Running head: Lab 2 Team Head Lab 2 STAT Team Blue Okechukwu Wyche

Running head: Lab 2 Team Head
Lab 2 STAT
Team Blue
Okechukwu Wyche
CS 411W
Janet Brunelle
Version # 2
Lab 2 Team Blue
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 4
1.2 Purpose .................................................................................................................................. 4
1.2 Scope ..................................................................................................................................... 6
1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations ........................................................................... 6
1.4 References ............................................................................................................................. 8
1.5 Overview ............................................................................................................................... 8
2 General Description ................................................................................................................... 10
2.1 Prototype Architecture Description ..................................................................................... 10
2.2 Prototype Functional Description ....................................................................................... 12
2.3 External Interfaces............................................................................................................... 18
List of Figures
Figure 1: Current Stakeholder Process ........................................................................................... 5
Figure 2: Prototype MCFD ........................................................................................................... 11
Figure 3: Dashboard View ............................................................................................................ 13
Figure 4: Classification Venn Diagram ........................................................................................ 14
Figure 5: Action Chart .................................................................................................................. 15
Figure 6: Influence View .............................................................................................................. 16
Figure 7: Relationship Map .......................................................................................................... 17
Figure 8: Management VIew ........................................................................................................ 18
Lab 2 Team Blue
List of tables
Table 1: Real Vs Prototype Table ................................................................................................. 10
Lab 2 Team Blue
1. Introduction
In the current high stakes fast moving business environment there are often times when
the stakeholder with less power is looked over. Though this can be seen as a small oversight it
can have dire consequences. Halting of the project or cancelation of a project can be a couple of
these consequences. That is why in a relatively recent time the practice of stakeholder analysis
was brought into the forefront. First introduced in 1963 by Robert Freeman, Strategic
Management: A Stakeholder Approach, stakeholder analysis details the importance of paying
attention to every person of value in a project or organization. Due to the importance of
stakeholder analysis, there have been multiple techniques to implement the theory.
Unfortunately, these seem outdated in this technologically fueled society. STAT (Stakeholder
Analysis Tool) is here to bring a new more streamlined way to handle stakeholder analysis.
1.2 Purpose
STAT is being created to improve on the current method of stakeholder analysis. The
current method of stakeholder analysis consists of a round table like discussion between one or
multiple system of systems engineers and some of the potential stakeholders for a particular
project. In that discussion, there is a mass brainstorming session where stakeholders are added to
a table and their wants and relationships are then added one after another. They are usually done
with sticky notes on a board or sometimes in an office document. This can become very large
and complicated to view, Figure 1:
Lab 2 Team Blue
Figure 1: Current Stakeholder Process
As illustrated in Figure 1 the current stakeholder analysis process can be difficult to
decipher with a larger numbers of stakeholders. Also a lot of information can not be stored on
sticky notes, additionally if the stakeholder data is needed to be changed or edited the sticky note
will have to be removed and reinserted. And the manual drawing of relationships between
stakeholders will also become cumbersome with constant changes.
STAT offers to help clean up some of the inefficiencies with the current stakeholder
analysis, with STAT’s simple more efficient wizard. STAT will also allow for easier navigation
between steps and have room for continuous editing ability throughout the stakeholder analysis
procedure. Instead of sticky notes STAT will have the stakeholder’s data saved so they can be
looked up for future reference or future updates.
Lab 2 Team Blue
Team Blue’s application is specifically made to be used to view and edit the stakeholder
analysis process. It is not meant to create or schedule meetings although it will save the contact
the information of the stakeholders. STAT is also not a customer relation tool, it analyzes the
stakeholders through algorithms based on the input the user gives or given through text file.
While it does not create meetings, the STAT management table was put in place to give the
stakeholders an idea on who to contact and prioritize.
1.2 Scope
Team Blue’s prototype will be a more efficient way to do the stakeholder process. The
whole stakeholder analysis will be changed from being done by hand to being done on the STAT
interface. The user will be able to input as much stakeholder data into the program as deemed
necessary. The user input will be recorded and used to populate various diagrams(see Figures 38) in the program that will change dynamically whenever the user removes, adds, or edits a
There will be an ability to export the various diagrams and tables with them after the
program is exited. Along with being able to export there will be ability to encrypt the data for
users with confidential stakeholder data. The prototype will also have the capability to save data
for later use.
1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations
GUI: graphical user interface.
legitimacy: A generalized perception or assumption that the actions of an entity are desirable,
Lab 2 Team Blue
proper, or appropriate within some socially constructed system of norms, values, beliefs,
PNG: portable network graphics.
power: A relationship among social actors in which one social actor, A, can get another social
actor, B, to do something that B would not.
project file: the file STAT will use to store the stakeholder data in i.e. contact, information, and
want’s attitudes.
relationships: the connections between the various stakeholders.
stakeholder: A person, group, or organization that has interest or concern in an organization.[1]
stakeholder analysis: studying those in a project/organization and deciding who should be
prioritized and handled certain ways.
system of systems engineer: the users of our software their main job is researching the
stakeholder’s effect on projects/systems.
urgency: The degree to which stakeholder claims call for immediate attention.[4]
XML: extensive markup language used to store data in fields.
Lab 2 Team Blue
1.4 References
Blue, T. (2013). STAT. Lab 1.
Blue, T. (2013). STAT Presentation. Retrieved from STAT:
Blue, T. (n.d.). STAT webpage. Retrieved from 410Blue:
1.5 Overview
This product specification provides the hardware and software configuration, external
interfaces, capabilities and features of the STAT prototype. The information provided in the
remaining sections of this document includes a detailed description of the hardware, software,
and external interface architecture of the STAT prototype; the key features of the prototype; the
parameters that will be used to control, manage, or establish that feature; and the performance
characteristics of that feature in terms of outputs, displays, and user interaction.
(This space is intentionally left blank)
Lab 2 Team Blue
Lab 2 Team Blue
2 General Description
STAT will be a standalone Java application that will be able to be used on any operating
system for convenience and portability. It will have an interactive GUI that is easily accessible.
STAT will allow users to export their data in PDF or XML format.
2.1 Prototype Architecture Description
Certain real world elements will be not be included in the STAT prototype. Although
they have been removed at the moment, if time permits, some might be implemented into the
prototype. A table illustrating what will and what will not be included is displayed in Table 2.
Table 1: Real Vs Prototype Table
Lab 2 Team Blue
As shown in Figure 2,there will be certain features like the ability for multiple users to
add input simultaneously. The ability to have a script that will automatically insert stakeholder
information from a file has been removed. There will also be a test driver built to accommodate
test data insertion. But as illustrated in Table 2 most of the functionality in the real world product
will be in the prototype.
Figure 2: Prototype MCFD
Lab 2 Team Blue
2.2 Prototype Functional Description
The STAT prototype functions will be divided into six views, the dashboard view, the
classification view, the action chart view, the influences view, the relationship map view, and the
management view. These components will be able to be navigated to in any order but the data
that populates the views will mostly be done in the dashboard view. The functions of the views
will be described below.
The dashboard is one the most important views. It is where the stakeholder information
will be inputted into the program. In the dashboard, the user will be able to add stakeholder’s
information one by one, they will also be able to edit previously inputted stakeholders and delete
stakeholders. When adding the stakeholders, the user can also edit the stakeholder’s
classification (power, legitimacy, and urgency) and attitude (threat and cooperation). An
illustration of this view is shown in Figure 2.
Lab 2 Team Blue
Figure 3: Dashboard View
The classification view is where the user can view the Classification Venn diagram. The
stakeholder’s information is placed in the circles based on the values of their power, legitimacy,
and urgency which are decided when adding the stakeholder. There will be a drop down list
displaying all of stakeholders that belong in the Venn diagram for the convenience of the user.
An illustration of how the diagram will be shown in Figure 4.
Lab 2 Team Blue
Figure 4: Classification Venn Diagram
The action chart is a chart that suggests to the user which actions should be taken on the
stakeholders they submitted into the program. The stakeholder’s position is decided by their
position in the classification diagram and the attitude that was set in the dashboard view. Similar
to the Classification Venn diagram the stakeholders will be shown by name in a dropdown box.
An illustration of the action chart showing where the stakeholder names will be contained in
Figure 5.
Lab 2 Team Blue
Figure 5: Action Chart
The influence view is where the connections between stakeholders are added. The user
will be able to edit the strength of the connections (high, low) in this view also. There will be no
limit to how many stakeholders can be connected to one stakeholder. An illustration of the
influence view Figure 6.
Lab 2 Team Blue
Figure 6: Influence View
The relationship map view is where the user will be shown the STAT dynamic
relationship map. The relationship map shows the connection of the stakeholders and shows
which stakeholders will have the greatest impact on the project. The stakeholders will be
represented as circles in the diagram with the size of circle showing importance and color of the
circle showing the stakeholder’s attitude towards the project. There will also ability to export the
relationship map to PNG file. An illustration of the relationship map Figure 7.
Lab 2 Team Blue
Figure 7: Relationship Map
Finally is the management table which encompasses all of the data from the previous
view diagrams. This table is able to be sorted on any column. The table adds two new data values
to the columns being method of engagement and last time engaged. This table can be exported
into a STAT project file. An illustration of the table Figure 8.
Lab 2 Team Blue
Figure 8: Management View
2.3 External Interfaces
The STAT application will need no other hardware than a computer, laptop, or tablet with
basic computing abilities. It also does not need a server because it has been decided to make
STAT entirely a desktop application. Because of the decision to use an XML document, there is
no need to have a database.