USE OF STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT (SEA) TO PROMOTE INCLUSIVE GREEN GROWTH MR. XAVIER AGOSTINHO CHAVANA, CLIMATE CHANGE COORDINATOR MINISTRY OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT, MOZAMBIQUE Moscow, July 7, 2013 G20 DWG Working Group Workshop on IGG Presentation Outline 1. The role of Inclusive Green Growth in the promotion of sustainable growth 2. Opportunities for Inclusive Green Growth towards sustainable development and poverty eradication 3. Challenges to implement a national Inclusive Green Growth agenda 4. Current champions on Inclusive Green Growth 1. The role of Inclusive Green Growth in the promotion of sustainable growth Economic growth driven by natural capital exploitation Natural capital main source of income and emplyoment: 90% (70% in Agriculture) Increasing demand and investment for exploitation of natural capital Increasing potential for environmental degradation and risks Direct contribution to GDP: 33% (in 2011) Agriculture, livestock and wildlife Fisheries Mineral resources Power (hydro and renewables) Tourism Indirect contribution to GDP: 27% Manufacture Construction Commerce and repairs 2. Opportunities for Inclusive Green Growth: towards sustainable development and poverty eradication Natural capital will remain the driver of national development and economic growth o Main domestic source of food, employment and an opportunity to transform the national economy Political commitment to promote inclusive green growth o Approval in 2012, of a Green Economy Road Map (presented at Rio +20 by the President of the Republic) o Completion in 2013, of the Green Economy Action Plan (2013-2030) Sustainable strategic reforms on planning and climate change o Design of a new National Development Strategy (2015-2035) o Revision of the National Planning and Budgeting System o Comprehensive institutional and sector policy reforms on Climate Change and Disaster Resilience 3a. Challenges for Inclusive Green Growth: national development vision vs SEA scenarios (1) National development vision: Mozambique a mid-income economy by 2035 SEA Scenario: Mozambique a mid-income, green and sustainable economy Current country situation Low- income country: HDI 184 in 186 countries Poverty: 55% out of 22 million people Economic growth scenarios Annual economic growth Driver No change of current 7-8% economy structure Mining, gas and mega 10-14% projects 8-10% Manufacture industry 5-8% Services SEA Scenarios Intensive use of natural capital Sustainable development, including natural resouces and ecosystem services protection Maximum conservation of natural capital 3b.Challenges for Inclusive Green Growth: Support for transition and implememtation (2) Capacity development for transition to green economy between 2013-2015 on coordination, financing and M&E o Ministries of Planning and Development, Finance, Environmental Affairs; Foreign Affairs, and the National Institute of Statistics Support to inclusive green growth knowledge development o o Natural capital inventory and valuation Public awareness campaigns targeting all stakeholders, particularly the private sector Sector capacity development for implementation between 2015-2030, of the Green Growth Action Plan Seventeen (17) sector policies 4. Current champions on Inclusive Green Growth Environment: Review of current and projected policy, legal framework and institutional reforms on: o o o o Environmental management Natural resource management Climate change adaptation and mitigation Disaster resilience Energy: Analysis of likely impacts on energy acess of the current policy and legal reforms on renewable energy: o Decree on Feed-in-tariffs o Revision of electricity law Thank you for your attention