Running head: LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Lab 2 – Nutricipe Prototype Product Specification Sections 3.1 and 3.2 Blue Team CS411 Professor Janet Brunelle Old Dominion University November 16, 2010 V2.3 1 LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 2 Table of Contents 3.1 Functional Requirements ......................................................................................................4 3.1.1 Database (Erik) ............................................................................................................. 4 SR22 Database .......................................................................................................4 Nutricipe Database .................................................................................................7 Functional Requirements......................................................................................11 Populating the Databases .....................................................................................12 3.1.2 Algorithms .................................................................................................................. 14 Calorie Needs Algorithm (Olga) ..........................................................................14 Food Variety Algorithm (Erik) ............................................................................16 Nutritional Content Calculator (Cole) ..................................................................18 Recipe Selection Algorithm (Adam) ....................................................................21 Shopping List Generator (Olga) ...........................................................................24 Food Tracking Algorithm (Erik) ..........................................................................27 Goal Tracking Algorithm (Adam)........................................................................29 3.1.3 GUI Interfaces ............................................................................................................ 32 “About us” page (Mark) .......................................................................................32 “Contact us” page (Mark) ....................................................................................33 User Registration (Ben) ........................................................................................35 Account Maintenance (Ben).................................................................................38 User Authentication Process (Ben) ......................................................................40 Administrative Interface (Or’Sasha) ....................................................................42 Profile Set up and Maintenance Screen (Ben) .....................................................45 Daily Caloric Needs Display (John).....................................................................48 Food Variety Display (John) ................................................................................49 Recipe Search Prompt (John) ...............................................................................50 Recipe Search Report Display (John) ..................................................................52 Recipe Card Display (John) .................................................................................54 Nutritional Values and Percentage of Daily Goals of Selected Meal Components Display (John) ......................................................................................................56 Meal Builder Display (John) ................................................................................58 Shopping List Display (Olga) ..............................................................................60 User Meal History Display (Erik) ........................................................................62 User Goal Achievement Display (Adam) ............................................................63 User Satisfaction Survey Prompt (Mark) .............................................................65 User Satisfaction Survey Report (Mark) ..............................................................66 3.2 Performance Requirements .................................................................................................68 3.2.1 Database read/write speed .......................................................................................... 68 3.2.2 Web serving speed ...................................................................................................... 68 3.2.3 Algorithm output speed .............................................................................................. 68 Appendix A ....................................................................................................................................69 Appendix B ....................................................................................................................................71 [This space intentionally left blank] LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 3 List of Figures Figure 1. USDA SR22 Database Schema........................................................................................6 Figure 2. Nutricipe Database Schema ...........................................................................................10 Figure 3. Calorie Needs Algorithm Flow Chart ............................................................................15 Figure 4. Food Variety Algorithm .................................................................................................17 Figure 5. Nutrient Content Calculator Flow Chart ........................................................................19 Figure 6. Recipe Selection Algorithm Flow Chart ........................................................................23 Figure 7. Shopping List Generator Flow Chart .............................................................................26 Figure 8. Food Tracking Algorithm Flow Chart ...........................................................................29 Figure 9. Goal Tracking Algorithm Flow Chart ............................................................................31 Figure 10. About Us Page GUI .....................................................................................................33 Figure 11. Contact Us Page GUI ...................................................................................................34 Figure 12. Registration Page GUI .................................................................................................35 Figure 13. Registration Process Flow Chart ..................................................................................37 Figure 14. Account Maintenance Flow Chart ...............................................................................39 Figure 15. Profile Login Module ...................................................................................................40 Figure 16. User authentication Flow Chart ...................................................................................41 Figure 17. Admin Interface ...........................................................................................................43 Figure 18. Admin User Interface ...................................................................................................43 Figure 19. Admin Option Interface ...............................................................................................44 Figure 20. “Edit Profile” Module ..................................................................................................46 Figure 21. Profile Maintenance Flow Chat ...................................................................................47 Figure 22. Food Variety Display GUI ..........................................................................................50 Figure 23. Recipe Search Prompt GUI .........................................................................................52 Figure 24. Recipe Search Report Display GUI ............................................................................53 Figure 25. Top of Recipe Card with Recipe Name, Ingredients, and Directions .........................55 Figure 26. Bottom of Recipe Card with Nutritional Facts Table .................................................56 Figure 27. Nutritional Values and Percentage of Daily Goals of Selected Meal Components Display GUI ...............................................................................................................58 Figure 28. Meal Builder with Recipes ..........................................................................................59 Figure 29. Meal Builder without Recipes.....................................................................................60 Figure 30. Screen to Request Shopping List .................................................................................61 Figure 31. Screen to Display Generated Shopping List ................................................................61 Figure 32. User Mea History Display............................................................................................63 Figure 33. User Goal Achievement Display..................................................................................64 Figure 34. User Satisfaction Survey Prompt .................................................................................65 Figure 35. User Satisfaction Survey Report ..................................................................................67 [This space intentionally left blank] LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 3.1 4 Functional Requirements The functional requirements define the capability and behaviors associated with the Nutricipe product. Each functional area will contain individual requirements describing a part of the prototype. The functional requirements will include database specification, database data import, algorithms, and GUI interfaces. 3.1.1 Database (Erik) The database will be implemented using MySQL and will be stored on the Computer Science department's Unix servers. Two databases are being used: the USDA SR22 database, and the proprietary Nutricipe database. The USDA database contains nutritional information for a wide variety of ingredients, while the Nutricipe database will contain user account information (such as user name and password), user goals, likes, dislikes, recipes, a history of a users transactions with the server, and nutritional information for recipes. The scope of the database will be modeled as close to the RWP database as possible. Diseases, for instance, are not taken into account for the prototype but the tables are still included, but not populated. Scale is greatly reduced. A RWP with over 50,000 recipes and millions of users will be a goal, while the prototype is being tested with 20 recipes. SR22 Database Figure 1 shows the USDA SR22 database schema. Here is a description of each table: 1. DATA_SRC: Contains information about where the data about food items have come from (irrelevant to the Nutricipe product). 2. DATSRCLN: An intermediary table for the DATA_SRC table (irrelevant to the Nutricipe product). LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 3. DERIV_CD: Contains information on how NUT_DATA values were determined (irrelevant to the Nutricipe product). 4. FD_GROUP: Links to the FOOD_DES table to describe which food group a food item belongs to. 5. FOOD_DES: Contains descriptions of food items (ingredients). The NDB_No is this table’s primary key and is used as a link in several other tables. 6. FOOTNOTE: Contains additional information about food items (irrelevant to the Nutricipe product). 7. NUT_DATA: Contains nutritional information for each food item. 8. NUTR_DEF: Provides extra information to the NUT_DATA table such as units of measurement. 9. SRC_CD: Contains further NUT_DATA statistical information (irrelevant to the Nutricipe product). 10. WEIGHT: Shows weight in grams for a number of common amounts for various food items. [This space intentionally left blank] 5 LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Figure 1. USDA SR22 Database Schema 6 LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 7 Nutricipe Database Figure 2 shows the schema for the Nutricipe database. Here is a description of each table: 1. billing: Contains payment information (not populated for the prototype). 2. calorie_level_needs: Contains information about caloric intake, various food types intake (such as fruits, vegetables, meats, oils, and grains), and amount of calcium and vitamin C needed to be consumed to meet the nutritional goals. These data are associated with the age, gender, and activity level. 3. combinations_bad: A list of food combinations considered bad for digestion (not populated for the prototype). 4. combinations_good: A list of food combinations considered good for digestion (not populated for the prototype). 5. disease: Contains a list of diseases with descriptions to be used in the RWP (not populated for the prototype). 6. disease_bad: Contains ingredients that are known to be harmful for a certain disease (not populated for the prototype). 7. disease_good: Contains ingredients that are known to be beneficial for a certain disease (not populated for the prototype). 8. dislikes: Contains a list of ingredients and/or recipes a user dislikes. 9. events: A name and description of events used by the history table. 10. goals: An intermediary table listing various goals that Nutricipe offers (for example, increase of calcium). 11. history: A log of user interactions with the website with a timestamp. LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 8 12. ingredient: Contains an image for a particular ingredient. 13. ingredient_goal: An intermediary table that lists ingredients that satisfy the nutritional goals that Nutricipe offers. 14. ingredient_list: An intermediary table associating ingredients from the SR22 database with individual recipes. 15. ingredients_available: A list of ingredients in a user’s pantry. 16. likes: Contains a list of ingredients and/or recipes a user likes. 17. meal: A group of recipes and ingredients a user has included in a meal. 18. meal_ingredient: A table associating a group of individual ingredients that are included in a meal. 19. meal_recipe: A table associating a group of recipes that are included in a meal. 20. nut_facts: Nutritional information for each recipe. 21. profile_goals: A description of individual goals a user can set. 22. recipe: A recipe with a name, list of instructions, preparation time, and image. 23. recipe_fd_group: A table associating a recipe with a basic food group from the SR22 database. 24. recipe_goal: An intermediary table that lists goals a recipe satisfies. 25. us_address: Contains the user’s address. If the user lives outside the United States other tables (not implemented for the prototype) will capture the appropriate address format. 26. user_health_stats: A user’s statistics such as weight and activity level. 27. user_roles: A list of user roles with the name of the role. 28. user_profile: Contains basic signup information such as user name, email, etc. a central table linking other user specific information. It is also LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 29. user_roles_assoc: An intermediary table listing a user’s roles. 30. user_survey: Contains user satisfaction survey results for each user. [This space intentionally left blank] 9 LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Figure 2. Nutricipe Database Schema 10 LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 11 Functional Requirements The database must adhere to the following functional requirements: 1. Must provide a database handler that provides a tested and encapsulated way to access the database. 2. Must conduct regular and automatic backups of the Nutricipe database. 3. Must keep the database normalized. This requirement will have to be balanced against the speed requirement as too many tables can lead to a slowdown of the database. 4. Must be populated with the recipes, nutritional values of the recipes, nutritional goals that Nuticipe provides, caloric intake, different food groups’ intake by the developers prior the Nutricipe solution is used (see section for more details on importing data). 5. Must communicate with the User Registration display (see section to store the user’s personal information. 1. Must store the user’s personal information (for example, name, email, and password) into the user_profile table (see Figure 2 for the full list of data stored in the user_profile table). 2. Must store user’s roles into the user_roles_assoc table. 6. Must communicate with the Account Maintenance display (see section to allow users to modify their account information (for example, user name and email address). 7. Must communicate with the Profile Set up and Maintenance display (see section to store the users’ profile information. 1. Must store user’s age, gender, and activity level in the user_health_stats table. 2. Must store user’s nutritional goals into the profile_goals table. 3. Must store the ingredients and/or recipes that the user likes into the likes table. LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 12 4. Must store the ingredients and/or recipes that the user dislikes into the dislikes table. 5. Must store the pantry ingredients into the ingredients_available table. 8. Must communicate with the Profile Set up and Maintenance display (see section to allow users to modify their likes, dislikes, age, gender, activity level, nutritional goals, and pantry ingredients. 9. Must communicate with the Calorie Needs Algorithm (see section to store a caloric intake for the user into the user_health_stats table. 10. Must communicate with the Food Variety Algorithm (see section to store food intake amounts for the user into the user_health_stats table. 11. Must communicate with the Meal Builder Display (see section to store the user’s meals and meals’ components. 12. Must communicate with the Nutritional Values and Percentage of Daily Goals of Selected Meal Components Display (see section to store a log of user interactions in the history and event tables. 13. Must communicate with the User Satisfaction Survey Prompt (see section to store the survey results into the user_survey table. 14. Must communicate with the Administrative Interface (see section to allow changing activation_flag field in the user_profile table from true to false and vice versa in order to activate and deactivate the accounts. Populating the Databases Importing data into the database will be done manually for the prototype since the scale of the database is reduced. However, if a free database of recipes can be found during the LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 13 prototype construction, the process can be automated by importing into the Nutricipe database. For recipe lists residing in text files, a text parser can be created to extract needed elements such as the recipe title, ingredients, recipe description, and nutritional values. One assumption being made is that the nutritional data for every recipe is provided together with the recipe by an external data source. By keeping nutritional values for recipes in its own table, faster and fewer database accesses will be needed. Another assumption being made is that the project will only use recipes with ingredients that currently exist in the SR22 database. The actual task of transferring the SR22 database involved downloading the database files from the USDA site. The script to create the SR22 tables is available in Appendix A. Once tables were created, they were populated by running the script that inserts all the data from the downloaded text files into the created tables. The script to load data from the text files into the tables is available in Appendix B. For the Nutricipe database, text files were created storing recipes, nutritional data of recipes, and USDA guidelines (caloric and food intake for different ages, genders, and activity levels). The columns in the file are separated in a comma delimited format. The "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE" command was used to populate the recipe and ingredients_list table. The calorie_level_needs, recipe_fd_group, nut_facts, goals, recipe_goal, ingredient_goal, user_roles, and event tables were all populated using this method. Due to the reduced scope of the prototype the following tables will not be populated: us_address, billing, disease, disease_good, disease_bad, combinations_good, combinations_bad. The following tables will be populated by the user via different GUIs: user_profile, likes, user_health_stats, user_roles_assoc, ingredients_available, meal, meal_recipe, dislikes, profile_goals, history, and user_survey. [This space intentionally left blank] LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 14 3.1.2 Algorithms Algorithms are one of the major components of the Nutricipe prototype. There are seven different algorithms developed for the prototype. These algorithms will be able to retrieve data from the database, accept variables passed from GUI, store data in the database, generate necessary data, and pass that data to GUI in order to present users with the meaningful and consistent reports. Calorie Needs Algorithm (Olga) The purpose of the Calorie Needs Algorithm is to determine the daily caloric intake for the user. It must acquire the user profile identification (user_profile_id) in order to generate the right amount of calories that the user needs to consume daily. The Daily Caloric Needs Display (see section passes that data to the Calorie Needs Algorithm. In order to find the calorie needs for the particular user, the algorithm needs to find the user’s age, gender, and activity level. That data is stored in the user_health_stats table and can be accessed by the user’s user_health_stats_id. Thus, the algorithm retrieves the user_health_stats_id from the user_profile table based on the user_profile_id value. Then, the algorithm retrieves the user’s age, gender, and activity level from the user_health_stats table based on the user’s user_health_stats_id. The calorie_needs value is retrieved from the calorie_level_needs table. The calorie needs variable is passed to the Daily Caloric Needs Display (see section The algorithm updates the user_health_stats table and stores the calorie needs value for the user. Figure 3 shows the flow chart for the Calorie Needs Algorithm. [This space intentionally left blank] LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Figure 3. Calorie Needs Algorithm Flow Chart 15 LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 16 The Calorie Needs Algorithm must adhere to the following functional requirements: 1. Must obtain the user profile identification number from the Daily Caloric Needs Display (see section 2. Must retrieve the user’s age, gender, and activity level from the database for the user with the provided user profile identification number. 3. Must retrieve the calorie needs value from the database that corresponds to the determined user’s age, gender, and activity level. 4. Must provide the calorie needs variable to the Daily Caloric Needs Display (see section 5. Must store the calorie needs variable into the database for the user with the provided user profile identification number. Food Variety Algorithm (Erik) The food variety algorithm is designed with two goals in mind. The first is to produce a report of recommended food types based on the USDA "food pyramid." This report will include food groups such as grains, oils, meats, and beans. The second goal of the algorithm is to create lists of ingredients that meet defined user goals. If a user, for instance, specified that they want more Vitamin C and to lower their calorie intake, a list of ingredients with high amounts of Vitamin C and another list of ingredients with low amounts of calories will be displayed. This report will allow the user to look for recipes or pre-made meals outside the Nutricipe program and know whether they help reach their goals. For the RWP family history, diseases, personal goals, and preferences will be taken into account when making these recommendations. For the prototype only the personal goals and preferences are being used. LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 17 Figure 4 shows the flow for the Food Variety Algorithm. The Food Variety Display will provide the user_profile_id to the algorithm. The user_profile_id can be used to access the user_health_stats table for age, gender and weight. Combined with the USDA guidelines, the daily recommended intake report will give the user their recommended amounts on the food pyramid. Further information is required to complete the recommended foods (ingredients) report. A user’s likes and dislikes will be extracted from likes and dislikes tables, as well as the user’s nutritional goals from the user_goals table. At this point, the algorithm will use the SR22 database to find the appropriate ingredients and will display a list for each of the user goals while excluding disliked ingredients. Figure 4. Food Variety Algorithm LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 18 The Food Variety Algorithm must adhere to the following functional requirements: 1. Must acquire user_profile_id from the Food Variety Display (see section 2. Must retrieve the user's age, gender, and activity level from the database. 3. Must retrieve the user’s goals from the database. 4. Must retrieve the user’s likes/dislikes from the database. 5. Must retrieve the amount of fruits, vegetables, grains, meats, milk, and oils from the calorie_level_needs table that corresponds to the determined user's age, gender, and activity level. 6. Must search the ingredient_goal table for the ingredients that meet user goals, and likes/dislikes. 1. Must create lists of recommended foods based on nutritional goals and taking into accounts likes and dislikes. 2. Each goal must result in separate, alphabetical list of ingredients that fulfill that goal. 7. Must pass the amount of fruits, vegetables, grains, meats, milk, and oils to the Food Variety Display (see section 8. Must pass the list of recommended foods to the Food Variety Display (see section Nutritional Content Calculator (Cole) The Nutritional Content Calculator algorithm is designed to take various types of items (recipes, ingredients, meals) and appropriately calculate the nutritional content for that type. The GUI forwards user selections to the Nutritional Content Calculator having already determined the type based on the user's selection. The type of selection, along with its accompanying data, is LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 19 formatted into a tiered array and passed as a single parameter to the Nutritional Content Calculator. Since the calculator is run recursively for multiple items, if the top-most item is not of type "meal", the item is assumed to be singular and handled accordingly. If the top-most item is of type "meal", the entire array is passed to the "meal parser" sub-routine, that recursively calls the Nutritional Content Calculator for each item in the meal, summing the nutrients for all items in the meal. Figure 5. Nutrient Content Calculator Flow Chart Once the parameter has been received by the Nutritional Content Calculator, it determines the type of data: type meal, recipe, or ingredient. If the item is of type meal, it will be handled by the "meal parser" subroutine. If the item is of type recipe, it is handled as a single LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 20 item and a routine is run to query the recipe, ingredient_list, and nut_facts tables to retrieve the associated pre-formatted nutritional data for that recipe. If the item is of type ingredient, it is handled as a single item and a routine is run to query the USDA SR22 NUT_DATA and NUTR_DEF tables to retrieve the appropriate nutritional facts for that ingredient. The data passed to the Nutritional Content Calculator is an array with keys of strings indicating the table the item is associated with (which will be recognized and used to determine which “type” the parameter is) and the value of which is the unique identifier for that item (e.g. NDB_No for USDA SR22 ingredients, etc.). The only exception is the first key/value pair in the array must represent the user_profile_id of the currently logged in user. Nutritional data calculated by the Nutritional Content Calculator algorithm is formatted as an array of nutrient types with their associated values including their percent towards the user's daily nutrient needs and goals. The Nutritional Content Calculator must adhere to the following functional requirements: 1. Must obtain the array of items from the Food Tracking Algorithm and Nutritional Values and Percentage of Daily Goals of Selected Meal Components Display (see sections and respectively). 2. Must determine the “type” of item(s) in the array If an item in the array has an unknown “type”, must issue an error. 3. If the type of item is a recipe, must retrieve information for that recipe from the recipe table of the database. 4. If the type of item is an ingredient, must retrieve information for that ingredient from the USDA SR22 NUT_DATA table for the NDB_No of that ingredient provided by the Nutritional Values and Percentage of Daily Goals of Selected Meal Components Display ( see sections or the Meal Parser. LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 21 5. If the type of item is a meal, must pass the meal to the Meal Parser sub-routine to be parsed into individual recipes and ingredients. 6. Must calculate the percent of daily goals contained in the ingredient(s) and/or recipe(s) based on the user’s nutritional goals and based on their user_profile_id (user_profile_id of currently logged-in user provided with array from caller). 7. Must provide an array of nutritional information for each item to the Nutritional Values and Percentage of Daily Goals of Selected Meal Components Display (see sections 8. Must provide the percentages of daily goals for each item(s) and/or meal(s) to its caller (Goal Tracking Algorithm and Nutritional Values and Percentage of Daily Goals of Selected Meal Components Display, see sections and respectively). Recipe Selection Algorithm (Adam) The Recipe Selection Algorithm is designed to allow the user to build a list of recipes generated through a variety of search parameters. The recipes are then displayed to the Recipe Search report display. Searches may be based on a particular ingredient, on-hand ingredients and by avoiding disliked ingredients. The Recipe Search Prompt (see section passes the search parameters and the user_profile_id to the algorithm. There are four different search paradigms: specified ingredient, on-hand exclusive, onhand inclusive and suggested. Users are able to select a specific ingredient; the GUI will pass that to the algorithm. The recipe database is searched for recipe_id numbers that have the specified ingredient included in their ingredients list (NDB_No). These recipe_id numbers are stored in an array. LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 22 If the user has items in their pantry they would prefer to use, their pantry can be loaded from the ingredients_available table for the user’s user_profile_id. The user then decides if they want to select recipes that contain only ingredients found in ingredients_available, or if they want to include all recipes that contain at least one ingredient found in ingredients_available. If the user does not want to generate recipes based on a search term or ingredients on-hand, recipes will be suggested based on the user’s dislike table: if an ingredient (NDB_No) is found on the dislike table, recipes that require that ingredient will not be returned. If no recipes were found that satisfied the search parameters and the recipe array is empty, the algorithm will output a message to the user requesting the user try again and then exit. If there was at least one recipe found, the first recipe (recipe_id) in the array will be checked for nutritional content (recipe_stats). It is assumed that recipes will have nutritional content, so there is no need to send the recipe to the Nutritional Content Calculator. If the recipe’s nutritional content (recipe_stats) does not contribute to meeting the nutritional goals of the user, the user will have the option to remove the recipe from the array. Then the next recipe is retrieved and it is again checked for nutritional content. This continues until the entire array has been traversed. The array of recipe_id numbers is then passed back to the Recipe Search Report Display (see section, and the algorithm exits. Figure 6 shows the flow chart for the Recipe Selection Algorithm. [This space intentionally left blank] LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Figure 6. Recipe Selection Algorithm Flow Chart 23 LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 24 The Recipe Search Algorithm must adhere to the following functional requirements: 1. Must obtain the user identification number from the Recipe Search Prompt (see section 2. Must retrieve User’s goals from goals table. 3. Must obtain search term from Recipe Search Prompt (see section or allow user to choose a search paradigm. 4. Must not include recipes in the recipe array that should be excluded based upon user search decision. 5. Must exit algorithm if recipe array is empty after generation. 6. Must allow user to remove recipes_id numbers from recipe array that do not contribute to nutritional goals set by user. 7. Must pass recipe array to Recipe Search Report Display (see section upon termination of algorithm. Shopping List Generator (Olga) The purpose of the Shopping List Generator is to determine what food items should be included in the shopping list for the customized meal. The Shopping List Generator must acquire the user profile identification number (user_profile_id) and meal identification number (meal_id). The Shopping List Display (see section passes the user profile identification number and meal identification number to the Shopping List Generator. The first step for the Shopping List Generator is to retrieve the food items (NDB_Nos) that the user has on-hand and to store these food items into an array of available ingredients. The second step is to retrieve all the individual ingredients that the meal contains. The NDB_No, FdGrp_Co, Long_Desc, FdGrp_Desc are retrieved for each ingredient. The algorithm stores that LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 25 data for each ingredient into the ingredients array. While storing the data into the array, it checks if the array of ingredients or the array of available food items already has the same ingredient. The third step is to retrieve all the recipe_ids for the meal with meal_id. The algorithm retrieves every food item for every recipe in the meal. The NDB_No, FdGrp_Co, Long_Desc, FdGrp_Desc is also retrieved for each ingredient by the Shopping List Generator. The algorithm stores the data for each ingredient into the ingredients array. It checks if the array of ingredients or the array of available food items already has the same ingredient. The ingredients array consists of unique food items only and is sorted by the food group code (FdGrp_Cd). The algorithm creates a shopping_list array from the ingredients array. The shopping_list array has only FdGrp_Desc and Long_Desc information about every ingredient in the shopping list. The Shopping List Generator passes this array to the Shopping List Display (see section to display the shopping list to the user. Figure 7 shows the flow chart for the Shopping List Generator. [This space intentionally left blank] LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Figure 7. Shopping List Generator Flow Chart 26 LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 27 The Shopping List Generator must adhere to the following functional requirements: 1. Must obtain the meal identification number from the Shopping List Display (see section 2. Must obtain the user identification number from the Shopping List Display (see section 3. Must retrieve all the ingredients from the database for the meal with the provided meal identification number. 4. Must retrieve all the ingredients from the database for every recipe that the meal with the provided meal identification number consists of. 5. Must check if the retrieved ingredients are not listed among user’s available ingredients to insure their uniqueness. 6. Must check if the retrieved ingredients are not duplicated to insure their uniqueness. 7. Must combine only unique retrieved ingredients. 8. Must provide the combined ingredients and their descriptions to the Shopping List Display (see section Food Tracking Algorithm (Erik) This algorithm searches a user's history for meals they have consumed. A list is produced that shows the name of the recipes with links to the full recipe and its nutritional information. It is sorted by date eaten and the user is allowed to select a timeframe such as "meals eaten in the last month". The algorithm flow is shown in Figure 8. The Shopping List Generator must adhere to the following functional requirements: LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 28 1. Must acquire the user_profile_id from the User Meal History Display (see section 2. Must acquire a time frame to display the history from the User Meal History Display (see section 3. Must access history table for list of meals selected along with time selected. 4. Must access event table for meal_id. 5. Must retrieve meal name using meal_id. 6. Must output a list of meals eaten, sorted by date eaten to the User Meal History Display (see section 1. The meal list must be composed of combinations of recipe names, ingredient names, and date eaten. . [This space intentionally left blank] LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 29 Figure 8. Food Tracking Algorithm Flow Chart Goal Tracking Algorithm (Adam) The Goal Tracking Algorithm is designed to allow the user to view how successful they have been in reaching the goals they set over a specified timeframe (number of days). The Goal Tracking Algorithm receives this timeframe and the user_profile_id from the User Goal Achievement Display (see section The history table with the user_profile_id of the user is accessed and events with event_id equal to “MEAL_SELECTED” will be returned. LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 30 An array is generated and the meal_id numbers of the events with event_timestamp greater than the current time minus the timeframe are added to the array. The meal_id is sent to the nutrient calculator, which will return the percentages of the user’s daily goals that are met by that meal. The results are added to an array which will sum, nutrient-wise, the different percentages that are returned. The next meal_id is sent to the nutrient calculator, and this process will repeat until the entire array has been traversed. Each element in the nutrient percentage array is divided by the timeframe, giving an average percentage of each nutrient measured over the time period that the user has selected. This calculated average is returned to the User Goal Achievement Display (see section Figure 9 shows the flow chart for the Goal Tracking Algorithm. [This space intentionally left blank] LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Figure 9. Goal Tracking Algorithm Flow Chart 31 LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 32 The Goal Tracking Algorithm must adhere to the following functional requirements: 1. Must obtain the user identification from the User Goal Achievement Display (see section 2. Must obtain the timeframe from the User Goal Achievement Display (see section 3. Must only return event_id numbers from the history table that are of type MEAL_SELECTED. 4. Must only include meal_id numbers with event_timestamp greater than current time minus timeframe. 5. Must return the nutrient percentage array to the User Goal Achievement Display (see section 3.1.3 GUI Interfaces The GUI interfaces provides a user interaction interface with the Nutricipe prototype. The GUI requirements include, but are not limited to, user authentication, user registration, user profiles, recipe search, meal builder, display nutritional information to the user, and user administration. Depending on the level of access, each user will be able to access different pages and perform different tasks. “About us” page (Mark) The purpose of the "About us" page is to summarize the product's description for potential users. This page will be available to all access levels and only displays information about the product. Figure 10 shows the static GUI page displaying the information. [This space intentionally left blank] LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 33 Figure 10. About Us Page GUI The "About us" page must adhere to the following functional requirements: 1. Must display a summary of Nutricipe in an easy to understand format. 2. Must be accessible for all users (including non-authenticated). 3. Must provide a link to the Nutricipe main page (home page). 4. Must use the Nutricipe CSS template. “Contact us” page (Mark) The purpose of the "Contact us" page is to provide a means for all users (Nutricipe and potential) to get in touch with the Nutricipe team operators and administrators. This page will be LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 34 available to all access levels and only displays the contact information in a static format. Figure 11 shows the static GUI page displaying the contact information. Figure 11. Contact Us Page GUI The "Contact us" page must adhere to following functional requirements: 1. Must display an intentionally falsified email address to Nutricipe. 2. Must display an intentionally falsified mailing address to Nutricipe. 3. Must be accessible for all users (including non-authenticated). 4. Must provide a link to the Nutricipe main page (home page). 5. Must use the Nutricipe CSS template. LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 35 User Registration (Ben) The purpose of the user registration process is to provide a way for Nutricipe customers to create accounts. The registration process must allow the user to choose a username, a password, and an email address (at minimum). This information must then be placed into the database in the form of a new user account. Figure 12. Registration Page GUI The first step in registering an account is to visit the registration page. Here a user is presented with the GUI screen shown in Figure 12; they must input information into the username, password, and email fields at minimum. The other fields may be filled out if the user opts to, but it is not required. Once a username, password, and email are entered, the user must click the “register” button to continue. The second step is to send data from the GUI to a registration process. Three PHP classes (session, form, and database) handle all registration, login, and profile/account information from this step forward. When the “register” button is clicked, each value in every LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 36 field is loaded into the session object. The registration process then automatically checks the format/validity of the soon-to-be user’s chosen username and email address; if either is in an unacceptable format, then the registration process is cancelled and the errors are explained to the user. If there is no problem with formatting or a taken username, then the registration process continues. The final step is to send the data to the database, thereby formally creating the user’s account. This is accomplished by sending the registration data from the session object to the database object. The database object then calls one of its own functions to insert the user’s account information to the actual database. Figure 13 shows the process in a flow chart format. [This space intentionally left blank] LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 37 Figure 13. Registration Process Flow Chart The user registration process must adhere to the following functional requirements: 1. Must allow a non-authenticated user make an account. 2. Must allow only one account per user. 3. Must take input from registration page and output to the user_profile table in the database. 4. Must run checks that ensure the user provided valid email. 5. Must run checks that ensure the user provided valid username. 6. Must run checks that ensure the user provided valid password. 7. Must use the Nutricipe CSS template. [This space intentionally left blank] LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 38 Account Maintenance (Ben) The purpose of the account maintenance screen is to provide users with a way to change their account settings. This requires the user to be logged in (i.e., authenticated) under a specific username. Once he/she navigates to the Account screen, there is an “Edit Account” area under the “View Account” module. The first step is to have the user change his/her information as desired; this is done with a GUI page that is similar to the registration page GUI. This area is only visible if the user owns the account being viewed. Aside from changing his/her username, any other aspect of their account can be modified or left blank. Once the user has typed new values into whichever fields he/she wishes, the “submit” button within the “Edit Account” area must be pressed to finalize the changes. The second step is to send the data to the web server. When the user presses the “submit” button, the modified account information is sent to the web server where it is stored in the session object. After checking the format of any new email, the new data is then sent to the database object. The final step is to find the user’s account in the user_profile table and replace the old data that is in the Nutricipe database with the “new” data coming from the database object. This is done via an SQL UPDATE command, where the user’s username is used to identify which row to update. Figure 14 shows a flow chart describing this process. [This space intentionally left blank] LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 39 Figure 14. Account Maintenance Flow Chart The user registration process must adhere to the following functional requirements: 1. Must require an account to be registered before accessing it. 2. Must require a user to be authenticated by the system before accessing an account. 3. Must not allow a user to edit another account other than his or her own. 4. Must allow a user to edit only their account. 5. Given that requirements 1 and 2 are satisfied, must allow a user to access an account. 6. Given that requirements 3 and 4 are satisfied, must allow a user to edit their account. 7. Must use the Nutricipe CSS template. LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 40 User Authentication Process (Ben) The purpose of user authentication is to provide a process whereby users may log in to their respective accounts. When carried out successfully, this action allows an authenticated user to “unlock” portions of the site’s functionality (i.e., meal planning/building, account/profile maintenance, administrative interface, etc) based on their account’s access level. In order to be authenticated, a user must sign in to the site via the “login area” on the home page. Figure 15. Profile Login Module The first step is to require the user to be viewing the login area. In order to use the login module, the user must first have an account and must not be logged in already. As long as these prerequisites are met, the user may enter their username and password into the first and second fields, respectively. Once the “Log in” button is clicked, a process is spawned where the session object stores the login information. The second step is to pass the username and password (from the login module) to the database object. From here, the database object uses these values to build a SELECT query to the database. One row is expected to be found; if no rows or multiple rows are returned, the process fails. If one matching row is returned (i.e, there is no difference in the username/password between the login module and Nutricipe database), then the database object returns to the session object all account data for that given user. LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 41 The third step is to store the returned data into PHP’s Session array. This is a special array that is built in to PHP; when variables are stored into Session, they are accessible to any web page under your current directory (if the site is viewed in a separate browser, then the variables won’t exist for that browser). Once this is done, the user’s account data can be used to render or send data to other modules such as the meal planning/building, goal achievement, and meal history screens. Figure 16 shows a flow chart representation of this process. Figure 16. User authentication Flow Chart The User Authentication Process must adhere to the following functional requirements: 1. Must require user to submit their username and password. 2. Must send authentication data (username and password) to web server. 3. Must retrieve user registration data (username and password) from the database. LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 42 4. Must compare the login data with the account data acquired from the database. 5. If the provided username and password are the same in the user’s account, must allow user access/authentication (refer to Table 4). 6. If the provided username and password do not match, output an error message to the user and deny access. 7. Must assign user levels to different groups (i.e., users, health club moderators, administrators). 8. Must use the Nutricipe CSS template. Administrative Interface (Or’Sasha) The purpose of the Administrative Interface is to provide complete access and control over Nutricipe. This page will only be accessible to Administrators. Figure 17 shows the GUI screen that appears when an Admin is logged in. When an Admin chooses to modify a user they have several options. They have the ability to create new accounts for any user, deactivate, and reactivate existing accounts. An Admin will also have access to the User Satisfaction Reports which redirects to the “User Satisfaction Survey Report” GUI screen (see section upon click. [This space intentionally left blank] LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 43 Figure 17. Admin Interface When an Admin chooses to modify a user a drop down menu will be displayed as shown in Figure 18. All users in the database will be included in the drop down menu. An admin must select a current user or select “New User”. Figure 18. Admin User Interface LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 44 After selecting a user, an Admin needs to select an option from another drop down menu and click on submit to perform that action. Figure 19 illustrates the GUI screen that will be displayed. When “Create” is selected, the Admin will be redirected to the “User Registration” GUI screen (see section An Admin will create a user if and only if a user needs assistance. When an Admin selects “Deactivate,” the account of the user that is selected will be disabled. A user’s account will become active again when an Admin selects “Reactivate”. Figure 19. Admin Option Interface The Admin Interface must adhere to the following functional requirements: 1. Must only be accessible to Admins. 2. Must be able to list all users in the database. 3. Must be able to modify user’s accounts. 4. Must have an option to create new users. 5. Must be redirected to “User Registration Page” GUI screen when Admin chooses to create a new user. LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 45 6. Must be able to deactivate users’ accounts. 7. Must be able to reactivate users’ accounts. 8. Must have access to the User Satisfaction Survey Reports. 9. Must be redirected to “User Satisfaction Survey Report” GUI screen when Admin clicks on “User Satisfaction Survey Report”. 10. Must perform an action when clicking submit. 11. Must use the Nutricipe CSS template. Profile Set up and Maintenance Screen (Ben) The purpose of profile creation and maintenance is to allow users to change their age, gender, activity level, likes, dislikes, and goals. Changes to likes and dislikes will promote or remove (respectively) certain results that the meal building algorithm will return, whereas changes to a user’s goals will affect the reports that a user will see in his/her account page. Changes to a user’s age, gender, or activity level will affect the recommended amount of calories that a user may consume. In order to make these changes, the user must navigate to their account page and make changes in the user profile module. [This space intentionally left blank] LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 46 Figure 20. “Edit Profile” Module The first step is to require the user to be logged in and viewing their profile page. If these conditions are satisfied, then an “edit profile” button will appear in the profile view module. By clicking this button, the page will be reloaded with the profile maintenance module. The second step is to accept changes made in the profile maintenance module and commit them to the database. From here, a user may edit their age, gender, activity level, and ingredients on hand. For the prototype, the pantry builder will allow a user to select from a list of roughly 20 ingredients that the user may have. They may also add items to or remove items from LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 47 their likes/dislikes/goals list. Once the “submit” button has been clicked, these changes are sent to the web server and stored in the session object. The third step is to commit these changes to the user’s profile. This is done by assigning the profile data held in the session object to the database object. Once this is done, a check will be run to see if this user has any existing profile. A user’s username identifies which row in the profile table to update. If no row in the profile table exists, then an SQL “insert” command is issued and the user’s selected likes/dislikes/goals are added to his/her profile. If a profile already exists, then an SQL “update” command is sent, and the same process is carried out. Figure 21 shows this process in flow chart format. Figure 21. Profile Maintenance Flow Chat The user authentication process must adhere to the following functional requirements. 1. Must require user to specify their likes and dislikes in maintenance screen. LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 48 2. Must require user to select their goals from a menu in maintenance screen; available choices are “low sodium”, “low cholesterol”, “high calcium”, and “high Vitamin C”. 3. Must store the user’s selections to the database. 4. Must allow user to edit his/her age and verify that age is valid and within defined range (ages 0-90). 5. Must allow user to edit his/her gender; valid selections are limited to male or female. 6. Must allow user to edit his/her activity level; choices are sedentary or active. 7. Must allow user to edit his/her goals. 8. Must allow user to edit his/her ingredients on hand (pantry). 9. Must use the Nutricipe CSS template. Daily Caloric Needs Display (John) The Daily Caloric Needs Display will display the calorie needs for a user. It will get a user’s daily caloric needs by using the Calorie Needs Algorithm (see section The Daily Caloric Needs Display must adhere to the following functional requirements: 1. Must get the user profile identification number from the Session Control Array. 2. Must pass the Calorie Needs Algorithm (see section the current user profile identification number. 3. Must accept integer result from the Calorie Needs Algorithm (see section 4. Must display the returned integer with a message stating that it is the user’s daily caloric needs. 5. Must use the Nutricipe CSS template. LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 49 Food Variety Display (John) The Food Variety Display shows users which foods they should be eating based off their user profile. It will pass the user profile identification number to the Food Variety Algorithm (see section This algorithm will return a set of foods the user should eat. The Food Variety Display will use this information and display it for the user. Figure 22 shows what the display will look like. The Food Variety Display must adhere to the following functional requirements: 1. Must obtain user profile identification number from Session Control Array. 2. Must pass user profile identification number to the Food Variety Algorithm (see section 3. Must accept a list of recommended servings of the basic food groups from the Food Variety Algorithm (see section 4. Must accept a list of ingredients that meet the user’s nutritional goals from the Food Variety Algorithm (see section 5. Must use the returned results to display recommended servings of the basic food groups. 6. Must use the returned results to display recommended foods that help meet user’s goals. 7. Must have a link to add recommended items to meal. 8. Must add the Nutrient Databank Number to the meal_table in the database when a user clicks to add item to meal. 9. Must use the Nutricipe CSS template. LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 50 Figure 22. Food Variety Display GUI Recipe Search Prompt (John) The Recipe Search Prompt as shown in Figure 23 allows users to enter a term to search the database for recipes or ingredients. A recipe search will return recipes, and an ingredient search will return a single ingredient. Two forms will be displayed to distinguish the two different search types. Users will be able to search for recipes by a specified ingredient, ingredient availability, or profile goals. A form with one textbox will be used to get the specified ingredient, two checkboxes will be used for users to specify availability and goal filters, and a submit button will invoke The Recipe Selection Algorithm (see section When a search is invoked the form information will be sent to The Recipe Selection Algorithm (see section LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 51 The last way to search the database is for a raw ingredient, and will be implemented using its own text box and submit button. When a user clicks submit it will call a function that searches by ingredients. The function will query the database for an ingredient that matches the search term. The first hit in the database will be returned. The Recipe Search Prompt must adhere to the following functional requirements: 1. Must have two forms. One to search for recipes and one to search for ingredients from the database. 2. For the recipe search: 1. Must have a text field, pantry checkbox, goal checkbox, and search button. 2. Must get the user profile identification number from the Session Control Array. 3. Must pass the Recipe Selection Algorithm (see section the user profile identification number, checkbox filters, and search term. 4. Must accept an array of recipe identification numbers from the Recipe Selection Algorithm (see section 5. Must make the array accessible to the Recipe Search Report Display (see section 3. For the ingredient search 1. Must have a text field and search button. 2. Must send the search term to a search ingredient function. 3. Must accept a string from the search ingredient function. 4. Must use the Nutricipe CSS template. [This space intentionally left blank] LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 52 Figure 23. Recipe Search Prompt GUI Recipe Search Report Display (John) The Recipe Search Report Display will display the results from the Recipe Selection Algorithm (see section Each returned recipe will display the recipe picture and name, have the ability for users to add it to their meal, and provide a way for users to navigate to the Recipe Card Display (see section The results will be easy to read and paged. Figure 24 shows how the Recipe Search Report Display. The Recipe Search Report Display must adhere to the following functional requirements: 1. Must have access to the recipe identification number array returned from the Recipe Selection Algorithm (see section 2. Must query the database for every recipe identification number to get recipe name and picture. 3. Must display recipe name, recipe picture, link to Detailed Recipe Display, and link to add recipe to meal for every recipe identification number. 4. Must pass recipe identification number to Recipe Card Display (see section when the user clicks on the recipe. LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 53 5. Must add recipe identification number to meal_table in the database when user clicks to add to their meal. 6. Must display an error message if no results are returned. 7. Should have paged results with only 10 recipes per page. 8. Must use the Nutricipe CSS template. Figure 24. Recipe Search Report Display GUI LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 54 Recipe Card Display (John) The Recipe Card Display shows users the recipe name, ingredients, directions, and nutritional facts table. This information is stored in the database, and will be pulled using the recipe identification number. The top of the recipe card is displayed in Figure 25, and the bottom of the recipe card is displayed in Figure 26. Users will have the ability to add the recipe to their meal directly from this page. The Recipe Card Display must adhere to the following functional requirements: 1. Must accept a recipe identification number from the calling page. 2. Must use the recipe identification number to query the database for the recipe name, ingredients, instructions, and nutritional facts. 3. Must display the recipe name, ingredients, and instructions. 4. Must use the nutritional facts to display a nutritional facts table. 5. Must allow users to add recipe to meal. 6. Must add recipe identification number to meal_recipe table in the database when users click to add it to their meal. 7. Must use the Nutricipe CSS template. [This space intentionally left blank] LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Figure 25. Top of Recipe Card with Recipe Name, Ingredients, and Directions [This space intentionally left blank] 55 LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 56 Figure 26. Bottom of Recipe Card with Nutritional Facts Table Nutritional Values and Percentage of Daily Goals of Selected Meal Components Display (John) The Nutritional Values and Percentage of Daily Goals of Selected Meal Components Display shown in Figure 27 show users the nutritional value and percentage of daily goals of their meal. The nutritional value of the meal will be displayed in a nutritional facts table. For each meal component, users will have access to the Recipe Card Display (see section Also, users will be able to add the meal into their meal history and select a date they are going to eat it. The Nutritional Values and Percentage of Daily Goals of Selected Meal Components Display must adhere to the following functional requirements: 1. Must obtain user identification number from the Session Control Array. 2. Must use the user identification number to query the meal_table for recipe and ingredient identification numbers in the user’s current meal. LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 57 3. Must use the recipe identification number to query the database for recipe image, name, and nutritional value. 4. Must display recipe image and name. 5. Must display nutritional value of all recipes in the user’s meal. 6. Must have a link and date input for users to insert this meal into their meal history, and must insert meal into meal history table in the database. 7. Must provide users with a link to Recipe Card Display (see section 8. Must use the Nutricipe CSS template. [This space intentionally left blank] LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Figure 27. Nutritional Values and Percentage of Daily Goals of Selected Meal Components Display GUI Meal Builder Display (John) A user’s current meal, Recipe Search Prompt (see section, and a link to the Nutritional Values and Percentage of Daily Goals of Selected Meal Components Display (see section will be shown in the Meal Builder Display. Figure 29 shows what the meal builder will display if a user’s current meal is empty. When a user adds a recipe to their meal, the meal builder will display it as shown in Figure 28. 58 LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION The Meal Builder Display must adhere to the following functional requirements: 1. Must get user identification number from Session Control Array. 2. Must use user identification number to query the database for user’s current meal. 3. Must use the recipe identification numbers to get recipe name and image. 4. Must display recipe name and image for all recipes in the user’s current meal. 5. Must include Recipe Search Prompt (see section to add recipes. 6. Must display a message if meal is currently empty. 7. Must display the Food Variety Display (see section 8. Must have a link to Nutritional Values and Percentage of Daily Goals of Selected Meal Components Display (see section 9. Must use the Nutricipe CSS template. Figure 28. Meal Builder with Recipes 59 LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 60 Figure 29. Meal Builder without Recipes Shopping List Display (Olga) The purpose of the Shopping List Display is to allow the user to request the shopping list for the customized meal and to view its content. Figure 30 shows the screen to request the shopping list to be generated. Figure 31 shows the generated shopping list. [This space intentionally left blank] LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 61 Figure 30. Screen to Request Shopping List Figure 31. Screen to Display Generated Shopping List The Shopping List Display must adhere to the following functional requirements: 1. Must get the user profile identification number from the Session Control Array. 2. Must only be accessible to the authenticated users (not administrative personnel) 3. Must display the option for the user to request a shopping list. LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 62 4. Must call the Shopping List Generator (see section to create a shopping list content when the user requests a shopping list. 1. Must pass the user profile identification number and the meal identification number to the Shopping List Generator (see section 2. Must accept the list of ingredients and their food groups descriptions from the Shopping List Generator (see section 5. Must display the shopping list content to the user when requested. 5. Must use the Nutricipe CSS template. User Meal History Display (Erik) This screen displays a history of meals that the user has consumed. The screen is shown in Figure 32. The list is populated based on a timeframe the user will specify, and is sorted based on the most recent selections. The User Meal History Display must adhere to the following functional requirements: 1. Must get the user profile identification number (user_profile_id) from the Session Control Array. 2. Must allow user to select a timeframe. 3. Must pass the user_profile_id to the Food Tracking Algorithm (see section 4. Must pass a timeframe to the Food Tracking Algorithm (see section 5. Must retrieve a list of recently eaten meals from Food Tracking algorithm (see section 6. Must list date and sort by most recently eaten. 7. Must provide the names of the meal’s components and date eaten. LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 63 8. Must not be accessible to non-authenticated users. 9. Must use the Nutricipe CSS template Figure 32. User Mea History Display User Goal Achievement Display (Adam) The purpose of the Goal Achievement Display is to allow users to track how well they are meeting their goals. The user enters a number into the search box and clicks search. The Goal Achievement Display sends the user_profile_id and the length of time (or timeframe) to the Goal Tracking Algorithm. The Goal Tracking Algorithm returns an array of average percentages for the different nutrients. The Goal Achievement Display then displays the values. Figure 33 shows a sample of the report after having been run for one day. LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Figure 33. User Goal Achievement Display The User Goal Achievement Display must adhere to the following functional requirements: 1. Must get the user profile identification number (user_profile_id) from the Session Control Array. 2. Must call Goal Tracking Algorithm (see section 3. Must pass user_profile_id to the Goal Tracking Algorithm (see section 4. Must obtain a positive integer from the user. 5. Must not be accessible to non-authenticated users. 6. Must accept results of Goal Tracking Algorithm (see section 7. Must round results down to nearest whole number. 8. Must return only positive numbers. 9. Must return only events related to the user_profile_id of the currently logged-in user. 64 LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 65 10. Must use the Nutricipe CSS template. User Satisfaction Survey Prompt (Mark) The purpose of the User Satisfaction Survey Prompt is to display a survey to the Nutricipe users that they must fill out in order to continue using Nutricipe. The survey will include questions about how satisfied the users are with Nutricipe and how helpful it is with achieving their goals. These questions will be displayed every thirty days with the answers being stored. Figure 34. User Satisfaction Survey Prompt The User Satisfaction Survey Prompt must adhere to the following functional requirements: LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 66 1. Must display a list of questions required to be answered by the user. 1. The questions will be limited to four preselected questions. 2. Must be displayed every 30 days. 3. Must be displayed for each regular authenticated Nutricipe user (not health moderators or Admins). 4. Must lock the account until survey is completed. 5. Must store the survey results in the respective user's profile section (user_survey table) in the database. 6. Must use the Nutricipe CSS template. User Satisfaction Survey Report (Mark) The purpose of the User Satisfaction Survey Report is for health club moderators and administrators to receive the results from the surveys for future improvements to the product as well as analysis and statistical research. The reports are only able to be generated from the administrator's interface page for the administrators and health club moderators. Figure 35 displays the GUI screen for the administrator's page for the User Satisfaction Survey Reports. [This space intentionally left blank] LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Figure 35. User Satisfaction Survey Report The User Satisfaction Survey Prompt must adhere to the following functional requirements: 1. Must be viewable by only the health club moderators and administrators. 2. Must display each individual report upon request. 3. Must display a compiled report of all surveys taken for that month. 4. Must retrieve user surveys from profile database. 5. Must display list of users which correlate to the retrieved surveys. 6. Must use the Nutricipe CSS template. 67 LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 3.2 68 Performance Requirements The following performance requirements will define how well each component of the Nutricipe prototype must perform in measurable terms. Each performance requirements will correspond to one or more functional requirements. The test cases will be developed based on these requirements. 3.2.1 Database read/write speed The Nutricipe database is a major component of the Nutricipe solution. It is essential for the database to meet the performance requirements. Hence, database read/write speed must be a small number. The Nutricipe database must adhere to the following performance requirements: 1. Database read/write speed must be no longer than five seconds 3.2.2 Web serving speed The Nutricipe product will be hosted on a web server. Thus, the web serving speed must be a small number. Otherwise, it will only take a small number of users to congest the system. The web serving speed must adhere to the following performance requirements: 2. The web serving speed must take no longer than seven seconds 3.2.3 Algorithm output speed All seven algorithms used in the Nutricipe prototype must generate data in a fast manner. It must take a small number of seconds to produce the data and pass it to the GUI. Otherwise, the response time will not be satisfying for the user. The algorithm output speed must adhere to the following performance requirements: 1. Must take no longer than seven seconds to produce the data and pass it to the GUI LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Appendix A Script to create the SR22 tables: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS DATSRCLN, DERIV_CD, FD_GROUP, FOOD_DES, FOOTNOTE, NUT_DATA, NUTR_DEF, WEIGHT, ABBREV, SRC_CD, DATA_SRC; CREATE TABLE DATSRCLN (NDB_No INT, Nutr_No INT, DataSrc_ID VARCHAR(12) ); CREATE TABLE DERIV_CD (Deriv_CD VARCHAR(8), Deriv_Desc VARCHAR(240) ); CREATE TABLE FD_GROUP (FdGrp_CD VARCHAR(8), FdGrp_Desc VARCHAR(120) ); CREATE TABLE FOOD_DES (NDB_No INT, FdGrp_Cd VARCHAR(8), Long_Desc VARCHAR(400), Shrt_Desc VARCHAR(120), ComName VARCHAR(200), ManufacName VARCHAR(130), Survey VARCHAR(2), Ref_Desc VARCHAR(270), Refuse INTEGER, SciName VARCHAR(130), N_Factor FLOAT, Pro_Factor FLOAT, Fat_Factor FLOAT, 69 LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION CHO_Factor DOUBLE, INDEX (NDB_No) ); CREATE TABLE FOOTNOTE (NDB_NO INT, Footnt_No VARCHAR(8), Footnot_Typ VARCHAR(2), Nutr_No INT, Footnot_Txt VARCHAR(400), INDEX (NDB_NO) ); CREATE TABLE NUT_DATA (NDB_No INT, Nutr_No INT, Nutr_Val DOUBLE, Num_Data_Pts INTEGER, Std_Error DOUBLE, Src_Cd VARCHAR(4), Deriv_Cd VARCHAR(8), Ref_NDB_No INT, Add_Nutr_Mark VARCHAR(2), Num_Studies INTEGER, Min DOUBLE, Max DOUBLE, DF DOUBLE, Low_EB DOUBLE, Up_EB DOUBLE, Stat_Cmt VARCHAR(20), INDEX (NDB_No) ); [This space intentionally left blank] 70 LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Appendix B Script to import data from the SR22 text files into the SR22 tables: #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use DBI; # Make sure you import sr21.sql first # Don't forget to change the password, etc my $dbh = DBI->connect('', '', ''); # The key is the name of the file, the value is the number of fields my %files = ( 'ABBREV.txt' => 51, 'DATA_SRC.txt' => 9, 'DATSRCLN.txt' => 3, 'DERIV_CD.txt' => 2, 'FD_GROUP.txt' => 2, 'FOOD_DES.txt' => 14, 'FOOTNOTE.txt' => 5, 'NUT_DATA.txt' => 17, 'NUTR_DEF.txt' => 6, 'SRC_CD.txt' => 2, 'WEIGHT.txt' => 7, ); for my $file ( keys %files ) { my $table = $file; $table =~ s/\.txt//; # The DBI lets us pass ? instead of the actual value now, # and then pass the value later. Not that SQL injection # should be an issue here, but it's good practice. my $values = join ',', qw/?/ x $files{$file}; # The files are in CRLF format, but some fields have LF # characters in them. This makes sure the fields parse # properly. local $/ = "\r\n"; open SRFILE, "<$file"; while ( my $line = <SRFILE> ) { # Tildes denote text fields, but we don't need that here. $line =~ s/~//g; 71 LAB 2 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION # Break into fields. my @vals = split( /\^/, $line ); # We don't need to say what the fields are, since the # SQL table definitions had them in the right order. my $sql = "INSERT INTO $table VALUES ( $values )"; query( $sql, @vals ); } close SRFILE; } exit; # prepare and execute query, all at once sub query { my ( $query, @values ) = @_; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute( @values ); return $sth; } 72