University of Texas at San Antonio S5053/Remote Sensing Assessment of Sea Ice and Ice Elevation Changes in Ross Region using ICESat ASSESSMENT OF SEA ICE AND ICE ELEVATION CHANGES IN ROSS REGION USING ICESAT Burcu Ozsoy Cicek Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Texas at San Antonio San Antonio, TX, 78249 ABSTRACT: Most of the fresh water on Earth is stored in Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets. The most critical aspect of the ice sheets is their potential in affecting global sea level. These ice sheets also influence the global climate system through their albedo and elevated topography. In this study, both GLAS12 Ice sheet data and GLAS13 Sea Ice data of The Ice, Cloud, and Land Elevation Satellite (ICESat) were used to determine the elevation change. Sea ice and ice sheet elevation change detection over the Ross Region ice sheets has been carried out by interpolation; calculating the difference in elevation between the fall and the spring time in 2003 for the Ross region. Data were obtained from NSIDC for both spring and fall season. LABVIEW was used for formatting, processing, and analyzing the data. This study was focused on the Ross Ice Shelf region on West Antarctic since most of the melting occurs in West Antarctic. The subset data for the Ross Region were extracted from each raw ICESat data, which covers the data for all regions that ICESat passes, and the coordinate system of the subset data were transferred to the GIS coordinate system. The subset data, analyzed in Arc MAP using IDW and Kriging methods, showed seasonal melting from Spring to Fall season of 2003. The results of this study are presented in this paper. KEYWORDS: ICESat, elevation change, Ross iceshelf 1. INTRODUCTION While most small glaciers around the world have been shrinking rapidly and contributing to sea level rise in recent decades, we do not know whether the polar ice sheets are growing or shrinking especially in Antarctic region. Each year about 8 mm (0.3 inches) of water from the entire surface of the oceans goes into the Antarctica and Greenland ice sheets as snowfall. If no ice returned to the oceans, sea level would drop 8 cm (3 inches) every 10 years. Although approximately the same amount of water returns to the ocean in icebergs and from ice melting at the edges, we do not know The effect of polar ice sheets on global sea level change is a major category of scientific uncertainty, and baseline information on ice sheet mass balance is needed before significant greenhouse warming occurs. The Ice, Cloud, and Land Elevation Satellite (ICESat) mission would provide data that contributes to our knowledge and understanding of the Earth’s cryosphere, atmosphere, and the land processes and provides a better tool for the assessment of factors involved in or affected by global climate change [1]. 1 University of Texas at San Antonio S5053/Remote Sensing Assessment of Sea Ice and Ice Elevation Changes in Ross Region using ICESat which is greater—the ice going in or the ice coming out. The difference between the ice input and output is called the mass balance and is important because it causes changes in the global sea level. ICESat will answer fundamental questions about the growth or shrinkage of the Earth’s polar ice sheets and also future global sea-level rise or fall. The Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets cover 10 percent of the Earth’s land area, and contain 77 percent of the Earth’s fresh water and 99 percent of its glacier ice. Measurements of the ice sheets are essential for assessing whether future changes in ice volume will add to the sea-level rise, which is already occurring, or whether the ice sheets might grow and absorb a significant part of the predicted sea-level rise. Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets with appreciable accuracy to assess the impact of ice sheets on global sea level and to determine and explain trends in seasonal and inter-annual variability of the surface elevation of ice sheets and sea level. The satellite has a unique and sophisticated laser altimeter, the geoscience laser altimeter system (GLAS). GLAS has been designed at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center for the purpose of measuring ice-sheet topography and associated temporal changes, as well as cloud and atmospheric properties. The mission is unique of the scientific goals of not only mapping the surface of the Earth, but specifically providing an accurate (centimeter level) assessment as to the change in surface elevation, predominantly in the Polar Regions. Previous Earth orbiting observatories have not been equipped to provide the ICESat level of altimeter accuracy [3]. Ice sheets comprise the coldest regions of the planet owing to a combination of their height, their highly reflective surface, and the diminished amount of sunlight received in the Polar Regions. Albedos of ice sheets can exceed 90% in the visible part of the spectrum, making them the brightest object on Earth. Their low temperature, combined with the heat of the tropics, creates a temperature gradient that contributes to the meridional exchange of heat by atmospheric circulation [2]. Surface altimetry is accomplished using the 1064 nm pulse. This laser pulse, after reflection from the surface, will be digitized within the GLAS instrumentation. The digitized waveform will enable investigation of other surface properties, such as surface roughness, vegetation canopy heights and other characteristics. The on-board tracking algorithm will use a digital elevation model to assist with the detection of the surface [4]. ICESat is an Earth Science Enterprise mission. It was launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base on 13 January 2003. ICESat is a Lidar technique and its data is now widely used for a number of applications, particularly those needing a digital elevation model. The ICESat helps to understand Earth’s global processes and to provide information on long-term changes in the volume and mass of the The concept of using satellite-altimeters to measure ice elevation changes and determine icesheet mass balance is based on the simple relationship of ice surface elevation changes to changes in ice thickness and therefore ice mass [5]. 2 University of Texas at San Antonio S5053/Remote Sensing Assessment of Sea Ice and Ice Elevation Changes in Ross Region using ICESat The purpose of this study is to detect the elevation change over the Ross Ice Shelf region in West Antarctic from the spring season to fall season using ICESat data. The future of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet remains uncertain, with its marinebased configuration raising the possibility of important losses in the next centuries [6]. Therefore, it is crucial to observe the unusual elevation changes. laser 2 sea ice (GLA13) products were obtained from NSIDC1. The latest release for these products is release 21. The release 18 covers data from 200302-20 to 2003-03-20 and the release 21 covers data from 2003-09-25 to 200311-18. That essentially allows looking at the short-term semi-annual elevation changes between spring and fall of 2003. In Polar Regions generally four seasons are recognised: summer, winter, autumn (fall), and spring. Figure 1 shows that the seasons in the southern hemisphere are reverse as in the northern hemisphere. 2. STUDY AREA AND DATA USED In this project Ross Ice Shelf region which is in the West Antarctic was chosen as the study area. Ice shelves are permanent floating ice sheets that are attached to land and are constantly fed by glaciers. The largest individual shelf is the Ross Ice Shelf in West Antarctica, also called the Great Ice Barrier which is 600 – 3000 feet thick and about 600 miles long. Also scientists recently confirmed that there is accelerated movement of glaciers on the West Antarctic ice sheet and the Antarctic Peninsula (located at about 10 o’clock) following the breakup of the floating ice shelf onto which the glaciers flowed. Table 1 Month ranges of seasons for Southern Hemisphere. Southern Hemisphere Month Meteorological Astronomical January Summer February Summer March April Autumn May Autumn June July Winter Winter August September The data acquired for this project is from both the Laser 1 and the first Laser 2 mission phases; 2/20/03 to 3/29/03 and 9/25/03 to 11/18/03, respectively. The National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) archives and distributes 15 GLAS products, including levels 1A, 1B and 2 laser altimetry and atmospheric lidar data. GLAS sends out pulses in two wavelengths: green (532 nm) for atmospheric properties and near-infrared (1064 nm) for the land surface and ice altimetry. Since the research interest was in sea ice and ice sheet, laser 1 and laser 2 ice sheet (GLA12) and laser 1 and October Spring November December Spring Summer The following are the list of the data that is obtained from NSIDC and used in this study: GLA13 Spring time- from 09.27.2003 to 11.17.2003 (56 file) GLA12 Spring time-from 09.26.2003 to 11.17.2003 (57 file) 1 3 University of Texas at San Antonio S5053/Remote Sensing Assessment of Sea Ice and Ice Elevation Changes in Ross Region using ICESat GLA13 Fall time- from 02.20.2003 to 03.20.2003 (31 file) GLA12 Fall time- from 02.20.2003 to 03.20.2003 (31 file) uses C/C++ algorithms but the code objects are represented with icons in a coding window called block diagram. The program developed, called “ICESAT Data Formatter” performs the following tasks: - The software first reads in the text file created using IDL Reader. Each line in a text file consists of ID, Date, Time, Latitude, Longitude, Elevation, and GeoID, separated with formatted spaces in between. - Extracts the lines that are of interest. Specifically, the following rule was applied to extract the data for the Ross Region: 220 Long i 150, and 3. METHODOLOGY The methods and tools used to format, process, and analyze the data is presented in the below sections. The methodology is covered in four steps, as shown in Figure 1. 3.1 Step 1 – Converting Raw Binary File into a Text File: The raw ICESAT file is a binary file that includes the data that we are interested and other sensor specific data. After acquiring the data from NSIDC, the first step was converting binary ICESat data to a text file. The data that we are interested are written in lines, each line having the following variables separated with spaces: ID, Date, Time, Latitude, Longitude, Elevation, and GeoID. For this step IDL reader was downloaded form NSIDC’s web site and is used to convert each data for fall and spring to a text file. An example filename for these files is: “GLA13_018_1102_001_0071_0_01_00 01.txt” 3.2 Step 2 – Formatting and Creating the Subset of the Data for the ROSS Region: The raw ICESat data covers all the data for the areas that it passes. To focus on the study area, subset of each file was created using a program developed in LabVIEW. LabVIEW is a unique graphical programming environment that allows developing application programs like the other compilers do. However, the extensive libraries and debugging tools reduces the development time noticeably. LabVIEW 70 Latitudei 85 where “i” is the number of lines in the file that is being processed. - Converts the coordinate system to GIS coordinate system with the following comparison: If Long i 180 Then { Long i Long i 360 } Note that this step is performed so that the data can be populated in a GIS software. - Writes the data to an ASCII file by separating the variables in lines with tab spaces. The output data filenames are appended with “subsetRossRegion” phrase to keep it consistent with the original files. The program also creates a log file with “-subsetRossRegion-log” appended in the filename to keep the processing statistics for reference. 3.3 Step 3 – Analyzing Data in ArcGIS Software: The subset of each file was imported as shape file into the ArcGIS software and each ones were specified as the Projected Coordinate System as WGS 1984 Stereographic South Pole. 4 University of Texas at San Antonio S5053/Remote Sensing Assessment of Sea Ice and Ice Elevation Changes in Ross Region using ICESat STEP 1: CONVERT RAW BINARY FILE TO TEXT FILE Acquired Raw Binary ICESat Data Text File ICESat Raw Data Downloaded IDL From NSIDC's Web Site (Filename.txt) Read Text File X {ID,Date, Time, Lat, Long, Elev, GeoID) STEP 2: SUBSET ICESat DATA USING "ICESat DATA FORMATTER" (Developed in LabVIEW) Extract Subset of Data for the ROSS Region 220 Longi 150 ( 70) Lati ( 85) TRUE Longi 180 FALSE Perform GIS Conversion Longi Longi 360 File Writer Subsetted ASCII file Log File for the Subset File (Filename-subsetROSS.txt) (Filename-subsetROSS-log.txt) STEP 3: ANALYZE DATA IN GIS SOFTWARE Import ICESat Data (ROSS Region) into GIS Software Reproject to Stereographic South Pole Create New Shape Files Stack Files for Eight days Repeat Cycle Perform Interpolation STEP 4: EVALUATE/PRESENT RESULTS Figure 1 Flowchart for the ICESat Data File Processing and Analysis Methodology 5 University of Texas at San Antonio S5053/Remote Sensing Assessment of Sea Ice and Ice Elevation Changes in Ross Region using ICESat The data was stacked for 8-day repeat cycle orbit purpose for each season and for each GLAS product. This process yielded 7 cycle stacked file for fall 2003 and 4 cycle stacked file for spring 2003. Refer to Appendix A for the detail of the compiled files. Analysis of data in ArcGIS Software is provided in detail in Section 4. 3.4 Step 4 – Evaluating and Presenting Results: The results from the ArcGIS software is evaluated and discussed. Microsoft Excel is used to show the results in graphs. This step is further shown in Section 5. interpolation technique is based on statistics and is used for more advanced prediction surface modeling that also includes errors or uncertainty of predictions. Geostatistical methods create surfaces incorporating the statistical properties of the measured data. Because geostatistics is based on statistics, these methods produce not only prediction surfaces but also error or uncertainty surfaces, giving the user an indication of how good the predictions area is [7]. Even geostatistical gives the better result to most of the studies, geostatistical and deterministic interpolation techniques were compared in this study. Comparison of IDW against Ordinary Kriging technique showed that IDW technique missed an iceberg on the surface. For the validation purpose, the iceberg was confirmed from the ground track pass as shown in Figure 2. 4 ICESAT DATA ANALYSIS IN ARCGIS SOFTWARE Interpolation method was used to create surface and to see the differences between the surfaces created. ArcGIS Geostatistical Analyst provides with a variety of interpolation methods for the creation of an optimal interpolated surface. There are two main groupings of interpolation techniques: deterministic and geostatistical. Deterministic interpolation techniques are used for creating surfaces from measured points based on either the extent of similarity (e.g., Inverse Distance Weighted referred as IDW) or the degree of smoothing (e.g., Radial Basis Functions). Geostatistical interpolation techniques are based on statistics and are used for more advanced prediction surface modeling, which also includes error or uncertainty of predictions. IDW, Ordinary Kriging, Simple Kriging interpolation methods were used to create surface for this study. Kriging is a geostatistical interpolation technique that considers both the distance and the degree of variation between known data points when estimating values in unknown areas. The geostatistical IDW ? (a) Ordinary Kriging (b) Figure 2 Comparing two techniques: (a) IDW and (b) Ordinary Kriging. 6 University of Texas at San Antonio S5053/Remote Sensing Assessment of Sea Ice and Ice Elevation Changes in Ross Region using ICESat After eliminating IDW, ordinary kriging and simple kriging were compared. The difference between these two techniques is that in simple kriging method, mean elevation value is used. Setting the calculated mean elevation value for the study area gave more small errors. The mean elevation value was calculated from the DEM that is downloaded from the NSIDC’s web site. According to the DEM, the elevation mean was 539 m. The system was setting the mean elevation value more than 1000 m. After eliminating ordinary kriging, simple kriging method was used with 8 different variations to find a better technique for the study area. The details of the variations were provided in Appendix B. The models were compared after the surface is created to ensure the optimal model was chosen. Errors comparison showed that the Simple kriging method2 had the better prediction error. The results are shown in Figures 3 and 4. “SK” on the x-axis in these figures stands for Simple Kriging method. Spring Data, Simple Kriging, Root-Mean Square of Prediction Errors for Different Methods Root-Mean Square 19.6 19.4 19.2 19 18.8 18.6 18.4 SK8 SK7 SK6 SK5 SK4 SK3 SK2 SK1 18.2 Methods (b) 26.4 26.35 26.3 26.25 26.2 SK8 SK7 SK6 SK5 SK4 SK3 SK2 26.15 SK1 Average Standard Error Spring Data, Sim ple Kriging, Average Standard Prediction Errors for Different Methods Methods (c) Spring Data, Simple Kriging, Mean Standardized of Prediction Errors for Different Methods 0.002 0.0015 0.001 0.0005 Methods Methods (d) (a) 7 SK8 SK7 SK6 SK5 SK4 SK3 SK2 0 SK1 Mean Standardized SK8 SK7 SK6 SK5 SK4 SK3 SK2 0.13 0.125 0.12 0.115 0.11 0.105 0.1 0.095 SK1 Mean Error Spring Data, Simple Kriging, Mean Prediction Errors for Different Methods University of Texas at San Antonio S5053/Remote Sensing Assessment of Sea Ice and Ice Elevation Changes in Ross Region using ICESat Fall Data, Simple Kriging, Average Standard Prediction Errors for Different Methods 26.815 26.81 26.805 26.8 Methods SK8 SK7 SK6 SK5 SK4 SK3 SK1 SK2 26.795 SK8 SK7 SK6 SK5 Methods (e) (c) Figure 3 Simple Kriging Prediction Error Results for 8 Different Variations for Spring 2003: (a) Mean Error, (b) RootMean Square, (c) Average Standard Prediction Errors, (d) Mean Standardized, (e) Root Mean-Square Standardized SK8 SK7 SK6 SK5 SK3 SK2 0.00164 0.00162 0.0016 0.00158 0.00156 0.00154 0.00152 SK1 Mean Standardized Fall Data, Simple Kriging, Mean Standardized of Prediction Errors for Different Methods SK4 SK4 SK3 SK2 Average Standard Error 0.428 0.426 0.424 0.422 0.42 0.418 0.416 0.414 SK1 Root Mean-Square Standardized Spring Data, Simple Kriging, Root MeanSquare Standardized of Prediction Errors for Different Methods Methods (d) Fall Data, Simple Kriging, Root MeanSquare Standardized of Prediction Errors for Different Methods 0.188 0.186 Root Mean-Square Standardized Mean Error Fall Data, Sim ple Kriging, Mean Prediction Errors for Different Methods 0.184 0.182 SK8 SK7 SK6 SK5 SK4 SK3 SK2 SK1 0.18 Methods 0.4945 0.494 0.4935 0.493 0.4925 0.492 SK1 SK2 SK3 SK4 SK5 SK6 SK7 SK8 (a) Methods (e) Figure 4 Simple Kriging Prediction Error Results, Method for 8 Different Variations for Fall 2003: (a) Mean Error, (b) Root-Mean Square, (c) Average Standard Prediction Errors, (d) Mean Standardized, (e) Root Mean-Square Standardized 22.25 22.2 SK8 SK7 SK6 SK5 SK4 SK3 SK2 22.15 22.1 22.05 SK1 Root-Mean Square Fall Data, Simple Kriging, Root-Mean Square of Prediction Errors for Different Methods Methods (b) 8 University of Texas at San Antonio S5053/Remote Sensing Assessment of Sea Ice and Ice Elevation Changes in Ross Region using ICESat Created surfaces also showed the difference between Fall and Spring 2003 for each cycle as shown in Figures 6 and 7. 5. RESULTS Simple Kriging produced better surface for this study. Surface results legend shows the minimum and maximum difference between fall 2003 and spring 2003 as shown in legend figures 5a and 5b. Spring 2003 Fall 2003-First Cycle (a) (a) Fall 2003-Second Cycle Fall 2003 (b) Fall 2003-Third Cycle (c) (b) Figure 5 Legends for the Sea Ice and Ice Sheet Elevation Changes: (a) Spring 2003), (b) Fall 2003. 9 University of Texas at San Antonio S5053/Remote Sensing Assessment of Sea Ice and Ice Elevation Changes in Ross Region using ICESat Spring 2003-Fourth Cycle Fall 2003-Fourth Cycle (d) (d) Figure 6 Created surfaces by Simple Kriging for Fall Repeat Cycles. Spring 2003-Fifth Cycle Spring 2003-First Cycle (e) (a) Spring 2003-Sixth Cycle Spring 2003-Second Cycle (f) (b) Spring 2003-Seventh Cycle Spring 2003-Third Cycle (g) Figure 7 Created Surfaces by Simple Kriging for Spring Repeat Cycles. (c) 10 University of Texas at San Antonio S5053/Remote Sensing Assessment of Sea Ice and Ice Elevation Changes in Ross Region using ICESat Results with the minimum prediction errors by simple kriging show the difference between two seasons. To relate those results to temperature change and global change, a further study will be performed to observe the relation. where we have crossovers between laser 2 and laser 1 [8]. 6. SUMMARY References GLAS data collected over the Ross Ice Shelf was examined in this study. Because of the limitation of the data, the time series for the elevation change over the Ross Region in Antarctic could not be obtained. One of the future work as the extension of this study will be producing the time series using ICESat. Another extension of this study will be the comparison of the result provided in this paper with the ones obtained using other remote sensing satellites. The results presented in this paper should also be validated with ground-based GPS data. [1] NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 2002, Environmental Assessment for ICESat. The use of remote sensing in the research studies of ice sheets are numerous and increasing. The ice sheets in Antarctica can be investigated in detail with ICESat altimetry data supported by MODIS imagery and/or AMSR-E imagery. [5] H.J. Zwally, B. Schutz, W. Abdalati, J. Abshirea, C. Bentley, A. Brenner, J. Bufton, J. Dezio, D. Hancock, D. Harding, T. Herring, B. Minster, K. Quinn, S. Palm, J. Spinhirne, R. Thomas, 2002, Journal of Geodynamics 34 (2002) 405–445. Acknowledgements Special thanks go to Dr. Xie for his support during this study. [2] Robert Bindschadler, Monitoring Ice Sheet Behavior from Space, Reviews of Geophysics, 36, 1 / February 1998, pages 79–104, Paper number 97RG02669. [3] L. A. Magruder, M. A. Suleman and B. E. Schutz, 2003, ICESat laser altimeter measurement time validation system, Meas. Sci. Technol. 14 (2003) 1978–1985. [4] B. E. Schutz, J. Zwally, J. Abshire and J. Spinhiine, , 2000, The Ice, Cloud and Land Elevation Satellite Mission: Laser Radar Science for the NASA Earth Observing System ,0-78036359-0/00, IEEE. [6] Richard B. Alley, Peter U. Clark, Philippe Huybrechts, Ian Joughin, 21 OCTOBER 2005, Ice-Sheet and Sea-Level Changes, VOL 310 SCIENCE. Another future work could be the crossover analysis; calculating the difference in elevation between an ascending and descending pass when it crosses over the same location but is separated temporally. Precise elevation changes can be calculated using both crossovers and repeat track analysis over the ice sheets with GLAS data. Short term elevation change calculations from Spring to Fall of 2003 can be made [7] ESRI White paper, August 2001, ArcGIS Geostatistical Analyst: Statistical Tools for Data Exploration, Modeling and Advanced Surface Generation. [8] A. C. Brenner, H. J. Zwally, Chris Shuman, and Donghui Yi, January, 2004, ICESat Capability for Elevation Change Studies with Sets of 33-day and 8-day Cycles. 11 University of Texas at San Antonio S5053/Remote Sensing Assessment of Sea Ice and Ice Elevation Changes in Ross Region using ICESat APPENDIX A DETAILED GLAS PRODUCTS WITH DATE AND TIME Table A.1 Antarctic Fall GLA13 No 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Starting Date 02.20.2003 02.21.2003 02.22.2003 02.23.2003 02.24.2003 02.25.2003 02.26.2003 02.27.2003 02.27.2003 02.28.2003 03.01.2003 03.02.2003 03.03.2003 03.04.2003 03.05.2003 03.06.2003 03.06.2003 03.07.2003 03.08.2003 03.09.2003 03.10.2003 03.11.2003 03.12.2003 03.13.2003 03.14.2003 03.14.2003 03.15.2003 03.16.2003 03.17.2003 03.18.2003 03.19.2003 ANTARCTIC Fall (Feb- Mar) GLAS13 Time 22:25 19:18 17:46 16:19 03:41 02:10 00:45 23:23 21:56 20:30 19:03 17:31 16:06 03:24 01:55 00:30 23:06 22:39 20:14 18:47 17:16 15:49 03:10 01:39 01:15 22:50 21:24 19:59 18:32 17:00 15:33 12 Finishing Date 02.21.2003 02.22.2003 02.23.2003 02.24.2003 02.25.2003 02.26.2003 02.26.2003 02.27.2003 02.28.2003 03.01.2003 03.02.2003 03.03.2003 03.04.2003 03.05.2003 03.05.2003 03.06.2003 03.07.2003 03.08.2003 03.09.2003 03.10.2003 03.11.2003 03.12.2003 03.13.2003 03.13.2003 03.14.2003 03.15.2003 03.16.2003 03.17.2003 03.18.2003 03.19.2003 03.20.2003 Time 18:43 17:45 15:48 03:08 01:41 00:14 22:48 21:20 19:52 18:27 17:30 15:31 02:51 01:24 23:58 22:32 21:06 19:39 18:12 17:14 15:19 02:38 01:11 23:43 22:15 20:51 19:22 17:57 16:59 15:03 02:21 University of Texas at San Antonio S5053/Remote Sensing Assessment of Sea Ice and Ice Elevation Changes in Ross Region using ICESat Table A.2 Antarctic Spring GLA13 No 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Starting Date 09.27.2003 09.28.2003 09.29.2003 09.30.2003 10.01.2003 10.02.2003 10.03.2003 10.04.2003 10.04.2003 10.05.2003 10.07.2003 10.07.2003 10.08.2003 10.08.2003 10.09.2003 10.10.2003 10.11.2003 10.12.2003 10.13.2003 10.14.2003 10.15.2003 10.16.2003 10.17.2003 10.18.2003 10.19.2003 10.20.2003 10.21.2003 10.21.2003 10.22.2003 10.23.2003 10.24.2003 10.25.2003 10.26.2003 10.27.2003 10.28.2003 10.29.2003 10.30.2003 10.31.2003 11.01.2003 11.02.2003 11.03.2003 11.03.2003 11.04.2003 11.05.2003 11.06.2003 11.07.2003 11.08.2003 11.09.2003 11.10.2003 11.11.2003 11.12.2003 11.13.2003 ANTARCTIC Spring (Sep-Oct-Nov) GLAS13 Time Finishing Date 20:47 09.28.2003 19:18 09.29.2003 17:53 09.30.2003 16:28 09.30.2003 15:02 10.01.2003 13:37 10.03.2003 12:10 10.03.2003 10:39 10.04.2003 13:57 10.05.2003 04:26 10.05.2003 01:29 10.07.2003 01:29 10.08.2003 00:00 10.08.2003 22:36 10.09.2003 21:10 10.10.2003 19:45 10.11.2003 18:14 10.12.2003 16:50 10.13.2003 15:24 10.14.2003 13:57 10.15.2003 12:32 10.16.2003 11:05 10.17.2003 09:32 10.18.2003 08:06 10.19.2003 06:39 10.20.2003 05:16 10.21.2003 03:50 10.21.2003 19:55 10.22.2003 18:25 10.23.2003 17:02 10.24.2003 15:34 10.25.2003 14:07 10.26.2003 12:43 10.27.2003 11:15 10.28.2003 09:42 10.29.2003 08:16 10.30.2003 06:51 10.31.2003 05:24 11.01.2003 04:00 11.02.2003 02:33 11.03.2003 01:03 11.03.2003 23:37 11.04.2003 22:07 11.05.2003 20:49 11.06.2003 19:18 11.07.2003 17:48 11.08.2003 16:25 11.09.2003 14:58 11.10.2003 13:30 11.11.2003 12:06 11.12.2003 10:39 11.13.2003 09:06 11.14.2003 13 Time 18:49 11:36 01:23 23:02 21:39 17:27 20:15 13:22 02:50 14:21 21:06 00:00 13:05 14:45 19:11 17:45 16:17 14:51 13:24 11:56 10:56 03:16 07:35 06:08 04:41 03:13 19:23 17:56 16:26 15:00 13:35 12:07 10:39 09:42 07:44 06:19 14:53 03:11 01:58 00:32 23:06 22:07 20:13 18:45 17:18 15:51 14:25 12:58 11:30 10:03 09:06 07:09 University of Texas at San Antonio S5053/Remote Sensing Assessment of Sea Ice and Ice Elevation Changes in Ross Region using ICESat 53 54 55 56 11.14.2003 11.15.2003 11.16.2003 11.17.2003 07:40 06:14 04:50 03:23 11.15.2003 11.16.2003 11.17.2003 11.18.2003 14 05:43 04:16 02:46 01:19 University of Texas at San Antonio S5053/Remote Sensing Assessment of Sea Ice and Ice Elevation Changes in Ross Region using ICESat Table A.3 Antarctic Fall GLA12 No 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Starting Date 02.20.2003 02.21.2003 02.22.2003 02.23.2003 02.24.2003 02.25.2003 02.26.2003 02.27.2003 02.27.2003 02.28.2003 03.01.2003 03.02.2003 03.03.2003 03.04.2003 03.05.2003 03.06.2003 03.06.2003 03.07.2003 03.08.2003 03.09.2003 03.10.2003 03.11.2003 03.12.2003 03.13.2003 03.14.2003 03.14.2003 03.15.2003 03.16.2003 03.17.2003 03.18.2003 03.19.2003 ANTARCTIC Fall (Feb- Mar) GLAS12 Time 23:10 19:24 17:58 17:14 03:42 02:17 01:38 00:12 22:44 20:35 19:09 17:43 16:59 03:26 02:02 01:23 23:56 22:29 20:20 18:53 17:27 16:44 03:11 01:47 01:08 23:41 22:15 20:04 18:38 17:12 16:29 15 Finishing Date 02.21.2003 02.22.2003 02.23.2003 02.24.2003 02.25.2003 02.26.2003 02.26.2003 02.27.2003 02.28.2003 03.01.2003 03.02.2003 03.03.2003 03.04.2003 03.05.2003 03.05.2003 03.06.2003 03.07.2003 03.08.2003 03.09.2003 03.10.2003 03.11.2003 03.12.2003 03.13.2003 03.13.2003 03.14.2003 03.15.2003 03.16.2003 03.17.2003 03.18.2003 03.19.2003 03.20.2003 Time 18:41 17:13 15:44 03:03 01:37 00:11 22:24 21:18 19:52 18:25 16:58 15:29 02:48 01:22 23:56 22:29 21:03 19:36 18:10 16:43 15:14 02:33 01:07 23:41 22:13 20:48 19:21 17:55 16:27 14:58 02:17 University of Texas at San Antonio S5053/Remote Sensing Assessment of Sea Ice and Ice Elevation Changes in Ross Region using ICESat Table A.4 Antarctic Spring GLA12 No 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Starting Date 09.26.2003 09.27.2003 09.28.2003 09.29.2003 09.30.2003 10.01.2003 10.02.2003 10.03.2003 10.04.2003 10.04.2003 10.05.2003 10.06.2003 10.07.2003 10.08.2003 10.08.2003 10.09.2003 10.10.2003 10.11.2003 10.12.2003 10.13.2003 10.14.2003 10.15.2003 10.16.2003 10.17.2003 10.18.2003 10.19.2003 10.20.2003 10.21.2003 10.21.2003 10.22.2003 10.23.2003 10.24.2003 10.25.2003 10.26.2003 10.27.2003 10.28.2003 10.29.2003 10.30.2003 10.31.2003 11.01.2003 11.02.2003 11.03.2003 11.04.2003 11.04.2003 11.05.2003 11.06.2003 11.07.2003 11.08.2003 11.09.2003 11.11.2003 11.10.2003 11.12.2003 ANTARCTIC Spring (Sep-Oct-Nov) GLAS12 Time Finishing Date 11:06 09.27.2003 20:50 09.28.2003 19:25 09.29.2003 18:46 09.30.2003 17:19 10.01.2003 15:52 10.02.2003 13:43 10.03.2003 12:17 10.04.2003 10:51 10.04.2003 14:03 10.05.2003 05:14 10.06.2003 03:47 10.07.2003 02:21 10.07.2003 00:52 10.08.2003 22:36 10.09.2003 21:12 10.10.2003 19:49 10.11.2003 19:08 10.12.2003 17:42 10.13.2003 16:14 10.14.2003 14:47 10.15.2003 12:37 10.16.2003 11:11 10.17.2003 10:27 10.18.2003 09:00 10.19.2003 07:31 10.20.2003 06:04 10.21.2003 04:37 10.21.2003 19:57 10.22.2003 18:32 10.23.2003 17:53 10.24.2003 16:25 10.25.2003 14:57 10.26.2003 12:48 10.27.2003 11:21 10.28.2003 09:55 10.29.2003 09:12 10.30.2003 07:43 10.31.2003 06:16 11.01.2003 04:49 11.02.2003 03:21 11.03.2003 01:54 11.03.2003 00:27 11.04.2003 22:14 11.05.2003 20:45 11.06.2003 19:20 11.07.2003 17:55 11.08.2003 17:16 11.09.2003 15:48 11.10.2003 12:11 11.12.2003 14:21 11.11.2003 10:45 11.13.2003 16 Time 08:52 18:45 17:19 15:52 14:26 12:59 11:33 10:06 13:20 03:48 02:21 00:56 23:26 22:00 20:34 19:07 17:41 16:14 14:48 13:21 11:54 10:27 08:57 07:30 06:04 04:38 03:11 19:18 17:52 16:26 14:58 13:32 12:05 10:38 09:10 07:41 06:15 04:49 03:21 01:54 00:30 22:59 21:34 20:08 18:42 17:15 15:49 14:21 12:55 10:01 11:28 08:33 University of Texas at San Antonio S5053/Remote Sensing Assessment of Sea Ice and Ice Elevation Changes in Ross Region using ICESat 53 54 55 56 57 11.13.2003 11.14.2003 11.15.2003 11.16.2003 11.17.2003 09:19 08:34 07:06 05:38 04:11 11.14.2003 11.15.2003 11.16.2003 11.17.2003 11.18.2003 17 07:04 05:37 04:11 02:45 01:18 University of Texas at San Antonio S5053/Remote Sensing Assessment of Sea Ice and Ice Elevation Changes in Ross Region using ICESat APPENDIX B SIMPLE KRIGING VARIATIONS Table B.1 Spring Data Mean Prediction Error Values Mean Prediction Error (Absolute) Use/Method SK1 Simple Kriging (1) 1047.4/Neighboorhood (5-2) 0.1239 SK2 Simple Kriging (2) 539/Neighboorhood (5-2) 0.1066 SK3 Simple Kriging (3) 1047.4/Neighboorhood (10-2) 0.1113 SK4 Simple Kriging (4) 539/Neighboorhood (10-2) 0.1091 SK5 Simple Kriging (5) 1047.4/Neighboorhood (10-10) 0.1113 SK6 Simple Kriging (6) 539/Neighboorhood (10-10) 0.1091 SK7 Simple Kriging (7) 1047.4/Neighboorhood (15-10) 0.1128 SK8 Simple Kriging (8) 539/Neighboorhood (15-10) 0.1108 Table B.2 Spring Data Prediction Error – Root Mean SquareValues Prediction Error Root Mean Square Use/Method SK1 Simple Kriging (1) 1047.4/Neighboorhood (5-2) 19.41 SK2 SK3 Simple Kriging (2) 539/Neighboorhood (5-2) 18.65 Simple Kriging (3) 1047.4/Neighboorhood (10-2) 18.84 SK4 Simple Kriging (4) 539/Neighboorhood (10-2) 18.84 SK5 Simple Kriging (5) 1047.4/Neighboorhood (10-10) 18.84 SK6 Simple Kriging (6) 539/Neighboorhood (10-10) 18.84 SK7 Simple Kriging (7) 1047.4/Neighboorhood (15-10) 18.88 SK8 Simple Kriging (8) 539/Neighboorhood (15-10) 18.87 Table B.3 Spring Data Prediction Error –Average Standars Error Values Prediction Error Average Standard Error Use/Method SK1 Simple Kriging (1) 1047.4/Neighboorhood (5-2) 26.35 SK2 Simple Kriging (2) 539/Neighboorhood (5-2) 26.37 SK3 Simple Kriging (3) 1047.4/Neighboorhood (10-2) 26.24 SK4 Simple Kriging (4) 539/Neighboorhood (10-2) 26.37 SK5 Simple Kriging (5) 1047.4/Neighboorhood (10-10) 26.24 SK6 Simple Kriging (6) 539/Neighboorhood (10-10) 26.37 SK7 Simple Kriging (7) 1047.4/Neighboorhood (15-10) 26.23 SK8 Simple Kriging (8) 539/Neighboorhood (15-10) 26.37 Table B.4 Spring Data Prediction Error –Mean Standardized Values Prediction Error Mean Standardized (Absolute) Use/Method SK1 Simple Kriging (1) 1047.4/Neighboorhood (5-2) 0.001443 SK2 SK3 Simple Kriging (2) 539/Neighboorhood (5-2) 0.0009916 Simple Kriging (3) 1047.4/Neighboorhood (10-2) 0.001119 SK4 Simple Kriging (4) 539/Neighboorhood (10-2) 0.001051 SK5 Simple Kriging (5) 1047.4/Neighboorhood (10-10) 0.001119 SK6 Simple Kriging (6) 539/Neighboorhood (10-10) 0.001051 SK7 Simple Kriging (7) 1047.4/Neighboorhood (15-10) 0.001135 SK8 Simple Kriging (8) 539/Neighboorhood (15-10) 0.001074 18 University of Texas at San Antonio S5053/Remote Sensing Assessment of Sea Ice and Ice Elevation Changes in Ross Region using ICESat Table B.5 Spring Data Prediction Error –Mean Standardized Values Prediction Error Root Mean-Square Standardized Use/Method SK1 Simple Kriging (1) 1047.4/Neighboorhood (5-2) 0.4196 SK2 Simple Kriging (2) 539/Neighboorhood (5-2) 0.4182 SK3 Simple Kriging (3) 1047.4/Neighboorhood (10-2) 0.4249 SK4 Simple Kriging (4) 539/Neighboorhood (10-2) 0.4228 SK5 Simple Kriging (5) 1047.4/Neighboorhood (10-10) 0.4249 SK6 Simple Kriging (6) 539/Neighboorhood (10-10) 0.4228 SK7 Simple Kriging (7) 1047.4/Neighboorhood (15-10) 0.4255 SK8 Simple Kriging (8) 539/Neighboorhood (15-10) 0.4233 Table B.6 Fall Data Mean Prediction Error Values Mean Prediction Error (Absolute) Use/Method SK1 Simple Kriging (1) 1047.4/Neighboorhood (5-2) 0.1866 SK2 SK3 Simple Kriging (2) 539/Neighboorhood (5-2) 0.1837 Simple Kriging (3) 1047.4/Neighboorhood (10-2) 0.1868 SK4 Simple Kriging (4) 539/Neighboorhood (10-2) 0.184 SK5 Simple Kriging (5) 1047.4/Neighboorhood (10-10) 0.1868 SK6 Simple Kriging (6) 539/Neighboorhood (10-10) 0.184 SK7 Simple Kriging (7) 1047.4/Neighboorhood (15-10) 0.1857 SK8 Simple Kriging (8) 539/Neighboorhood (15-10) 0.1832 Table B.7 Fall Data Prediction Error – Root Mean SquareValues Prediction Error Root Mean Square Use/Method SK1 Simple Kriging (1) 1047.4/Neighboorhood (5-2) 22.15 SK2 Simple Kriging (2) 539/Neighboorhood (5-2) 22.13 SK3 Simple Kriging (3) 1047.4/Neighboorhood (10-2) 22.21 SK4 Simple Kriging (4) 539/Neighboorhood (10-2) 22.19 SK5 Simple Kriging (5) 1047.4/Neighboorhood (10-10) 22.21 SK6 Simple Kriging (6) 539/Neighboorhood (10-10) 22.19 SK7 Simple Kriging (7) 1047.4/Neighboorhood (15-10) 22.21 SK8 Simple Kriging (8) 539/Neighboorhood (15-10) 22.2 Table B.8 Fall Data Prediction Error –Average Standars Error Values Prediction Error Average Standard Error Use/Method SK1 Simple Kriging (1) 1047.4/Neighboorhood (5-2) 26.81 SK2 Simple Kriging (2) 539/Neighboorhood (5-2) 26.81 SK3 Simple Kriging (3) 1047.4/Neighboorhood (10-2) 26.8 SK4 Simple Kriging (4) 539/Neighboorhood (10-2) 26.8 SK5 Simple Kriging (5) 1047.4/Neighboorhood (10-10) 26.8 SK6 Simple Kriging (6) 539/Neighboorhood (10-10) 26.8 SK7 Simple Kriging (7) 1047.4/Neighboorhood (15-10) 26.8 SK8 Simple Kriging (8) 539/Neighboorhood (15-10) 26.8 19 University of Texas at San Antonio S5053/Remote Sensing Assessment of Sea Ice and Ice Elevation Changes in Ross Region using ICESat Table B.9 Fall Data Prediction Error –Mean Standardized Values Prediction Error Mean Standardized (Absolute) Use/Method SK1 Simple Kriging (1) 1047.4/Neighboorhood (5-2) 0.001627 SK2 Simple Kriging (2) 539/Neighboorhood (5-2) 0.00156 SK3 Simple Kriging (3) 1047.4/Neighboorhood (10-2) 0.001633 SK4 Simple Kriging (4) 539/Neighboorhood (10-2) 0.001576 SK5 Simple Kriging (5) 1047.4/Neighboorhood (10-10) 0.001633 SK6 Simple Kriging (6) 539/Neighboorhood (10-10) 0.001576 SK7 Simple Kriging (7) 1047.4/Neighboorhood (15-10) 0.001629 SK8 Simple Kriging (8) 539/Neighboorhood (15-10) 0.001578 Table B.10 Fall Data Prediction Error –Mean Standardized Values Prediction Error Root Mean-Square Standardized Use/Method SK1 Simple Kriging (1) 1047.4/Neighboorhood (5-2) 0.4929 SK2 SK3 Simple Kriging (2) 539/Neighboorhood (5-2) 0.4929 Simple Kriging (3) 1047.4/Neighboorhood (10-2) 0.494 SK4 Simple Kriging (4) 539/Neighboorhood (10-2) 0.494 SK5 Simple Kriging (5) 1047.4/Neighboorhood (10-10) 0.494 SK6 Simple Kriging (6) 539/Neighboorhood (10-10) 0.494 SK7 Simple Kriging (7) 1047.4/Neighboorhood (15-10) 0.4942 SK8 Simple Kriging (8) 539/Neighboorhood (15-10) 0.4941 20