Staffing Plan

Staffing Plan
Geographical Auto-Delivery System
Staffing Plan
13 December 2010
Ryan School
Phase 0 and Phase 1
In Phase 0 of the G.A.S. project an initial business plan will be composed along with the
proposal, feasibility, milestones, and approval presentations. Members of the G.A.S project will
begin research of various aspects of the project, including feasibility and customer base. Project
members will conduct interviews with potential business customers and contact domain experts
for consulting on various technical aspects of the project. At this phase the project will be in the
initial research stage, thus members will not receive pay for work. Dr. Stephen Olariu, and Dr.
Irvine Levinstein both professors of computer science at Old Dominion University will provide
external consultation during this phase.
Upon project approval and initial funding of the project (Phase 1), team members may be
assigned additional roles as well as receive compensation for work as interns during prototype
creation. Members’ roles may also change during this phase, dependent on losses or additions
made to the initial team.
Staffing Plan
Geographical Auto-Delivery System
Figure 1: Phase 0 & 1 Personnel Organization Chart
Phase 0 & 1 Staffing and Role Responsibilities
John Knox (Project Manager)
Senior at Old Dominion University.
Skills: Leadership, Task delegation, as well as C++ and Java languages.
Responsibilities: Overall supervision of project development, ensures efficient
communication and seamless coordination and collaboration among team members,
delegates tasks and maintains the project schedule.
Rebecca Cooper (Marketing Specialist)
Senior at Old Dominion University.
Skills: C++, Java, HTML languages, Unix operation, High level project
Responsibilities: The Market Analyst is responsible for acquiring customer and enduser data through market research. Market Analyst may also aide in determining
target user-base for marketing campaigns.
Marrissa Webster (Documentation and Financial Specialist)
Senior at Old Dominion University.
Skills: C++, Java languages and organizational skills.
Responsibilities: Gathers and organizes all documentation required for the project,
including interview transcripts, research documents, and works cited, in charge of the
management of funds and budgets associated with the project and in charge of all
necessary project purchases
Staffing Plan
Geographical Auto-Delivery System
Ryan School (Database Specialist)
Senior at Old Dominion University.
Skills: C/C++, Microsoft Visual basic programming languages, SQL database query
Responsibilities: Conceptualization and design of the project’s database
Ben Cawrse (Webmaster)
Senior at Old Dominion University.
Skills: Various web programming languages(HTML, CSS, Javascript) as well as
C/C++ programming languages, proficiency in Linux environment.
Responsibilities: The design and construction of the G.A.S. website, maintaining the
project website and updating it according to project specifications
Yousef Aloumi (Assistant Webmaster, Database Specialist)
Senior at Old Dominion University.
Skills: C/C++, PHP, and Java programming languages, SQL database query
Responsibilities: Assist the Webmaster in their duties, serves as the Webmaster in
their absence, conceptualization and design of the project’s database
Alvin Fagan (Software Specialist)
Senior at Old Dominion University.
Skills: C++, Java, PHP programming languages, SQL database query language,
software engineering.
Responsibilities: The design and construction of software algorithms for the project
application, ensures proper application implementation and integration where
necessary, ensures proper application functionality and application testing.
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Staffing Plan
Geographical Auto-Delivery System
Phase 2
Phase 2 of the project will involve application testing and refinement of product. Individual
roles may change and new roles will arise. Group members will work to ensure proper product
functionality prior to implementation. Beta testing groups will provide testing data. The
database will also be tested for integrity and proper functionality.
Figure 2: Phase 2 Personnel Organization Chart
Phase 2 Staffing and Role Responsibilities
Project Manager
Project Management responsibilities entail overall supervision of project development.
Specific tasks include ensuring efficient communication and seamless coordination and
collaboration among team members. The project manager is also in charge of task delegation
and maintaining the project schedule.
Financial Analyst
Financial Analyst will be in charge of the management of funds and budgets associated with
the project. All necessary project purchases will be the direct responsibility of the financial
Software Engineer (3 required)
The Software Engineer is responsible for the design and construction of software algorithms
for the project application. The Software Engineer must ensure proper application
implementation and integration where necessary. Responsibilities also include ensuring
proper application functionality and application testing.
Staffing Plan
Geographical Auto-Delivery System
Web Developer
Website maintenance and regular updating will be handled by the web developer. The web
developer will also be responsible for ensuring proper integration between the website and
application, and the website and database. In addition, this individual will work with
software engineers to ensure the application integrate properly with various device software.
Database Administrator
At phase 2, the Database Administrator (DBA) will be in charge of maintaining and updating
the database. The DBA will manage database information and collaborate with software
engineers and web programmer to ensure compatibility.
Documentation Specialist
The project Documentation Specialists is tasked with gathering and organizing all
documentation required for the project, including interview transcripts, research documents,
and works cited.
Market Analyst
The Market Analyst is responsible for acquiring customer and end-user data through market
research. Market Analyst may also aide in determining target user-base for marketing
Phase 3
In Phase 3 new personnel role arise to continue to support the G.A.S. application. In this phase,
application maintenance and continual updating are necessary to ensure maximum quality and
functionality. New roles will be derived in order to handle customer relations, legal issues,
network maintenance, as well as additional marketing personnel. At this stage, project members
will acquire adequate funds that can be utilized to hire sufficient staff in order to handle every
aspect of the application from technical issues to marketing efforts. It is important to note that
human resource roles and legal roles are included in project overhead and not included as part of
the staffing plan in this phase.
Staffing Plan
Geographical Auto-Delivery System
Figure 3: Phase 3 Personnel Organizational Chart
Phase 3 Staffing and Role Responsibilities
Project Manager
Project Management responsibilities entail overall supervision of project development.
Specific tasks include ensuring efficient communication and seamless coordination and
collaboration among team members. The project manager is also in charge of task delegation
and maintaining the project schedule.
Financial Analyst
Financial Analyst will be in charge of the management of funds and budgets associated with
the project. All necessary project purchases will be the direct responsibility of the financial
The project Webmaster’s responsibilities include management of the design and construction
of the G.A.S. website. The Webmaster also supervises the maintenance of the website.
Documentation Manager
The Documentation Manager manages format and organization of all documents generated in
relation to the product as wells as ensure collaboration among all documentation specialist.
Software Architect
The Software Architect will manage the overall structure of all software components of the
system. The Software architect handles “big picture” aspects of software development
ensuring that all software components integrate and function properly.
Staffing Plan
Geographical Auto-Delivery System
Software Engineer (2 required)
The Software Engineer is responsible for the design and construction of software algorithms
for the project application. The Software Engineer must ensure proper application
implementation and integration where necessary.
Network Specialist
The Network Engineer tasks include designing and constructing the system network as well
as network maintenance. Personnel in this role will work with the Network Administrator in
ensure optimal network efficiency and connectivity.
Marketing Analyst
The Marketing Analyst is responsible for acquiring customer and end-user data through
market research. Marketing Analyst may also aid in determining target user-base for
marketing campaigns.
Customer Service Manager
The Customer Service Manager is in charge of managing all aspects of customer service,
including customer relations and technical support.
Customer Service Representative (2 required)
It is the Customer Service Representatives’ role to service and assist customers with business
issues. Such issues may entail customer billing, account issues, and general customer
Database Administrator (DBA)
DBA responsibilities include maintaining and updating the system database. The DBA will
also be in charge of database account management, database accessibility, and database