Object-Oriented and Classical Software Engineering Stephen R. Schach

Slide 5.1
Object-Oriented and
Classical Software
Fifth Edition, WCB/McGraw-Hill, 2002
Stephen R. Schach
© The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2002
© The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2002
Slide 5.2
Stepwise refinement
Cost–benefit analysis
Software metrics
Taxonomy of CASE
Scope of CASE
Software versions
Configuration control
Build tools
© The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2002
Slide 5.3
Stepwise Refinement
Slide 5.4
A basic principle underlying many software
engineering techniques
– “Postpone decisions as to details as late as possible
to be able to concentrate on the important issues”
Miller’s law (1956)
– A human being can concentrate on 7±2 items at a
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Stepwise Refinement Case Study
Slide 5.5
Design a product to update a sequential master
file containing name and address data for
monthly magazine True Life Software Disasters
Three types of transactions
– Type 1: INSERT (new subscriber into master file)
– Type 2: MODIFY (existing subscriber record)
– Type 3: DELETE (existing subscriber record)
Transactions are sorted into alphabetical order,
and by transaction code within alphabetical
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Typical file of input transactions
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Slide 5.6
Decompose Process
No further refinement is possible
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First Refinement
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Stepwise Refinement Case Study (contd)
Slide 5.9
– We can produce a record when PROCESS requires it
Separate INPUT and OUTPUT, concentrate on
What is this PROCESS?
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Second Refinement
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Third Refinement
This design
has a major
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Stepwise Refinement Case Study (contd)
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The third refinement is WRONG
– “Modify JONES” followed by “Delete JONES”
After the third refinement has been corrected
– Details like opening and closing files have been ignored
up to now
– Fix after the logic of the design is complete
– The stage at which an item is handled is vital
Opening and closing files is
– Ignored in early steps, but
– Essential later
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Appraisal of Stepwise Refinement
A basic principle used in
– Every phase
– Every representation
The power of stepwise refinement
– The software engineer can concentrate
on the relevant aspects
– Miller’s Law is a fundamental restriction
on the mental powers of human beings
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Slide 5.13
Cost–Benefit Analysis
Compare estimated future benefits, costs
– Estimate costs
– Estimate benefits
– State all assumptions explicitly
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CASE (Computer-Aided Software Engineering)
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Scope of CASE
– Can support the entire life-cycle
Graphical display tools (many for PCs)
Data flow diagrams
Entity-relationship diagrams
Module-interconnection diagrams
Petri nets
Structure charts
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Software Metrics
Slide 5.16
To detect problems early, it is essential to measure
– LOC per month
– Defects per 1000 lines of code
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Different Types of Metrics
Product Metrics
– Examples:
» Size of product
» Reliability of product
Process Metrics
– Example:
» Efficiency of fault detection during
Metrics specific to a given phase
– Example:
» Number of defects detected per hour in
specification reviews
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Slide 5.17
The Five Basic Metrics
– In Lines of Code, or better
– In dollars
– In months
– In person months
– Number of faults detected
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Slide 5.18
Taxonomy of CASE
UpperCASE versus lowerCASE
Tool versus workbench versus environment
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Graphical Tool
Additional features
– Data dictionary
– Screen and report generators
– Consistency checker; the various
views are always consistent
» Specifications and design workbench
Online Documentation
– Problems with
» Manuals
» Updating
Essential online documentation
– Help information
– Programming standards
– Manuals
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Slide 5.20
Essential Coding Tools
Coding tools
– Products (such as text editors, debuggers, and
pretty printers) designed to
» Simplify programmer’s task
» Reduce frustration
» Increase programmer productivity
Conventional coding scenario for
– Editor-compiler cycle
– Editor-compiler-linker cycle
– Editor-compiler-linker-execute cycle
“There must be a better way”
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Syntax-directed Editor
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“Understands” language
– Speeds up implementation
– User interface of an editor is different to that of a compiler
» There is no need to change thinking mode
» No mental energy is wasted on these adjustments
– One piece of system software, two languages
» High-level language of module
» Editing command language
– Pretty-printer
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Online Interface Checker
– The programmer tries to call procedure
computeAverage, but the linker cannot find it
– The programmer realizes that the actual name
of the procedure is computeMean
A structure editor must support online
interface checking
– Editor must know name of every procedure
Interface checking is an important part of
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Online Interface Checker (contd)
Slide 5.24
– The user enters the call
average = computeAverage (dataArray, numberOfValues);
– Editor immediately responds with a message such as
Procedure computeAverage not known
Programmer is given two choices
– Correct the name of the procedure
– Declare new procedure computeAverage and specify
its parameters
Enables full interface checking
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Online Interface Checker (contd)
– Declaration of q is
void q (float floatVar, int intVar, String s1, String s2);
– Call (invocation) is
q (intVar, floatVar, s1, s2);
– Online interface checker detects the fault
Help facility
– Online information as to parameters of
method q
– Better: Editor generates a template for the call
» Shows type of each parameter
» Programmer replaces formal by actual parameter
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Online Interface Checker (contd)
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– No need for different tools with different interfaces
– Hard-to-detect faults are immediately flagged for
» Wrong number of parameters
» Parameters of wrong type
Essential when software is produced by a team
– If one programmer changes the interface specification,
all modules calling that changed module must be
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Online Interface Checker (contd)
Remaining problem
– The programmer still has to exit from the editor to
invoke the compiler (to generate code)
– Then, the linker must be called to link the product
– Must adjust to the JCL, compiler, and linker output
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Slide 5.27
Operating System Front-End in Editor
Single command
– go or run
– Use of the mouse to choose icon, or menu
Causes editor to invoke the compiler, linker,
loader, and execute the product
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Operating System Front-End in Editor (contd)
Slide 5.29
Online documentation
– Help information regarding
» Operating system
» Editor
» Programming language
– Programming standards
– Manuals
» Editor manuals
» Programming manuals
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Source Level Debugger
– Product executes terminates abruptly and prints
Overflow at 4B06, or
Core dumped, or
Segmentation fault
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Slide 5.30
Source Level Debugger (contd)
The programmer works in a high-level language,
but must examine
Slide 5.31
Machine code core dumps
Assembler listings
Linker listings
Similar low-level documentation
Destroys the advantage of programming in a
high-level language
We need
– Interactive source level debugger (like dbx)
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Programming Workbench
Structure editor with
Slide 5.32
Online interface checking capabilities
Operating system front-end
Online documentation
Source level debugger
Constitutes a simple programming environment
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Programming Workbench (contd)
Slide 5.33
This is by no means new
– All the above features are supported by FLOW (1980)
– The technology has been in place for years
Surprisingly, some programmers still implement
code Ye Olde-Fashioned Way
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Software Versions
Slide 5.34
During maintenance, at all times there are at
least two versions of the product:
– The old version, and
– The new version
Two types of versions: revisions and variations
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Revisions and Variations
– Version to fix a fault in the module
– We cannot throw away an incorrect version
Perfective and adaptive maintenance also
results in revisions
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Slide 5.35
Revisions and Variations (contd)
– Version for different operating system–hardware
– Variations are designed to coexist in parallel
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Slide 5.36
Configuration Control
Every module
exists in three
– Source code;
object code;
executable load
– Version of each
module from
which a given
version of a
product is built
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Slide 5.37
Version Control Tool
Essential for programming-in-the-many
– First step toward configuration management
Must handle
– Updates
– Parallel versions
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Version Control Tool (contd)
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Possible notation
– printerDriver (laser) / 13
– printerDriver (inkJet) / 25
Problem of multiple variations
– Deltas
Version control is not enough—maintenance issues
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Configuration Control and Maintenance
Two programmers working on the same module
– mDual / 16
– mDual / 17
– Private workspaces
– Freezing
Slide 5.40
Configuration control during development
– Informal testing
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Build Tools
– UNIX make
Compares the date and time stamp on
– Source code, object code
– Object code, executable load image
Can check dependencies
– Ensures that correct versions/variations are
compiled and linked
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Slide 5.41
Productivity Gains with CASE Tools
Survey of 45 companies in 10 industries
[Myers, 1992]
– Half information systems
– Quarter scientific
– Quarter real-time aerospace
– About 10% annual productivity gains
– $125,000 per seat
Justifications for CASE
Faster development
Fewer faults
Easier maintenance
Improved morale
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