packed with
6. Communication ideas:
a. Have RAs include this as a topic in their first floor meeting
b. Provide info for accessing the program at NSR (but caution:
parents might complete it for their students)
ii. For employees:
1. Include in employee review? Amy mentioned not all employees are
2. Ask deans to enforce the completion? Or push it at their department
3. Jessi: Some schools have said they have not needed to use
“carrots/sticks” with their employees. (Most folks at the council did not
seem optimistic about this prospect.)
6. Next Meeting: Thursday, November 19th @ 8am in Royce 318