Running head: LAB 1 – TRAIN DESCRIPTION 1

Lab 1 - Alexander_Lab1
Green Team
Wilshawn Alexander
Mrs. Brunelle
March 18, 2013
Version 2
Lab 1 – Alexander_Lab1
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 3
TRAIN PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ................................................................................... 4
Key Product Features and Capabilities ......................................................................... 4
Major Components (Hardware/Software) .................................................................... 5
IDENTIFICATION OF CASE STUDY .............................................................................. 7
TRAIN PRODUCT PROTOTYPE DESCRIPTION........................................................... 8
Prototype Architecture ................................................................................................ 13
Prototype Features and Capabilities ........................................................................... 14
Prototype Development Challenges ........................................................................... 14
Glossary .................................................................................................................................... 15
References ................................................................................................................................. 16
List of Figures
Figure 1: Major Functional Diagram ..............................................................................................6
Figure 2: Prototype Functional Component Diagram ...................................................................13
List of Tables
Table 1: Prototype vs. Real World Project ...................................................................................12
Lab 1 – Alexander_Lab1
Obtaining the necessary training after gaining the specific knowledge through education
can be a difficult task. The precision of determining the needs of the customer (target group who
are requesting the training knowledge) is a key factor in regarding training to be successful. Dr.
Kevin Adams, a mentor for the product, has been given this challenge to effectively train a target
group using his own tools and ideals. Based upon customer requests, Adams chooses which
topics (general subject areas to cover) that will ultimately be included in the final training
package. Dr. Adam’s methods, however, come with a disadvantage, due to the duration of time
to create these training materials and the single access system that he has decided to use.
TRAIN (Training Resources and Integrated Networks), is information management software
that can give Dr. Adams, and any trainer, the assistance needed to improve time management and
performance based on the needs of their target trainees. TRAIN will identify and store these
relationships between each learning objective and topic, increasing the simplicity of course
customization. TRAIN will provide a dedicated search system that will recommend suggested
topics based on filters and keywords provided. An essential feature of TRAIN will be the
interactivity between different user roles, making communication more vital than the average
training process. This product will also introduce an initial feedback system geared for Students
(those who will be taking the custom courses) for improvement and advancement of future
training classes to come.
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Lab 1 – Alexander_Lab1
The objective of TRAIN is to save time and effort when creating training materials. TRAIN
will complete these objectives by providing a smart search system to cut time spent manually
searching through a database and a customized course creation feature that will speed up the
process of creating a course. This product will improve current data content by providing an
initial feedback system for trainees.
Key Product Features and Capabilities
TRAIN will feature a search system based on the system Dr. Adams currently uses. Based
on the keyword(s) and filters entered, TRAIN will take these commands and convert it to the
best matched learning objectives available, eventually deciding the topic appropriate for the new
training course. This ability will remove the limits of a sole course creator like Dr. Adams in his
organization, giving other trainers the opportunity to create courses with existing and new
material when needed. This is the essential function to decrease the course creation time process
when using TRAIN.
TRAIN will specialize in creation and selection for the given training material. With the
use of its search function, the course creation ability will further clarify what items are needed
and wanted to be taught by the request of the customer. This feature will eliminate the manual
work process from the trainer by creating a fully automated conversion.
A feedback system will be also available by those taking the custom classes, creating a
more straightforward improvement process. This option will open the possibility of creating
even better course material in future creations when using TRAIN. After the completion of a
course, Students can utilize the system to decide on the quality of current topics. Trainers can
then make appropriate changes by viewing feedback on each topic.
Lab 1 – Alexander_Lab1
Major Components (Hardware/Software)
The hardware of TRAIN is structured to work as a developmental workspace where
servers and computers are required for the full advantage of this product (Figure 1).
will be a web-based application with four user interfaces distinguishing the four user roles. One
of TRAIN’s roles is called Administrators. This specific role is to review and approve course
requests. Administrators also have access to manage different roles and organizations for the
entire application. Their roles also entitle them to access areas designated for another role,
The role of the Instructor is to manage courses and course materials. Instructors will be
given the ability to revise and view feedback on courses they have been assigned to teach or
prepare. They can also access the Managers sections. Instructors are also given the power to
upload and edit data.
Another role is the Manager, those who request training. Managers can assign Students
to an approved course. Managers will also be given the opportunity to give feedback on topics
and courses used.
The last role provided in TRAIN is identified as the Student. This role takes the training
course. After the training course is completed, Students are given an option to provide feedback
for improvement.
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Lab 1 – Alexander_Lab1
Figure 1: Major Functional Diagram
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Lab 1 – Alexander_Lab1
TRAIN was created upon the request of our domain expert, Dr. Kevin Adams and the
organization that he works for, NCSOSE (National Center of Systems of Systems Engineering).
The NCSOSE provides their expertise in Systems Engineering through hands-on assistance and
training to any interested customer. The role of Dr. Adams is to build manual courses for
customers based on their requests.
The procedure Dr. Adams uses to create these classes starts with obtaining customer
requests. This will serve as guidance to choose the qualified topics to satisfy the customer.
When all the topics are chosen, Dr. Adams creates Powerpoints incorporating the selected
The process Dr. Adams has chosen to create training courses is time consuming as it is
manual. TRAIN’s goal is to decrease the time of this process, by suggesting an automated
approach to this issue instead of a fully manual one. By achieving this through the additional of
the feedback system, TRAIN will increase NCSOSE’s efficiency.
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Lab 1 – Alexander_Lab1
TRAIN, just as the prototype, saves time and effort when creating training materials. As
seen in Table 1, TRAIN’s prototype will provide basic functional versions of the feedback,
search, and upload systems due to time constraints. The TRAIN prototype focuses primarily on
the main objectives that make this software vital for usage.
TRAIN as a prototype strives for the same objectives but is limited to reduced capabilities.
TRAIN’s feedback system is reduced to a simplified rating system for completed courses. The
search engine of the prototype will be more simplistic than its final version. Compared to the
imagined multiple file format upload feature, there will only be a single PPTX format capability
included in the prototype.
The TRAIN prototype will focus on the key features of this product. It will provide the
authorization of different users and control based on roles. A more simplified course creation
will be optimized by choosing only topics and references. The prototype will also be able to
generate courses with given data types with approval by an Administrator role. An initial
feedback system will also be implemented to rate only limited data types.
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Lab 1 – Alexander_Lab1
Real World Project
User Authentication
Role logs in with
Admin: Approve
View customer request and approve Implemented
Admin: Assign
Assign instructors that will be
Instructor/s to
teaching and creating course.
These instructors will be able to
edit only their courses
Admin: add users
Create users and assign role
Admin: Add/Update
Add customer organization, add
users, change information
Instructor: Add/Update Add or update topics, references,
learning objectives
Instructor: Associate
Link learning objectives to topics, Implemented
topics to learning objectives,
learning objects to references,
references to learning objects
Instructor: Feedback
Notify instructors/admin when
course is rated low
Not Implemented
Lab 1 – Alexander_Lab1
Real World Project
Instructor: Edit
Add or remove topics from
Generated Course
generated course
Instructor: Create
Create course from scratch
Customized Course
Instructor: Search
Easily search for required material Implemented
when creating/editing course
Instructor: Add
Add customized feedback to
Not Implemented, all topics will have
Customized Feedback
learning objective, topic, and
a number rating. All students will be
able to only rate topics.
View all student feedback
Partially Implemented, all topics will
Instructor: View
have a number rating. This will be
Instructor: Compile and Quickly compile all data making up Implemented
Print Course
course and print
Manager: Request
Request course by selecting desired Implemented
learning objective
Manager: View
After selecting learning objectives, Implemented
Requested Course
display course duration
Manager: Add Students Give students username
Lab 1 – Alexander_Lab1
Real World Project
Manager: Assign
Assign students to approved course Implemented
Manager: Update
Update organization name and
Not Implemented, Admin can change
Manager: View Student See all students ratings for
particular course
Student: View Course
Admin upload course material for Not Implemented
student view
Student: Course
Student gives text based feedback Partially Implemented, a single text
on course as a whole
box for course feedback
Student: Topic
Rating based feedback per topic
Not Implemented,
Student: Learning
Take a quiz at the end of each topic Not Implemented, only course
Objective Quiz
based off of learning objective
Student: Course History View previous courses taken and
feedback given
Partially Implemented
Lab 1 – Alexander_Lab1
Real World Project
Topics will have prerequisites that Not Implemented, admin will have to
will affect course generation
review generated course and add extra
topics accordingly
Table 1: Prototype vs. Real World Project
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Lab 1 – Alexander_Lab1
Prototype Architecture
The prototype architecture will be structured to include a database and GUI (Figure 2).
The TRAIN database will contain tables created for different roles (Managers, Administrators,
Students, and Instructors), the different courses created, and the information regarding the
feedback rating system.
The GUI will be unique for each user type. The view on each interface page will be
based on that specific role type. Instructors will have access functionality of creating topics and
references, reviewing courses, downloading course content, and viewing submitted feedback.
Administrators have the ability to manage the different organizations.
Figure 2: Prototype Functional Component Diagram
Lab 1 – Alexander_Lab1
Prototype Features and Capabilities
The TRAIN prototype will include various features and capabilities to complete its
objectives. The Manager will be able request courses by selecting available learning objectives.
Administrator roles will be able to approve these requests by the Manager. This cycle will
eliminate the previous manual work process. The prototype’s search system will be less time
consuming and more effective than manually searching for appropriate topics for course
To access and manage personal data in TRAIN, you are required to log in with verified
user credentials. This will ensure private content is protected. The user interface and database
will be able to handle Microsoft specific and other different files types. Its feedback system will
allow Students to give each topic number ratings based on the quality of the material. With
accessibility through the Internet and by planning a user-friendly product, its usage will increase.
Prototype Development Challenges
There are challenges present when completing the objectives of the TRAIN prototype.
One of the challenges of completing the prototype deals with incompetent skill in some
programming areas. To complete the goal of TRAIN, we need to learn ASP.NET, C#, and unit
testing. Without the actual training data (training objectives, topics, etc.), the prototype will use
dummy data to test compatibility and scalability of the software.
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Lab 1 – Alexander_Lab1
Student: A user role that takes the training course and can provide feedback after course
Manager: Also known as the customer, it is a user role that can request training and assign
Students to an approved course.
Instructor: A user role that manage courses and their materials.
Administrator: A user role that review and approve course requests.
Topic: General subject areas to cover containing slides, lectures, and learning objectives.
Learning Objective: Specific subjects to teach which contain references.
Course: Training class that covers various topics and other data types.
Reference: Direction of where material for lectures can be found.
System of Systems: Multiple interrelated groups of components with a common goal.
Data: Information content contained in a specialized type.
Data type: Different types of information used filter and create new course training material
(Learning Objectives, Topics, References, Courses).
TRAIN (Training Resource and Information Network): A web application software designed to
improve quality and precision of training material and decrease duration of course
NCSOSE (National Center of Systems of Systems Engineering): Organization that provide their
expertise and extensive knowledge of engineering through hands-on assistance and
training to interested customers.
Lab 1 – Alexander_Lab1
Welcome to the National Centers for System of Systems Engineering. (n.d.). Welcome to the
National Centers for System of Systems Engineering. Retrieved February 19, 2013, from