EEL 3801 Part VI Fundamentals of C and C++ Programming

EEL 3801
Part VI
Fundamentals of C and C++
Classes and Objects
Object-Oriented Programming
We think in terms of objects.
Objects can be:
Objects have:
–attributes (i.e., color, size, weight, etc.)
–behaviors (i.e., move, rotate, cry, laugh)
–communication with other objects
EEL 3801 – Lotzi Bölöni
C vs C++
C is a procedural language
–it revolves around functions
–functions create motion or action
–data exists mainly in support of actions
C++ is an object-oriented language
–it revolves around classes of objects
–a class is based upon the C structure
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Similar to structures except that:
–have member functions
–are capable of inheriting from parent classes
Data members are the data components.
Member functions are the function
components of a class.
An instance of a class data type is an
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Review of Structures
In C++, structure data types can be
created directly through the struct tag.
Members can be accessed through the:
–dot operator if directly referenced (a variable)
–arrow operator if referenced through a pointer.
Can be dynamically allocated through the
new operator.
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Disadvantages of Structures
External programs can directly access the
structure members.
Initialization not required or permitted
Cannot be printed as a unit.
Cannot be compared in their entirety - must
be compared member by member.
No inheritance.
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Structure Example
struct Time {
int hour;
int minute;
int second;
} ;
void printMilitary(const Time &);
void printStandard(const Time &);
{ Time dinnertime; ...}
 See page 598 of textbook.
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Defined similarly to a structure, with the
exception that:
–Uses the class keyword rather than struct.
–Allows the inclusion of function prototypes inside
class definition for member functions.
–Can specify the access of its members:
 private: only accessible through member functions
 public: accessible to any part of the program that has access
to its object.
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Example of a Class
class Time {
void setTime(int, int, int);
void printMilitary();
void printStandard();
int hour;
int minute;
int second;
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Now the functions used to print the time
are included as member functions of the
class data type Time.
Note that the prototypes for the printing
functions have no need to have the object
passed to it, as they are part of it.
The values of hr, min and sec are set by a
member function, not by outsiders.
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The data members are private, thus
cannot be changed by outside functions
(for now).
This is called information hiding, and it is
an important aspect of software eng’rg.
Internal structure is of no concern to the
class user.
Internal modifications to the class are
transparent to user of the class.
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Member Functions
Member functions can be defined:
– inside the class body (rather than just the
 Typically done when function body is short
–outside the class body using the scope
resolution operator (::)
 Done when definition is long and cumbersome
 preferable in most cases
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Types of Member Functions
Access functions: Used to read or display
private data for a class. Kept public.
Predicate functions: Used to determine truth
or falsity of certain class data members or
other class states. For example, list is full.
Utility functions: Used to carry our a task not
directly related to private data members. Can
be kept as private, as client has no need.
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Class Scope
Variable and function names declared inside
a class definition belong to that class’ scope
So the :: operator must be used for defining
member functions if outside the class def.
This allows for other classes to have
functions of the same name.
Functions defined inside a class definition
are automatically inline’d by the class.
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Class Scope
Non-member functions have file scope.
Within a class’s scope, all members can
be referenced directly by name by the
member functions.
Outside a class’s scope, data members
(that are public) are accessed only
through a reference or a pointer to an
object of that class.
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Class Scope
Member functions have function scope
within their class.
–If member function defines a variable with same
name as a variable with class scope, the classscope variable is hidden by the function-scope
variable within the function scope.
–Such a hidden class scope variables can be
accessed with the scope resolution operator by
preceding the operator with the class name.
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Class Scope
–Hidden global variables can be likewise
accessed from inside a class where another
variable has the same name through the use of
the unary scope resolution operator (i.e., the
class name is omitted from before the operator)
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#include <iostream.h>
class Count {
int x;
void print() { cout << x << ‘\n’; }
Count counter;
Count *ctrptr = &counter;
Count &ctrref = counter;
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counter.x = 7;
ctrref.x = 8;
ctrptr->x = 10;
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The results obtained after running that
program are:
Keep in mind that in this case, the data
member x was made public. Thus, it was
able to be accessed directly from main()
through . or ->. This is not typical.
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Class definitions are typically placed in a
header (.h) file.
Place the definition of the member
functions as a source file (.cpp) to be
That way, the customer can be given the
object code for the .cpp file and not reveal
the proprietary source code.
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Controlling Access to Members
An important part of C++ and OOP.
Outside access to a class’s data members
and member functions can be controlled:
Default mode is private:
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Controlling Access to Members
Therefore, all members after class header
and before next label are private:
After each label, the access mode defined
by that label applies until next label or }.
Labels may be repeated, but that is rare.
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Controlling Access to Members
private: members - can only be
accessed by other members of the same
class or those of a friend class (later).
public: members can be accessed by
any function in the program through the .
or -> operators. Provide the services or
public interfaces of that class.
protected: (later - Chapter 19 - Inherit.)
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Controlling Access to Members
Private members of a class, as well as the
definitions of public member functions, are
not accessible to the clients of a class.
For the Time class defined previously:
Time t;
t.hour = 7; // error - hour is private.
t.printMilitary(); // no error
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Good Practice
A client may be a global function or another
class’s member function.
Keep all data members of a class as private.
Keep all access to private data members
through public member functions.
Access private members through set() or
get() member functions that are public.
Can serve to check data validity and hide data
forms from client.
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Controlling Access to Members
Keep all public members together and first in
the class definition.
Keep all private members together and
second in the class definition - explicit.
C structures and unions have a public
default access.
For a structure, can be changed to private:
and protected: (?).
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Private Functions
Not all member functions have to be
Functions used as utility functions by
other member functions can be kept
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Constructor Functions
Member functions that have the same name
as the class.
Invoked automatically when an instance of a
class is created (an object).
Data members cannot be initialized in the
class definition - it is only an abstract class!
Constructors can be used to initialize data
members of a class instance.
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Constructor Functions
Cannot return anything.
May be overloaded.
Can have arguments passed to it. Such
arguments can be specified in the
declaration of the instance level object, to
the right of the object name and within
parentheses, but before the semicolon.
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Constructor Functions
Can contain default arguments - values
placed in the prototype itself which sets
the value of each of the arguments if no
other values are specified when the
instance level object is created.
If no constructor function is defined,
compiler creates a default constructor.
Default constructor does nothing useful.
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Example - Constructor Functions
class Time {
Time(int=0, int=0, int=0);
void setTime(int, int, int);
void printMilitary();
void printStandard();
int hour;
int minute;
int second;
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Example - Constructor Functions
Time::Time(int hr, int min, int sec)
hour = (hr>=0 && hr <24) ? hr : 0;
minute=(min>=0 && min<60) ? min : 0;
second=(sec>=0 && sec<60) ? sec : 0;
 The constructor above ensures validity of
initialized value.
 Sets to 0 if hr, min or sec not specified,
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Example - Default Arguments
Time t1, t2(2), t3(21,34);
Time t4(12,25,42), t5(27,74,99);
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Example - Default Arguments
EEL 3801 – Lotzi Bölöni
Example - Default Arguments
For t1:
12:00:00 midnight
For t2:
2:00:00 AM
For t3
9:34:00 PM
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Example - Default Arguments
For t4:
For t5:
12:00:00 midnight
(values were illegal, so they were set to 0)
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Have same name as class but with a tilde ~
in front.
Invoked automatically when class instance
leaves scope (is deleted).
Does not per se delete the object, but
performs termination housekeeping.
Has no parameters and returns no value.
Only one per class & cannot be overloaded.
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Not used with simple classes.
Used when dynamically allocated memory
must be deleted.
Called when their object leaves scope.
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Things to Not Do
Do not design a public: member
function to return a reference to a
private: data member.
This compromises the integrity of the data
member, since a reference is an alias, so
that anything we do to it we do to the
original variable.
See Textbook pages 626 to 629.
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Constant Objects and Functions
Preceding the class object instantiation
with the operator const will make the
object a constant object.
This means that no member function will
be allowed to be called - rather harsh!!
But often, the programmer only means to
disable changing the values of the
members, and not prohibiting get access
to data.
EEL 3801 – Lotzi Bölöni
Constant Objects and Functions
To provide access, but not modification
rights for a particular object:
–the programmer may declare const member
–These cannot modify the object.
–Only these can operate on const objects.
–But this can be tricky:
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const Functions
A member function is specified as const by
doing both:
–specifying it as const in its declaration in the
class, and
–inserting the keyword const in its definition after
the function’s parameter list and before the left
brace begins the function’s body.
A const member function can be overloaded
with a non-const version
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const Functions
class Whatever {
int getvalue() const
int Whatever::getvalue() const {return
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Initialization of const Objects
Constructor functions in a const object
must be allowed to modify the data
members, as they must be somehow
Constructors need not be const.
But since the values of a const object
cannot be modified by assignment:
A member initializer must be used.
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Member Initializers
Used with Constructor member function.
Use the notation:
: initialized_variable(init_val)
This should be done after the parameter
list but before the function body opening
brace of the Constructor member
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Example of Initializer
class Increment {
Increment(int c=0, int i=1);
void addinc() {count += increment;}
void print() const;
int count;
const int increment; };
Increment::Increment(int c, int i)
: increment(i)
{count = c} }
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Potential Errors in const Objects
–Defining as const a member function that
modifies a data member of a non-const object.
–Defining as const a member function that calls
a non-const member function.
–Calling a non-const member function for a
const object.
–Attempting to modify a const object
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Nested Classes
Classes can be members of other classes.
This is referred to as composition.
Straight forward, except at initialization.
When an object enters scope, its
constructor is immediately invoked to
initialize it.
Member objects are constructed before
their enclosing objects are constructed.
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Example of Nested Classes
 The “member” object’s parent class
class Date {
Date(int=1, int=1, int=1900);
void print() const;
int month;
int day;
int year;
int checkDay(int); };
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Example of Nested Classes
The Constructor Function
Date::Date(int mn, int dy, int yr)
month = (mn > 0 && mn < 12) ? mn : 1;
year = yr;
day = checkDay(dy); // validates day
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Example of Nested Classes
 The enclosing class: note the 6 int
class Employee {
Employee(char *, char *, int, int,
int, int, int, int);
void print() const;
char lastname[25];
char firstname[25];
Date birthdate;
Date hiredate; }:
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Example of Nested Classes
 Now, for the Constructor function:
Employee::Employee(char *fname, char
*lname, int bmonth, int bday, int
byear, int hmonth, int hday, int
: birthdate(bmonth, bday, byear),
hiredate(hmonth, hday, hyear)
{ strncpy(firstname, fname, 24);
firstname[24] = ‘\0’;
strncpy(lastname, lname, 24);
lastname[24] = ‘\0’; }
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Friend Functions and Classes
A function that is not a member function
of a particular class, but which has access
to private and protected members of that
class is called a friend function.
A friend class is one all of whose
functions have access to another class’s
private (and protected) members.
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Friend Functions and Classes
“Friendship” is granted, not taken.
The class giving friend privileges must
declare the friend class to be a friend:
For class B to be a friend of class A, class
A must declare that class B is its friend.
“Friendship” is neither symmetric or
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Friend Functions and Classes
To declare such a friend function:
–precede the function prototype in the friend
class definition with the keyword friend.
–Define the function outside the friend class,
with no scope resolution operator.
To declare class A as a friend of class B,
place a declaration of the form friend
class A as a member of class B.
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Friend Functions and Classes
The labels public:, private: and
protected: do not affect the friend
Therefore, it does not matter where the
friend declaration is placed.
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Example of Friends
class Count {
friend void setx(Count &, int);
Count() { x = 0; }
void print() const { .. }
int x;
void setx(Count &c, int val)
c.x = val; // no need for set() func
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Friend Functions and Classes
Note that in the previous example, the
object instance of the “friendly” class is
passed to the friend function.
A function can be a friend of more than
one class, but a member of at most one
Friend classes are much less common
than friend functions
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Friend Classes
class Parttime;
class Employee {
friend class Parttime;
char name[30];
int x;
 The friend class can be put
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The This Pointer
Every object has a pointer, called the this
pointer, that points to itself.
It is needed because only one copy of an
class’s member function exist. No copies
are made for each object instantiated.
Data members, however, are cheaper, so
each object has their own data members.
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Static Data Members
Allows one data member of one class to
be shared by all object instances of that
Seem like global variables but have class
Can be public, private or protected.
See page 661-665 of Deitel & Deitel for
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