OECD, Paris 8/9 December 2008 Joint Information Systems Committee Supporting and research 26/07/2016 | Supporting educationeducation and research | Slide 1 OECD 8/9 December 2008 The Internet, Information and Innovation Dr Malcolm Read JISC Executive Secretary Joint Information Systems Committee 26/07/2016 | Supporting education and research | Slide 2 The Internet Internet essential for Learning and Teaching: – Communication, content, social networking Internet essential for Research: – Collaboration, content/data, access to resources Internet essential for management: – Student applications, outreach, marketing, international Joint Information Systems Committee 26/07/2016 | Supporting education and research | Slide 3 Information Resources Online learning and teaching material Student records/achievements Research outputs – scholarly communication Research data Finance information/HR information Government statistics Joint Information Systems Committee 26/07/2016 | Supporting education and research | Slide 4 Innovation By: Strategic management of information Open access and institutional repositories – joined up educational content and on-line learning Joint Information Systems Committee 26/07/2016 | Supporting education and research | Slide 5 Open Source Standards Access Content Joint Information Systems Committee 26/07/2016 | Supporting education and research | Slide 6 Open Content Scholarly Communications/IPR – NIH: http://publicaccess.nih.gov/ – EU Seventh Framework Open Access Pilot Research data Educational content ftp://ftp.cordis.europa.eu/pub/fp7/docs/open-access-pilot_en.pdf http://ec.europa.eu/research/eurab/pdf/eurab_scipub_report_recomm_dec06_en.pdf Joint Information Systems Committee 26/07/2016 | Supporting education and research | Slide 7 Open Educational Content (OEC) RATIONALE Encourage the sharing of content between institutions, between academics and within communities of practice Encourage development and uptake of new generation tools that will enhance both productivity and relevance by being customisable and adaptable by both academics and students Marketing tool where students can view content produced by an institution prior to applying to study there Learning materials and resources can be shared universally locally, nationally and globally to support e-learning Joint Information Systems Committee 26/07/2016 | Supporting education and research | Slide 8 OEC Benefits Increased student satisfaction concerning the quality of learning materials Increased applications to UK HEI courses from international, and nontraditional, learners Enhancement of global academic reputation of the UK HE system; Improved VFM and added value through a shared service, adding to the ethos of collegiality Significant increase in the open availability and use of free high quality online content Advertising and marketing benefits to individual lecturers, HEIs and UK education, opening up universities to potential students Opportunity to recognise and reward the contribution of teaching within HEIs and recognise teaching professorships Joint Information Systems Committee 26/07/2016 | Supporting education and research | Slide 9 Existing Evidence MIT OpenCourseWare initiative materials seen 1 million unique users each month (http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/web/about/stats/) ParisTech OCW project France, 800 educational resources from around 100 teaching units made available by 11 member universities (http://graduateschool.paristech.org/) China Open Resources for Education (CORE) consortium: 750 courses made available by 222 university members (http://www.core.org.cn/cn/jpkc/index_en.html ) Open University’s OpenLearn materials have been accessed 1.7 million times in the last 18 months (http://kn.open.ac.uk/public/document.cfm?docid=11281) http://wiki.cetis.ac.uk/images/0/0b/OER_Briefing_Paper.pdf Joint Information Systems Committee 26/07/2016 | Supporting education and research | Slide 10 UK Ambitions Core of UK open access learning resources Organised coherently Supported by national centres of excellence – Quality control – Essential updating – Skills training – Research and development All HEIs encouraged and helped to exploit virtual education technologies as appropriate to their student’s requirements and their strategies Joint Information Systems Committee 26/07/2016 | Supporting education and research | Slide 11 Open Research Data Central theme of open research is to make clear accounts of research methodology, along with data and results, freely available via the internet. This permits massively distributed collaboration. Primary research data are posted which can be added to/interpreted by anybody who has the necessary expertise and who can therefore join the collaborative effort. This ability to amend data distinguishes open research from open access JISC-funded My Experiment project (http://www.myexperiment.org/) enables researchers to easily find, use and share scientific workflows and other files, and to build communities. Indian government just launched the Open Source Drug Discovery Initiative (http://www.osdd.net/) which aims to provide a global platform for collaboration to discover novel therapies for diseases like Malaria, Tuberculosis, and Leshmaniasis Joint Information Systems Committee 26/07/2016 | Supporting education and research | Slide 12 International Benefits Underpin provision UK Higher of unmet demand, Education’s (e.g. in South East contribution to the Asia and the public good and developing world) the developing world Joint Information Systems Committee 26/07/2016 | Supporting education and research | Slide 13