IT Priorities Project Proposal This form is to be completed by the project requester, and should be used for all technology-related projects regardless of funding source. Please refer to the ‘IT Prioritization Calendar’ for submission deadlines and associated timelines. To be considered an IT project, requests must meet one or more of the following criteria: Work requiring more than 24 hours (3 days of IT time) Cost greater than $5,000 An existing project cost adjustment greater than 25 percent Work/impact broader than one campus department or equivalent unit Requires coordination across IT Involves standing up a new technology or expanding functionality of an existing solution Routine upgrades to systems/software/technology are considered standard operating procedure and do not need to be submitted as an IT project. Please complete all fields unless otherwise indicated, and then submit an electronic, editable copy of this form to with “IT Priorities Project Request” in the message subject. Emergency ITP Submission Process All ITP requests, which fall outside of the regularly scheduled ITP cycle, must follow the process defined below. Complete IT Priorities Project Proposal Form Obtain approval from member of Senior Team. Senior Team member’s signature must be included on last page of the ITP form. Forms without required signatures will not be considered. Submit proposal to Make sure the message subject line indicates the request is an Emergency Submission. For PMCOE Use Only Project ID: Status: Project Name: PMCOE Contact: Date Received: ITS Contact: Version: Version date: Page 1 IT Priorities Project Proposal Request Overview Submission date: Project Request Name List a short, descriptive title of requested project. Project Description Provide detailed information regarding business needs as well as the goals and objectives to be achieved by the project. Type of Project: Primary Contact Research Implementation Research and Implementation Check the appropriate box to identify type of project Research: Only researching possible vendors or solution. Implementing solution is not part of request Implementation : Solution or Vendor has been identified and project consists of implementing already agreed upon solution Research and Implementation: Research possible solutions to identified problem or opportunity and implement agreed upon solution List contact name of person whom will be available to respond to questions about the project request. Project Sponsor List name of person(s) who will champion the project effort (Dean, Director, etc.). These individuals should have agreed to this role prior to submission. Supervisor Approval Requests must be reviewed by an immediate supervisor before submitting. Enter the supervisor’s name and include the supervisor on the CC when the form is submitted. ITP Development Team List all team members who assisted in creating the ITP Project proposal. Funding Source Identify the Account Code to be used for project related expenses. Procurement Process Required If Procurement Process is required, have you contacted Purchasing Yes No Identify if procurement will be required for project. If the requester is uncertain, Purchasing should be contacted to be sure of this answer. Yes No Indicate if you have contacted Purchasing to discuss procurement process. Page 2 IT Priorities Project Proposal Request Background Problem/Opportunity Description Provide detailed description of current problem, challenge or opportunity Expected Outcome Describe how you expect the project to address the existing problem, need or opportunity. If the solution has already been identified, identify the anticipated process and end results. List other solutions considered and why they were not considered feasible or not selected. Alternatives Considered Who or What is Impacted? Known Dependencies For example - other vendors which were considered, changes to existing technology or system, or process and procedure changes which may make the current system more useable and efficient. List the individuals or University areas (i.e. the who) impacted by the proposed solution. Identify how many users from each area will be impacted. List also the University processes (i.e. the what) that will be impacted by the proposed solution. Indicate how often the impact will be felt and frequency (e.g. daily, weekly as well as how many times per day or per week). List other projects which are contingent upon the completion of this project or other projects or activities that must be completed before this project can begin or be completed. Page 3 IT Priorities Project Proposal Request Analysis If necessary, consult with Mike Sherer in ITS or an ITS representative to complete the request analysis section prior to submission. Estimated Costs Cost Category - one time project related costs Total Cost Cost Category - ongoing annual costs Total Cost Estimated Cost $ - Estimated Cost $ - Provide an estimate of the total costs for this project. This is intended to be an initial high level estimate and is expected to be revised during formal project definition and planning phases. When possible, enter cost breakdowns for categories such as software licensing, consulting costs, hardware costs, etc. Differentiate between onetime project related costs and ongoing annual costs in the two sections provided. Estimated People Hours Staff Category Total Hours Estimated Hours - List the types of internal staff (Department, ITS, PMCOE, etc.) that will be required to complete the project and the amount of hours each will be expected to provide to the project. Page 4 IT Priorities Project Proposal Potential Vendors Indicate a list of potential vendors that could provide the software, hardware, or other technology services. Desired Timing Desired Start Date: Identify the preferred start and end dates for the project. Also include a rationale for the timing including any specific critical deadlines. This information will be used to analyze the availability of resources for the project and is not a guarantee these dates can be met. Desired Go-Live Date: Timing Rationale: Proposed Project Team List all of the team members required to participate on project. List team member name and their respective areas/departments. Request Benefits and Value In the following section, complete only the fields that are applicable to your request. Some requests will have benefits in multiple areas. If the section does not apply to your project, please list NA. Only complete the sections which are applicable to your request. Your request may have benefits in multiple areas or only a few. If the section does not apply, note NA. Advances Mission How will this project enhance teaching, learning, or research at UWPlatteville? Regulatory and Compliance Is this project needed in order to maintain compliance with Federal, State or local laws and/or regulations imposed by government agencies? If so, state the laws and regulations. Cost Reduction: Describe any hard savings/cost reduction expected to be realized for the University Revenue Increase: Describe any revenue this project will help generate for the University. Financial Benefits Improved Services/ Productivity Risk Avoidance and Impact Describe how the requested project improves student, faculty, or staff activities. If applicable, please estimate the amount of time the implementation of the project will save per constituent group. Describe how this project will reduce or avoid the likelihood of risks and describe the risk impact if the request is not approved. Page 5 IT Priorities Project Proposal Supplemental Information: Examples: Data used to research solution and/or alternative solutions Pricing structures or comparisons Vendor information Information from other campuses which may include best practices, current state, etc. Emergency Submission Signatures: **Required for ALL submissions which are submitted outside a regularly scheduled ITP cycle** Senior Team Name: Senior Team Signature: Date: Page 6