
Covalent Bond - Atoms held together by sharing of electrons.
Disulfide - Covalent bond between 2 sulfur molecules.
Researchers- Personnel who use or work with disulfide bonds, e.g. scientists, teachers, students.
Data Visualizations - 3D models of the bonds with descriptions.
Resources - Assets available to a server to process jobs, e.g. processor, memory, storage, network bandwidth.
Information System - Components used to capture, store, retrieve, compute, and display facts and statistics.
Users - Researchers that utilize the information system.
Job - User request for resources to perform a task.
Big Data – Information in large amounts and/or variety, accessed at high velocity.
Data – Statistics and information taken from a user.
Database – Collection of data, organized to be easily accessible.
Query – Request for data from a database.
Queuing System – Places jobs in line to wait for execution.
Cluster – Set of servers performing as a single entity.
Title - Name of the sequence.
Sequence - String of characters representing a protein strand.
Prediction - Context-Based scores to estimate the favorability of a crystalline residue in a disulfide bonding state
as well as a crystalline pair in a disulfide pair connectivity.
Process – Execution of a computer program.
Deadlock – Processes at a standstill, each waiting for the other to finish computing.
Race condition – Two or more processes attempt to modify a shared variable.
Crash – Server or computer ceases to function.
Vulnerability – Weakness in a computer program.
Hacker – Exploits a system by finding its vulnerabilities.
Script – List of commands to automate the execution of processes.
D-RMS – Distributed Resource Management System – Three subsystems used to improve cluster performance,
i.e. job management, resource management, and queuing.