IT Priorities Project Proposal

IT Priorities Project Proposal
This form is to be completed by the project requester, and should be used for all technology-related projects
regardless of funding source. Please refer to the ‘IT Prioritization Calendar’ for submission deadlines and
associated timelines.
To be considered an IT project, requests must meet one or more of the following criteria:
 Work requiring more than 24 hours (3 days of IT time)
 Cost greater than $5,000
 An existing project cost adjustment greater than 25 percent
 Work/impact broader than one campus department or equivalent unit
 Requires coordination across IT
 Involves standing up a new technology or expanding functionality of an existing solution
Routine upgrades to systems/software/technology are considered standard operating procedure and do not need
to be submitted as an IT project. Please complete all fields unless otherwise indicated, and then submit an
electronic, editable copy of this form to with “IT Priorities Project Request” in the
message subject.
Emergency ITP Submission Process
All ITP requests, which fall outside of the regularly scheduled ITP cycle, must follow the process defined below.
 Complete IT Priorities Project Proposal Form
 Obtain approval from member of Senior Team. Senior Team member’s signature must be included on
last page of the ITP form. Forms without required signatures will not be considered.
 Submit proposal to Make sure the message subject line indicates the
request is an Emergency Submission.
For PMCOE Use Only
Project ID:
Project Name:
PMCOE Contact:
Date Received:
ITS Contact:
Version date:
Page 1
IT Priorities Project Proposal
Request Overview
Submission date:
Project Request Name
Project Description
Type of Project:
 Research
 Implementation
 Research and Implementation
Primary Contact
Project Sponsor
Supervisor Approval
ITP Development Team
Funding Source
Procurement Process
 Yes
 No
If Procurement Process is
required, have you
contacted Purchasing
 Yes
 No
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IT Priorities Project Proposal
Request Background
Expected Outcome
Alternatives Considered
Who or What is Impacted?
Known Dependencies
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IT Priorities Project Proposal
Request Analysis
If necessary, consult with Mike Sherer in ITS or an ITS representative to complete the request analysis section prior to
Estimated Costs
Cost Category - one time
project related costs
Total Cost
Cost Category - ongoing
annual costs
Total Cost
Estimated Cost
Estimated Cost
Estimated People Hours
Staff Category
Total Hours
Estimated Hours
Potential Vendors
Desired Timing
Desired Start Date:
Desired Go-Live Date:
Timing Rationale:
Proposed Project Team
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IT Priorities Project Proposal
Request Benefits and Value
In the following section, complete only the fields that are applicable to your request. Some requests will have
benefits in multiple areas. If the section does not apply to your project, please list NA.
Advances Mission
Regulatory and Compliance
Financial Benefits
Cost Reduction:
Revenue Increase:
Improved Services/
Risk Avoidance and Impact
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IT Priorities Project Proposal
Supplemental Information:
Emergency Submission Signatures:
**Required for ALL submissions which are submitted outside a regularly scheduled ITP cycle**
Senior Team Name:
Senior Team Signature:
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