GMO Presentation Due: __________________________ Using the information you’ve gathered over the past 2 weeks, plus additional information you research, with your team members, you will be creating and presenting a PowerPoint or Prezi on one of the 8 topics surrounding genetically modified organisms. The goal is to gather evidence from a variety of informational sources to support analysis, reflection, and research. You will then present claims and findings to the class; emphasizing significant points in a focused, coherent manner with relevant evidence, sound valid reasoning, and well-chosen details; all while using appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation. Guidelines: You will be graded on a number of things including the content of your PowerPoint or Prezi; as well as your actual presentation to the class. Here’s what I will be looking for when grading you: 1. Organization- Information presented in logical, interesting sequence 2. Subject Knowledge- Demonstrates full knowledge by familiarity with the subject, and answering all class questions with explanations and elaborations 3. Research- Uses a variety of sources in reaching accurate conclusions 4. Graphics- Explain and reinforce screen text and presentation 5. Length- Minimum requirements met: 10-15 minute presentation and AT LEAST 4 sources and 10 slides (not including the cover slide and citations). 6. Citations- Works cited list is properly formatted and complete (like a research paper). 7. Oral Presentation- Maintains eye contact and pronounces all terms precisely. All audience members can hear; all group members contribute. 8. Creativity- Well put together presentation including: Effective background, font, text size, and layout; images that enhance the presentation (not distract from the message), slides not loaded with too much text, and overall creativity (don’t be afraid to insert your style and humor into the project!). Each category will be given a score from 1-4; four being exemplary and one being beginning. See rubric for specifics. In addition to the score I give you, you will be grading your team members on their teamwork during the 2 work days and their performance during the presentation. Tips for an Effective Presentation - Keep it simple!! Use only one message/topic/point per slide Limit the amount of text on each slide; nobody wants to read it! Only use elements (images, short video clips, etc.) that add to and support the content of the message. Maintain a constant design- colors, font styles. *Dark backgrounds tend to make it harder to read the content*. Have a beginning, middle, and an end. (Tell your audience what you’re going to tell them, tell them, and then summarize it with a conclusion). GMO Project Topics 1. Security of Genetic Diversity of Plants- Importance/Need of seed banks, seed savers, etc. 2. Monsanto, DuPont, and other bioengineering companies- Who are they, what do they do, impact they have on farmers, consumers, etc. 3. Patenting life- History, ethics, any big problems arising because of this, effects on farmers 4. FDA and USDA (and other cooperating organizations) Regulation Policies- Guidelines and for production and distribution of GMOs 5. Ethics, morals, religious values of society surrounding food engineering/use of genetically altered foodsWhat may be some ethical questions raised/ethical considerations of using GM foods. 6. Environmental impact- Cross contamination, food web risks, effects on untargeted species, herbicide use 7. Food Supply vs. Demand: Organic and Conventional Food Security- What is the problem and what could be some ethical solutions, 8. Physical Harms and Benefits- What are old and new studies saying about the harms of eating GMOs? 9. GMO process- How are Genetically Modified Foods made?- What’s the process? 10. GMO vs. Non GMO- Is the difference relevant/ is there really a difference? – How about taste, food additives, cost, Organic vs. Non-GMO? Instructor Grading Rubric Names: __________________________________________________________________________________ Exemplary (4) Accomplished (3) Developing (2) Beginning (1) Organization Information presented in logical, interesting sequence Subject Demonstrates full Knowledge knowledge by familiarity with the subject, and by answering all class questions with explanations and elaborations Research Uses a variety of sources in reaching accurate conclusions. 4 or more sources shared with class Information in logical sequence Difficult to follow presentation-student jumps around Uncomfortable with the topic and information. Only able to answer basic questions. Cannot understand presentation--no sequence of information Does not have a grasp of the information. Cannot answer questions about subject Does not justify conclusions with research evidence. Only 1 source shared with class. Graphics Explain and reinforce screen text and presentation 10-15 minute presentation, 10+ content slides (not including the cover slide and citations). Works cited list is properly formatted and complete (like a research paper). Relate to text and presentation Presents only evidence that supports a preconceived point of view. 2 of 4 sources shared with class Occasionally uses graphics that rarely support text and presentation Under 5-8 minute presentation, 6-8 content slides Works cited list is a limited list of just names of sites, books, etc. Oral Presentation Maintains eye contact and pronounces all terms precisely. All audience members can hear Creativity Includes a variety of graphics, text, and animation that exhibits a sense of wholeness. Easy to read font size and background. Maintains eye contact most of the time and pronounces most words correctly. Most audience members can hear presentation Includes a variety of graphics, text, and animation; some elements (background, images, font) may be difficult to see. Works cited list is incomplete or improperly formatted (e.g. list of URLs). Occasionally uses eye contact, mostly reading presentation, and incorrectly pronounces terms. Audience members have difficulty hearing Includes combinations of graphics and text, but some are distracting and/or not related to the content. Length Citations At ease with the content, some details may be lacking, expected answers to questions but does not elaborate Uses a variety of sources in reaching conclusions. 3 of 4 sources shared with class Under 9-10 minute presentation, less than 8-9 content slides Works cited list is complete, but not properly formatted (e.g. bulleted list). Group Score ___________ X 2 = _________ (64 points possible) Uses superfluous graphics or no graphics Under 5 minute presentation, under 5 content slides. Reads with no eye contact and incorrectly pronounces terms. Speaks too quietly Either confusing or cluttered, barren or stark. Missing or Incomplete (0) Peer Grading Rubric Directions: Place student names of you group that is being evaluated on the lines above. Place the number of points in the blanks below that BEST describe how you feel about a peer’s participation regarding each statement. Be honest in your evaluations, rewarding someone who did not fully participate is not fair to the group. Add the points up. All group members’ scores will be averaged from each evaluation sheet 5 points-strongly agree 4 points-very much agree 3 points-agree 2 points-somewhat agree 1 point-somewhat disagree 0 points-disagree Question 1: This person helped the group by working hard and doing their fair share of the work. Question 2: This person listened to the other group members’ ideas and offered their own ideas during the planning portion of the project. Question 3: This person was available outside of school for communication about the project. Question 4: This person completed their assigned work without having to be re-directed by group members (ie: they were on task the entire time). Question 5: This person didn’t spend time socializing with other groups, on their phone/facebook/snapchat, etc. Question 6: This person contributed fully to the success of the oral presentation to the class. Peer Grading Rubric Directions: Place student names of you group that is being evaluated on the lines above. Place the number of points in the blanks below that BEST describe how you feel about a peer’s participation regarding each statement. Be honest in your evaluations, rewarding someone who did not fully participate is not fair to the group. Add the points up. All group members’ scores will be averaged from each evaluation sheet 5 points-strongly agree 4 points-very much agree 3 points-agree 2 points-somewhat agree 1 point-somewhat disagree 0 points-disagree Question 1: This person helped the group by working hard and doing their fair share of the work. Question 2: This person listened to the other group members’ ideas and offered their own ideas during the planning portion of the project. Question 3: This person was available outside of school for communication about the project. Question 4: This person completed their assigned work without having to be re-directed by group members (ie: they were on task the entire time). Question 5: This person didn’t spend time socializing with other groups, on their phone/facebook/snapchat, etc. Question 6: This person contributed fully to the success of the oral presentation to the class. Group Member Name Q1 Score Q2 Score Q3 Score Q4 Score Q5 Score Q6 Score Total /30 Group Member Name Q1 Score Q2 Score Q3 Score Q4 Score Q5 Score Q6 Score Total /30 Group Member Name Q1 Score Q2 Score Q3 Score Q4 Score Q5 Score Q6 Score Total /30