Object-Oriented and Classical Software Engineering Stephen R. Schach

Slide 10C.52
Object-Oriented and
Classical Software
Sixth Edition, WCB/McGraw-Hill, 2005
Stephen R. Schach
© The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2005
CHAPTER 10 — Unit C
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Continued from Unit 10B
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10.9 Continuing the Requirements Workflow: The Osbert Oglesby Case
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More details of each use case are needed now
First consider use cases
Buy a Painting, and
Sell a Painting
To refine the descriptions, determine what
attributes need to be input when a painting is
bought and when a painting is sold
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Attributes: The Osbert Oglesby Case Study
Slide 10C.56
Attributes when buying a painting include:
Title of work, name of artist, date of painting,
classification, medium, purchase price, name and
address of seller
(The complete list of attributes appears in the textbook
in Figure 10.14 — see over)
Attributes when selling a painting are:
Date of sale, name of buyer, address of buyer, actual
selling price
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Attributes: The Osbert Oglesby Case Study (contd)
Slide 10C.57
Figure 10.14
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Continuing the Requirements Workflow: The Osbert Oglesby Case Study
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Now the algorithm for computing the maximum
purchase price is considered
Classify the painting as a
Masterwork, or
Other painting
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Maximum Price for a Masterpiece: The Osbert Oglesby Case Study
Slide 10C.59
Scan worldwide auction records over the past 25
years for the most similar work by the same artist
Use the auction purchase price of the most similar
work as the base price
The maximum purchase price is found by adding
8.5 percent to the base price, compounded
annually, for each year since that auction
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Maximum Price for a Masterwork: The Osbert Oglesby Case Study
Slide 10C.60
Compute the maximum purchase price as if the
painting were a masterpiece by the same artist
If the picture was painted in the 21st century,
multiply this figure by 0.25
Otherwise, multiply it by (21 – c)/(22 – c), where c
is the century in which the work was painted
(12 < c < 21)
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Maximum Price for an Other Painting: The Osbert Oglesby Case Study
Slide 10C.61
Measure the dimensions of the canvas
The maximum purchase price is then given by the
formula F  A, where
F is a constant for that artist (fashionability coefficient),
A is the area of the canvas in square centimeters
If there is no fashionability coefficient for that artist,
Osbert will not buy the painting
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Coefficient of Similarity: The Osbert Oglesby Case Study
Slide 10C.62
For a masterpiece or masterwork, the coefficient
of similarity between two paintings is computed as
Score 1 for a match on medium, otherwise 0
Score 1 for a match on subject, otherwise 0
Add these two numbers, multiply by the area of the
smaller painting, and divide by the area of the larger
The resulting number is the coefficient of similarity
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Coefficient of Similarity: The Osbert Oglesby Case Study (contd)
Slide 10C.63
If the coefficient of similarity between the painting
under consideration and all the paintings in the file
of auction data is zero, then Osbert will not buy
that masterwork or masterpiece
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Fashionability Coefficients: The Osbert Oglesby Case Study
Slide 10C.64
The software product must include a list of artists
and their corresponding F values
The value of F can vary from month to month,
depending on the current fashionability of an artist
Osbert determines the value of F on the basis of
his knowledge and experience
He changes the value if prices for work by an artist
increase or decrease
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Auction Data: The Osbert Oglesby Case Study
Slide 10C.65
The software product must utilize information on
worldwide auction sales of masterpieces over the
past 25 years
Each month Osbert receives a CD with updated
worldwide auction prices; these prices are never
modified by Osbert
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Updated Use Cases: The Osbert Oglesby Case Study
Slide 10C.66
The use-case descriptions must reflect this
The resulting description of the Buy a Painting
use case is shown in Figure 10.14 (see 9 slides
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Updated Use Cases: The Osbert Oglesby Case Study
Slide 10C.67
The description of the Sell a Painting use case:
Figure 10.15
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Reports: The Osbert Oglesby Case Study
Slide 10C.68
There are three reports:
Purchases during the past year
Sales during the past year
Detection of new trends
Sample reports show Osbert’s needs are as
follows (question marks in the first or last name of
artist, or in the title or date of the work are to be
included in all reports):
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Report of Purchases during the Past Year: The Osbert Oglesby CaseSlide
A report is needed to display all the paintings
purchased during the past year
The average ratio of the purchase price to the suggested
maximum price is required at the end of the report
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Figure 10.16
Report of Sales during the Past Year: The Osbert Oglesby Case Study
Slide 10C.70
A report is needed to display all the paintings sold
during the past year
The average ratio of the actual selling price to the target
selling price is required at the end of the report
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Figure 10.17
Report of Trends during the Past Year: The Osbert Oglesby Case Study
Slide 10C.71
A report showing artists whose works Osbert has
sold at a price that has exceeded the target selling
price in every instance during the past year
To appear in this report, at least two of the artist’s works
must have been sold by Osbert during that period
Figure 10.18
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Updated Use Cases: The Osbert Oglesby Case Study
Slide 10C.72
The updated description of the Produce a Report
use case, incorporating the details listed earlier,
appears in Figure 10.19 (see over)
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Updated Use Cases: The Osbert Oglesby Case Study (contd)
Slide 10C.73
Figure 10.19
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10.10 The Test Workflow: The Osbert Oglesby Case Study
Slide 10C.74
There is a serious omission
The use case for updating a fashionability coefficient
has been overlooked
Missing use case Update a Fashionability
Figure 10.20
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The Test Workflow: The Osbert Oglesby Case Study (contd)
Slide 10C.75
The description of the use case Update a
Fashionability Coefficient
Figure 10.21
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Second Iteration of the Use-Case Diagram: The Osbert Oglesby CaseSlide
Incorporate all four use cases
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Figure 10.22
The Test Workflow: The Osbert Oglesby Case Study (contd)
Slide 10C.77
A fault was detected
There was a missing use case
The existing artifacts did not need to be changed
Two additional artifacts had to be added
A use case, and
Its description
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The Test Workflow: The Osbert Oglesby Case Study (contd)
Slide 10C.78
The Unified Process is iterative and incremental
Members of the development team must always be
aware that changes and extensions to the current
version of the software product may have to made at
any time
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10.11 The Classical Requirements Phase
Slide 10C.79
There is no such thing as “object-oriented
The requirements workflow has nothing to do with how
the product is to be built
However, the approach presented in this chapter
Model oriented, and therefore
Object oriented
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The Classical Requirements Phase (contd)
Slide 10C.80
The classical approach to requirements
Requirements elicitation
Requirements analysis
Construction of a rapid prototype
Client and future users experiment with the rapid
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10.12 Rapid Prototyping
Slide 10C.81
Hastily built (“rapid”)
Imperfections can be ignored
Exhibits only key functionality
Emphasis on only what the client sees
Error checking, file updating can be ignored
To provide the client with an understanding of the
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Rapid Prototyping (contd)
Slide 10C.82
A rapid prototype is built for change
Languages for rapid prototyping include 4GLs and
interpreted languages
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10.13 Human Factors
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The client and intended users must interact with
the user interface
Human-computer interface (HCI)
Menu, not command line
“Point and click”
Windows, icons, pull-down menus
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Human Factors (contd)
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Human factors must be taken into account
Avoid a lengthy sequence of menus
Allow the expertise level of an interface to be modified
Uniformity of appearance is important
Advanced psychology vs. common sense?
Rapid prototype of the HCI of every product is
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10.14 Reusing the Rapid Prototype
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Reusing a rapid prototype is essentially code-andfix
Changes are made to a working product
Maintenance is hard without specification and
design documents
Real-time constraints are hard to meet
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Reusing the Rapid Prototype (contd)
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One way to ensure that the rapid prototype is
Implement it in a different language from that of the
target product
Generated code can be reused
We can safely retain (parts of) a rapid prototype if
This is prearranged
Those parts pass SQA inspections
However, this is not “classical” rapid prototyping
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10.15 CASE Tools for the Requirements Workflow
Slide 10C.87
We need graphical tools for UML diagrams
To make it easy to change UML diagrams
The documentation is stored in the tool and therefore is
always available
Such tools are sometimes hard to use
The diagrams may need considerable “tweaking”
Overall, the strengths outweigh the weaknesses
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CASE Tools for the Requirements Workflow (contd)
Slide 10C.88
Graphical CASE environments extended to
support UML include
System Architect
Software through Pictures
Object-oriented CASE environments include
ArgoUML (open source)
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10.16 Metrics for the Requirements Workflow
Slide 10C.89
Volatility and speed of convergence are measures
of how rapidly the client’s needs are determined
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Metrics for the Requirements Workflow (contd)
Slide 10C.90
The number of changes made during subsequent
Changes initiated by the developers
Too many changes can mean the process is flawed
Changes initiated by the client
Moving target problem
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10.17 Challenges of the Requirements Phase
Slide 10C.91
Employees of the client organization often feel
threatened by computerization
The requirements team members must be able to
The client’s needs may have to be scaled down
Key employees of the client organization may not
have the time for essential in-depth discussions
Flexibility and objectivity are essential
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