Classified Staff Senate Bylaws

Classified Staff Senate Bylaws
The original name of the organization was Chancellor’s Classified Staff Advisory Committee
As of November 26, 2013, the organization changed its name to Classified Staff Senate
Established in 2012 the senate provides a representative voice for the University of
Wisconsin Platteville classified staff. This representation provides a rapport and maintains
communication among all classified employees, administration, and the University as a
WHEREAS, the University’s classified staff has employment rights and conditions
determined and established by state-level agencies, the Classified Staff Senate will make
recommendations, consider proposals, and raise concerns to the institutional leadership
and is here to support equality amongst the university as a whole.
Effective September 6, 2013 the UW System Board of Regents approved Resolution I.2.c,
which created Regent Policy Document 20-20, authorizing the classified staff of each UW
System institution to structure themselves in such manner as they determine and to select
representatives to participate in institutional governance. All classified employees are
eligible to participate in shared governance and be elected to serve on the Classified Staff
Policy Statement:
The Board of Regents is vested with the primary responsibility for governance of the University of
Wisconsin System {sec. 36.09(1), Wis. Stats.}. In discharging this responsibility, the Board has an
interest in providing classified staff the opportunity to participate in institutional decision-making.
Each UW System institution shall:
1. Provide its classified staff members, subject to the responsibilities and powers of the board,
the president, and the chancellor and faculty of the institution, the opportunity to be active
participants in the immediate governance of and policy development for the institution;
2. Provide its classified staff members full participation in the formulation and review, and
representation in the development, of all policies and procedures concerning classified staff
members, including classified staff personnel matters, except where State law preempts UW
System policy and
3. Provide its classified staff members the right to structure themselves in a manner classified
staff members determine, and to select their representatives to participate in institutional
Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the consideration of all business and debate, as far as
it may be applicable to this body.
Mission Statement:
The Classified Staff Senate of the UW-Platteville campus was established to improve communications
between all classified and limited term employees and the broader University community. While it is
understood that the University’s classified staff have employment rights and conditions that are
determined and established by state-level agencies, the Classified Staff Senate is here to support
equality amongst classified staff, academic staff, faculty & students, as well as to ensure that
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classified staff have a voice and the ability to be actively involved in campus based process, both
current and future.
University staff members of the University of Wisconsin-Platteville share a professional commitment to
excellence through their support of students, academic staff, faculty, administration, and the community
as they perform their duties in their respective areas of expertise. It is our mission to promote the
professional development and individual career support of the Classified Staff through education, training,
mentoring, networking, and communication. We strive to maintain a cohesive partnership with colleagues
from all campus employee groups in support of the University’s mission. Membership is open to all
University of Wisconsin-Platteville University Staff.
The mission of the University of Wisconsin‐Platteville Classified Staff Senate is to promote a
positive environment for all classified staff employees and encourage active participation in the
University decision‐making process. The Classified Staff Senate is dedicated to promoting
professional development and ongoing educational opportunities as well as serving as a channel of
respectful communication among all classified staff employees, and between classified staff
employees and the broader University community. The Classified Staff Senate serves in an advisory
role to the Chancellor and University administration. The Classified Staff Senate represents all
classified permanent, limited term (LTE) and project appointment employees of the University.
i. To recommend and actively participate in the development of campus policies and
practices , which are in the best interest of the classified staff while promoting and
sustaining a positive professional environment for all classified staff;
ii. To promote professional development through education, training, mentoring,
networking, and communication,
iii. To encourage informed communication among classified staff and with the broader
university community, including the recognized governance groups,
iv. To serve as advisors to the Chancellor and other University administrators,
v. To solicit nominees and make recommendations for University Search and Screen
Committees and other committees requested by the Chancellor,
vi. To survey needs, review concerns, and identify goals of the classified staff.
vii. Strive for balanced representation of classified staff,
viii. Serve as the liaison to faculty, academic staff, and student governance groups.
ix. Promote governance participation of all classified staff members ,
x. To communicate with classified staff by calling special meetings for all classified
staff or special ballot voting when necessary.
xi. To perform other duties as needed that supports the mission of UW-Platteville.
Core Values:
i. We believe Classified Staff Senate is obligated to communicate with all classified
staff, to seek understanding of what staff member’s value, and to communicate those
values throughout the university community.
ii. We believe Classified Staff Senate is obligated to serve as an advocate and liaison for
identified staff issues with administration and other constituencies in the university
iii. We believe Classified Staff Senate represents the voice of the university community.
It is our responsibility to be proactive.
Section 1: All members of the classified staff whether in a permanent or limited
employment status are eligible and encouraged to become a member of the Classified Staff
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Senate. Terms of service on Classified Staff Senate are staggered so that four classified
employee seats and one limited term employee seat is open each year.
i. Membership
Membership consists of thirteen voting members with twelve being permanent
status employees, one being a limited term status employee, and liaisons from other
senates and administration:
a. One member each from areas 2,4,6, 7, and 8,
b. Two members each from areas 1, 3, and 5,
c. Two at-large members,
ii. Executive Committee
a. Classified Staff Senate shall consist of the following three officers who serve
single year terms: Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary/Treasurer, and shall be
called the Executive Committee of the Classified Staff Senate.
b. The prior chair of the Classified Staff Senate shall serve as an ex-officio and
non-voting member of the senate and the executive committee.
iii. Liaisons
The expectations of the Liaison is to be familiar with the University’s system of
shared governance, have understandings, and sensitivities that will ensure the work
of the Classified Staff Senate operates in an orderly, efficient, and harmonious
manner with other formally-recognized governance structures and processes.
Liaisons are non-voting.
a. The Faculty Senate and Academic Staff Senate shall be invited to appoint a
liaison; the Liaison will be a non-voting member,
b. A member of the Classified Staff Senate will serve as Liaison to the Faculty
Senate and the Academic Staff Senate and will report to the Classified Staff
Senate at their next meeting.
c. The Chancellor is to appoint an individual to serve as the Administrative
Liaison to Classified Staff Senate.
 He or she shall have the background, training, experience, commitment,
and current work responsibilities that provide orientation and
perspective to the broad array of issues affecting the University.
 Administrative staff will chose a Liaison who is expected to have regular
and recurring access to the Chancellor and to the University’s
administrative leadership.
Section 1: Terms
The amount of time a member of the Classified Staff Senate can serve.
a. The twelve permanent classified staff members will serve a three-year term
with a maximum of two consecutive terms.
b. The limited term classified staff member will serve a one-year term with a
maximum of three terms.
c. Once a member has served the maximum term, he or she is required to take a
one-year leave before he or she may be elected again.
Section 2: Election Procedures
The general classified staff elects the senators for the Classified Staff Senate and
committees by an election conducted by Classified Staff Senate Elections and Appointments
a. Election process runs from April ….to May….
b. Election period will remain open for two weeks.
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c. Any method may be used for nominations/elections (email, paper, ballots,
survey monkey, etc.) but all staff shall have access.
d. Results of the elections will be recorded, saved in the Classified Staff Senate
shared drive folder, and should be published for review by any classified staff
member on the classified staff webpage.
e. See Article VII, Section 5 for record retention of elections/nomination
a. To solicit candidates from among the eligible university staff to serve on
elected and appoint committees via an annual survey.
b. To prepare ballots for the open positions on the senate and other committees
in accordance with the membership criteria established for each committee,
and to strive for broad representations of the campus community.
c. To facilitate and oversee the voting process.
d. To submit numerical results of the election, report the results before the last
meeting in May, and save the data in the Elections and Appointments folder.
e. Notify the Governance Office when the nomination period starts so the
website is updated with the nomination and election procedures.
Run-off Election:
If there would happen to be a tie, a run-off election will be conducted between the
persons receiving the highest votes.
Individuals may nominate themselves or other members of the classified staff. The
Elections and Appointments Committee will contact all nominees via email to notify
him or her of the nomination and to verify if he or she would like to continue to the
election process.
a. Nomination period will be open for two weeks.
b. There shall be a minimum of ten working days’ notice between the
announcement of an all classified staff election and the deadline for
c. The deadline shall not be extended as long as there is twice as many
candidates as there are seats, but must be extended for only five working days
(and publicized) should the number of nominations fall short of this
A. Election of the Senators
Senators are the members of Classified Staff Senate
a. Elections and Appointments will publicize the names of all persons eligible for
nomination the first week of April.
b. Elections and Appointments will provide results to Classified Staff Senate
prior to the last meeting of May.
c. It will be the responsibility of the Elections Committee to contact the newly
elected officers. They will also provide him or her copies of the Classified Staff
Senate Bylaws and Constitution and invite them to the last Classified Staff
Senate meeting of May.
d. The first meeting of June those newly elected senators begins his or her term.
B. Election of the Executive Committee
The Executive Committee of the Classified Staff Senate shall consist of a chair, vice
chair, and secretary.
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a. To be eligible for an executive position he or she needs to have been on the
senate for at least one year.
b. Nominations for the executive committee will take place at the last meeting
of May by the thirteen Classified Staff Senate members. Voting and elections
will take place at the first meeting of June. Outgoing officers, non-voting, or
ex-officio members are not eligible to vote
c. He or she must attend the last meeting of May and the first meeting of June to
be nominated and elected.
The duties of each Executive Committee Officer or Senator are set forth below:
Section 1: Chair
a. Attends senate meetings regularly,
b. Attend meetings with the Chancellor when requested and at the request of
the Chancellor, makes appointments to university wide committees,
c. Attend system-wide meetings, and notify Classified Staff Senate when and
where the meetings held,
d. Be fair and impartial but have facts surrounding any proposed action plans,
e. Calls meetings of Classified Staff Senate to order and presides over the
meetings in an orderly, objective and fair manner giving opportunity to all
senators to present their views provided they exhibit dignified behavior,
f. Call the meeting on time; do not wait for latecomers, unless quorum has not
been established,
g. Call a meeting of the Executive Committee when needed.
h. Collaborate with the Governance Office when needed.
i. Communicate with all staff and Classified Staff Senate in a timely, efficient,
and respectful manner.
j. Delegate responsibility as needed then verify he or she understands what is
expected and when it needs to be completed,
k. Distribute and review the bylaws and constitution at the first meeting of the
new semester,
l. Put a call out for agenda items and create an agenda that consists of items of
business to be discussed,
m. Send a request for agenda items, create an agenda, and ensure agendas
minutes are distributed 72 hours prior to the meeting,
n. Other duties as they are presented,
Section 2: Vice-Chair
a. Attend senate meetings regularly,
b. Attends meetings with the Chair and the Chancellor when requested,
c. Attends meetings of the Executive Committee and accompanies the Chair and
Vice-Chair to meetings with the Chancellor when requested,
d. Communicates with the Chair to ensure agreed tasks and functions are
carried out,
e. Communicate with all staff and Classified Staff Senate in a timely, efficient,
and respectful manner,
f. Collaborate with the Governance Office when needed,
g. Encourage discussions and provide input as needed,
h. Perform the chair duties in absence of the chair before and during the
i. Possess the same rights as senators in section four below,
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j. Support the Chair in his or her role, by assisting with the chairs workload
when necessary or requested,
k. Other duties as they are presented,
Section 3: Secretary/Treasurer
a. Accompanies the Chair and Vice-Chair to meetings with the Chancellor when
b. Assists the chair and or vice chair with his or her duties as needed or
requested, such as preparing the agenda or communication to all staff,
c. Attends meetings of the Executive Committee when and if needed,
d. Collaborate with the Governance Office when needed,
e. Possess the same rights as senators in section four below,
f. Oversees the Classified Staff Senate budget and reports on budgetary
obligations and balance when and if requested,
g. Record the minutes when the recording secretary is absent and forward the
final minutes to the recording secretary for review,
h. Reviews the minutes created by the recording secretary prior to the
distribution to the members of senate for approval,
i. Work with the chair to identify senators with low attendance.
Section 4: Senators
a. Any member having the privilege to voice may, at any time, request
recognition by the raise of his or her hand to comment on an issue, ask for
information on an issue, and make a report or an announcement.
b. Attend senate meetings regularly,
c. Display dignified behavior,
d. Refer, amend (may be made before or after a motion to approve),
e. Amend (alter) pending motion, the agenda, minutes, or voting method.
f. Close, set or extend limits on, or reopen a discussion.
g. Divide a question, separately voting on different parts of the motion (parts
voted down shall be considered struck out)
h. Reconsider a motion previously voted on (motion is considered as if it is
heard for the first time).
i. Pay attention and come prepared, if during the meeting he or she notices a
mistake according to Robert’s Rules of Order, or otherwise, ask for
recognition to discuss with senate.
j. Has the right to vote or abstain on motions under consideration,
a. Abstain during any motion, but he or she are encouraged to abstain from
voting on matters of direct personal interest, but not required to abstain.
b. Senator can change their vote at any time until the result is announced,
c. Right to “Call to question” (let’s vote) if debate has consumed too much time.
A meeting, as defined by Robert’s rule of Oder, is a single official gathering of an
organization in one room, with a quorum present to transact business. Regular meetings
will be held on the second and fourth Tuesdays Starting in August, with the understanding
that July meetings will only occur if there is a bona fide emergency or immediate action is
needed. For more information on the meeting place, see the Classified Staff Senate
webpage. Meetings are open to all university staff and students.
a. Meetings are during paid working hours and employees who are serving on a
committee who work a shift other than first may use flextime to attend the
meetings. An arrangement for flextime is to be discussed with the
employee’s supervisor.
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The Administrative Liaison per Article IV, section 1 (iii) shall actively
help to resolve any issues or problems that may arise relating flextime
and workload.
Section1: Quorum
Before a meeting can conduct business, it requires a quorum – the minimum number of
members that must be present at any of its meetings to make the proceedings of the
meeting valid, and for business to be conducted.
a. Quorum for Classified Staff Senate is seven (7).
b. The senate may conduct any meeting by conference call or other
communication by means of which all persons participating in the meeting
can communicate with each other and as long as quorum is obtained.
c. The chair qualifies as meeting quorum,
d. If at any time quorum is lost during the meeting, business needing action or a
vote will need to be placed on the next agenda. Unless an important
opportunity would be lost unless acted upon immediately, the members
present at the meeting can, at their own risk, act in the emergency in hope
that their actions will be ratified at a later meeting at which a quorum is
e. Any member noticing the apparent absence of a quorum can raise a point of
order to that effect at any time so long as he or she does not interrupt person
who is speaking; it is the chairs duty to declare the fact before taking a vote.
Section 2: Special Meetings
A separate meeting of the Classified Staff Senate held at a time different from the
regular meeting. According to Robert’s Rules of Order, nothing can be done in a special
meeting if it was not specifically included in the notice of the meeting.
a. Notice to all classified staff should be given no later than 48 hours, in the
event of a bona fide emergency, notice will be given as soon as practicable.
b. Chair is responsible for notifying staff where, when, and the purpose of the
 Vice Chair will be responsible in the case that the chair is not able.
c. If for any reason the chair will not call a special meeting, two members of the
Classified Staff Senate can call the meeting, as long as majority of the
members in attendance are in favor.
 A vote between the members in favor of the special meeting will
determine who will be responsible for notifying classified staff and
preside of the meeting.
Section 3: Absence
Classified Staff Senate member must attend regularly scheduled meetings to retain their
seat, unless excused by the chair. The Chair with the help of the Secretary may identify
officers with low attendance. He or she may be removed from office by an affirmative,
secret ballot vote of two-thirds of the whole membership.
a. Any member of the Classified Staff Senate who is absence or neglected a
meeting more than three consecutive meetings will be removed from the
senate unless a leave of absence has been requested. See leave of absence
guidelines Article VII, Section 4.
b. A member of the Classified Staff Senate shall be said to have neglected a
meeting if the member does not notify the Executive Committee of the
Classified Staff Senate to the impending absence.
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Any member of the Classified Staff Senate who will be absent, is to provide an
alternate/proxy to attend in his or her absence unless on a leave of absence
has been granted,
If an elected member resigns or is removed from his or her seat before his or
her term ends, Classified Staff Senate will follow the guidelines set for in
Article VII, Section 5
If the Chair is not able to complete his or her term, he or she will need to
submit a letter of resignation according to Article VII, Section 5 (i)
 The Vice-Chair will then preside as the chair for the remainder of the
 In the event the Vice-Chair cannot serve as Chair, Classified Staff
Senate will elect a Chair from among the remaining Classified Staff
Senate members. See Article VII, Section 5 (iii) for nominating and
electing an executive committee successor.
Section 4: Leave of Absence or Resignation:
When it becomes difficult for a senate member to fulfill his or her responsibilities, he or
she can request a leave of absence or resignation.
a. A Classified Staff Senate officer may request a leave of absence from assigned
responsibilities for up to one-year. The Classified Staff Senate will appoint a
new officer by following Article VII, Section 5 (iii and iv).
b. Replacement officers have full voting rights and privileges.
c. Classified Staff Senate officers requesting a leave longer than one year are
encouraged to resign.
d. A request to resign from his or her duties must be in writing and accepted by
the Classified Staff Senate members before he or she can abandon his or her
Section 5: Executive Committee Officer Resignation or Departure
The vacancy of an Executive Committee Officer will follow a two-step process. .
i. Announcement of Resignation or Departure
Notice of departure shall be emailed to all members of the Classified Staff
Senate as soon as he or she is aware they will no longer be able complete his
or her term.
a. After announcement, one of the remaining Executive Committee
officers is required to email all members of the Classified Staff
Senate notifying them of the resignation or departure and solicit
b. Nominations are due 3 days after the announcement,
c. If the chair is the one departing, the vice chair will be the successor.
If the vice chair is not able to fill position, the vice chair or
secretary/treasurer seat is vacant follow the guidelines set forth in
Article V, Section 3 (ii) below.
ii. Removal of an Executive Committee Officer
An Executive Committee Officer may be asked to resign or be removed for
the following reasons:
a. He or she has failed to perform the duties required of an Executive
Committee Officer, he or she has obstructed the business of the
senate or it’s committee(s), he or she has violated the guidelines of
the bylaws or constitution,
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b. or because his or her continued service would cast doubt on the
integrity and credibility of the work of the senate or committee,
A. Procedures for Removal Must have a two-thirds vote of the full voting
senate membership, not two-thirds of those present and voting,
a. Any Executive Committee Officer that is to be the subject of a vote
on removal may submit a statement to the senate before obtaining
a vote of removal.
b. There is no appeal from the decision of the senate to remove an
Executive Committee Officer.
c. Nothing in this roman numeral shall affect the operation of the
Senate Rule Article VII, Section 3, which provides guidelines for
finding a successor of committee members who re repeatedly
absent from meetings of his or her committees.
iii. Successor of the Executive Committee
Occurs when a vacancy of an executive committee member occurs on the
Classified Staff Senate for a reason other than the expiration of a term.
a. Nominations shall take place immediately following notification of
b. If a meeting is not scheduled before nominations are due, the
election will take place via email, the email will be sent by the
Executive Committee Officer who sent the announcement of
c. All senators of the Classified Staff Senate are eligible and all
senators must vote if a successor is required for the Executive
d. Duties of the new Executive Committee Officer will begin
immediately after election into the position.
e. If the chair that is departing, the Vice-Chair will immediately fill the
chair position.
f. With a vacancy on the Classified Staff Senate due to the departure
of an executive officer, the newly elected Chair will appoint a
successor according to Article V, Section 5 (i
iv. Successor of a Senator
Occurs when a vacancy occurs on the Classified Staff Senate for a reason
other than the expiration of a term.
a. Successor shall be from the same area as the outgoing senator, will
finish the remainder of the senator’s term only but will be eligible for
re-election of one more term,
b. The chair of the Classified Staff Senate will contact the nominee who
received the second most votes in the most recent election and he or
she will immediately fill the vacancy.
c. If the nominee with the second most votes cannot serve, the vacancy
shall go to the nominee with the tired most votes, etc… the process
will continue until there are no eligible nominees.
d. In the event no eligible nominees are remaining, Elections and
Appointments Committee will immediately hold a special election by
following guidelines in Article V, Section 2 and 3.
Section 5: Voting
The usual method voting is by voice, if voice voting is not clear, the chair may ask for a
show of hands or by ballot. All members are eligible to vote. Voting materials for
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elections to committees shall be retained for one-year according UW record retention
guideline UWADM020, but due to having three-year terms, records shall be kept for
three years. Save records on the shared drive and file originals by sending to the
Governance Office
i. Majority
a. Majority is defined as more than one-half of the votes not members
present. When quorum is present, a majority of the votes cast, is
sufficient for adoption of any motion.
ii. General Consent or Unanimous Vote
a. When there seems to be no opposition in routine business, you can
save time by obtaining Unanimous Consent (General Consent) from
the senate, by stating, “If there is no objection we will adopt the
motion to.”
b. Unanimous consent can expedite business by eliminating the need for
formal voting.
iii. Abstaining from Voting
a. Abstaining from voting happens when a member has a conflict of
interest and does not want to vote, by failing to vote he or she allows
others to make the decision. A member cannot be forced to vote.
b. A chair voting rights is the same as other senators, but is encouraged
to refrain from voting unless his or her vote will affect the outcome of
the motion. Chair is required to vote to break a tie.
iv. Mail or Ballot Voting
a. Ballot vote is a vote written on a slip of paper, tallied to maintain
secrecy of a vote, and used to decide either a motion or an election.
b. Voting by mail, used typically for election of members, amendments to
the constitution and bylaws, and for such other important matters as
the senate may order to be voted on this way.
v. Show of Hands
a. Show of hands may be necessary when a voice vote is not clear.
b. Results of each “aye” and “nay” vote must be documented in the
A member can change their vote at any time until the result is announced.
vi. Proxy Voting
a. A substitute authorized to act for another person or a document,
which authorizes the person to act on behalf of another person.
b. Proxy will need to from the same area as the member appointing the
c. Prior to appointing a proxy, member must notify the executive
d. Proxies may vote.
Section 6:
Classified Staff committees may be established by a majority vote of Classified Staff Senate.
The committee(s) will include at least one Classified Staff Senate member, which will serve
as a liaison to the Classified Staff Senate. All classified staff employees can serve on a
committee through either regular nomination or self-nomination during the elections
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Section 1: Committee Meetings
All committees select their own chair or co-chairs, vice chair, and secretary from members
of said committee.
b. Meetings are during paid working hours and employees who are serving on a
committee who work a shift other than first may use flextime to attend the
meetings. An arrangement for flextime is to be discussed with the
employee’s supervisor.
 The Administrative Liaison per Article IV, section 1 (iii) shall actively
help to resolve any issues or problems that may arise relating flextime and workload.
c. Classified Staff Senate will review the committees annually, and committees
that are no longer necessary will be eliminated by majority vote of the
thirteen-senate members.
Section 2: Committee Membership and Terms
Classified staff committee members are limited to the three-year terms with one-year
break. If there are no volunteers for the committees, the senate may approve current
members whose term has ended to stand for another year. At least one member will need
to volunteer and remain ex-officio on the committee the next year to help with the
transition of duties.
a. Annual elections will be held for committee chairs and co-chairs.
b. Each committee is responsible for maintaining a roster of duties and
c. All members of the committee are eligible to vote.
d. If the membership drops due to a resignation or other reason, the chair of
Classified Staff Senate will appoint someone according to the guidelines
mentioned in Article
e. Memberships will have at least one liaison from Classified Staff Senate and
one non Classified Staff Senate member.
f. Memberships will be documented and saved in the Classified Staff Senate
shared folder for reference.
Section 3: Constitution & Bylaws Committee
This committee will perform annual reviews of the Classified Staff Senates constitution and
bylaws and propose changes to Classified Staff Senate as necessary or update bylaws by
direction of the Classified Staff Senate.
a. The Constitution and Bylaws committee is also responsible of interpretations
of any current bylaws or purposed changes.
b. They will meet on an as needed basis or at the request of the Classified Staff
c. The full committee consists of three members, with at least one member
being from Classified Staff Senate and one member who is not on the senate.
Section 4: Elections & Appointments Committee
This committee is responsible for conducting annual elections according to ARTICLE.
a. The committee will determine appointments to sub committees and
Classified Staff Senate from the annual election process.
b. They will work directly with the Classified Staff Senate Chair in the case
appointments need to be made to the senate or committee during a nonelection time.
c. Elections do not need approval from the senate.
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d. Senate will only need to approve volunteers to the sub committee’s since
these are not elected positions.
e. The full committee consists of three members, with at least one member
being from Classified Staff Senate and one member not on the senate.
Section 5: Marketing Committee
This committee is responsible for the following three things:
i. Work with the governance office to help maintain the Classified Staff Senate
and the Classified Staff webpages,
ii. Prepares and distributes information to classified staff and all other
iii. Publicity for Classified Staff Senate,
f. To survey the classified staff annually to determine professional
development needs and priorities.
h. The full committee consists of five members, with at least one member being
from Classified Staff Senate, one member not on the senate, and one LTE not
on the senate.
Section 5: Awards and Recognition Committee
This committee is responsible providing recognition to classified and limited term staff
a. Responsible for announcing, reviewing nominations, and choosing the
Classified Staff and LTE award for Excellence recipients.
b. Responsible for exploring ways to recognize staff.
i. The full committee consists of five members, with at least one member being
from Classified Staff Senate, one member not on the senate, and one LTE not
on the senate.
ARTICLE IX. Changes to Bylaws
Classified Staff Senate bylaws may be changed by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the
thirteen members of the Classified Staff Senate.
Section 1: Procedures
i. Before voting can take place, members of the Classified Staff Senate and
classified staff must be notified regarding the intent to vote on proposed
changes to the bylaws, notification initiated by the Chair of the Classified
Staff Senate.
ii. All members of the Classified Staff Senate must be present and voting.
iii. All changes to the bylaws and constitution need approval from senate by 2/3
vote of the complete senate thirteen person membership.
iv. All bylaws proposed changes to be discussed during at least one Classified
Staff Senate meeting prior to a vote on the proposed changes.
v. The Bylaws and Constitution Committee will review the bylaws annually or
at the request of the Classified Staff Senate for any needed updates an.
Amended and Approved on ______________
Grievance/Personnel/Harassment Committee?
When a claim has been filed
Contact system legal for guidance
Classified Staff Senate Bylaws WORKING DRAFT
Revision 3
May 2015
Page 12
Do fact finding, talk to witnesses and all parties filing the grievance.
Classified Staff Senate Bylaws WORKING DRAFT
Revision 3
May 2015
Page 13