Object-Oriented and Classical Software Engineering Stephen R. Schach

Slide 14.1
Object-Oriented and
Classical Software
Fifth Edition, WCB/McGraw-Hill, 2002
Stephen R. Schach
© The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2002
© The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2002
Slide 14.2
Choice of programming language
Fourth generation languages
Good programming practice
Coding standards
Module reuse
Module test case selection
Black-box module-testing techniques
Glass-box module-testing techniques
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Slide 14.3
Overview (contd)
Slide 14.4
Code walkthroughs and inspections
Comparison of module-testing techniques
Potential problems when testing objects
Management aspects of module testing
When to rewrite rather than debug a module
CASE tools for the implementation phase
Air Gourmet Case Study: Black-box test cases
Challenges of the implementation phase
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Implementation Phase
Choice of Programming Language
– Language is usually specified in contract
But what if the contract specifies
– The product is to be implemented in the “most
suitable” programming language
What language should be chosen?
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Slide 14.5
Choice of Programming Language (contd)
Slide 14.6
– QQQ Corporation has been writing COBOL
programs for over 25 years
– Over 200 software staff, all with COBOL expertise
– What is “most suitable” programming language?
Obviously COBOL
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Choice of Programming Language (contd)
Slide 14.7
What happens when new language (C++, say)
is introduced
New hires
Retrain existing professionals
Future products in C++
Maintain existing COBOL products
Two classes of programmers
» COBOL maintainers (despised)
» C++ developers (paid more)
– Need expensive software, and hardware to run it
– 100s of person-years of expertise with COBOL
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Choice of Programming Language (contd)
Slide 14.8
Only possible conclusion
– COBOL is the “most suitable” programming
And yet, the “most suitable” language for the
latest project may be C++
– COBOL is suitable for only DP applications
How to choose a programming language
– Cost-benefit analysis
– Compute costs, benefits of all relevant languages
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Choice of Programming Language (contd)
Slide 14.9
Which is the most appropriate object-oriented
– C++ is (unfortunately) C-like
– Java enforces the object-oriented paradigm
– Training in the object-oriented paradigm is
essential before adopting any object-oriented
What about choosing a fourth generation
language (4GL)?
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Fourth Generation Languages
First generation languages
– Machine languages
Second generation languages
– Assemblers
Third generation languages
– High-level languages (COBOL, FORTRAN,
Fourth generation languages (4GLs)
– One 3GL statement is equivalent to 5–10
assembler statements
– Each 4GL statement intended to be equivalent
to 30 or even 50 assembler statements
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Slide 14.10
Fourth Generation Languages (contd)
It was hoped that 4GLs would
– Speed up application-building
– Applications easy, quick to change
» Reducing maintenance costs
– Simplify debugging
– Make languages user friendly
» Leading to end-user programming
Achievable if 4GL is a user
friendly, very high-level language
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Slide 14.11
Fourth Generation Languages (contd)
Slide 14.12
– (“Just in Case You Wanted to Know” box, page 438)
The power of a nonprocedural language, and
the price
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Productivity Increases with a 4GL?
Slide 14.13
The picture is not uniformly rosy
Problems with
– Poor management techniques
– Poor design methods
James Martin suggests use of
Iterative design
Computerized data management
Computer-aided structuring
Is he right? Does he (or anyone else) know?
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Actual Experiences with 4GLs
Playtex used ADF, obtained an 80 to 1
productivity increase over COBOL
– However, Playtex then used COBOL for later
4GL productivity increases of 10 to 1 over
COBOL have been reported
– However, there are plenty of reports of bad
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Slide 14.14
Actual Experiences with 4GLs (contd)
Slide 14.15
Attitudes of 43 Organizations to 4GLs
Use of 4GL reduced users’ frustrations
Quicker response from DP department
4GLs slow and inefficient, on average
Overall, 28 organizations using 4GL for over 3 years felt
that the benefits outweighed the costs
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Fourth Generation Languages (contd)
Slide 14.16
Market share
– No one 4GL dominates the software market
– There are literally hundreds of 4GLs
– Dozens with sizable user groups
– No one 4GL has all the necessary features
– Care has to be taken in selecting the appropriate 4GL
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Key Factors When Using a 4GL
Slide 14.17
Large sums for training
Management techniques for 4GL, not for COBOL
Design methods must be appropriate, especially
computer-aided design
Interactive prototyping
4GLs and complex products
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Key Factors When Using a 4GL (contd)
Slide 14.18
Dangers of a 4GL
– Deceptive simplicity
– End-user programming
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Good Programming Practice
Slide 14.19
Use of “consistent” and “meaningful” variable
– “Meaningful” to future maintenance programmer
– “Consistent” to aid maintenance pyrogrammer
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Good Programming Practice Example
Slide 14.20
Module contains variables
frequencyMaximum, minFr, frqncyTotl
Maintenance programmer has to know if freq,
frequency, fr, frqncy all refer to the same thing
– If so, use identical word, preferably frequency, perhaps
freq or frqncy, not fr
– If not, use different word (e.g., rate) for different quantity
Can use frequencyAverage, frequencyMyaximum,
frequencyMinimum, frequencyTotal
Can also use averageFrequency, maximumFrequency,
minimumFrequency, totalFrequency
All four names must come from the same set
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Good Programming Practice (contd)
Slide 14.21
Issue of self-documenting code
– Exceedingly rare
Key issue: Can module be understood easily and
unambiguously by
– SQA team
– Maintenance programmers
– All others who have to read the code
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Good Programming Practice (contd)
Slide 14.22
– Variable xCoordinateOfPositionOfRobotArm
– Abbreviated to xCoord
– Entire module deals with the movement of the robot arm
– But does the maintenance programmer know this?
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Prologue Comments
Mandatory at top of every single module
– Minimum information
Module name
Brief description of what the module does
Programmer’s name
Date module was coded
Date module was approved, and by whom
Module parameters
Variable names, in alphabetical order, and uses
Files accessed by this module
Files updated by this module
Module i/o
Error handling capabilities
Name of file of test data (for regression testing)
List of modifications made, when, approved by whom
Known faults, if any
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Slide 14.23
Other Comments
Slide 14.24
– Comments are essential whenever code is written in a
non-obvious way, or makes use of some subtle aspect
of the language
– Recode in a clearer way
– We must never promote/excuse poor programming
– However, comments can assist maintenance
Code layout for increased readability
– Use indentation
– Better, use a pretty-printer
– Use blank lines
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Slide 14.25
– Map consists of two squares. Write code to determine
whether a point on the Earth’s surface lies in map square
1 or map square 2, or is not on the map
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Statements (contd)
Solution 1. Badly formatted
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Slide 14.26
Statements (contd)
Slide 14.27
Solution 2. Well-formatted, badly constructed
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Statements (contd)
Solution 3. Acceptably nested
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Slide 14.28
Statements (contd)
Slide 14.29
Combination of if-if and if-else-if statements is
usually difficult to read
Simplify: The if-if combination
if <condition1>
if <condition2>
is frequently equivalent to the single condition
if <condition1> && <condition2>
Rule of thumb
– if statements nested to a depth of greater than
three should be avoided as poor programming
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Programming Standards
Slide 14.30
Can be both a blessing and a curse
Modules of coincidental cohesion arise from
rules like
– “Every module will consist of between 35 and 50
executable statements”
– “Programmers should consult their managers before
constructing a module with fewer than 35 or more
than 50 executable statements”
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Remarks on Programming Standards
Slide 14.31
No standard can ever be universally applicable
Standards imposed from above will be ignored
Standard must be checkable by machine
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Remarks on Programming Standards (contd)
Slide 14.32
Examples of good programming standards
– “Nesting of if statements should not exceed a
depth of 3, except with prior approval from the
team leader”
– “Modules should consist of between 35 and 50
statements, except with prior approval from the
team leader”
– “Use of gotos should be avoided. However, with
prior approval from the team leader, a forward goto
may be used for error handling”
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Remarks on Programming Standards (contd)
Slide 14.33
Aim of standards is to make maintenance easier
– If it makes development difficult, then must be modified
– Overly restrictive standards are counterproductive
– Quality of software suffers
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Software Quality Control
Slide 14.34
After preliminary testing by the programmer, the
module is handed over to the SQA group
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Module Reuse
The most common form of reuse
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Slide 14.35
Module Test Case Selection
Slide 14.36
Worst way—random testing
Need systematic way to construct test cases
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Module Test Case Selection (contd)
Slide 14.37
Two extremes to testing
1. Test to specifications (also called blackbox, data-driven, functional, or input/output
driven testing)
– Ignore code. Use specifications to select test cases
2. Test to code (also called glass-box, logicdriven, structured, or path-oriented testing)
– Ignore specifications. Use code to select test cases
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Feasibility of Testing to Specifications
Slide 14.38
– Specifications for data processing product include 5
types of commission and 7 types of discount
– 35 test cases
Cannot say that commission and discount are
computed in two entirely separate modules—the
structure is irrelevant
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Feasibility of Testing to Specifications
Slide 14.39
Suppose specs include 20 factors, each taking
on 4 values
– 420 or 1.1  1012 test cases
– If each takes 30 seconds to run, running all test cases
takes > 1 million years
Combinatorial explosion makes testing to
specifications impossible
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Feasibility of Testing to Code
Slide 14.40
Each path through module must be executed
at least once
– Combinatorial explosion
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Feasibility of Testing to Code (contd)
Flowchart has over 1012 different paths
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Slide 14.41
Feasibility of Testing to Code (contd)
Slide 14.42
Can exercise every path without detecting every
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Feasibility of Testing to Code (contd)
Slide 14.43
Path can be tested only if it is present
Weaker Criteria
– Exercise both branches of all conditional statements
– Execute every statement
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Feasibility of Testing to Code (contd)
Slide 14.44
Can exercise every path without detecting every
Path can be tested only if it is present
Weaker Criteria
– Exercise both branches of all conditional statements
– Execute every statement
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Coping with the Combinatorial Explosion
Slide 14.45
Neither testing to specifications nor testing to
code is feasible
The art of testing:
Select a small, manageable set of test cases to
– Maximize chances of detecting fault, while
– Minimizing chances of wasting test case
Every test case must detect a previously
undetected fault
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Coping with the Combinatorial Explosion
Slide 14.46
We need a method that will highlight as
many faults as possible
– First black-box test cases (testing to
– Then glass-box methods (testing to code)
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Black-Box Module Testing Methods
Slide 14.47
Equivalence Testing
– Specifications for DBMS state that product must
handle any number of records between 1 and 16,383
– If system can handle 34 records and 14,870 records,
then probably will work fine for 8,252 records
If system works for any one test case in range
(1..16,383), then it will probably work for any
other test case in range
– Range (1..16,383) constitutes an equivalence class
Any one member is as good a test case as any
other member of the class
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Equivalence Testing (contd)
Slide 14.48
Range (1..16,383) defines three different
equivalence classes:
– Equivalence Class 1: Fewer than 1 record
– Equivalence Class 2: Between 1 and 16,383 records
– Equivalence Class 3: More than 16,383 records
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Boundary Value Analysis
Slide 14.49
Select test cases on or just to one side of the
boundary of equivalence classes
– This greatly increases the probability of detecting
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Database Example
Test case 1: 0 records
Slide 14.50
Member of equivalence
class 1 (and adjacent to
boundary value)
Test case 2: 1 record
Boundary value
Test case 3: 2 records
Adjacent to boundary
Test case 4: 723 records Member of
equivalence class 2
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Boundary Value Analysis of Output Specs
Slide 14.51
In 2001, the minimum Social Security (OASDI)
deduction from any one paycheck was $0.00, and
the maximum was $4,984.80
– Test cases must include input data which should
result in deductions of exactly $0.00 and exactly
– Also, test data that might result in deductions of less
than $0.00 or more than $4,984.80
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Overall Strategy
Slide 14.52
Equivalence classes together with boundary
value analysis to test both input specifications
and output specifications
– Small set of test data with potential of uncovering
large number of faults
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Glass-Box Module Testing Methods
Structural testing
Statement coverage
Branch coverage
Linear code sequences
All-definition-use path coverage
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Slide 14.53
Structural Testing: Statement Coverage
Slide 14.54
Statement coverage:
– Series of test cases to check every statement
– CASE tool needed to keep track
– Branch statements
Both statements can be
executed without the
fault showing up
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Structural Testing: Branch Coverage
Series of tests to check all branches (solves
above problem)
– Again, a CASE tool is needed
Slide 14.55
Structural testing: path coverage
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Linear Code Sequences
Slide 14.56
In a product with a loop, the number of paths
is very large, and can be infinite
– We want a weaker condition than all paths but that
shows up more faults than branch coverage
Linear code sequences
– Identify the set of points L from which control flow
may jump, plus entry and exit points
– Restrict test cases to paths that begin and end
with elements of L
– This uncovers many faults without testing every
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All-definition-use-path Coverage
Slide 14.57
Each occurrence of variable, zz say, is labeled
either as
– The definition of a variable
zz = 1 or read (zz)
– or the use of variable
y = zz + 3 or if (zz < 9) errorB ()
Identify all paths from the definition of a variable
to the use of that definition
– This can be done by an automatic tool
A test case is set up for each such path
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All-definition-use-path Coverage (contd)
Slide 14.58
– Upper bound on number of paths is 2d, where d is
the number of branches
In practice
– The actual number of paths is proportional to d in
real cases
This is therefore a practical test case
selection technique
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Infeasible Code
It may not be
possible to test
a specific
– May have an
infeasible path
(“dead code”)
in the module
Frequently this
is evidence of
a fault
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Slide 14.59
Measures of Complexity
Slide 14.60
Quality assurance approach to glass-box testing
– Module m1 is more “complex” than module m2
Metric of software complexity
– Highlights modules mostly likely to have faults
If complexity is unreasonably high, then redesign,
– Cheaper and faster
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Lines of Code
Simplest measure of complexity
Underlying assumption:
– Constant probability p that a line of code
contains a fault
– Tester believes line of code has 2% chance of
containing a fault.
– If module under test is 100 lines long, then it is
expected to contain 2 faults
Number of faults is indeed related to the
size of the product as a whole
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Slide 14.61
Other Measures of Complexity
Slide 14.62
Cyclomatic complexity M (McCabe)
– Essentially the number of decisions (branches) in the
– Easy to compute
– A surprisingly good measure of faults (but see later)
Modules with M > 10 have statistically more
errors (Walsh)
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Software Science Metrics
[Halstead] Used for
fault prediction
– Basic elements are
the number of
operators and
operands in the
Widely challenged
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Slide 14.63
Problem with These Metrics
Slide 14.64
Both Software Science, cyclomatic complexity:
– Strong theoretical challenges
– Strong experimental challenges
– High correlation with LOC
Thus we are measuring LOC, not complexity
Apparent contradiction
– LOC is a poor metric for predicting productivity
No contradiction — LOC is used here to predict
fault rates, not productivity
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Code Walkthroughs and Inspections
Rapid and thorough fault detection
– Up to 95% reduction in maintenance costs
[Crossman, 1982]
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Slide 14.65
Comparison: Module Testing Techniques
Slide 14.66
Experiments comparing
– Black-box testing
– Glass-box testing
– Reviews
(Myers, 1978) 59 highly experienced programmers
– All three methods equally effective in finding faults
– Code inspections less cost-effective
(Hwang, 1981)
– All three methods equally effective
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Comparison: Module Testing Techniques (contd)
Slide 14.67
Tests of 32 professional programmers, 42
advanced students in two groups (Basili and
Selby, 1987)
Professional programmers
– Code reading detected more faults
– Code reading had a faster fault detection rate
Advanced students, group 1
– No significant difference between the three methods
Advanced students, group 2
– Code reading and black-box testing were equally good
– Both outperformed glass-box testing
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Comparison: Module Testing Techniques (contd)
Slide 14.68
– Code inspection is at least as successful at detecting
faults as glass-box and black-box testing
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Slide 14.69
Different approach to software development
– Incremental process model
– Formal techniques
– Reviews
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Cleanroom (contd)
Case study
1820 lines of FoxBASE (U.S. Naval
Underwater Systems Center, 1992)
– 18 faults detected by “functional verification”
– Informal proofs
– 19 faults detected in walkthroughs before
– NO compilation errors
– NO execution-time failures
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Slide 14.70
Cleanroom (contd)
Slide 14.71
Fault counting procedures differ:
Usual paradigms
– Count faults after informal testing (once SQA starts)
– Count faults after inspections (once compilation
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Cleanroom (contd)
Report on 17 Cleanroom products [Linger,
350,000 line product, team of 70, 18 months
1.0 faults per KLOC
Total of 1 million lines of code
Weighted average: 2.3 faults per KLOC
“[R]emarkable quality achievement”
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Slide 14.72
Testing Objects
Slide 14.73
We must inspect classes, objects
We can run test cases on objects
Classical module
– About 50 executable statements
– Give input arguments, check output arguments
– About 30 methods, some with 2, 3 statements
– Do not return value to caller—change state
– It may not be possible to check state—information
– Method determine balance—need to know accountBalance
before, after
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Testing Objects (contd)
Need additional methods to return values of all
state variables
– Part of test plan
– Conditional compilation
Slide 14.74
Inherited method may still have to be tested
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Testing Objects (contd)
Java implementation
of tree hierarchy
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Slide 14.75
Testing Objects (contd)
Slide 14.76
Top half
When displayNodeContents is invoked in BinaryTree, it
uses RootedTree.printRoutine
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Testing Objects (contd)
Slide 14.77
Bottom half
When displayNodeContents is invoked in method
BalancedBinaryTree, it uses BalancedBinaryTree.printRoutine
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Testing Objects (contd)
Slide 14.78
Bad news
– BinaryTree.displayNodeContents must be retested from
scratch when reused in method BalancedBinaryTree
– Invokes totally new printRoutine
Worse news
– For theoretical reasons, we need to test using totally
different test cases
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Testing Objects (contd)
Slide 14.79
Two testing problems:
Making state variables visible
– Minor issue
Retesting before reuse
– Arises only when methods interact
– We can determine when this retesting is needed
[Harrold, McGregor, and Fitzpatrick, 1992]
Not reasons to abandon the paradigm
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Module Testing: Management Implications
Slide 14.80
We need to know when to stop testing
– Cost–benefit analysis
– Risk analysis
– Statistical techniques
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When to Rewrite Rather Than Debug
When a module has too many faults
– It is cheaper to redesign, recode
Risk, cost of further faults
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Slide 14.81
Fault Distribution In Modules Is Not Uniform
Slide 14.82
[Myers, 1979]
– 47% of the faults in OS/370 were in only 4% of the
[Endres, 1975]
– 512 faults in 202 modules of DOS/VS (Release 28)
– 112 of the modules had only one fault
– There were modules with 14, 15, 19 and 28 faults,
– The latter three were the largest modules in the product,
with over 3000 lines of DOS macro assembler language
– The module with 14 faults was relatively small, and very
– A prime candidate for discarding, recoding
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Fault Distribution In Modules Not Uniform (contd)
Slide 14.83
For every module, management must
predetermine maximum allowed number of
faults during testing
If this number is reached
– Discard
– Redesign
– Recode
Maximum number of faults allowed after
delivery is ZERO
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Air Gourmet Case Study: Black-Box Test Cases
Slide 14.84
Sample black-box test cases
Appendix J contains complete set
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Challenges of the Implementation Phase
Slide 14.85
Module reuse needs to be built into the product
from the very beginning
Reuse must be a client requirement
Software project management plan must
incorporate reuse
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