Rainfall Mapping: methods and accuracy Lecture 4 February 5, 2009 Basics • Precipitation? Types? • Why precipitation observation? • How to do? – Rain gauge – Remote sensing 1. In situ measurements Rain gauge, direct measurement Point measurement (1 m2) High sampling frequency Quality data http://www.usatoday.com/weather/wtipgauge.htm http://www.metoffice.com/education/secondary/images/es19_rain-gauge-illus.jpg 1 tip = 0.01 inch If 10 tips in 1 minute, 0.1 inch total (W 2 – W 1) / g P= Area Problems of point measures • Gauge itself: tipping, data logging, battery,… • Accessibility, • Rainfall spatial variability Design high dense rain gauge to study the rainfall spatial variability in a small area 6 pairs of double gauges Quality Control by Double Gauges (Our data collection started in May 2003) Deep Well double gauges All 6 pairs double gauges Kriging interpolation of rainfall Oct. 3, 2003 unit: mm This is a complete weather system (CWS-1): Standard: Wind speed sensor Wind direction sensor Rain gauge Temperature and humidity sensor Optional: Lightning rod Solar radiation base Barometric pressure sensor Solar radiation sensor 2. Remote Sensing Precipitation • Infrared • Passive microwave • Active microwave (radar) 2.1 Ground-based radar • Single and multi-polarization • Wavelength ranges: 3 cm (x-band), 5 cm (c-band), 10 cm (s-band) • NEXRAD (WSR-88D): 10 cm (3 GHz) • CASA-X band radar: 3 cm (10 GHz) Radar hydrology • What is it? receiver P0 = transmitted power [W] Pr = backscattered power [W] G = antenna gain (engineering term to enlarge signal return) σ = Radar scattering of rain drop cross section [m2] Rt = distance between radar and target [m] λ = wavelength of radar [m] • Backscatter reflectivity N(D), number of rainfall drops per unit volume at diameter between D and D+dD, D is the diameter if raindrop • Precipitation rate (mm/h) Z-R relationship Next Generation Weather Radar WSR-88D (NEXRAD) First deployed in 1988 Spectrum Microwave (10cm) Spatial Resolution (km) 1, 2, 4 Temporal Resolution 6-10 minutes 160 Radars 21 km 3km Clear sky, 5 scans every 10 minutes 9 scans every 6 minutes 14 scans every 5 minutes NEXRAD products • NCDC level II and III • RFC Stage I, II, III (MPE) • Difference of the two products? NEXRAD NCDC products • Level II (base) data – Reflectivity, mean radial velocity, and spectrum width – 1 km x 1 degree – 5 or 6 minutes in rain model and 10 minutes in clear sky mode • Level III products (total 41) – DPA (4.7625 km HRAP grid, hourly, but every 5 or 6 minutes) Product: http://lwf.ncdc.noaa.gov/oa/radar/radarproducts.html Data viewer: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/oa/radar/jnx/ KEWX_DPA_20060120_2311 KEWX_DPA_20060117_0005 Use the level II reflectivity and convert to rainfall for ROIs and time period you need NEXRAD RFC products (4 km and hourly) • • • Stage I - Hourly digital precipitation (HDP) Stage II - HDP merge with gauges Stage III (or MPE) - Mosaicked Stage II cover a RFC area MPE since end of 2003 for the WGRFC. Stage III archived at http://dipper.nws.noaa.gov/hdsb/data/nexrad/nexrad.html Stage III real time at Stage III in 13 RFCs http://dipper.nws.noaa.gov/hdsb/data/nexrad/wgrfc_stageiii.html Stage III/MPE process • Compressed and multi-tarred binary file • Hydrologic Rainfall Analysis Project (HRAP) - Polar stereographic projection (earth-centered datum): Radius: 6371.2 km, Longitude of 105° W, attitude of 50° N, • Roughly 9,000 files (hourly) a year Monthly 1 Daily 2 30 1 CPD-Hourly 30 x 24 3 Hourly ASCII 30 x 24 =720 720 For Stage III Reprojection (720) Define Projection (720) GIS (grid) (720) Each year = 12 x 720 = 8640, It is impossible to manually finish this work. Workflow of automated data conversion Xie et al. 2005 Xie et al. 2005 CASA X-band radar Additional slides about CASA 2.2 TRMM • • • The Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite is a joint project between the United States (under the leadership of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center) and Japan (under the leadership of the National Space Development Agency, or NASDA). The first spacecraft designed to monitor rain over the tropics, was successfully launched from Tanegashima, Japan, on November 27, 1997, at 13:27pm Los Angeles (California) time. TRMM travels between ± 35 degrees latitude in a low earth and low inclination orbit. TRMM is the first mission to measure precipitation quantitatively from space. It includes the first precipitation radar (PR) to be flown in space, along with a 5-channel SSM/I-like passive microwave imager (TMI), an AVHRR-like visible-infrared radiometer (VIRS), a lightning sensor and a cloud sensor. The PR, TMI , and the VIRS are designed to obtain rainfall and other relevant information (e.g. rain type, height of the bright band, cloud type, cloud top height) individually. TRMM is giving scientists a better understanding of what parts of a hurricane produce rainfall and why, as well as possibly resolve the question of how much latent heat or "fuel" hurricanes of differing strengths release into the atmosphere and whether they affect overall weather circulation. TRMM PR • 13.796 and 13.802 GHz with horizontal polarization • Measures the strength of backscatter, similar to NEXRAD and CASA. • TRMM 2A25, vertical rainfall rate profile for each radar beam • 3-D distribution of rainfall at 4 km x 4 km x 250m • Estimated near-surface rainfall rate and average rainfall rate between 2 and 4 km for each beam position. Example of horizontal and vertical cross sections of rainfall rate measured by TRMM PR for Typhoon #8 on 2 August 2000 TRMM Microwave Imager (TMI) • • • • • TMI has 10.7, 19.4, 21.3, 37, 85.5 GHz at altitude of 350 km, is based on Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I), except 10.7 channel of TMI designed to provide a more-linear response for high rainfall rates common in tropical rainfall. Dual-polarized (except 21.3) Products (TRMM 2A12) – 10.7 GHz Sea surface temperature (clouds are nearly transparent at 10.7 GHz) – 10.7 GHz 10 m wind speed – 37 GHz 10 m wind speed – 21.3 GHz columnar water vapor – Columnar cloud water – 19-37 GHz rain rate Resolution of 0.25 degree or 25 km Daily (ascending and descending) How measures rainfall with Microwaves • Planck’s equation for brightness temperature • Absorption-based: water surface only emit half of the microwave energy, so Tb is only half of the real T. raindrops, however, appear warm and offer a contrast against “cold” water surfaces. the more drops, the warmer. (<= 37 GHz) • Scattering-based: land surface appear ~90% of the real T, a little contrast to “warm” raindrops, though certain properties of rainfall still can be inferred. The 85.5 GHz are strongly scattered by ice present in many raining clouds. This reduces the T offers a contrast against the warm land background. VIRS of TRMM • 0.63, 1.6, 3.75, 10.80 and 12 microns, similar to AVHRR • Cloud coverage, type, top temperatures, and precipitation at a horizontal resolution of 2.1 km (nadir) • Only level 1 calibrated radiances data available now TRMM Orbit Viewer Software: ftp://disc2.nascom.nasa.gov/software/trmm_software/Orbit_Viewer/README.html Data: http://disc.gsfc.nasa.gov/data/datapool/TRMM_DP/01_Data_Products/01_Orbital/index.html Mission Index: ftp://ftp-tsdis.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/TSDISorbitViewer/mission_index_gz/ TRMM climate products (level 3) • 3A25 PR (monthly), 0.5 x 0.5 degree • 3A12 TMI (Monthly), 5 x 5 degree • 3A11 emission (monthly), 5 x 5 degree on ocean only • 3B31 combined PR/TMI (monthly), • 3B42 TMI/GPI • 3B43 3B42/gauges TRMM Online Visualization and Analysis System (TOVAS) • http://lake.nascom.nasa.gov/tovas/ • TRMM-adjusted merged-infrared precipitation (3B42) • The 3B42 dataset uses the TMI 2A12 rain estimates to adjust high temporal resolution (3-hourly or higher) IR rain rates over daily gridded 1x1 degree lat/lon boxes. – 0.25 x 0.25 degree, 3-hours • 3B43 is by combining the 3-hourly merged high-quality/IR estimates (3B-42) with the monthly accumulated Climate Assessment and Monitoring System (CAMS) or Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC) rain gauge analysis (3A-45). – 0.25 x 0.25 degree, monthly 2.3 http://www.oso.noaa.gov/goesstatus/ GOES PERSIANN • http://www.chrs.web.uci.edu/research/satellite_precipitatio n/activities00.html • Precipitation Estimation from Remotely Sensed Information using Artificial Neural Networks (PERSIANN) • Based on GOES 15 minutes IR composites, combined with TRMM 2A12 and others • 30 minutes 4 km, then aggregated to 0.25° (25km) 6-hour and others. GOES precipitation index (GPI) • Precipitation (mm) = 3 (mm/h) x Fc x t – Fc is the mean fractional coverage of cloud colder than 235 k (30N-30S) or 220k (30-50) in 1° x 1° up to 2.5° x 2.5° box – T is the number of hours over the Fc was compiled – Cloud top brightness temperature • Daily product (1° x 1° ) • Data can be downloaded from ftp://ftp.ncep.noaa.gov/pub/precip/gpi/. Know detail about this algorithm, please read Arkin and Meisner (1987) paper through webCT. (otherwise, this paper is not required to read) 3. What is the accuracy? • Rain gauge-based rainfall accuracy – Very good accuracy for the point – Might experience different types of errors • Remotely sensed rainfall accuracy – Usually use raingauge rainfall as a ground truth – Two ways to see remote sensing rainfall accuracy • Rainfall events detection (POD) • Rainfall amount (R2, bias, cv, mean relative difference) – – – – – – 5-6 minutes, Hours, Events, Month, Season, Year Validation Variables Probability of precipitation detection (POD) Pr P( Rr 0 | Rr 0 or Rg 0) R _ Count R _ Count G _ Count Pairs _ R _ G Root Mean of Squared Difference (RMSD) 2 n RMSD r g P( Rr 0 & Rg 0) ( R (i) R i 1 r g (n 1) Mean Relative Difference (Rd) Rd P( Rr 0 & Rg 0) RMSD CM g Correlation Coefficient (R) Coefficient of Variance (CV) (i )) Sevilleta, New Mexico (1995-2001) Rainfall events detection (POD) Radar rainfall hours Gauge rainfall hours Trunc. error NonMonsoon 1143 4181 57-72% Monsoon 3900 3540 NO Xie et al. 2006 Stage III (1995-2001) in New Mexico Monsoon Non-Monsoon Xie et al. 2006 Texas Hill Country, 2001 and 2004 Wang et al. 2008 Comparison: 2001 (Stage3) & 2004 (MPE) Table 1. Statistic comparison between Stage III /MPE and gauge rainfall data in 2001/2004 All GBRA data in 2001 Gauge All data Stage 3 All GBRA data in 2004 Gauge MPE Rainfall Count (hrs) 8812 6769 19564 30525 Total Rainfall (mm) 17507 20266 50730 52989 1.9 2.9 2.6 1.7 Mean (mm) Total Count (hrs) 34352 It indicates that Stage III11810 truncates the small rainfall events but much overestimates the rest 0.57 of rainfall0.89 POD 0.75 0.57 events. The problem is fixed in MPE. Gauge_Radar Pairs 3771 15737 Total Rainfall (mm) Gauge_Radar pairs 13565 15124 48753 44803 Mean (mm) 3.6 4.0 3.1 2.8 RMSD (mm) 5.1 (143%) 2.9 (94%) 11.5% -8.1% 0.68 0.79 Estimation Bias R R2 of MPE vs Gauge in 2004 Uniform events CV<=0.8 Non-uniform events CV>0.8 Extremely uniform and non-uniform events 40 80 y = 0.33x + 0.23 y = 0.83x + 0.32 R2 = 0.92 2 R = 0.30 30 MPE MPE 60 40 20 20 10 0 0 0 A 20 40 60 Gauge (mm/hour) CV<0.1 0 80 B 10 20 Gauge (mm/hour) CV>1.0 30 40 Monthly and Accumulation of Precipitation in 2004 EB=-7.2 EB=-22.5 Monthly accumulation of concurrent non-uniform gauge and radar MPE precipitation in 2004 45000 Acc. P.(mm) 40000 35000 15000 3000 12500 2500 10000 30000 25000 7500 20000 5000 15000 10000 Acc. P.(mm) G_month MPE_month G_Acc MPE_Acc Monthly P. (mm) 50000 2500 1200 G_month MPE_month G_Acc MPE_Acc 2000 1000 800 1500 600 1000 400 500 200 5000 0 0 1 A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Month Uniform events 9 0 10 11 12 0 1 B 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Month Non-uniform events Monthly P. (mm) Monthly accumulation of concurrent uniform gauge and radar MPE precipitation in 2004 Monthly and Accumulation of Precipitation in 2001 EB=19.5 EB=-23.5 Monthly accumulation of concurrent non-uniform gauge and radar stage III precipitation in 2001 Acc. P. (mm) 20000 15000 5000 3000 4000 2500 3000 10000 2000 5000 1000 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Uniform events 1000 800 1500 600 1000 400 500 200 0 9 10 11 12 Month 1200 G_Month S_month G_Acc S_Acc 2000 0 1 A Acc. P. (mm) G_Month S_month G_Acc S_Acc Monthly P. (mm) 25000 0 1 B 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Month Non-uniform events Monthly P. (mm) Monthly accumulation of concurrent uniform gauge and radar stage III precipitation in 2001 NEXRAD VS TRMM August APGI is 3B42 Merged is 3B43 West African Nicholson et al., 2003 5-month season