SUPPLEMENTAL INSTRUCTION (SI)... ...a non-remedial, academic support program which enhances SI

...a non-remedial, academic support program which enhances learning and
contributes to the academic success of regular participants.
SI provides regularly scheduled, out-of-class study sessions which integrate how-tolearn with what-to-learn.
SI sessions focus on ...
active review of lecture notes in a variety of ways
discussion of complex concepts presented in lecture and in the textbook
opportunities to test recall and understanding of course material
practice in developing critical thinking skills
development of basic study strategies including preparation for tests
guided practice in problem-solving
SI leaders. . .
 have been selected and approved by instructors and the SI supervisor to
conduct SI sessions
 receive special training in group learning strategies
 have an overall GPA of at least 3.25
 have made an A in the course for which they lead SI sessions
 have good interpersonal communication skills
 attend all class meetings, take lecture notes, read all assigned material, and
conduct two hour-and-a-half SI sessions weekly
 commit ten hours per week to SI (3 hrs. for attending class, 3 hrs. for conducting
SI sessions, and 3 hrs. for completing class assignments and preparing for SI
sessions, and 1 office hour)
 receive compensation for their work at a rate of $10 per hour
If you are interested in becoming an SI leader, please contact SI supervisor
Julie Cash, #8709 for further information.