Test Category: Functional Description: Tests that the Instructor and Admin can edit the POS of a selected document. Test Case: Case Name: POS Edit Mode Requirements Fulfilled: Purpose: To verify that the Admin and Instructor user types have the functionality to edit the part of speech of words of a document and those changes are properly stored in the database. Version: 1.0 Written By: Erich O’Saben Setup Conditions: Must be logged in as an Instructor or Admin user type. Edited document must have been saved to the database and currently displayed on the screen. Must have the document in edit mode. Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Comments Expected Result 1 Right click on any word in text. A submenu should appear displaying all the POS and slash options available. 2 Select a POS from the submenu in (1). The color of the word text or highlighting should match the following acceptable color scheme is as follows: Noun Pronoun Verb Adverb Adjective Conjunction Preposition Article 3 Click on the “Submit Changes” button. In UI: Confirmation message appears. 4 Select the document updated in steps (1-3) from the document selection list. Document should load with the changes made in steps (1-3). In database: The parts of speech in the document text must be reflected and “mod” tag for that word must be set to “True”. Category ID Description Test Case Description Objective Document Edit Submenu Verifies that the edit submenu will appear when user right clicks on a word. 2 Edited Text Visual Update Verifies that the selected change in the Document Edit Submenu is reflected in the UI. 3 Submit Document Edits Verifies that the edits to the document are sent to the database. Retrieve Updated Document Provides a UI confirmation that the edited document was saved to the database and that this document is the now the active version. 1 3.1.3 COLRS POS Edit Mode 4