Sexual Assault Awareness Council Meeting 11/19/15 8am Royce 318 Conference Room Present:

Sexual Assault Awareness Council
Meeting 11/19/15 8am
Royce 318 Conference Room
Jessi Ensenberger, Dean of Students Office
Kendal Kendrick, Delta Sig
Paula Schoenberg, Family Advocates
Dan Foley, Res Life
Amy Nemmetz, Faculty Criminal Justice
Not Present:
Shana Michonski, Student
Vickie Dreessens, Student Health Services
Deirdre Dalsing, Counseling Services
Marc Wruble, Faculty Psychology
Brittney Hayes, Family Advocates
Sandie Brick-Margelofsky, Doyle Center
Chris Patterson, Student Senate
Robin Gore, Res Life
Sierra Mullen, PEERS
Molly Thelemann, Campus Police
Tim Swenson, Academic Staff HHP
Jeff Jacobs, Residence Hall Association
Madelon Kohler-Busch, Faculty German
Action items are highlighted
1. Introductions
2. Review notes from last meeting
3. Updates
a. Jessi:
i. Jessi will invite Bethany Jensen to a SAAC meeting to discuss Walk a Mile in Her
Shoes event.
ii. Enforcing the required online course on sexual violence for students – meeting
was held last week and the group came to the decision to use the Dean of
Students hold on registration for those who do not complete, on the condition
that it is not a very large number of people. In communication about the
program, we will tell students “failure to complete the online course may affect
your ability to register.”
iii. Women’s Wellness Conference (4/16/16) call for proposals went out; Jessi will
forward to SAAC and Jackie Bodden of Neighborhood Health Partners.
iv. Doyle Center has a healthy masculinity discussion today, 11/19 at noon in the
v. Jessi is working on a draft of a Memorandum of Understanding for the campus
and Family Advocates. Hoping to get a draft to Paula and Darlene by the end of
the semester.
vi. Planning another “Are You Man Enough?” healthy masculinity panel for the
week after Spring Break in March, 2016. Invited Kendal Kendrick to partake,
who said he would be around campus and interested.
b. Paula:
i. Night of Enlightenment 11/19, 6pm in 136 Doudna. Human trafficking –
mother/daughter speakers. Free and open to the public, good will donations
ii. Student support group hosted on campus on Mondays, 4-5pm in the Mining
Room (in MPSC), running until 12/14/15. Continue spreading the word!
4. Forthcoming federal compliance programs
a. Jessi: Ideas for how to enforce completion of employee programs? It was brought up in
a meeting that we could lock faculty out of the network until they complete, or make it
a condition of employment.
i. Group was not in favor of network idea, and making it a condition of
employment seemed extreme
ii. Group discussed that if you asked all new employees to complete the training
within 10 days or 2 weeks of employment, we would probably have decent
iii. Could ask Deans/department chairs/RDs to hold employees accountable for
iv. Jessi will make sure to communicate to Deans/campus before the end of the
semester, so they know it is coming
5. Defining “Responsible Employee”
a. Jessi: Title IX requires us to designate “responsible employees” – people who a student
could reasonably expect would take action if they reported an act of sexual violence to
them. Those designated a responsible employee would be mandated to report these
experiences to the proper campus authorities. As of now, our campus defines ALL
employees as responsible employees, which has potential to cause a situation a victim
did not want. For example, if a student wanted to talk through something that
happened with a friend and fellow student who happened to work part-time for Dining
Services, that person would be required to report it – which could start an entire formal
process the victim might not have wanted/been ready for. We are looking to redefine
b. Paula: This is why it is so important students know what their confidential resources are.
We want to do more work marketing confidential services (Family Advocates, SANE,
counseling services).
i. Dan: Could put this on residence life social media pages
ii. Kendal: Could contact George Krueger, have marketing students come up with
something catchy/appealing to get the word out to students
iii. Amy will invite George to the next SAAC meeting to discuss this possibility
6. Next Meeting: Thursday, December 3rd @ 8am in Royce 318
a. Discuss marketing confidential services
b. Sexual Assault Awareness Month planning at following meeting (12/17)