UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-PLATTEVILLE Pioneer Academic Center for Community Engagement (PACCE) INTERNSHIP Directions Pioneer Academic Center for Community Engagement 5th Floor Pioneer Tower One University Plaza Platteville, Wisconsin Phone: (608) 342-6121 Revised 1-15-15 The Pioneer Academic Center for Community Engagement (PACCE) Summer Internship program provides reimbursement to non-profit organizations that have the need for a student intern, but do not have the capacity to pay an intern and thus can only offer an unpaid internship. The PACCE Engagement Internship program is not, by itself, a curriculum program, rather a source for campus departments/schools to offer funding for unpaid internships. The curricular program is that which resides within an academic department/school. All student eligibility, policies and procedures that are part of an academic department/school’s internship program apply to any student enrolling in the same program, but funded by PACCE. The academic department/school is responsible for carrying out all curricular components as directed by their own policies and procedures. Eligibility for a PACCE funded internship requires: 1. That the student is registered and in good standing in a UW-Platteville internship program for academic credit through a UW-Platteville academic department or school. 2. That the student accepts an unpaid internship. 3. That the internship is for the summer. 4. Completion and approval by PACCE of the PACCE Engagement Internship Application including signatures by: a. The internship employer who must certify that they are a non-profit organization and do not have the financial capacity to provide full or partial funding for a paid internship; and that paying an intern is both outside the scope of the current funding resources and would disrupt the “normal” flow of goods and services if current budget resources were used to pay for all or part of an internship. Note, the employer will be responsible for paying the employer’s share of payroll taxes. b. The academic department/school head where the internship resides must certify that all policies, procedures, and documents with respect to the department/school’s internship program have been met, that the student is eligible, and that the department/school agrees to supervise the intern in accordance with the department/school’s procedures. Signature by the department/school also certifies that the department/school is responsible for all costs of intern supervision. c. The student who certifies that they will comply with all department/school and PACCE internship requirements. 5. Completion and signature of the Internal Revenue Service W-9 Form by the internship employer. 6. Completion and signature of the UW-Platteville Vendor Classification Survey by the internship employer. Note, all forms are available on the PACCE website under PACCE Internships. Funding Maximum of 480 hours. Maximum pay rate of $10.00 per hour or a total of $4,800. Situations where part of the pay is from the internship employer and the remaining is from PACCE are acceptable. The internship employer is responsible for the employer share of payroll tax (approximately $370 for a full $4,800 internship). This amount will not be reimbursed. Other PACCE programs cannot be used in conjunction with the internship program. A student is allowed only one PACCE funded internship during their collegiate career. Approval Process All completed and signed application materials are to be submitted to the PACCE Office. Upon receipt and approval the employer will receive an acceptance letter from the PACCE Office. The employer will receive notification from the UW-Platteville Purchasing office that includes invoicing instructions and most importantly a Purchase Order (PO) number. Reimbursement Process The employer pays the intern for work performed. Anytime after July 1st and after the employer has received their PO number the employer submits an invoice to UW-Platteville Accounting Office referencing the PO number. The employer will receive reimbursement within approximately a week to ten days. The intern employer will be under a negative cash flow until the reimbursement arrives. Invoicing can be monthly after July 1st or all at once at the end of the intern’s employment, but must be made within 60 days of the final date of employment. The employer is responsible for the employer share of payroll tax and this amount will not be reimbursed. Who Can Sign the Employer Certification The employer certification must be signed by someone who has fiscal authority in the organization and authority to enter into fiscal contracts on behalf of the organization. The primary mission of PACCE is to provide funding means for students to apply their knowledge and skills out in the community. Internships where UW-Platteville is the employer do not fit the mission and are therefore not eligible. UW-Platteville faculty or staff who are 50% FTE or more are not eligible to be an employer in this program or sign the employer certification. UW-Platteville faculty or staff who are 49% FTE or less cannot sign the employer certification if the organization’s product or service is an extension of the faculty or staff member’s expertise and/or work that she/he employs at UW-Platteville. In no case can the person signing the employer certification also be the internship supervisor. PACCE Office and the Academic Internship Department PACCE does not have the authority to approve, interpret rules, or manage any elements of the internship program other than the reimbursement of pay to the employers. All academic matters are with the Academic Department. The PACCE office will not be involved in internship oversight, assessment, follow-up, grading or any other matters related to the curricular components of the internship. The PACCE office will not pay any stipend or credit load to faculty or staff responsible for overseeing the internship. All such matters and pay are the responsibility of the academic department/school. The student intern will be regarded as a regular employee of the internship employer. All regulations, safety procedures and legal requirements established by the organization will apply to the intern. Interns are expected to act in a professional manner appropriate to the guidelines of the organization by which he or she is employed. In addition, interns are expected to follow a code of professional ethics in regard to confidential information and in regard to personal behavior with other employees. Conduct unethical or undesirable exhibited by the intern while employed may result in dismissal from the internship employer organization. Dismissal for any reason will result in no further payments by the PACCE Engagement Internship program other than for work that has already been performed and paid for by the intern employer. The PACCE office must be notified immediately upon any such occurrence. The intern must assume the responsibility of informing the internship coordinator or faculty supervisor of any problems or difficulties that develop during the internship. The intern maintains an obligation to the University and the home department/school to be an emissary of good public relations with the organization.