University of Wisconsin-Platteville Minutes of the Chancellor’s Classified Staff Advisory Committee Meeting January 8, 2013 Greg Bies – Chair Mary Jo Booth Ian Clark – Secretary Jayne Sherer Cheryl Bockhop Kurt Tuescher LaVon Blum Karla Kuhl MaryJo Droessler 1. Approval of the Agenda by consent vote 2. Approval of the Minutes by consent vote 3. Member Resignation – Ron Redwing The CCSAC accepts Ron’s resignation. 4. Supplemental Pay Plan For classified staff, this will follow the DMC process. Supplemental pay cannot be used for across the board pay increases, and is only for base-building. Rob Cramer has asked the group for guidelines on how the monies should be handled, ie. if a pay increase should come from the pay plan versus departmental money. The group needs more clarification on current broad-banded positions and current processes before a recommendation can be made. 5. Performance Management The committee is still looking for a replacement for this university committee to represent CCSAC. The PM committee is exploring software and models for reviews.’s eAppraisal is a strong possibility. Such a system would be implemented for first use in spring 2014. 6. Senate Support Position Interviews for the position will take place the week after next. 7. Elections and Appointments Sub-committee Nominations are needed to replace Marcia and Ron. 8. Awards and Recognition Sub-committee Jayne will take Marcia’s place on this sub-committee. 9. Marketing Sub-committee – no report 10. Constitution and Bylaws Sub-committee – no report Adjournment by consent vote