Whereas, additional job security can be granted to academic staff through the procedures outlined in the Academic Staff Bylaws, Part V, Chapter VIII; and Whereas, many academic staff members have been notified via email by the Academic Staff Personnel Commission and/or the office of Human Resources of the opportunity to apply for job security; and whereas, these emails are being perceived by some Academic Staff members as recommending something they “must” or “ought” to do; and Whereas, the Academic Staff Personnel Commission has received nearly four times the usual number of job security requests; and Whereas, there is particular confusion regarding the types of fixed term contracts for Academic Staff, which has led to individual Academic Staff members being confused or misinformed about their current contractual status; and Whereas, many Academic Staff members or their supervisors have incorrectly applied for job security by requesting a contact that the Academic Staff member currently has; and Whereas the intent of the job security application process is to provide additional job security to individual Academic Staff members, not to reduce an individual’s job security; Therefore, be it resolved that no Academic Staff member with a fixed-term renewable or rolling horizon contract shall lose his/her current job security status by applying for job security. If a current request for job security is denied, the Academic Staff member shall retain the length and type of contract he/she currently has.